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    New status of Peruvian politics


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    New status of Peruvian politics - Page 3 Empty Re: New status of Peruvian politics

    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 19, 2021 10:30 am

    The article talks about the anti-business policies of those on the left when they take power is that true?

    The pro business policies of the right just let foreign rich people buy everything of value and earn a good living from it while the locals worked hard for peanuts and had no workers rights at all.

    It was the reason the people of Cuba supported Castro... they could see a future where foreign rich white people owned all the casinos and all the beaches and all the sugar plantations and their role in society was to work hard as a cabana boy that brings drinks or works in the cane fields or cleans rooms or swimming pools for the rich who get to use them... never getting any chance to own anything or do anything with their lives.

    Castro actually asked America for help first and got told they weren't interested.... the leader of the VC also went to the Americans for help from the colonial French and got no help either... and so they both turned to the Soviets who were happy to help them... but neither really cared much for communism... it was a means to remove brutal uncaring governments supported by imperial powers that were oppressing the people.... and it happens a lot in central and south america even today.

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    New status of Peruvian politics - Page 3 Empty Re: New status of Peruvian politics

    Post  Kiko Wed Dec 07, 2022 6:15 pm

    Peruvian President Pedro Castillo dissolves the Congress and announces a "government of exception", 12.07.2022.

    The president announced the measure hours before facing a vacancy motion in Congress for "moral incapacity."

    The president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, announced on Wednesday the establishment of an emergency government in the South American country.

    "In response to the citizen's complaint, throughout the length and breadth of the country, we took the decision to establish an emergency government aimed at restoring the rule of law and democracy," he said in a message to the nation.

    According to the president, the measure includes the temporary dissolution of Congress.

    The announcement was made just hours before facing a new vacancy motion in Parliament for "moral incapacity".

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    Post  Kiko Wed Dec 07, 2022 8:07 pm

    Peru's Congress ousts Pedro Castillo and Dina Boluarte assumes the Presidency, 12.07.2022.

    Previously, the Peruvian president had dissolved the chamber and announced a "government of exception".

    Peru's Congress approved on Wednesday the vacancy of President Pedro Castillo for "moral incapacity", after the president declared earlier the dissolution of parliament, in the midst of the political crisis that the country is going through. The Vice President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, will be at the head of the Executive.

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    New status of Peruvian politics - Page 3 Empty Re: New status of Peruvian politics

    Post  franco Wed Dec 07, 2022 10:51 pm

    Read 101 out of 130 voted for the impeachment... not aware of all the why's but that sounds pretty united.

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    Post  kvs Thu Dec 08, 2022 2:14 am

    The legislatures are usually the ones that are corrupt and co-opted by the elites. Khodorkovsky tried to do this in Russia via the
    buying and selling of Duma deputies. So what we have in Peru is a coup against the legitimate president. Impeachment is a
    total farce. It has never been applied to removing bad leaders. See the story with Biden and Trump.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:53 am

    The other Franco might approve... Very Happy Razz

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    Post  higurashihougi Thu Dec 08, 2022 7:59 am

    Legislature body is the only branch that the common people may have the chance to send their representative there. People in the executive and judicial body are mostly specialist participated mainly via appointment and recruitment from above, hence raise the chance that they devolved in to a privileged class, separated from and standing above the common people.

    In a true democracy, legislature bodies at all levels and form must be expanded to include representative of common laborers such as blue-collars or small peasants, so that they can increase their influence in the law-making process and effectivelyb supervise the works of executive and judicial branchs.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Dec 08, 2022 10:04 am

    In a true democracy, legislature bodies at all levels and form must be expanded to include representative of common laborers such as blue-collars or small peasants, so that they can increase their influence in the law-making process and effectivelyb supervise the works of executive and judicial branchs.

    And if you don't do that those in power separate themselves from the people they claim to represent and they build gated communities with fences and guards to keep the normal people out and they can pretend all sorts of things as they pass laws to make their rich friends richer...

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    Post  George1 Thu Dec 08, 2022 1:21 pm

    New president is leftist too. Peruvian politics are very fragmented the last decade, so no surprise for me.

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    Post  Kiko Tue Dec 13, 2022 12:15 am

    Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Bolivia consider Pedro Castillo president of Peru, 12.12.2022.

    The governments of Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Bolivia will issue a statement affirming that they consider Pedro Castillo as the legitimate president of Peru.

    Yandex Translate from Spanish

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    Post  Kiko Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:44 am

    Peru's Ex-President Castillo Says US Ordered That Troops Be Deployed to Suppress Protests, 12.16.2022.

    MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) - The Peruvian authorities have taken troops to the streets to suppress protests after the visit of the US ambassador to the Government Palace as Washington pursues profits in the country's mining projects, impeached President Pedro Castillo said on Thursday.

    "Compatriots, attention! The visit of the US ambassador to the Government Palace was neither for free nor in favor of the country. At the meeting, the order to take the troops to the streets and massacre my defenseless people was given, and, among other things, to pave the way for the extraction of minerals, such as from Konga, Tai Maria, and other [mines]. Peruvian media will not only keep silent about this but will also easily deny it," Castillo said in a hand-written note published on his Twitter.

    On December 7, Peru's parliament impeached former President Pedro Castillo. Prime Minister Dina Boluarte took an oath as the country's new president within two hours of the impeachment vote, vowing to serve out the rest of Castillo's term until July 2026. Castillo, who had tried to dissolve the parliament before the vote, was arrested after the impeachment procedure and the Peruvian prosecutor's office launched a criminal case against him on charges of a coup attempt and crimes against the state.

    These events have sparked a wave of protests across the country. Demonstrators denounce the post-impeachment government and call for an immediate presidential election and termination of the country's parliament.

    On Thursday, the Peruvian Supreme Court approved the pre-trial detention of Castillo for 18 months, following the request of Supreme Prosecutor Uriel Teran on Wednesday.

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    Post  kvs Fri Dec 16, 2022 10:42 am

    US sponsored "democracy" in action. This was a brazen coup and the repression is kicking in. Ukraine saw the same thing in 2014.
    Street lemmings are scum, whore legislators are scum as well.

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    Post  Kiko Sat Dec 17, 2022 1:19 pm

    The US reiterates its support for the Boluarte government in a telephone conversation, 12.17.2022.

    Previously, the dismissed President Pedro Castillo denounced that the visit of the U.S. ambassador in Lima, Lisa Kenna, to the Government Palace last Tuesday "was to give the order to take the troops to the streets and massacre the defenseless people."

    The President of Peru, Dina Boluarte, had a telephone conversation with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, on Friday.

    "The president of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, spoke by phone with the Secretary of State of the White House, Antony Blinken, who reiterated the support of the United States to the government he leads," the Twitter account of the Presidency of Peru communicated.

    Previously, the dismissed President Pedro Castillo denounced that the visit of the U.S. ambassador in Lima, Lisa Kenna, to the Government Palace last Tuesday "was not free, nor in favor of the country."

    "It was to give the order to take the troops out into the streets and massacre my defenseless people; and, incidentally, to leave the road free for mining operations, as is the case of Conga, Tia Maria and others," the politician wrote in a letter.

    In this context, the Peruvian Congress rejected this day the constitutional reform that sought to advance the general elections for 2023. Meanwhile, the massive protests that arose after the vacancy of Pedro Castillo and the swearing-in of Vice President Boluarte, as the new president of the country, continue. The violent demonstrations have already resulted in about 20 deaths.

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    Post  franco Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:47 pm

    Map shows international reaction to condemnation or support for the coup d'état in Peru in the Western Hemisphere. The reds are for Castillo, and the blues are for his opponents. Brazil is undecided, as it itself is undergoing a process of regime change.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Dec 19, 2022 11:55 pm

    From the dismissal of Castillo to repression: how the right wing consummated the 'coup' in Peru, by Ociel Alí López for actualidad.RT. 12.19.2022.

    With the latest decisions of the Congress to reject an advance in the elections, while, in parallel, the militarization of the conflict decreed by President Dina Boluarte is advancing, the social forces of conservatism have finished the creation of a post-democratic regime.

    That is to say, we are no longer talking only about the parliamentary overthrow of the president elected by popular will, but about the establishment of an authoritarian regime without legitimacy of origin: a dictatorship.

    The strong repression that has already caused more than twenty deaths, as well as the speeches of criminalization against peaceful demonstrations, offer a dictatorial profile to an executive who boasts of acting for three years but who does not have the minimum legitimacy to perpetuate himself.

    "Peruvian conservatism is debating between whether to go to a conditional election and hand over power again to Fujimorismo or stay holding Boluarte for this long period."

    These days of forceful, massive and multiplied protests throughout the country have forced the de facto government to reveal that the overthrow of Castillo is not only a legislative act, but has a military support that is being deployed to the extent that citizens protest against a repressive regime that, in addition, has as expiration date a distant 2025.

    The Fujimorism

    The situation is becoming more complex due to the fact that the radical right sectors configured in Fujimorismo may want early elections in which, without the competence of the dismissed President Pedro Castillo, Keiko Fujimori can finally access the Presidency, after losing two rounds in 2021 to Castillo.

    In this way, Peruvian conservatism is debating between whether to go to a conditional election (with the judicialized leftists) and hand over power again to Fujimorismo, which has always been its most extreme sector although very discredited, or stay supporting Boluarte for this long period.

    But the levels of rejection of Congress, which is where the main decisions on the country's leadership are made, are increasing and any candidacy that flies the flag of "closing the Congress", Castillo's controversial measure, can win the next elections.

    However, such a scenario, electoral, is not expected so soon. Several political actors have warned that 2023 is a key year for Peru in terms of exploration and exploitation contracts of different resources with foreign companies.

    "To prepare the stage for persecution, the media machinery, including the international one, has resurrected the cold war methods to accuse the protesters of vandals."

    If the current Congress has the political control and the support of the Armed Forces, surely the legislators that make up the majority will feel able to get through the coming year – full of agreements and long–term signatures with extractivist companies - without having to give in to convening new presidential ones.

    With the control of the Congress and the Armed Forces, it is enough for the Lima oligarchy to maintain power and increase police persecution and military repression.

    'Terruqueo' as a form of government

    To prepare the stage for persecution, the media machinery, including the international one, has resurrected the cold war methods of accusing the protesters of "vandals".

    'Terruqueo' is the form as it is called in Peru to the criminalization for political reasons. With popular sectors protesting, the establishment media have once again recalled the acronym of the extremist Sendero Luminoso to link the protesters to terrorism.

    Aligned with this new scenario imposed by the Peruvian right, various international media have gone on not only to recognize the overthrow of the president elected by popular will, but also to legitimize the massacres that are taking place and those that could occur if the powers that be do not yield to the democratic demands of their population.

    The only thing that could change this scenario is the strength of the mobilized actors, something that will be known in the coming days.

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    Post  Kiko Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:11 am

    Russia should adopt a more firm position on the events in Peru. Pedro Castillo suffered a coup from the corrupt Peruvian Congress along the lines of the Brazilian coup against former President Dilma Rousseff after the disclosure of corrupt Brazilian engineering companies meddling in practically all Latin American countries such as Odebrecht and Andrade Gutierrez. That's the reason why Celso Amorim's Brazilian foreign policy has been so mute on recent events in Lima. 
    While Mexico City and Bogota have adopted an energetic criticism of Dina Boluarte, Brazilian Itamaraty has been condescendent towards her, which is an outright scandal.

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    Post  flamming_python Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:52 pm

    Russia doesn't have to do anything here. Peru is not going to decide the course of the Russia-West or even BRICS-West competition one way or the other.

    What will happen though is that the coup'd leader will make a comeback, as Morales did in Bolivia, as he has a genuine groundswell of support in the country. Thus the US has only sowed the seeds for its own demise abroad, again.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Sep 12, 2024 10:52 am

    Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori dies at the age of 86, 09.12.2024.

    The former president of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, died on September 11 in the city of Lima, from oral cancer, at the age of 86, said his daughter and leader of Popular Force (right), Keiko Fujimori.

    "After a long battle with cancer, our father, Alberto Fujimori, has just left to meet the Lord. We ask those who appreciated him, to accompany us with a prayer for the eternal rest of his soul. Thank you so much, Dad! Keiko, Hiro, Sachie and Kenji Fujimori (former president's children)," Keiko said through her X account.

    Hours earlier, several local media reported that the former president was in serious condition.

    Fujimori went to a clinic in Lima on September 5 for a routine examination, after which he was not seen in public again.

    Alberto Fujimori died five months after being released from prison, where he was serving a 25—year sentence for crimes against humanity and political corruption committed during his periods at the helm of the Executive Power — constitutional and de facto - of his country during the 1990s.

    The controversy accompanied Alberto Fujimori throughout his life, starting from his own birth. During the 1990s, the political opposition to his figure accused him of falsifying his birth certificate in order to gain access to the highest political office in the country.

    It was speculated for years that, in fact, Fujimori had been born in Japan and his birth certificate was adulterated, since to access the Presidency you have to be born in Peruvian territory.

    The date of birth — July 28 - is the one that was assigned to immigrants who could not justify their original birth, which corresponds to the day of the declaration of independence of Peru.

    Fujimori was elected to the post of president of Peru in 1990 after defeating in a runoff the renowned Peruvian writer — Nobel Prize for Literature in 2010—, Mario Vargas Llosa.
    The television debate starring both of them was famous, in which Fujimori framed Vargas Llosa with a newspaper that considered him the winner before the elections and accused the writer of being engaged in a 'dirty war'.

    Finally, Vargas Llosa lost those elections by obtaining 37.6% to Fujimori's 62.4%.

    April 5, 1992 marked Alberto Fujimori's political career forever. Through a message to the Nation, the then president ordered the closure and dissolution of the National Congress, — controlled mostly by the opposition to his Cambio 90 party—, and the intervention of the Judiciary, the Public Ministry and the Constitutional Guarantees Tribunal (predecessor of the Constitutional Tribunal).

    The main argument was the fight against terrorism of the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path, a Maoist far-left movement) and the need to increase the powers of the Armed Forces through an agenda of anti-subversive laws.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Oct 11, 2024 11:31 pm

    Deafening silence from the current Brazilian authorities with what is happening with former vice-president Boluarte's Peru.
    The legitimate and democratically elected Peruvian President Pedro Castillo was ousted by the Congress in a format first introduced by the Brazilian Congress when it proceeded with the impeachment of the legitimate and democratically elected President Dilma Rousseff and nominated Vice-president Michel Temer in the presidency.
    This was a move with nostalgic reminiscence of the times when H. Kissinger stated that wherever Brazil went, the whole of Latin America would follow suit. At that time, Brazil was the first country in South America who underwent a coup and a military dictatorship was introduced.
    At that time, the majority of Brazilians frequently bousted that their country was (is) the largest in LA and we're extremely proud of Kissinger's bluster. In other countries of the region, it was often said that Brazil played the role of proxy for  US imperialism by politically and militarily supporting other putsches in its proximity.
    Deafening silence too from Brasilia with the lawfare introduced in Colombia against President Gustavo Petro.
    Time for the Mexicans to react!
    The US is in a steep decline, and so is Brazil currently (exemption made for trade relations with Russia).

    Last edited by Kiko on Sat Oct 12, 2024 12:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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    New status of Peruvian politics - Page 3 Empty Re: New status of Peruvian politics

    Post  sepheronx Sat Oct 12, 2024 12:40 am

    So Lula is a us stooge then?

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    Post  Kiko Sat Oct 12, 2024 12:52 am

    sepheronx wrote:So Lula is a us stooge then?

    Lula is currently playing along special foreign relations advisor Celso Amorim, whose game is pandering with the West's interests in gathering support for Volodymir.

    So Amorim's aim is getting a seat in the UNSC for Brazil and sit beside the US, France and GB, all nuclear powers to satisfy the Brazilian big superpower complex of the Brazilians, as the sole legitimate representative of Latin America.

    Obviously, the West is aware of these intentions and play the game.

    Last edited by Kiko on Sat Oct 12, 2024 8:02 am; edited 1 time in total

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    New status of Peruvian politics - Page 3 Empty Re: New status of Peruvian politics

    Post  George1 Sat Oct 12, 2024 2:47 am

    The bad for Peru is that it has a semi-presidential system and the president is depended on the parliament which is almost always against the current president because peruvian political landscape is fragmented.

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