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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 19 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:39 pm

    elconquistador wrote:
    GarryB wrote:
    Why do you think this vaccine is shit.

    Many western vaccines and drugs are experimental in nature and their long term effects are not well understood, which of course makes people suspicious.

    Added to that the motive of western pharmacuetical companies is not really about keeping people alive, it is more about making profit and they make more profit from treatments than from cures which of course also adds to general suspicion of their products and motives.

    People who think this virus pandemic is a hoax, why?

    This virus spreads faster than normal flu and probably has a slightly higher kill rate, but the same sort of people that are most vulnerable remain the same across the population.

    The elderly and the sick that would not be alive 100 years ago are being killed off by this virus... but the global nature of travel and access means such things spread much better.

    And BTW remember calls to call the virus the Chinese virus... does that mean the new more virulent strain should be called the UK virus?

    What is the bet the western media thinks that is a silly idea, and suggestions that the original virus has been found to be present in some places in Europe well before it spread in China is also ignored too.

    History repeats... the so called Spanish flu that killed millions in the 1920s probably came from the US, but pick an enemy and name it after them...

    The insane push for mass vaccination is incredibly scary

    The way I see it this vaccine has the potential to serve four purposes

    1. Create compliance through sheer psychological terror. Having your body invaded against your will by foreign agents is supposed to break one

    In this case it could be considered a slippery slope where we are going from forced mask wearing (BS and ineffective) to borderline forced vaccinations to borderline forced microchipping (on a 10-15 year timeline now)

    The cattlization of humans has been going on for decades now. You have no will and you have no power. This procedure is done to break you dehumanise you and demoralise you.

    2. The financial angle. Big Pharma together with all global corporations are making bank this crisis. This vaccine is just a huge scheme to fleece governments and therefor the tax paying middle class out of its money

    Seems unlikely to me as these people control the money prints.

    3. The depopulation agenda. Many people like to brush this one off as crazy conspiracy talk yet its the globalists themselves who constantly blabber about the need to bring down the number of people on this planet

    With our man Billy literally, on several occasions, stating that vaccines are a population control measure.

    Extremely scary and worrisome. Something is telling me that it probably won't be that bad though as its too out in the open

    4. The near mandatory vaccines are a cover to get people into an international data registry. The coming vaccine passports will then be turned into a hub of everything about you and will subsequently be used as your digital wallet/ digital biometric passport

    Seems very likely to me. Would include the introduction of new measures of totalitarian control, the shift to a cashless society and maybe (on a 10-15 year timeline) the shift to a blockchain digital currency

    As for the vaccine preventing people from getting sick?


    Finally a voice of hope in this forum , someone who get it..  russia
    you Sir are 100% completely right.. now go and spread that truth through all the internet.
    the more voices spread that info ,the more awakened society will be.

    @GarryB  this is not accidental dude.. this are not "mistakes" or rushed vaccines.
    This is why i told before and im going to repeat this .

    The problems this world face.. is that the evil people are incredible smart.. [ the anglozionist empire]
    and most of the good people [ putin ,maduro ,and all leftist socialist governments in the west] incredibly fucking stupid.   So american elite , their police makers are geniuses , brilliant , and EVIL.
    They know what they doing , is not a mistakes ,  the west problem ,is not lack of intelligence ,but
    they are too greedy ,and too big egos.. that makes them believe their own lies ,that they cannot be
    stopped. and they become over confident.. so much ,that they like to brag how their enemies
    like [Russia and china] will die ,before they do it..  The anglo satanic powers have been throwing
    tons of hints , to the world , how they plan to kill Russia and china.. and the londom olympics opening ceremony ,was full of masonic and virus messages to china..

    There are tons of videos on youtube explaining all the messages , and i posted some of them,,
    is called predictive programming,, they also use cartoons like simpsons [hollywood] and video games
    [call of duties] to tell their enemies how they will die..  they had syria ,iran ,azerbaijan war , and venezuela invasion ,all already predicted in call of duty games.. but is not a prediction ,those are hints how they plan to hit russia and china.. bill gates also run what he calls "simulations" , that shows this global pandemic today.. they also like dates.. they pick special dates ,when they do their criminal wars or criminal operations..  as for example..  world trade center 911 terror attacks ,
    that was september 11 2001..  happened in the same month and day of President Assad of Syria birthday.

    Why that date matters? because the pentagon likes to do things ,that will give them the
    option [at hand] on the table ,to accuse Syria of the world trade center attacks..  Wink
    so the west are clever an smart.. they plan their crimes for decades before it happen.
    but their greed , their arrogance ,their huge egos ,is what makes them fail many times in their plans.

    in more vaccine news..

    Health authorities on alert after nurse DIES following vaccination with Pfizer’s Covid-19 shot in Portugal

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 19 5ff42a4b203027767d6a88a5

    Where are the anglo vaccine lovers in this forum now ? why they so silent?  lol1

    The only thing ,that makes me angry , is that the good people who work in hospitals ,
    saving lives are the ones paying the price , but the imbeciles who defends anglo western
    vaccines on mayor television and radio ,and the imbeciles who defend this vaccines on national television ,that cover up this news ,can continue promoting them ,without any legal consequences for them and their jobs lost.  In argeninta right wing fake news , pro american empire media ,have been attacking non stop the russian vaccine sputnik v , and defending pfizer and moderna like the salvation of humanity.

    The problems are not vaccines , the problem is trust.. you don't take medicine ,or a vaccine of anyone or any institution you don't trust , is as simple as that.. to trust your life to any pharma
    industry ,you need to fist look at their previous track history record and look at the governments
    who can control those companies and the control they can influence on them. before taking the decision of vaccinating your family..

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    Post  Sujoy Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:07 pm

    elconquistador wrote:At the core of The New World Order stand the central bankers. You were spot on in your analyses. The Rothschilds, the Rockefeller, the Oppenheimers, the Warburgs etc. The House of Windsor is most likely in it as well, one should never forget that the SWIFT payment system is located in London.
    The idea is to make Asian and African countries apart from Russia suffer. To be sure this strategy is already being used. An effective strategy that has withstood the test of times since the end of WW II.

    The Great Reset is just a continuation of this strategy. Deep State has been running the world for the last 75 years.

    elconquistador wrote:I am pretty sure though that the Chinese are not in on The Great Reset.
    On this I disagree. China is U.K's biggest ally in Asia. They have always been U.K's biggest ally since the days of the Opium trade.

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    Post  kvs Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:51 pm

    elconquistador wrote:

    Article in RT on the Great Reset and the coming vaccination project

    This journalist was suddenly asking Bill difficult questions about the Moderna vaccine.. 80 percent of the people experience side effects after the second dose (and some have been tested positive for Corona weeks after the vaccinations)

    Also keep in mind that while this man is shifting the burden to the FDA, it was actually the FDA that green lighted the Moderna vaccine even before the trials had concluded.

    So now we see which vaccines were actually unsafe and untested. This explains the diversionary info war on Russia's vaccine. Also,
    this means that the three main vaccines produced in the west are all crap.

    The FDA is a politicized rubber stamp. It lost any credibility when it approved Baycol. It was clear that this statin was approved because
    Bayer is big and "respectable" so who needs to question their "high quality" and "well researched" drugs. Well, Baycol killed people within
    a few months of use. The particular type of statin was overly potent and the dosage was way too high compared to other statins on
    the market.

    But the concept is of statins is retarded anyway. LDL cholesterol is not any sort of bad. Atherosclerotic plaques are not simple lumps
    of LDL. Their formation is complex and involves free radical attack on arterial walls which leads to chronic inflammation. LDL is a
    damage repair molecule. But the same free radical attack extends to LDL itself and it gets "oxidized" with a severe change of physicochemical
    properties. It becomes much more sticky and compact. But even oxidized LDL is not the bulk of the plaques. They are actually
    mostly composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids. So all that advice about how saturated fats are bad for you is simple BS. The
    only "value" that polyunsaturated fats have is that they force sequestration of LDL into cell walls because the consumed fats are
    used to make cell walls and non-saturated fatty acids are kinked. Thus they cause gaps and structural weaknesses in cell walls
    which are fixed with LDL. (Cell walls are like a forest of linear fatty acid molecules densely bunched side by side). Worrying about
    the per-molecule energy content of fat while ignoring the total amount of starch and sugar consumed is moronic. Nobody can
    eat too much fat without throwing up. Starches and sugars can be consumed until the stomach cannot stretch more. Glucose
    formed from starch and directly consumed (or reprocessed from fructose by the liver) is a direct precursor to triglycerides which
    then transform into VLDL and then LDL. If LDL excess is such a critical thing, then recommending people guzzle carbohydrates
    is criminal.

    But that is what our dear sheep herders want. They want a more passive flock (which is achieved by excess sugar consumption)
    and they want a steady stream of disease treatment revenue. All of the official advice on heart disease and diabetes since
    the 1960s has been criminal misinformation. The US and Canadian Diabetes Associations to this day pimp the phony high carb
    diet concocted by Big Agro and officially sanctioned during the 1970s. A disease which revolves around excess sugar is
    treated with high sugar intake. While sugar-neutral fat intake is denigrated. No, fat consumption does not make you fat.
    The fat stored by overweight people comes from carbs and the reason they store sugar as fat instead of burning it in cells
    is because of insulin resistance. So the official line on heart disease and diabetes is nothing but a racket.

    Look into the story of Ancel Keys. This clown was a fraudster who cherry picked data to pimp his BS theories. But this
    rubbish formed the basis of western government policy.

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    Post  Vann7 Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:10 pm

    looks like the last killing of a nurse by pfizer vaccine, triggered a major alarm.

    Now Germany wants Russia ,to join forces to do vaccines together..    Laughing

    It took that nurse to die, in order for germany to react and want to do something about it.

    is on spanish RT ,but will eventually reported in english..

    Putin y Merkel debaten la producción conjunta de vacunas contra el covid-19

    says.. " putin and merkel discuss (about the possibility) of production of vaccines together      
               against covid-19. "

    phama industry , biotechnology ,this is an area , that russia is very capable ,and should invest heavily ,that can alleviate a lot of pressure from the west sanctions.  it will not be a long term economic solution for Russia ,because it will not stop US cold war and sanctions and sabotage .
    but still it will help Russia economy to survive the western sanctions and block any attempt of isolating russia from the west.

    For true salvation of Russia, they need an economy modeled exactly ,to compete with US top business, to become a direct competition of top american high tech industry and space.
    Russia needs a technology/digital media/ space war... take the space race to a new level ,but not only
    compete in space but also compete all those business that americans more proud feel about their system and nation.  ie.. their entertainment industry , their computer semiconductors.. and more important.. a new internet with world wide coverage , that its servers are in russia and china respectively. naturally russia alone will face economic challenges ,but with china help it can be done.. a scientific ,engineers , alliance can do it. Only by prestigious ,very popular modern business is how russia and china , can avoid a major war with the west and influence the west to cooperation.. US will have no option but to end their cold war and sanctions and solve their differences with russia and china , the day europe joins russia and china orbit and start mutual very ambitious projects of developments , like a new internet , a mars and moon manned project.. a unifications of space agencies of europe ,rusia and china for long space explorations , shared vaccines development , the sky is the limit.. this is the only way Russia and china can avoid a nuclear war with
    the west.. by stealing influence away from US ,towards Russia and china orbit.. this in the end will be very good  ,win/win for everyone , including americans citizens ,because will promote cooperation and end of hostilities ,between anglozionist powers and russia and china. and also will end middle east wars.

    2 more kills in norway.. by pfizer vaccine..

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 19 5ff4cd422030275753006deb

    You will not see this reports covered in bullshit US,UK ,australian ,canadian big corp media.

    this is why society should reject to become guinea pigs , laboratory rats of this
    untested vaccines , or more likely tested and they working as intended , to depopulate slowly the world.

    Will not surprise me , if the US congress and youtube , bans this week, all russian media ,including RT ,when is expected Biden will be president..and democrats rule .
    to cover up ,this deaths . and will neither be surprising if the kill list is way bigger in the hundreds or thousands and we don't know about it ,because the bullshit media in some countries and their governments cover it.  No

    Where are the vaccine lovers now hiding?
    Ready to vaccinate your families with anglo vaccines ?

    So those "conspirations theories" about killer vaccines were not so crazy at all ... eh ?

    somewhere i read ,the previous US pharma industry vaccines killed thousands and the western government protected pharma industry ,against any lawsuit. No


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 19 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:18 am

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 19 Screenshot-13

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:27 am

    4. The near mandatory vaccines are a cover to get people into an international data registry.

    Too late mate... finger print scanners on laptops and tablets... cameras in TVs and phones, microphones in everything including toasters... and of course the monopoly of google and microsoft and apple means all the internet searches you have ever made create a very concise picture of who you are and pretend measures like security on your computer or phone ties it all to you... they just need to join the dots.

    The problem is that of course doing it for everyone takes too much time and effort, and doing it to get criminals is boring, so what they actually use it for is to steal commercially useful information from rivals and allies which was the purpose of the 5 eyes spy network.

    Most conspiracy theories are mostly correct, but usually get the fundamentals wrong as to why they are being done and by whom.

    The coming vaccine passports will then be turned into a hub of everything about you and will subsequently be used as your digital wallet/ digital biometric passport

    Something credit cards did decades ago...

    Seems very likely to me. Would include the introduction of new measures of totalitarian control, the shift to a cashless society and maybe (on a 10-15 year timeline) the shift to a blockchain digital currency

    There is no totalitarian power to do this... most countries get away with telling the UN to fuck off, including the US and Israel, but also France and the UK amongst many others.

    Moving away from the mighty US dollar will kill the US economy... they wont be able to just print more money... they will have to start working for a living.

    The problems this world face.. is that the evil people are incredible smart.. [ the anglozionist empire]

    If they were incredibly smart they would be in a much better situation than they are now.

    The UK has fucked itself and cut itself off from its main market in a tantrum about being told what to do all the time by unelected officials in Brussels.

    Now they have a point in that regard, but leaving the EU instead of trying to reform it is the equivalent of the Ukraine cutting all ties with Russia... it is just going to be suicide...

    The US is in a terrible state and their solutions are reduce tax and increase their military budget... and of course more sanctions against Russia.

    When your enemy is making a mistake do not interrupt them.

    Where are the anglo vaccine lovers in this forum now ?

    This is the wrong forum to find people who thought the western vaccines were the best... we know they are rushed and based on new technology that might be good for new military programmes and weaponising pharma, but most comments here seem to be about wanting the Russian vaccine over the alternatives.

    The talk of Russia stealing western vaccines is especially amusing now that those western companies want to cooperate with Russian vaccine developers in the interests of the people... wow... what a change of heart... tells you how bad their vaccines obviously were and how much the western media is obviously helping to keep problems and issues quiet...

    So no real change there.

    The idea is to make Asian and African countries apart from Russia suffer. To be sure this strategy is already being used. An effective strategy that has withstood the test of times since the end of WW II.

    It is applied in western relations with what it calls the third world and involves measures that prevent their normal development and growth into more modern and self capable societies... it essentially keeps them reliant on the west for technology while providing the raw materials and resources the west needs to function.

    Russia and China didn't get with the programme and be the third world gas station and sweat shop production centre the west wanted them to be and that is why they are pissed.

    The rest of the world can keep looking to the US to save them from the evils of the world... ie Russia and China and Iran and NK and any other country that does not conform to western will, or they can open their eyes and realise the real evils of the world is poverty and corruption... which the west spreads and encourages around the world to maintain their own positions.

    Trading with Russia and China will provide the rest of the world all the technology and development they need to progress, but missing the dogma and bullshit that keeps them in their place (ie corrupt, broken and poor).

    Deep State has been running the world for the last 75 years.

    Money is power so they will always have some control... tell me you would not betray your principles and morals for 1 billion US dollars.

    There is an old saying that goes along the lines of "How do you convert a liberal leftie into a conservative right wing idiot.... give them 10 million dollars..."

    The person will change and become less human and less humane.

    On this I disagree. China is U.K's biggest ally in Asia. They have always been U.K's biggest ally since the days of the Opium trade.

    You would think so, but look at all the shit the British are stirring up in Hong Kong... all that crap comes from the UK... presumably on the orders of the US... because Europeans can't take a piss without uncle sams permission...

    So now we see which vaccines were actually unsafe and untested.

    The usual projection... nothing new at all really...

    Now Germany wants Russia ,to join forces to do vaccines together..

    Send them a real batch of Novachok... Twisted Evil


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    Post  Sujoy Wed Jan 06, 2021 8:20 am

    GarryB wrote: You would think so, but look at all the shit the British are stirring up in Hong Kong... all that crap comes from the UK... presumably on the orders of the US... because Europeans can't take a piss without uncle sams permission...
    Hong Kong unrest is probably being funded by US not so much the UK. Be that as it may, look up the HSBC bank. Also writings of LaRouche movement about British empire.

    The JV between UK and China called HSBC is the number 1 sponsor of money laundering and drug trafficking.

    China is very much part of the crime network of British empire. They created 2008 financial crisis. Look up the criminal background of HSBC bank.

    Publicly neither China nor UK will accept that they have a formidable partnership instead they create the impression that they are rivals. This is done to divert public attention from this unholy alliance.


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    Post  elconquistador Wed Jan 06, 2021 8:51 am

    kvs wrote:


    Worrying about the per-molecule energy content of fat while ignoring the total amount of starch and sugar consumed is moronic. Nobody can
    eat too much fat without throwing up. Starches and sugars can be consumed until the stomach cannot stretch more. Glucose
    formed from starch and directly consumed (or reprocessed from fructose by the liver) is a direct precursor to triglycerides which
    then transform into VLDL and then LDL. If LDL excess is such a critical thing, then recommending people guzzle carbohydrates
    is criminal.

    But that is what our dear sheep herders want. They want a more passive flock (which is achieved by excess sugar consumption)
    and they want a steady stream of disease treatment revenue. All of the official advice on heart disease and diabetes since
    the 1960s has been criminal misinformation. The US and Canadian Diabetes Associations to this day pimp the phony high carb
    diet concocted by Big Agro and officially sanctioned during the 1970s. A disease which revolves around excess sugar is
    treated with high sugar intake. While sugar-neutral fat intake is denigrated. No, fat consumption does not make you fat.
    The fat stored by overweight people comes from carbs and the reason they store sugar as fat instead of burning it in cells
    is because of insulin resistance. So the official line on heart disease and diabetes is nothing but a racket.

    Look into the story of Ancel Keys. This clown was a fraudster who cherry picked data to pimp his BS theories. But this
    rubbish formed the basis of western government policy.

    Straight on point, again.

    The silent poisoning of especially the American consoomer is one of the biggest frauds in history. 1500-2000 generations on the Eurasian steppe eating nothing but animals fats yet Monsanto & Co decide that eating genetically modified corn syrup is healthier than steak. Big Agro manipulating/bribing politicians started in the 70s by having them sign devestating guidelines on food and nutrition into law. It remains as strong as ever, and is now as strong as ever because it has been coupled with the Green Agenda

    Great. Enjoy your spare ribs while you can because Klaus' + Big Agro have decided that cockroach milk and lintwormburgers are better for the environment. Never mind the element of humiliation that is clearly present in all this

    To get back at the devestating effect of nearly criminalising animals fats and elevating artificial sugar.. Take a look at the average American 50 years later.. These people have physically degenerated and should be considered sub-human when compared to their forefathers. Short (when compared to their European cousins), small jaws/crooked teeth, acne and skin issues in general, horrible dental health, a clear decrease in bone density (thus decrease in strength, explosiveness etc.), often sickly and suffering from chronic diseases, weirdly proportioned bodies, many suffer from fertility issues, hair in all the wrong places..

    And of course, FAT.

    Unrelated, but whilst typing this I thought about another example of how there is no justice in the US, and how the globalists tear apart family after family for nothing but greed and evil social engineering. As always there are no consequences

    The Sackler family, which is for a large part responsible for the opioid crisis through its Purdue Company, has destroyed the lives of millions at this point. They were let off a couple of months ago for.. whatever reason.

    No jail time. Only a 8 billion settlement which was then decreased to 500 million through legal loopholes

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    Post  elconquistador Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:29 am

    Sujoy wrote:The idea is to make Asian and African countries apart from Russia suffer. To be sure this strategy is already being used. An effective strategy that has withstood the test of times since the end of WW II.

    The Great Reset is just a continuation of this strategy. Deep State has been running the world for the last 75 years.

    The Great Reset indeed comes out of desperation. The globalists were losing, both at home and abroad. Populist/nationalist/ patriotic movements were growing everywhere. Brexit in GB, le Gilets Jaunes in France and in the White House there was suddenly a man who gave all the globalists the finger

    DJT telling the globalists to F off. In Davos

    On this I disagree. China is U.K's biggest ally in Asia. They have always been U.K's biggest ally since the days of the Opium trade.

    I don't understand the distinction between the US and UK. On world stage I view them as one and the same, globalist controlled nations

    While it's true that the globalists were heavily involved in building up China's economy from the ground, things have changed quite a bit since then.

    There was US support (albeit minor) for Mao during the civil war in some sort of strange doppelspiel. Figures likes Israel Eppstein were relevant in building up Maoist China. When Deng visited the US in 1979 every visit and official ceremony was concluded with hours long talks in hotel basements where the globalists laid out their plans for 'investment' and 'development'

    In other words, the take-over of China through usurious methods. Who would have guessed

    However fast-forward 50 years and Xi Jinping has mostly wrestled China out of the grip of the globalists. He did what Putin did in Russia 20 years ago. The globalist oriented factions (mostly the Jiang Zemin Clique) within the CCP are being taken out and the relevance of foreign capital and knowhow has been greatly reduced. On top of that the Chinese national Bank is government owned and regulations have been put in place that make it hard for foreign companies to 'harvest' Chinese wealth.

    The 2019-2020 HK unrest was nothing more than the first hot battle between Xi and Soros. Soros used to project power in the region from HK and through the financial sector.

    Soros calling Xi the biggest threat for 'democracy'

    In addition I'd like to add some videos on China outpacing the NWO on the implementation of a new block chain digital currency (backed by gold) and their strategy towards breaking the petrodollar as the sole world reserve currency and thereby the unipolar global political system

    (last one is in French but with English subtitles)

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    Post  Vann7 Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:43 pm

    to my horror , i though this vaccine problems were only now with this
    rushed vaccines for covid19.. but reading at the discussions on youtube
    was scary to read all testimonies of people who lost family members or permanent
    injuries from vaccines..

    here is the very latest anglo zionist vaccine victim..

    COVID-19 Vaccine: Mexican Doctor Hospitalized After Vaccination

    the mexican doctor suffered epilepsy after being vaccinated.. with papadragon safe vaccines.  Laughing

    but what is more scare is that this have been going on for a long time ,with previous western
    vaccines too.. is basically playing lottery with your life with the numbers 1 to 100 and with 3% probability of being the unlucky one..

    some interesting discussion about western vaccine industry.

    Inesa Voege
    1 day ago
    This is not allergy, vaccine crossed blood brain barrier and attached itself to brain cells causing brain inflammation. Lady is a toast.

    14 hours ago
    Thank you for explaining the process affecting my sister's brain inflammation, I did not know this,  I was told by my mother. She was not a doctor so she  was probably unfamiliar with the process causing the inflammation.

    Parizad Sidhwa
    Parizad Sidhwa
    13 hours ago (edited)
    Yes I just understood this recently from another post. How the prions and proteins can be effected, and cross the brain barrier.

    Kimo lesa
    12 hours ago
    Test dummies

    9 hours ago
    Evidence that the vaccine components cross the  brain barrier please. Also any evidence that PEG crosses the brain barrier (afte rall it has been around for a long time). There must be evidence somewhere.

    9 hours ago
    @Parizad Sidhwa We know prions must be able to get into the brain as that is where they do their damage. The brain barrier is very selective what is allows through. I do not know of any evidence that PEG crosses the barrier but it might be out there. If it does, at the concentration it would be at would be much much lower than in the vaccine as the blood will dilute. In some vaccines there are many chemicals that could be toxic but they are not at toxic levels in the vaccine. Also some of these so called "poisons" you get higher concentrations of them in your food than in a vaccine


    Inesa Voege
    4 hours ago
    @Memphis2010GFC how      
    do you get meningitis , encephalitis ? West Nile virus and other viruses CAN cross brain blood barrier , they are enveloped in lipids just like mRNA part in vaccine .

    17 minutes ago
    I knew exactly what you were talking about because I have been dismissed by the medical community because I have had to educate myself to get any help.  If you educate yourself they get mad, but if you aren't educated they will add you to the yearly statistics of deaths for the year!

    Sunshine Dayz
    21 hours ago
    These people have no right to play Russian roulette with our health!

    1 day ago (edited)
    My sister developed encephalitis
    (cold sore on the brain - inflammation) from an allergic reaction to the whooping cough vaccination when she was two years old, She went into a coma .When she came out of it she was brain damaged also suffering short term amnesia.  Her speech  has never developed beyond two years, and  she also developed autism.

    Joe Hoang
    16 hours ago
    Dear Tanya,
    I’m so sorry 😞 to hear such pain and suffering your sister went through.  How’s your sister’s condition?  
    I wish her conditions improve daily.  May God bless her, you and your family!  Stay safe during this CoVID-19 pandemic and take care.

    Best wish,


    14 hours ago
    @Joe Hoang Hi. Thank you, you are very kind. My sister recovered her memory, but never normal speech, she understands what people say but her speech is almost non existent, she says a few words and displays autism.

    And this are the testimonies i find every single day ,from totally different people on youtube.
    some of them with knowledge in the field or simply victims with a family member killed by
    a killer vaccine or permanently injured with an incurable brain illness.  this latest pfizer chapter
    shows something sinister about american vaccines..  im not expert in biology , completely ignorant
    to be honest , but i do know what those in the know says , and there is discussions that american
    pharma industry are using nanochips in those vaccines ,that from your blood ,manage to cross the brain barrier and that there should be absolutely no reason for them to experiment with people brains. this is the reason for those epileptic attacks and people collapsing at times on the floor after
    a vaccine shot..

    my best guess is that not all western vaccines ,including of the same company are equal , and that they only poison/insert those nano killer chips in a few of the vaccines. lets say 10 vaccines out of 1,000 will get their experimental surprises.. for what reason on earth , they could be doing such inhuman and criminal thing?  basically for experimenting with population , weaponization of vaccines ,to learn opportunities of how to better weaponize vaccines.. (for a fight against enemies later)  this is not really new..   if anyone was told in this forum , that the us military was doing biological experiments with pregnant womens ,injecting them cancer.. will anyone believe it?  you will be surprised how this is not conspiracies ,but is actually open information ,that is not even hidden. yet not media ever cover topics like this and if done only one crazy doctor will be blamed for it. and not the US military . people will only see it if they look for it , since nothing can be hidden that is written in a book of confession as the serial baby killer did it who killed pregnant womens, or if an info is posted in the internet will be hard to remove it if people continue reuploading it.

    Russia government even spoke about this human experiments , that the US military is doing in a bio vaccine research lab in georgia , right next to russian borders.. they recruting ethnic russians in georgia ,paying them money to do experiements with their vaccines.. and many died.

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    Post  Vann7 Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:53 pm

    another interesting video ,.
    grab it before deleted.. by the vaccine loving people .. and youtube.

    Did anyone knows , that anglosionist vaccines use human aborted fetuses ,chop in a million of pieces
    and monkey and pigs dna.. to produce vaccines.. ?  lol1

    Lets take a look at one of the top microbiologist american scientist who helped develop
    many vaccines in the west.. he is atheist and consider christian people crazy , his confessions..  Laughing

    But before his confessions.. lets look what is the official claim by wikipedia about the major
    controversy of the use of human aborted fetuses on babies vaccines..  Shocked

    from wikipedia..

    The use of fetal tissue in vaccine development is the practice of researching, developing, and producing vaccines through growing viruses in cultured (laboratory-grown) human fetal cells.[1] Since the cell strains in use originate from abortions,[2] there has been opposition to the practice and the resulting vaccines on religious and moral grounds.[1][3][4]

    Vaccine experts and manufacturers state that vaccines do not contain any of the original fetal tissue or cells, that the abortions occurred decades ago and replenishment with new tissue has not occurred.[5] Although the vaccines are purified from cell debris, traces of human DNA fragments inevitably remain.

    So there you see from wikipedia ,human fetuses of abortions ,their dna is used for development
    of [western] vaccines . but the official story is they remove all the pieces before (trust them) in the final product that is the vaccine.  But this is not what a top vaccine developer from US claims..
    is actually more disturbing.. he admit they use human fetuses on the vaccines ,chopped in million of parts ,monkeys dna ,pigs and cows in their vaccines..and that he is very proud about it .  lol1
    and not in the video , but also there are also reports of nano chips that interfere with the human brain.. ie.. what is believed is the cause of facial paralysis and epilepsy and autism ..  Shocked

    Grab this video before is gone ...
    was re-uploaded after youtube deleted it.
    original name of the video was..

    The Godfather of vaccines  (DR Stanley plotkin.)

    new title was given to make it more difficult to ban by youtube.

    Any vaccine lover in this forum ,ready to put monkey and pig cells and chopped babies organs on their healthy families and babies blood?   Laughing

    The most ironic thing of all ,is that 80 years healthy old man , the only vaccine he took in childhood ,was not even used today by science. in other words ,he lived a healthy life without vaccines of today on his childhood..  So this people promote vaccination only in peons in those not essential
    for the elites and those in power.

    Rushed vaccines? yes or no ..? what people think ? another good one..
    Vaccine lovers will like this one , This is not even russian media , but Australian media ,
    a report they did in may 2020 .. medical vaccine experts explained to the media why the
    claim of producing a vaccine in just 12 months is fake news..  lol1

    Look... viruses are very clever , We have no aids vaccine right now and we have been looking for
    that for more than 25 years , there's no vaccine for hepatitis C ,even the flu vaccine we've got which
    we've have been working for decades is about 40% effective in a good year.  There's no guarantee we will find something to beat this virus , but the idea because of a lot of teams work on this is going
    to give someone the breakthrough that doesn't follow

    So isn't that strange that previous covid9 , the rate of success of anglo vaccines ,was less than 50% after decades of studies and now magically pfizer , moderna claims 95% effectiveness and announce
    have their vaccines ready with just days of difference after Russia announce sputnik V and by a miracle the vaccines instead of years and decades of developments as it took the past.. now they are released at world record time of just 8 months? since US at best could only have gotten samples of the chinese vaccine at the earliest about march 2020..  
    russia did not received a copy of the chinese mutation of covid19 until mid march..  and US could not have get a copy earlier than Russia. that said.. something doesn't smell right .. they not only jumped decades of time that it takes  to develop a vaccine ,but they by miracle began to become very amazingly 95% "effective" after russia announced sputnik v and began to start vaccinations..

    So there is something very fishy , about today "miracle vaccines" that reversed history and the behavior of the vaccine industry and they became very clever over night. or they are simply lying
    to people and just gave them untested vaccines and why so many dying.

    my theory is the west completely rushed their vaccines after hearing russia announced sputnik v..
    or simply they had the vaccine and the virus all the time even before the pandemic was noticed by china . Russia vaccine creator  in the other hand explained their sputnik v vaccine is a modification of their previous ebola vaccine that was very successful in africa and had years of development and they simply had to do little modifications to adapt it,to the covid19 vaccine to work. china was also in record saying in february that anti ebola vaccines were surprisingly good versus the sarscov2- covid19 virus.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:53 pm

    Hong Kong unrest is probably being funded by US not so much the UK. Be that as it may, look up the HSBC bank.

    Dude the US didn't go into Iraq or Afghanistan without their UK buddies... why do you think they would go near Hong Kong without those stiff upper lip assholes...

    The JV between UK and China called HSBC is the number 1 sponsor of money laundering and drug trafficking.

    China is very much part of the crime network of British empire. They created 2008 financial crisis. Look up the criminal background of HSBC bank.

    What do you think the CIA does... so what if they are working together to make money... it proves nothing.

    Drug dealers murder each other all the time because of suspicion or to just take over the whole business themselves.

    Publicly neither China nor UK will accept that they have a formidable partnership instead they create the impression that they are rivals. This is done to divert public attention from this unholy alliance.

    The fact that they work together does not mean they are buddies... the Soviets supplied gas to europe for much of the cold war... are you suggesting the cold war was bollocks and they were secretly allies?

    Great. Enjoy your spare ribs while you can because Klaus' + Big Agro have decided that cockroach milk and lintwormburgers are better for the environment. Never mind the element of humiliation that is clearly present in all this

    Money is power, so the rich decide what is safe and what is not... and there is more money in not safe...

    Buy a pack of Tic Tacs, or better still just look at the packaging in the shop... it might say sugar free on the front in big letters, but under ingredients it will list sugar and glucose as the first two ingredients... that is because the US FDA decided that anything with less than 1 teaspoon of sugar per serve can be called sugar free... the recommended serve for tic tacs is one tic tac... which is so small you can't fit one teaspoon of sugar in it so the lolly that is mostly sugar can be legally called sugar free in the US... wonder why they call it la la land.

    This has nothing to do with protecting consumers and everything with encouraging consumerism.... diabetics will buy tic tacs because they taste nice and are sugar free... and die.  But why should the government department responsible for regulating food production for consumers care about that for?

    And of course, FAT.

    Remember reading a story by an old American doctor... he pointed out taht in the old days poor people were skinny.... now they are fat... in the west of course... still skinny in poor countries...

    I don't understand the distinction between the US and UK. On world stage I view them as one and the same, globalist controlled nations

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 19 Peckin11

    The 2019-2020 HK unrest was nothing more than the first hot battle between Xi and Soros. Soros used to project power in the region from HK and through the financial sector.

    Then good luck and all the best to Xi.

    to my horror , i though this vaccine problems were only now with this
    rushed vaccines for covid19.. but reading at the discussions on youtube
    was scary to read all testimonies of people who lost family members or permanent
    injuries from vaccines..

    here is the very latest anglo zionist vaccine victim..

    Obviously there must be serious serious problems for them to talk about cooperation with Russia with Vaccines... they are not doing it to be nice...

    Any vaccine lover in this forum ,ready to put monkey and pig cells and chopped babies organs on their healthy families and babies blood?

    That is the western vaccine which we already established was new tech... where do you think they get DNA from?

    If that upsets you and you are a young male go to your local hospital and ask about bone marrow donations... that is another way they get that material...

    The most ironic thing of all ,is that 80 years healthy old man , the only vaccine he took in childhood ,was not even used today by science. in other words ,he lived a healthy life without vaccines of today on his childhood..  So this people promote vaccination only in peons in those not essential
    for the elites and those in power.

    So you are basing your actions on this one example?

    Lots of very dangerous diseases have been largely eradicated from the west... Polio, etc etc that were devastating are now things of the past because of vaccinations.

    This is not even russian media , but Australian media ,

    Aussie media is worse than US media... wouldn't believe them if they said the sun was hot.

    my theory is the west completely rushed their vaccines after hearing russia announced sputnik v..

    Of course they did... a few deaths and serious side effects is nothing compared with keeping up appearances that the west leads the world in all technology...

    All these US military bio labs in countries all round the world... there is a world pandemic and they are fucking useless... why are they getting funding... unless their job has nothing to do with defending from bio attacks and has some other motive for being funded... but asking questions is not something western media does any more...

    Last edited by GarryB on Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  par far Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:38 pm

    elconquistador wrote:
    Sujoy wrote:The idea is to make Asian and African countries apart from Russia suffer. To be sure this strategy is already being used. An effective strategy that has withstood the test of times since the end of WW II.

    The Great Reset is just a continuation of this strategy. Deep State has been running the world for the last 75 years.

    The Great Reset indeed comes out of desperation. The globalists were losing, both at home and abroad. Populist/nationalist/ patriotic movements were growing everywhere. Brexit in GB, le Gilets Jaunes in France and in the White House there was suddenly a man who gave all the globalists the finger

    DJT telling the globalists to F off. In Davos

    On this I disagree. China is U.K's biggest ally in Asia. They have always been U.K's biggest ally since the days of the Opium trade.

    I don't understand the distinction between the US and UK. On world stage I view them as one and the same, globalist controlled nations

    While it's true that the globalists were heavily involved in building up China's economy from the ground, things have changed quite a bit since then.

    There was US support (albeit minor) for Mao during the civil war in some sort of strange doppelspiel. Figures likes Israel Eppstein were relevant in building up Maoist China. When Deng visited the US in 1979 every visit and official ceremony was concluded with hours long talks in hotel basements where the globalists laid out their plans for 'investment' and 'development'

    In other words, the take-over of China through usurious methods. Who would have guessed

    However fast-forward 50 years and Xi Jinping has mostly wrestled China out of the grip of the globalists. He did what Putin did in Russia 20 years ago. The globalist oriented factions (mostly the Jiang Zemin Clique) within the CCP are being taken out and the relevance of foreign capital and knowhow has been greatly reduced. On top of that the Chinese national Bank is government owned and regulations have been put in place that make it hard for foreign companies to 'harvest' Chinese wealth.

    The 2019-2020 HK unrest was nothing more than the first hot battle between Xi and Soros. Soros used to project power in the region from HK and through the financial sector.

    Soros calling Xi the biggest threat for 'democracy'

    In addition I'd like to add some videos on China outpacing the NWO on the implementation of a new block chain digital currency (backed by gold) and their strategy towards breaking the petrodollar as the sole world reserve currency and thereby the unipolar global political system

    (last one is in French but with English subtitles)

    This is very true, this is why Xi Jinping like Putin are demonized in the west. There is a article in the west(in the Hill website) that compares Xi Jinping's China to Hitler's Germany. This is the type of nonsense that the west is peddling, this is only going to grow when it comes to China and Russia.

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    Post  kvs Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:48 pm

    But western barking is not a sign of power, but the decline of power. The less power they have, the more they are going to bark.

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    Post  par far Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:57 pm

    elconquistador wrote:
    Sujoy wrote:
    A Great Reset post the COVID-19 pandemic as articulated by Biden and Trudeau has been described by U.S right wingers as a global totalitarian regime dominated by Marxists.

    I doubt Marxists will have a major role to play in this New World Order. Rather, it will be western oligarchs like Gates, Bezos, Musk etc who will be backed by the Deep State comprising of the Clintons, Rothschilds, House of Windsor etc. The Chinese communist party will also co operate with this new regime primarily because in the absence of western support the communist politburo can easily clamp down on dissent within China without fear of any repercussion.

    I believe the use of the term Marxist comes from

    1. the globalist's desire to create a mass of dumbed down, brown, powerless and subordinate peasants 'who own nothing and will be happy'

    2. I also believe that many US pundits are quite on point in their historical analogy when they point out the similarities in the dynamics between the banksters funding (cultural) Marxism now and then. Creating the fundamental revolutionary circumstances is the main necessity for rapid and radical changes in society.

    I agree that (cultural) Marxist will not play a major role in their endgame. They are however vital in tearing down the identity, history, and self-worth of the traditionalists/ nationalists/ patriots. They also serve a purpose as the knuckleheads in case politicians or internet pundits need to have their heads dented in

    Useful idiots that will be discarded when they have done their job. Ted Wheeler 2 days ago announced that Portland will start cracking down hard on antifa related violence. It could also go into the direction of a low lever insurgency

    At the core of The New World Order stand the central bankers. You were spot on in your analyses. The Rothschilds, the Rockefeller, the Oppenheimers, the Warburgs etc. The House of Windsor is most likely in it as well, one should never forget that the SWIFT payment system is located in London.

    I am pretty sure though that the Chinese are not in on The Great Reset. I cannot see them sacrificing their industrial base. What's for sure though is that their Social Credit Score system is the blueprint the Western elites are looking to copy. With the addition that in the West it will be more ideology based - checking out russiadefense on the Web through detours? Will slash your UBI in half + no travel for you slave!

    One of the reasons, I don't think that that China and Russia are not in on the "great reset" is because both of these countries are trying to break free of swift.

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    Post  Vann7 Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:08 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    All these US military bio labs in countries all round the world... there is a world pandemic and they are fucking useless... why are they getting funding... unless their job has nothing to do with defending from bio attacks and has some other motive for being funded... but asking questions is not something western media does any more...

    People that dropped 2 atomic bombs in 2 civilians cities in japan killing half a million people  ,after a Japan already was negotiating the terms of surrender ,ie.. don't you think countries like that ,will be
    scared about using biological weapons ,that is stealth killing , on nations they don't like and population they will like to get rid off ?

    And you are wrong that vaccines "healed" people from viruses..
    the ones that counter the virus is the human body , the natural system of defenses is what kill
    viruses..  Just like the sputnik v vaccines.. that all it does is fool the human body to think is under attack by the covid19 virus ,so that your natural body system of air defenses (virus defeses) activate.. and combat the virus.

    in other words , what fight the virus what gives you immunity ,is your body system of natural defenses . the vaccine don't heal you , dont fight the virus.. it is your body that does that.
    The vaccine from the point of view of your body ,IS THE VIRUS.  

    So is not true that vaccines "cures" .  they don't do that garryb.. it is your body that does
    that.. people with zero system of defenses.. like aids people..  those vaccines will not work.

    What vaccines ,good vaccines are supposed to do , is ,that instead of you having to wait weeks months for the virus to attack you , what they are supposed to do is allow you to fight the virus earlier as soon you get the vaccine shot.. AND to significantly weaken the virus abilities to cause
    harm , so that those that don't have good health or good system of defense ,could have an easier time with the virus..

    So vaccines are facilitators.. are tools to make it more easier for your body to fight virus..
    but ultimately is always your body natural system of defense , who does the job of blocking the
    virus and developing immunity.  

    In other words vaccines are not really need against natural virus from the environment ,if you have a good system of defense it will combat it and defeat it ,with help of a vaccine or without it.

    i personally have never been vaccinated in the past.. and very rarely get sick .  and only one time got a virus when was a kid..a contaminated beach , and got sick for 2-3 days later was again jumping and running.  So im a firm believer of the power of your body to counter anything any virus or any illness.. if you have good habits of food ,and also a healthy emotional health too , ie..( depression can cause you health problems and reduce your system of defenses. ) then your healthy body
    can counter any illness and virus. i have heard of family friends of people who never visited an hospital and never got sick and reached their elder age and then died normally from age.

    Look Dr DAN ERickson , that i posted a video.. he is a doctor an immunologist and he explained
    that air contains millions of viruses and you have to deal with them every day.. and your body do fine
    countering them. that all this propaganda that if you don't vaccinate you will die comes from those
    pharma industry that wants to make profits from people ,selling their vaccine.

    i know of one family ,(friends of my parents ), that just a couple of months ago, all 3 members got covid19.. all of them survived covid19.  and the most ironic and surprising thing of all you know what it was? that their daughter who have cancer in all her body ,and doctors told her ,she have only weeks of life ,years ago , was the one ,that more easily handle covid19.. not even got sick.

    so from where all this super power abilities of some people come ? that sometimes can define science? if one person can do it ,anyone else too.. she is a survivor of cancer (with cancer) and have years with that.. like a walking death .. but if you look at her ,you will not know she have cancer unless she tells you.. she even had her breast removed and cancer in the brain too..  

    so don't tell me any bullshit that people need vaccines.. this vaccines are more for people with bad health that already have their system of body defenses very compromised.. but that cancer patient that i told you ,is defying science and her doctors don't understand why she is alive.. she got some
    radiotherapy that every cancer patient takes and it did nothing to stop the cancer.. doctor gave her days of life.. and she was send to her home to die ,because there was nothing more they could do .
    but that was years ago. and whenever she visit her doctor ,to monitor her condition ,she receive applause from all medical personal of the hospital. like a hero ,who is surviving against all odds the impossible , cancer in the blood and all her organs.. and she is now living a normal life ,with parents.
    probably is something to do with her religious faith , or her always positive aptitude in life ,but what can't be denied is that human body do have the capability to confront any virus in the world and defeat it without any use of vaccines..  and if you add the fact.. that the west reputation with vaccines is very bad. that risk people lives for profit.. then there is very little reasons to vaccinate
    ,but even more if you don't trust in the companies behind those vaccines.

    There is  a saying , what doesn't kill you ,will make you stronger and this is very true for viruses..
    i rather take the risk and not using a vaccine , at least that was my decision ,than to trust my health
    to a pharma company with very horrible history in caring about people lives.. companies that rush their vaccines and not even wants to be held accounted from any death person ,that their vaccine cause and you can't even lawsuit them if a family member dies.. if they are so insecure that can't give you guarantee that the vaccine is 100% safe , then is because they are doing something wrong.
    normal medicines that anyone can buy don't kill people.
    . any vaccine that is less than 100% risk free for losing your life is not a good vaccine. They need to go back to the drawing board and take more time until is 100% safe for life . and                            until now sputnik v ,appears to be close to that.. and havent heart anything bad of the chinese vaccine either . if this is a coincidence ? that china and russia vaccines are more safer than western ones? and there is something else going on here and they hiding something?

    what pfizer vaccine and moderna is doing is highly questionable.. far from transparent ,they use nanochips in their vaccines and that technology allows those substances to enter any part of your body ,including your brain ,and this is what people believe is causing this facial paralysis and epilepsy and people fainting and highly unpredictable deaths.. the moderna and pfizer vaccines are very intrusive with the human brain with their nanochips and there is a major controversy on internet why they doing this. Russia is not using this nanocrap on their vaccine.. according to one of sputnick released information on RT of how theirs operate versus western ones.
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    Post  par far Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:49 pm

    AFP news is spreading false claims about Russia and the pandemic, these assholes are desperate.


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    Post  kvs Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:32 am

    par far wrote:AFP news is spreading false claims about Russia and the pandemic, these assholes are desperate.

    It's called flogging a dead horse. NATzO propagandists are in the zone of marginal returns on their hate propaganda
    against Russia. MH17, novichoke, etc.

    It's the Crusades all over again. But this time around the Crusaders will be glassed if they try to attack Russia.


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    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:12 am

    But western barking is not a sign of power, but the decline of power. The less power they have, the more they are going to bark.

    The time to be afraid is when they suddenly get real friendly with Russia or China or both... that is when they become a threat... but complaints about Putin or Xi just show they are doing all the right things.

    one should never forget that the SWIFT payment system is located in London.

    London is a huge financial centre... but is the EU going to still keep using London as their financial centre now that Britain has left the EU?

    Of course not... and the British don't seem to realise...

    Changes are a coming...

    One of the reasons, I don't think that that China and Russia are not in on the "great reset" is because both of these countries are trying to break free of swift.

    When things are used as a weapon then you have to expect most countries to stop using them and they become irrelevant and meaningless...

    People that dropped 2 atomic bombs in 2 civilians cities in japan killing half a million people ,after a Japan already was negotiating the terms of surrender ,ie.. don't you think countries like that ,will be
    scared about using biological weapons ,that is stealth killing , on nations they don't like and population they will like to get rid off ?

    I agree, I think they like the power they hold over life and death in a lot of places... but whether I or you recognise that or not is not important because they are funded and supported by the American taxpayer, so there is very little I can do to stop them... if it was that easy it would have been done centuries ago.

    They care what the rich tell them to care about and the rich don't care about people either except themselves.

    And you are wrong that vaccines "healed" people from viruses..
    the ones that counter the virus is the human body , the natural system of defenses is what kill
    viruses.. Just like the sputnik v vaccines.. that all it does is fool the human body to think is under attack by the covid19 virus ,so that your natural body system of air defenses (virus defeses) activate.. and combat the virus.

    in other words , what fight the virus what gives you immunity ,is your body system of natural defenses . the vaccine don't heal you , dont fight the virus.. it is your body that does that.
    The vaccine from the point of view of your body ,IS THE VIRUS.

    You are so right and at the same time so wrong.

    Vaccines protect from Viruses by teaching the body how to deal with them... it is like studying for an exam.

    Not taking a vaccine is like not going to class and not studying for the whole year... you end up failing in the exam... except some of these diseases are more serious than having to repeat a year at school...

    Choosing not to take a vaccine is like choosing not to drive with insurance or a seat belt... it might never be an issue... but when it is you will wish you paid the money and you will wish you had that seat belt on... but then of course it will be too late. But life is fickle... there might be a case where not having a seat belt on can save your life... anything can happen. I went to school with a guy that was a truck driver... they think he fell asleep at the wheel and was not wearing his seat belt and was thrown from the truck... the truck went down a bank so falling out could have saved his life... but he fell under the wheels and was crushed so it didn't. A seat belt would have saved him that time and a lot of other times but not 100%. There is always that weird situation where it could contribute to killing him... not a good reason not to wear a seatbelt though.

    What vaccines ,good vaccines are supposed to do , is ,that instead of you having to wait weeks months for the virus to attack you , what they are supposed to do is allow you to fight the virus earlier as soon you get the vaccine shot.. AND to significantly weaken the virus abilities to cause
    harm , so that those that don't have good health or good system of defense ,could have an easier time with the virus..

    Almost right... vaccines provide inert versions of viruses so the body can identify them and destroy them with no risk of them multiplying beyond the capacity of the bodies ability to cope with them. A vaccine gives you a small number to try fighting.... the real virus is trying to fight the entire Chinese Army using a sharpened stick... it overwhelms you and you get sick unless you have a natural immunity... which is just a case where you have had a similar virus before and your body knows immediately how to deal with it before it can reproduce beyond your bodies capacity to deal with it.

    So vaccines are facilitators.. are tools to make it more easier for your body to fight virus..
    but ultimately is always your body natural system of defense , who does the job of blocking the
    virus and developing immunity.

    In other words vaccines are not really need against natural virus from the environment ,if you have a good system of defense it will combat it and defeat it ,with help of a vaccine or without it.

    If the exam is how to wipe your ass then no vaccine or studying or preparation will be needed, but for tests that can kill you, bet your ass you better study because even if you survive you are risking the lives of everyone around you... which one of them might take exception to and put a bullet through your head.

    i personally have never been vaccinated in the past.. and very rarely get sick . and only one time got a virus when was a kid..a contaminated beach , and got sick for 2-3 days later was again jumping and running. So im a firm believer of the power of your body to counter anything any virus or any illness.. if you have good habits of food ,and also a healthy emotional health too , ie..( depression can cause you health problems and reduce your system of defenses. ) then your healthy body

    Well that is great... you are a selfish censored and are happy to risk the lives of everyone around you because you are a prick... that is fine. Your decision.

    But what makes you think telling others not to protect themselves from this virus is OK?

    can counter any illness and virus. i have heard of family friends of people who never visited an hospital and never got sick and reached their elder age and then died normally from age.

    And I read about a guy that won 50 million dollars on the lottery so I can quit my job because nothing bad could possibly happen to me...

    But guess what... life is a bitch and when you get a chance to protect yourself from some of the bad things you would be stupid not to take advantage of them.

    Did you hear what the blind deaf orphan girl with no arms or legs got for Christmas last year?


    Look Dr DAN ERickson , that i posted a video.. he is a doctor an immunologist and he explained
    that air contains millions of viruses and you have to deal with them every day.. and your body do fine
    countering them

    He says he is a doctor... can you prove he is? I am the president of the USA and I say that vaccines are all perfectly safe... what... you don't believe me because some people say there are problems with some vaccine? Yet you believe this guy that says the body's natural immunity will protect everyone yet over 300 thousand Americans are currently dead because of this virus... many more around the world... it couldn't possibly be that he is a liar too?

    i know of one family ,(friends of my parents ), that just a couple of months ago, all 3 members got covid19.. all of them survived covid19. and the most ironic and surprising thing of all you know what it was? that their daughter who have cancer in all her body ,and doctors told her ,she have only weeks of life ,years ago , was the one ,that more easily handle covid19.. not even got sick.

    None of my family have gotten Covid because our borders are essentially closed.... but shouldn't the virus travel through the air and infect us all anyway?

    [but that was years ago. and whenever she visit her doctor ,to monitor her condition ,she receive applause from all medical personal of the hospital. like a hero ,who is surviving against all odds the impossible , cancer in the blood and all her organs.. and she is now living a normal life ,with parents.
    probably is something to do with her religious faith

    Fuck off. Plenty of very religious people are currently dead... the suggestion that god is protecting her and keeping her alive is offensive... what is so damn special about her. In fact such things cause many people to find religion and when they die anyway those around them start to question their beliefs.

    Religion has nothing to do with this.

    or her always positive aptitude in life ,but what can't be denied is that human body do have the capability to confront any virus in the world and defeat it without any use of vaccines.. and if you add the fact.. that the west reputation with vaccines is very bad. that risk people lives for profit.. then there is very little reasons to vaccinate

    They don't need to sell vaccines to make profit... they already got billions of dollars handed to them by governments around the work to cook up this shit... it is likely they wont be making much money with the less effective vaccines when you take all the court cases and future legal action into account.

    These companies have gotten away with all sorts of shit in the past what makes any difference now?

    Part of the game is the collective west is bound to buy their snake oil shit... the media will be working over time to tell us how bad the Russian and Chinese vaccines are and how western companies are going to work with them to help improve their results... what generous kind hearted bastards the west is to use Russian and Chinese products to dilute and reduce the damage their own witches brews create pretending to be helping them... instead of pulling their own dicks out of the fire which is what they are actually doing... hell, if they are nice they might even stop suggesting the Russian vaccine is not based on Russian hackers stealing their secret recipes...

    There is a saying , what doesn't kill you ,will make you stronger and this is very true for viruses..

    And it is wrong. What does not kill you gives you experience but can physically and mentally weaken you terribly to the point where you might rather just be dead.

    Such a stupid saying could be used to justify beating your children with an iron bar... you are making them strong to face the world... yeah right... put these hand cuffs on and step into this police van.

    It is supposed to mean mentally stronger and more independent from the experience, which has nothing to do with viruses or disease...

    i rather take the risk and not using a vaccine , at least that was my decision ,than to trust my health
    to a pharma company with very horrible history in caring about people lives.

    Good for you... that is your decision, but telling other people not to take vaccines because you don't realise they are necessary for a large portion of the population to remain alive is evil... how many naive people are you killing?

    This virus is going to kill thousands of times more people than any vaccine could possible kill... which makes it a much better choice for those at risk.

    You don't want it... fine... that is your choice.

    companies that rush their vaccines and not even wants to be held accounted from any death person ,that their vaccine cause and you can't even lawsuit them if a family member dies.. if they are so insecure that can't give you guarantee that the vaccine is 100% safe , then is because they are doing something wrong.

    that is like saying the fire department should not drive fast to a fire because they might run a red light and perhaps even kill someone on their way to a burning building... but this isn't a burning building this is a wildfire that could end up killing millions and you want them to take their time... well assuming they follow the regulations the only way to know of real side effects is to use them... AFAIK no one anywhere has been forced to take these vaccines, so they are the guinea pigs... The healthcare workers that are most exposed to teh virus and old people who are most at risk certainly should take the vaccines to protect themselves, but if you would prefer to get the virus then that is OK too... but I suspect the next step will be proof of vaccination will be a requirement for any international travel.

    normal medicines that anyone can buy don't kill people.

    Of course they do.... people overdose and get addicted to prescription drugs all the time... in fact I would say prescription opiods probably kill more people in the US than cars do these days... in the last thirty years the US has probably lost more people to painkillers than they have lost in wars since WWII.

    . any vaccine that is less than 100% risk free for losing your life is not a good vaccine.

    There can never be such a thing and you would not understand what 100% means if you demand such a thing. People who have been vaccinated are not immune to a virus... what vaccination does is help your body fight new infections... the only way to be 100% safe from a virus is to be hermetically sealed in a bag or box.... which is obviously going to kill you anyway.

    They need to go back to the drawing board and take more time until is 100% safe for life . and until now sputnik v ,appears to be close to that.. and havent heart anything bad of the chinese vaccine either . if this is a coincidence ? that china and russia vaccines are more safer than western ones? and there is something else going on here and they hiding something?

    The only way the western companies can get the results the Russians and Chinese have achieved would be to do what they did which would require starting over and means without their head starts and advantages it would take 2 years to develop something useful... and in that time millions of people will die from the virus... compared with perhaps a few tens of thousands with problems like facial paralysis or increased body temperature... (increased body temperature is the body trying to kill the bacteria).

    what pfizer vaccine and moderna is doing is highly questionable..

    It is what they have always done... why start complaining now? You live in the free west... I am sure the country you live in will give you the choice of vaccines or no vaccine at all... but if you choose the latter don't expect to travel or have freedom of movement till all the vulnerable members of society have been vaccinated.


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    Post  Maximmmm Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:49 pm

    Speaking of vaccines, how are you guys doing?
    Anybody being forced to get one?
    Here in Switzerland they can't force you to get vaccinated so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to ride it out no prob. Real problem for people might be travel and getting a test here is 140chf a pop Mad

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    Post  Kiko Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:00 pm

    Real challenge is the possibility of choice among some vaccine array, since in the developed West the current supply of the best one, the Sputnik V, is restricted for reasons other than bio-sanitary ones.

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    Post  Vann7 Fri Jan 08, 2021 6:38 pm

    if you ever bother to just click on the videos i post , you will not be asking me silly questions ,
    questioning DR DAN Erickson is a doctor? Laughing

    He uploaded a  youtube video in company with another doctor and he deal with covid19 patients
    every day. he have his certificates in the wall too ,if you care to look.. so common dude.. No

    he have been in ALL American big corporate media.. he have made headlines fox news ,washington post , their declarations where even attacked by the anglo mafia corrupt medical community .
    but they never question they are doctors.. lol1

    So i have more trust in Dr, Daniel Erickson and Dr. Martin Massishi with combined 30 years experience threating virus infection of patients. than the entire west government institutions and also corrupt associations of doctors that also receive money from the pharma industry to lie. They are taking a huge risk , of losing their jobs ,their careers ,their way of life , or even being murdered and poisoned to silence them as they did with former FBI director of los angeles , Ted Gunderson ,that his doctor uploaded a video in youtube saying ,that he was poisoned by arsenic . that it was a assassination and no american media even reported about it.. he simply did not exist. and he was claiming US gov was poisoning american people with chemtrails , and that 911 wtc was an inside job , and the previous attacks on world trade center in the 90s too. .according to him. and he exposed the criminal mafia that controls washington dc and pharma industry.

    all said .. i have more trust in those 2 doctors , than in the entire western health industry. that is as corrupt as american media , that have proven to be corrupt , how their vaccines are "so safe" but still people continue dying or suffering major serious illness.

      here is the video of dr dan again... but the one i found was only a couple of minutes minutes.. because youtube deleted the 1 hour interview with them ,delete anyone videos and account from anyone who dare to question anglo west pharma industry.. my account was also censored too .. lol1
    and even president trump was censored for exposing the elections were stolen.  lol1
    so wake up dude.. the entire western government is corrupt to the bone and this corruption goes
    beyond government ,it is also manifested in the big corporation media and pharma industry and medical institutions ,including the CDC ,which is the one running the policy of lockdowns for the middle working class (only) not for the rich business ,in the west.

    people responses from that video in youtube ,people with common sense.. (something unfortunately you lack)  No  

    Adam Mivelaz
    8 months ago
    So their actual interview was “banned” because it was against YouTube community guidelines. So this is on the debate against them. So tell me how YouTube is not politically biased??

    Clyde Hogan
    7 months ago
    Nothing in this video disproves what the two doctors have said.

    7 months ago
    Journalists: “trust the experts”
    Also Journalists: “don’t trust the experts, listen to unqualified journalists refute the experts”

    Moises Del Castillo
    7 months ago
    Oh, But Bill Gates is perfectly fine getting air time on Network Television to promote his Vaccine and he is not even a doctor. LMAO This is Golden  lol1  lol1  lol1

    7 months ago
    Sorry..the mainstream media has no credibility. They are knee deep in this deception and continue to downplay the truth. This video is proof.

    Fall River
    7 months ago
    So basically, "They are wrong cause we say they are. Keep living in fear and don't question us." 😐🙄

    Josh Mahony
    7 months ago
    the dislike ratio is just comical at this point lol!!! people are finally waking up and I love it

    7 months ago
    Love how none of this debunks there actual arguments. it just tries to destroy their personal credibility

    B&E Events Visual Art

    7 months ago (edited)
    the video is missing the most important statement the doctors where claiming. Hospitals telling doctors to basically put every death corona virus related even though it wasn't

    Feras Ayoub
    7 months ago
    Dear Washington Post: those independent doctors are trusted more than you are. Thanks.

    Casey Turner
    7 months ago
    I’m 29 years old and I never thought I would have to question my own country, what kinda evil is going on? I vow to live my life carefree to obtain happiness because what’s going on behind closed doors is pure evil

    Izabella Kovacs
    8 months ago
    [/b]This is such bs, you remove his (1 hour video) from YouTube because it “violates YouTube’s terms of service”  then this “debunking” is allowed, stop trying to control what people are thinking and doing. We are catching on. [/b]

    i posted the 1 hour video several times but was deleted by youtube and my account banned too.  No

    This is the loving democracy and freedom of expression in the west..  Rolling Eyes
    The western big media is terrified of people discussing their anglo pharma industry ,
    because is a big money maker for the west.. this is why the western pharma is protected.

    is also important to remember that DR Daniel erickson on his 1 hour banned interview and
    his partner another doctor , they use a lot as reference ,the works in imunology of an international expert in the subject of viruses and immunology in europe in immunology , that have won
    international recognition.  

    But there are many more doctors who have spoken of the fraud going on with this pandemic
    and how the government is artificially creating a crisis ,to justify people to take their vaccines.
    and just like happened with dr dan erickson ,their youtube accounts are banned but also doctors
    lose their jobs too.. so how about that @GArryB  no even freedom of expression for doctors
    who disagree with the western official narrative of how to deal with covid19?

    look at this other case. DR simone gold was fired from her job for finding an effective way
    to deal with covid19.. with just using  cheap medicine that is available to  every country and can be easily obtained and produced by any nation.  lol1  

    more American doctors speak against the official gov narrative ...

    notice @Garryb  at minute 1:20  Dr dan erickson behind DR simone in that alliance
    of brave doctors ,speaking against the official covid19 narrative in the west.
    they are censored by your lovely anglo empire ,for using traditional medicine against covid19.

    NAturaly main stream media could not disprove that her success with alternative medicine
    worked versus covid19... so they tried to discredit her with her religious belief.. lol1
    so when western media can't counter someone findings in their clinic research ,they use the
    trail and tested discredit tactic to focus on their religious ideas.. to discredit her.

    what is interesting is Russia position on this ?  guess what? they side with the doctors.. that
    US government censors and discredit and fire from their jobs.

    Hydroxychloroquine may be helpful against COVID-19 if used in small amounts,
    (top russian doctor) says

    Russia’s Health Ministry, director of the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Oksana Drapkina, said on Tuesday.

    "I’ve treated many such outpatients [with coronavirus infection] and I can say honestly that I’ve seen no side effects that might force me to cancel it due to some risks, such as dangerous arrhythmia," Drapkina said during an on-line conference Pandemic 2020: Challenges, Solutions and Consequences at the Russian Presidential Academy of the Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). "Small doses of it can be used during the first hours for comprehensive treatment of light and medium forms of the illness, and even in preventive patterns."

    So what we have here? not only youtube and american gov oppose to anyone who reject lockdowns
    and question the official narrative.. but they also go against doctors who cure patients from covid19
    using tradicional medicine available in all world hospitals..  Laughing  Laughing

    So don't you smell the fraud of this pandemic /mandatory lockdowns and vaccines? don't you see the mafia criminal operation going on here? the anglo nazi governments don't want
    to save lives.. they fired a doctor for doing her job..  No  and her crime is finding a solution using already available medicine to cure people infested with covid19 , using alternative to anglo western worshiped vaccines .  No

    all they want is to control population ,by forcing everyone with their fake vaccines
    ,because if they control your health ,they can control you.. this is what is all about. the slavery of
    society.. absolute control of population with vaccines ,that are designed for such evil purporses.

    if i find the 1 hour interview again reuploaded of DR Dan erickson that youtube deletes all the time ,will post it again ,like i said ,my account was deleted by youtube for uploading the opinions of 2 doctors..  No  that goes against the official gov narrative about covid19.. but don't think @GarryB you are really interested to see it all.. because you are closed completely in your mind , to any possibility that the western anglo powers and their military and pharma industry ,with help of bullshit anglo media.. are lying intentionally the world ,artificially inflating their numbers to justify permanent lockdowns (for the poor and working middle class only) with this man made pandemic , this engineered crisis by the west.. and their goals doesn't appear to be just making a ton of money with their pharma industry , but it looks pretty much that their real goal is full control ,full slavery of society ,by controlling their health and to have the option at hand , on the table ,to start reducing world population in the billions over a long term , with help of their trojan horse vaccines and later to blame it on viruses also part of their plans too..

    Don't you understand Garryb of the very big danger that people will face ,in giving too much power to an already very corrupt and criminal government ,power over your own life , if they allowed to force population into getting any substance into their blood if they want to travel of get a job or receive food ,after they bankrupt the entire middle and low class with their endless lockdowns ?

    US ,UK ,Canada ,Australia and israel and their cronies allies , could get rid of millions of people or even billions if they convince a big part of the world to take trojan horse vaccines ,armed with nano killer surprises that will be sleep but can be activated at any time by control remote.. it will be like
    eating a control remote grenade. with the major difference ,that the killing will be stealthy.

    They can one day start a new false flag , and murder millions in an entire city they want to completely depopulate , by unleashing a virus and people start dying ,falling in the streets.. and they later blame it on Iran , and use it as justification for a major nuclear attack to completely destroy them with nukes.

    and why the rigged fake vaccines are need? because virus alone will not be enough ,most society is resistant to viruses.. but if you plant a vaccine in people blood ,that is design to do the opposite ,that is to make virus more effective and more lethal.. then the west can easily throw any normal virus ,
    like common seasonal flu and later observe how hundred of millions start falling and dying on the streets. because the job of killing people will be done by the vaccines ,when combined with any virus of their choice. and best of all ,they can blame iran or putin ,with attacking them with novishock
    hoax or any biological weapon.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:16 pm

    Kiko wrote:Real challenge is the possibility of choice among some vaccine array, since in the developed West the current supply of the best one, the Sputnik V, is restricted for reasons other than bio-sanitary ones.

    Over here Pfizer and Sputnik are already in use

    Chinese vaccines will be going in circulation soon and some others as well

    Approach is to get everything from everywhere

    I'm a teacher so my guess is that I will be getting on the roster soon, vaccination is voluntary but I'll get one because kids are like petri dishes
    Tsavo Lion
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:54 pm

    The US reported more than 4,000 Covid-19 deaths in a single day for the first time yesterday, as more grim stats pile up. In Los Angeles County, the number of people dying of Covid-19 in a day is now equivalent to the number of homicide deaths the city sees in an entire year. China has locked down Shijiazhuang, a city of 11 million people near Beijing, to contain the country's worst flare-up in months. In Japan, Tokyo and three neighboring prefectures went into a state of emergency today. Here’s a little bit of good news: A new study offers early evidence that Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine might be effective against the two new coronavirus variants, first identified in South Africa and the United Kingdom, that are now cropping up across the globe. CNN


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    Post  Vann7 Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:19 pm

    the 95% "super safe vaccine" strike back.
    4 volunteers that got the pfizer vaccine and got facial paralisis.

    of course you will not see that in anglo media reported..  Laughing
    because will scare people about their vaccines..

    My take is any vaccine that claims 95% "efficient" but the other 5% go straight to hell ,
    either die or get lifetime illness , should not be allowed for the public to take , until is fully
    tested for a decade by international experts from all over the world and even if this numbers
    confirmed world wide.. you have to compare the risk of taking the vaccine versus not taking it.

    because right now.. the way pfizer and moderna performance is .. you have more risk of dying
    from pfizer ,moderna (95% each) or astrazeneca vaccine (50%), than from dying from covid19. since they only offer 95% "efficiency" , while the death rate of covid19 in russia is about 2% of people infested is killed and this is comparable according to DR DAN erickson with the death rate of seasonal flu and no lockdowns , no forced vaccinations happens with seasonal flu.

    for stranger reasons ( OR NOT) .
    Sputnik V vaccine after 1 million vaccinated have not killed anyone.
    so either .. one of two possibilities is truth.

    1) that Russia government is hiding their casualties and serious damages on population
    lying the world ,to make look their vaccines are far away more safer than the west ? confused

    2) or than Russia is telling the truth and their vaccines are truly safe. AND the west is blatantly
    lying the world about how safe are their vaccines , hiding the real numbers of casualties and people
    injured with serious illness.. that goes from autism ,permanent facial paralizis ,epilepsy attacks and later die , to fainting on the floor and requiring hospitalization to safe their live for breathing problems .

    If Russia is not lying ,(and china) and their vaccines indeed have not killed anyone and neither produced any major adverse grave effect than mild fever that goes in a couple of days..
    then it have to be concluded ,that there is something really bad ,really ugly ,really unethical ,or even criminal that the west is doing with their vaccines , and their performance is completely unaceptable
    and totally not ok ,for public use..

    i can't believe any nation in the world ,will consider ok ,or acceptable to have a mandatory vaccine for all population , millions in the population ,that will cause serious health issues or death on a few thousands of the population. when other options far safer exist , like the russian and chinese vaccine ,that until now , no verifiable reports known of death or major illness. Any nation that cares about
    its society will not put at risk a single person their live , when other more safer options are available.

    What Phizer and moderna should have been done if they had any degree of decency , any
    care for human lives.. is eat their pride , and put and end to their trials ,their vaccines are not ready for general people use, stop selling their vaccines and negotiate with Russia and China for producing their vaccines in US and UK and Europe.

    The only western company that seems to have a bit of decency is astra zeneca that stopped their trials after the second or third death.. and began to do exactly that , negotiate with Russia , to fix their vaccines problems.. with a mutual development between oxford and gamaleya institute ,this is an example of pharma ,that shows interest in saving lives ,more than making money. albeit i will remain cautious ,because is hard to trust ,when it comes to the west ,
    their history of not caring for human lives is too long.. and their previous pharma record is a disaster.
    just today learned for example , that in the 90s a french vaccine was injecting HIV aids on people..

    So is hard to know why such things have been normal in the past. looks like biological terrorism to me.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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