Hole wrote:Just read that russian gas is flowing into the EU. Customers begging Gazprom to send more.
After the hijacking of the Russian cargo ship by the French, I want Russia to close off the taps.
Hole wrote:Just read that russian gas is flowing into the EU. Customers begging Gazprom to send more.
GarryB and miketheterrible like this post
Partly thanks to the Poles suing Gazprom because they wanted to pay the market price. Thanks Poles!
The gas was at $40 USD, then it was $1000 USD, right now it is $1500 USD. Will Medvedev be proven right?
magnumcromagnon, kvs, lancelot and Yugo90 like this post
dino00 and Hole like this post
Nope. Actually latest reports say they doubled gas flow through Ukraine to maximum flow allowed in the contract.nero wrote:This is absolutely insane. Has Russia even announced gas-supply halts to Europe?
GarryB and flamming_python like this post
Hole wrote:Next step: only accepting Ruble, RMB, Gold.
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nero wrote:3/2/2022 12:39 PM
(Current) : 165.91 EUR / MWh
(Day High) : 193.95 EUR / MWh
Yesterday closed at 121 EUR / MWh that's a 36% increase during today.
This is absolutely insane. Has Russia even announced gas-supply halts to Europe?
That's 1944$/1000m3. With a high of 2273$/1000m3.
Brent Crude is at 112.1$/barrel as of 12:57 GMT 3/2/2022.
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andalusia wrote:Is this a big blow to Russian Natural Gas?
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3 years.kvs wrote:EU-tard poodles of Uncle Swine-shit are now talking about a full embargo on Russia. These losers yap about replacing Russian
gas supplies in a single year. Germany would require three years just to build the two LNG terminals it needs assuming that there
are enough LNG tankers, which there are not. But EU-tardia would need dozens of such terminals. The only thing these null brains
are going to have in one year are massive shortages.
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kvs likes this post
JohninMK wrote:
Note the figure for Poland
ALAMO wrote:JohninMK wrote:
Note the figure for Poland
Nothing bizarre here.
Our infrastructure was built around processing Soviet (and Russian later on) crude oil.
flamming_python, magnumcromagnon and kvs like this post
Well they got 'Pole' and 'Polish' in their name, so I would suggest their leadership go Polish a Pole!ALAMO wrote:There is only one pipeline to deliver crude oil for refining. From Gdansk harbor to Plock. So you can judge by yourself if they can substitute the big pipe deliveries ...
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lancelot wrote:Took them long enough. Even 5 years won't be enough to replace all the imports without some cuts to energy consumption.
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