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    Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack


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    Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack Empty Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack

    Post  George1 Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:43 pm

    Argentine football legend Diego Maradona has passed away at the age of 60 after suffering a heart attack.

    Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack 12752810

    RIP Diego. You were and you will always be the best

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    Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack Empty Re: Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack

    Post  Sujoy Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:01 pm

    A great athlete, a great role model whose career was systematically destroyed by British intelligence.

    R.I.P champ

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    Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack Empty Re: Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack

    Post  flamming_python Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:42 am


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    Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack Empty Re: Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack

    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:45 am

    Never really understood soccer... pretending to be injured is OK but knocking the ball into the goal with your hand and not owning up to it is bad.

    Faking injury is part of the game... even when it gets an opposing player sent off, in fact that is often the reason for the acting, but not admitting when the goal has been recorded by officials that it was not an actual goal is heresy...

    He was certainly a legend even outside the sport... I don't watch sport much at all really... as far as I am concerned sport is something you play or watch when your children are playing.

    I find it amusing that a lot of Madonna fans are going to get an initial shock this morning when they first hear the news...


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    Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack Empty Re: Diego Maradona dies at 60 following heart attack

    Post  zepia Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:56 am


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