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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia


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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  PapaDragon 19/08/17, 07:55 am

    KiloGolf wrote:Warsaw invaded Czechoslovakia together with Nazi Germany right before the war started. Poland also sent their tanks in Prague in 1968 Shocked


    And let's not forget that USSR was last to sign non-aggression pact with Reich. Everyone else (France, UK, USA, Poland, etc...) had their in place long before.

    And there is this little tidbit here:

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  KiloGolf 19/08/17, 07:57 am

    One could claim Poland and Germany started the war when their invaded Czechoslovakia, together. Just using the same retarded logic, but in this case this event in Czechoslovakia, predates what they blame on the USSR later on.

    Polish tank (or East German?) crew having no idea what they're doing back in 68 in Prague:
    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 SWP5xrN

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Russophobia

    Post  Kimppis 28/01/18, 02:27 am

    Really sums up the level of Russia discourse and expertise in the US and in the West as a whole. Like holy hell. Nothing but a list of Russophobic myths that were outdated 10 years ago.

    And what thell does the "their life expectancy is changing" even mean? That it's rapidly increasing, so much so that the difference with the US is "only" 5-6 years in 2017 (and much smaller, maybe even non-existent by 2030)? Even the UN population projection is like the worst case scenario, it's actually reasonably likely that the population will keep modestly growing until 2050, as it has since 2009.

    Biden's "20 percent decline by 2050", what the fuck man, what the fuck? These idiots are trying to analyze Russian future prospects, while not even knowing that Russia's population has been growing since 2009. And we're living in 2018, or are we!?!? How many so-called "Russia experts" actually know about the population growth, that at this point has been going for a fucking decade? I don't even want to know. They're only capable of repeating those population projections from 20 years ago.

    Western media's Russia coverage keeps delivering. "Fair and balanced." Keep up the good work guys. Biden's comments just perfectly sums up what is wrong with it all... Nothing what is said about Russia, no matter how negative, is ever wrong, in the West you can say whatever the fuck you want, that's how you become a "Russia expert". Crazy stuff...

    Not to mention that oil is less than 10% of Russia's GDP, less than 20% of the consolidated budget and that the remaining oil dependency is rapidly declining overall, but whatever...

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Russian reluctance to go to war.

    Post  The-thing-next-door 24/04/18, 10:05 pm

    Does anyone know how long it will be until Russia invades ukiesatn or the baltics their current attitude of peaceful diplomacy clearly cannot be sustained.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  kvs 25/04/18, 04:46 am

    The-thing-next-door wrote:Does anyone know how long it will be until Russia invades ukiesatn or the baltics their current attitude of peaceful diplomacy clearly cannot be sustained.

    Are you for real?

    Why the f*ck would Russia want to invade those toilets. Do you think its safety would increase by any such invasion. Following your
    logic Russia should invade NATO as well. In 2018 land buffers have no meaning like they did in 1939. We are living in the nuclear ICBM and IRBM
    era. Since Russia could not control the territory of Europe, its main threat, the nuclear missiles, was going to be deployed there anyway.
    NATO gains no advantage from the Baltics and Pukeraine. Parking land armies in these sh*tstain statelets achieves precisely nothing.
    They are not going to be traipsing over the Russian border without getting obliterated by tactical nukes. And Russia will not restrain itself
    in this regard.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Austin 25/04/18, 06:00 am

    The-thing-next-door wrote:Does anyone know how long it will be until Russia invades ukiesatn or the baltics their current attitude of peaceful diplomacy clearly cannot be sustained.

    I feel if Russia goes to war either due to Syria or Ukraine it should be an all out war and not a half hearted approach hybrid nonsense.

    In the latter sceanario it gives NATO to impose economic hardship on Russia and keep threathening them without any significant damage to them.

    Just go full nuke bolt from Blue types , then claim it was based on real intelligence of imminent attack from NATO and if asked just tell cannot be reveled as its classified and sources and methods will be reveled Laughing

    The key to to cause irreparable damage to NATO economy and dollar/Euro hegemony , short of all out attack Russia would be at very serious disadvantage in any short or limited conflict war , West/NATO has greater power to absorb and sustain

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  The-thing-next-door 25/04/18, 09:02 am

    kvs wrote: In 2018 land buffers have no meaning like they did in 1939

    Actually it means that Russia can significantly expand its air defence and missile offence aswell as having more airbases close to europe while denying nato the ability to build anything close to Russia.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GarryB 25/04/18, 02:40 pm

    A SAM base surrounded by hostile locals might as well be in enemy territory.... which is the same as being next to useless.

    Russia needs to take baltic or ukrainian territory like it needs a hole in the head.

    If parts of the Ukraine want to join the Russian Federation then it is worth talking about, but Russia just taking ukrainian land or baltic land is self defeating... an a NATO wet dream.

    It would give NATO the white hat so they could say to everyone how dangerous Russia is and something must be done about them before they do worse.

    From a Russian point of view who gives a fuck about the Ukraine or the Baltic states... they are pointless acquisitions with at least 50% totally hostile populations that would make things hard for Russian occupation, yet drain enormous amounts of money to rebuild and fix... screw that.. . let the US or EU fix them.... or more likely abandon them... and then after a bit of suffering make some offers that will benefit Russia.

    Russia owes these countries nothing... they are the fizzing anti Russian component of Europe, who were keen to cut ties thinking the west would step in and help them with the loss of commercial trade... good luck with that.

    Russia is better off using Russian ports instead of Baltic ports...

    As I said, if some parts of the Ukraine vote to join the Russian Federation then Russia should seriously consider it, but to actually send Russian military forces into the area to seize control is total stupidity.... in fact as stupid as NATO sending a multi national force into the Ukraine to protect it from Russian intervention...

    In fact that is a great idea... get the UK and France to send troops into the Ukraine to save it from Russian occupation and invasion... I doubt they would have the balls or the stupidity to try to take the Crimea as well... they couldn't take those sort of losses.

    Call of Duty game number 20... the collapse of NATO in the Crimea...

    BTW the main reluctance of Russia to go to war is their experience of war.

    I am surprised by the caviller attitude to war in the UK and France... but then France gave up so quickly and the UK didn't get invaded...

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  The-thing-next-door 25/04/18, 06:27 pm

    GarryB wrote:A SAM base surrounded by hostile locals might as well be in enemy territory.... which is the same as being next to useless.

    Russia needs to take baltic or ukrainian territory like it needs a hole in the head.

    I wonder what Stalin would do in this situation?

    You should probably start thinking along those lines.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Ethnic Russian Bar-Owner is Harassed in Ottawa, Canada.

    Post  Odin of Ossetia 19/06/18, 09:15 am

    Ethnic Russian Bar-Owner is Harassed in Ottawa, Canada.


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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Firebird 20/06/18, 10:43 am

    Talking of Russophobia, a friend of mine just got banned from Twitter.

    Why? Because of 2 tossers. One was that Bill Browder who robbed Russia of many millions with his Hermitage Capital, and then created the Magnitsky act.
    The other was some (secretly!) Canadian Nazi called  Michael Mackay who calls Lvov "Lemberg" and has a pro Ukrainian Nazi radio channel. This Mackay has a govt job including working for the OSCE in the Ukraine!

    Its pretty clear that the US govt has a "direct line" with Twitter and bans anyone who starts exposing the truth against their anti Russia, anti-hetero, pro Libtard agenda.
    Land of the free? What a fucking joke! Then ofcourse there is the search engine rigging in Twitter and Facebook that pretends most people support the US liberal Establishment, when ofcourse they don't.

    Does anyone here bother with Twitter? Any experiences of Russophobia or just common sense phobia?

    PS Mackay actually pretended that he'd received death threats in a later tweet. Except he was just lying thro his teeth.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GunshipDemocracy 21/06/18, 06:42 am

    Firebird wrote:

    Its pretty clear that the US govt has a "direct line" with Twitter and bans anyone who starts exposing the truth against their anti Russia, anti-hetero, pro Libtard agenda.
    Land of the free? What a fucking joke! Then ofcourse there is the search engine rigging in Twitter and Facebook that pretends most people support the US liberal Establishment, when ofcourse they don't.

    Does anyone here bother with Twitter? Any experiences of Russophobia or just common sense phobia?

    Not much experiences with social media here but twitter or any of the dotn have any literal connections with any govt agencies this is just all informal and very effective censorship of media. Why for exmaple any of "free media and liberal" never say anything about private lives of royal family in UK? and they "know all" about Kim or Qaddafi family situations.

    As for media I have many years impression that libeertards have Vth column in media ll over the world. In Russia too. I hope not in China tho. I hope as well in Russia it will change too.
    Look at cheap rambler/lenta propaganda: any us blogger is right about bashing Russia or other "expert" , Russia has no freedom (although tortures and national guard on streets in US is OK) . Perhaps Nosik set up team of Vth column from beginning or those libertards are just attracted to media as fleis to pile of hot shit?

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  ScotchedEarth 23/06/18, 09:04 pm

    GunshipDemocracy: ‘Why for exmaple any of "free media and liberal" never say anything about private lives of royal family in UK?
    Because the private lives of our royals are beyond reproach. They walk with angels, and carry an SA80.
    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18

    Jesting aside, Rupert Murdoch is a republican and his newspapers rarely hesitate to push their anti-royal agenda. The rest of the Yellow Press or Lügenpresse—even the supposedly right wing Daily Mail—eagerly print a scandal (military, royal, etc.) rather than investigate if it has any foundation. What royal ‘scandals’ there have been of late gain little traction simply because there is no substance to them.

    Were any of the more serious tales (assiduously promoted on internet boards by people who can barely find Britain on a map let alone Buckingham Palace) ever proved to have a basis in reality, it would not even matter: the errant individual would be stripped of their titles and soon as good as forgotten; even if on the throne, they would be forced to abdicate in favour of a convenient relative. E.g. Edward VIII, insisting on marrying a frumpy Yank divorcée, was required to abdicate in favour of his brother. E.g. James II was chased from his throne after his various transgressions enumerated in the Bill of Rights, his eldest daughter taking his place.

    Russia also found ways around inconvenient Tsars, albeit more ruthless, as in the fates of Peter III (1762) and Paul I (1801)—although we also dispatched one or two in our time, e.g. Edward II in 1327 (the regicide of Charles the Martyr by the charlatan and hypocrite Cromwell does not count).
    (Btw, there was a moment when Britain and Russia might have united in a Union of Crowns that would have relegated the union of the Crowns of Scotland and England to a mere footnote of history. In 1839, the heir to the Russian throne visited Britain and met our new queen, and Victoria and Alexander were very taken with each other. Very taken. Unfortunately for our two nations, Tsar Nicholas did not appreciate the historic opportunity this presented and forbade the match, directing Alexander to return to Darmstadt and marry a minor German noble (here is the Tsar surveying the land that the marriage gained for Russia). Maj. ref. Radzinsky, Edvard. Alexander II: The Last Great Tsar, translated by Antonia W. Bouis, 2005.)

    One of the many advantages of the monarchic system that republicans fail to grasp is that the monarchy is greater than any individual, as exemplified by the cry upon a monarch’s passing: ‘The King is dead, long live the King!’ The mortal dies but royalty endures.

    We recognise that Man is imperfect, ‘fallen’, and our loyalty is to the institution (‘Le roi est mort, vive le roi!’) and what it represents—not the individual. It is republicans and democrats who build personality cults around such as Obama, HRC and Trump.

    There are cover-ups going on in the UK—right across Western Civilisation in fact. There are people being arrested and even jailed for criticising people—and again, right across the West. But it’s nothing to do with any royalty. Railing against monarchy is just so 1640s.

    As for twitter, it’s been censorship central for some time (and it’s a long way from being just about Russia)—along with facebook and any platform with Gulag behind it. There are a few imitators—‘twitter/facebook/youtube without the censorship’—but half the fun of the old platforms was tweaking the noses of the opposition and maybe, just occasionally, causing them doubt. The various established SM platforms are increasingly SJW echo-chambers and the alternatives are echo-chambers of a different sort and boring as all hell.
    Social media is effectively dead. It was fun for a while but its day is over.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  George1 17/09/18, 10:52 am

    Presidents of Turkey and Azerbaijan hosted a military parade in honor of the 100th anniversary of "liberation of Baku"

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 W1siZiIsIjIwMTgvMDkvMTUvMWh6aDJyZ253MV8wMjQuanBnIl0sWyJwIiwidGh1bWIiLCIxMzQweDEwMjAiXV0?sha=1c9740d9f045afca

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GarryB 17/09/18, 09:12 pm

    As for media I have many years impression that libeertards have Vth column in media ll over the world.

    Case in point was the US media being shocked that Trump actually won...

    After crowning Obama as the first black guy to not be targeted by US police, they wanted to seal the deal with the first female president... they were sure they had the win because they don't listen to anyone else and they thought they had the numbers to win.

    If they actually talked to all americans they might have found out that a lot of americans are not happy about american boys and girls being sent over seas for wars that make a few people really rich and other people just traumatised or maimed or dead.

    They didn't recognise that people might not agree with their plans for war, so they tried to blame everything on Russian meddling and they even failed at that...


    I really think it would not take that much to really stir things up there and start a civil war... russia is in the shit box anyway... why not give it a go?

    Lets play Americas game... light the fuse and just see what happens... no plan B.... hell no plan at all... just spin the wheel and see what number comes up.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GunshipDemocracy 17/09/18, 09:19 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    I really think it would not take that much to really stir things up there and start a civil war... russia is in the shit box anyway... why not give it a go?

    Lets play Americas game... light the fuse and just see what happens... no plan B.... hell no plan at all... just spin the wheel and see what number comes up.

    EU started sanctions procedure against Hungary for "not holding democratic values" . The fun is that Hungarian authorities have very high rating in many elections and actually what they do is what most pf people want. So EU is punishing the whole country because this country is democratic unlike western parts lol1 lol1 lol1

    BTW did I mention that in Hungary there is stop soros action? respekt respekt respekt
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Odin of Ossetia 18/09/18, 06:58 am

    ScotchedEarth wrote:GunshipDemocracy: ‘Why for exmaple any of "free media and liberal" never say anything about private lives of royal family in UK?
    Because the private lives of our royals are beyond reproach. They walk with angels, and carry an SA80.
    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18

    Jesting aside, Rupert Murdoch is a republican and his newspapers rarely hesitate to push their anti-royal agenda. The rest of the Yellow Press or Lügenpresse—even the supposedly right wing Daily Mail—eagerly print a scandal (military, royal, etc.) rather than investigate if it has any foundation. What royal ‘scandals’ there have been of late gain little traction simply because there is no substance to them.

    Were any of the more serious tales (assiduously promoted on internet boards by people who can barely find Britain on a map let alone Buckingham Palace) ever proved to have a basis in reality, it would not even matter: the errant individual would be stripped of their titles and soon as good as forgotten; even if on the throne, they would be forced to abdicate in favour of a convenient relative. E.g. Edward VIII, insisting on marrying a frumpy Yank divorcée, was required to abdicate in favour of his brother. E.g. James II was chased from his throne after his various transgressions enumerated in the Bill of Rights, his eldest daughter taking his place.

    Russia also found ways around inconvenient Tsars, albeit more ruthless, as in the fates of Peter III (1762) and Paul I (1801)—although we also dispatched one or two in our time, e.g. Edward II in 1327 (the regicide of Charles the Martyr by the charlatan and hypocrite Cromwell does not count).
    (Btw, there was a moment when Britain and Russia might have united in a Union of Crowns that would have relegated the union of the Crowns of Scotland and England to a mere footnote of history. In 1839, the heir to the Russian throne visited Britain and met our new queen, and Victoria and Alexander were very taken with each other. Very taken. Unfortunately for our two nations, Tsar Nicholas did not appreciate the historic opportunity this presented and forbade the match, directing Alexander to return to Darmstadt and marry a minor German noble (here is the Tsar surveying the land that the marriage gained for Russia). Maj. ref. Radzinsky, Edvard. Alexander II: The Last Great Tsar, translated by Antonia W. Bouis, 2005.)

    One of the many advantages of the monarchic system that republicans fail to grasp is that the monarchy is greater than any individual, as exemplified by the cry upon a monarch’s passing: ‘The King is dead, long live the King!’ The mortal dies but royalty endures.

    We recognise that Man is imperfect, ‘fallen’, and our loyalty is to the institution (‘Le roi est mort, vive le roi!’) and what it represents—not the individual. It is republicans and democrats who build personality cults around such as Obama, HRC and Trump.

    There are cover-ups going on in the UK—right across Western Civilisation in fact. There are people being arrested and even jailed for criticising people—and again, right across the West. But it’s nothing to do with any royalty. Railing against monarchy is just so 1640s.

    As for twitter, it’s been censorship central for some time (and it’s a long way from being just about Russia)—along with facebook and any platform with Gulag behind it. There are a few imitators—‘twitter/facebook/youtube without the censorship’—but half the fun of the old platforms was tweaking the noses of the opposition and maybe, just occasionally, causing them doubt. The various established SM platforms are increasingly SJW echo-chambers and the alternatives are echo-chambers of a different sort and boring as all hell.
    Social media is effectively dead. It was fun for a while but its day is over.

    There was also the murder of two young crown princes, I think during the late 1400's?

    I guess that too should count as an English regicide?

    Monarchy is irrelevant when illegitimate people are the monarchs. The current British dynasty's legitimacy is debatable.


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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GarryB 18/09/18, 01:18 pm

    EU started sanctions procedure against Hungary for "not holding democratic values" . The fun is that Hungarian authorities have very high rating in many elections and actually what they do is what most pf people want. So EU is punishing the whole country because this country is democratic unlike western parts

    Ohh, no... when everyone wants something and politicians give it to them then they are not being democratic... they are being populist... which is obviously bad.

    Trump is a populist... anything liberal democrats don't like is populist and bad and undemocratic... Rolling Eyes

    Funny thing is that when conservatives lose elections there are not normally riots afterwards...

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GunshipDemocracy 18/09/18, 08:13 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    EU started sanctions procedure against Hungary for "not holding democratic values" . The fun is that Hungarian authorities have very high rating in many elections and actually what they do is what most pf people want. So EU is punishing the whole country because this country is democratic unlike western parts

    Ohh, no... when everyone wants something and politicians give it to them then they are not being democratic... they are being populist... which is obviously bad.

    Trump is a populist... anything liberal democrats don't like is populist and bad and undemocratic...  Rolling Eyes

    Funny thing is that when conservatives lose elections there are not normally riots afterwards...

    well one of (now dead) "democrats" in Poland in 90s after his party lost elections said - "nation is not grown enough for democracy" . BTW none of EU commissioners is elected. They all are "Rabbit's relatives and friends".

    But that's all Putin's fault. Deal with that.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GarryB 19/09/18, 02:33 pm

    Putin is so damn all powerful, everything is his fault... I am sure he can't be getting paid enough... he has fingers in every pie... he must have a thousand hands each with a thousand fingers...

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GunshipDemocracy 19/09/18, 10:27 pm

    GarryB wrote:Putin is so damn all powerful, everything is his fault... I am sure he can't be getting paid enough... he has fingers in every pie... he must have a thousand hands each with a thousand fingers...

    Red Octopuss to scare western pussies? lol1 lol1 lol1 Now in UK if you want to poison neighbor/auntie you just say it was GRU thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup
    Tsavo Lion
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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Anti-Russian words, words, words - in Georgia

    Post  Tsavo Lion 05/12/18, 09:13 am

    Anti-Russian words, words, words - in Georgia

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  kvs 13/03/19, 07:52 am

    Hilarious inanity from Sweden. Talk about a day late and a dollar short. To wit, some analyst
    clowns in Sweden think that Russia is living off technological capacity of the USSR. You heard
    that right, almost 30 years after the collapse of the USSR, supposedly Russia's technological
    capacity is some residual.

    You cannot get more retarded than these Swedish wishful thinkers. Thirty years is long enough
    for critical qualified personnel to have gone into retirement or have died from old age and
    for equipment to literally rot away. Without newly trained personnel and new equipment Russia
    would be where Ukraine is today. Down the proverbial outhouse hole.

    These Swedish retards could have had a point back in the 1990s. But today they do not. There
    is video of the Almaz Antey plants in 2004. They were in a state of rot with water coming down
    from the roof onto broken CNC machinery. Compare to the complete overhaul of these manufacturing
    facilities today. How is this "living off the Soviet legacy"?

    An implicit claim of these Swedish retards is that there has been zero innovation in Russia since
    1991. Can anyone posting here who is not a Russia hating idiot take this seriously. Even the
    mere fact that Russia has doubled the energy density of solid rocket fuel is a major innovation
    over the USSR. And how many GaN amplifiers did the USSR produce? Are any of the recently
    announced hypersonic missile systems merely Soviet detritus?

    We see in this POS Swedish analysis the delusional hubris rotting the brains of the western elites.
    They can't handle the fact that Russia has basically got off its knees and is now a world leader
    in military technology (and by extension a leader in civilian technology as well). These Swedish
    turds should worry more about the toilet their country is turning into. With Islamist no go zones
    and Orwellian abuses in the name of political correctness which include seizing children from their
    parents for not conforming to gay, trans and freak extolling education and arrest of senior citizens
    for pointing out the filthy facts about the migrant flood afflicting their country on social media.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Hilarious inanity from Sweden

    Post  GarryB 13/03/19, 12:15 pm

    This is brilliant... keep it up...

    Why should Russia care what Sweden thinks of Russia... are they trying to sell Russian TVs or other products there that this sort of thing would harm?

    When these idiots go looking for Russian subs in their waters as they often do, it is better that they assume they are WWII level boats... most of them will be British or French or American subs anyway.

    Let them keep underestimating Russia and when Russia attacks targets in Syria with long range cruise missiles or quasi ballistic missiles like Iskander and Tochka-U let them be shocked and surprised... and point a dozen Zircons at the fuckers in case they piss Russia off in any way at all.

    Their loss if they want to keep thinking the US is the centre of innovation and development.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 18 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  George1 29/03/19, 11:54 am

    Lithuanian court sentenced Marshal Yazov to 10 years in prison for January 1991 events

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