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Cowboy's daughter
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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs


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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  GarryB Sun Jun 06, 2021 8:55 am

    Bernard’s wife recounted the incident. When traveling home last Friday, she says a group of five stopped her near the family home. “One of the men walked in front of my vehicle and laid flat across the road to make me stop,” she added.
    “I was terrified, there were two other men and a female with a baby, I was barely able to swerve around them and not run over the man in the street.”

    If someone used such desperate measures to try to stop me in my car there is no way I would stop... and I would be phoning the police and reaching for a tire iron too.

    Stopping a woman like that... explains the increase in gun sales in the US...

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sun Jun 06, 2021 3:59 pm

    U.S. Put Gag Order on Times Executives Amid Fight Over Email Logs
    Charlie Savage and Katie Benner 1 day ago
    Trump's chief of staff pressed the Justice Department to investigate…

    WASHINGTON — In the last weeks of the Trump administration and continuing under President Biden, the Justice Department fought a secret legal battle to obtain the email logs of four New York Times reporters in a hunt for their sources, a top lawyer for the newspaper said Friday night.
    While the Trump administration never informed The Times about the effort, the Biden administration continued waging the fight this year, telling a handful of top Times executives about it but imposing a gag order to shield it from public view, said the lawyer, David McCraw, who called the move unprecedented.
    The gag order prevented the executives from disclosing the government’s efforts to seize the records even to the executive editor, Dean Baquet, and other newsroom leaders.

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:01 pm

    Criminal charges have also increased for Texans who target police officers with lasers or fireworks with the intent of harming or obstructing their duties.

    In a series of four bills, the Texas legislature cracked down on cities with populations of over 250,000 people or more that attempt to dismantle police funding.

    Defunded municipalities will have their property tax revenue withheld, and all profits will then be distributed to the Texas Department of Public Safety to pay for "state resources used to protect residents."

    Any county with a population of 1 million people or more will also be required to obtain voter approval before county officials reduce law enforcement budgets.

    If the county does not receive voter approval but moves forward with reducing law enforcement, it too will have its property tax withheld.

    Individuals will also now face "state jail felony" offenses if they knowingly block emergency vehicles or access to health care facilities.

    Criminal charges have also increased for Texans who target police officers with lasers or fireworks with the intent of harming or obstructing their duties.

    "With these laws, we are bolstering our support for law enforcement while ensuring a safer future for all Texans," Abbott said Tuesday. "I applaud the Texas Legislature for joining me in passing these priority items and for making sure Texas remains a law-and-order state."
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    Cowboy's daughter

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:03 pm

    Republicans celebrate mayoral win in majority-Hispanic McAllen, Texas (McAllen is 85 % Mexican ethnicity.)

    Hidalgo County, home of McAllen, went to President Biden by roughly 17 points in the 2020 election

    "BIG win for Republicans tonight in a border community. Biden’s border crisis has real world ramifications for communities across the country, especially in cities like McAllen," RNC spokesman Nathan Brand said on Twitter.

    Villalobos' victory comes as the Biden administration faces criticism from the right for its border policies.

    U.S. Border Patrol agents rescued a group of migrants seen on video last week nearly drowning while trying to cross the Rio Grande River into Texas.
    The incident unfolded Wednesday in Roma, west of McAllen, and was captured on video by Fox News’ Sara Carter.
    "I’m drowning!" one of the migrants could be heard yelling as body parts are seen emerging and then disappearing from the surface of the water.
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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:08 pm

    Since October, CBP has already had over 749,600 encounters with immigrants.

    Special Report: Neighborhood concerned after footage shows migrants entering backyards

    MISSION, Texas (KVEO) — The immigration issue has forced the U.S.- Mexico border into the national spotlight, but it’s the people that call South Texas home that has seen the impacts more than anyone.

    That’s the case for many that live and work in the Rio Grande Valley.

    One woman who lives in Mission said she hasn’t been able to sleep at night after a sharp increase in undocumented immigrants jumping over her fence and into her backyard after crossing the border illegally.

    “We are to the point now that we call Border Patrol and they can’t respond because they don’t have enough people, so we don’t even have anyone to call when there is an issue and that is very concerning for us,” said Soltis.

    She said these aren’t the same people that are turning themselves into U.S. Border Patrol.

    “We’ve seen all kind of apprehensions here, we’ve seen them all, what we haven’t seen is a cooperative group of family units that will sit down and accept processing the way we see on the news with asylum seekers because we don’t have the family units,” said Soltis.

    Even though the community is gated, she said people will jump the gate and has the security tape to prove it.

    “We don’t know how they’re opening the gate, either they jump over it or they know the code, either way, we are all concerned. I’m concerned,” said Soltis, “We do now also see pickup vehicles that come into our neighborhood to pick people up, that is something that is brand new.”

    She wishes more was being done to protect her and her neighbors.

    “There is a problem. Nothing is being done about it and all the authorities from the top-down, political authorities, are pretty much saying there isn’t a problem and nothing’s wrong,” said Soltis.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  kvs Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:34 pm

    I would not want to be a cop in the USA. You get used by your bosses and the public resents you for assorted reasons. It looks
    like it is impossible to do an honest job. If some junkie criminal dies from an overdose while you are pulling a standard police move,
    you get found guilty of murder by some non-sequestered jury of CNN-loving clowns. Smugly called your "peers".
    Cowboy's daughter
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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:36 pm

    kvs wrote:I would not want to be a cop in the USA.   You get used by your bosses and the public resents you for assorted reasons.   It looks
    like it is impossible to do an honest job.   If some junkie criminal dies from an overdose while you are pulling a standard police move,
    you get found guilty of murder by some non-sequestered jury of CNN-loving clowns.   Smugly called your "peers".

    Yes. and in cities like New York, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, Louisville, Kentucky, and Minneapolis, police have quit, retired by the hundreds.
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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:37 pm

    New efforts to solve Central American refugee problem will not succeed
    Carlisle Johnson writes from his home in Guatemala.
    Corruption and other issues will stand in the way of Vice President Kamala Harris
    There is gallows humor in the details. Here are two examples: a would-be accountant and former president of El Salvador confessed to misappropriating $299 million and there was a recent seizure in Guatemala of over $15 million in cash in the vacant house of a now-on-the-lam former minister. Took two whole days to count the cash.

    Eight former presidents from the three northern tier countries are charged or have been convicted of peculation, and one former chief executive from Guatemala has been in confinement for five years. Corruption continues.

    Mexico, technically not northern tier, is still corrupt and a party to the refugee muddle. Just last week I used two smugglers’ crossings in one border excursion.

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    Cowboy's daughter

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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:37 pm

    Fear mounts for San Diegans with loved ones left in Afghanistan as U.S. prepares to leave

    And though Biden’s initial deadline gives the military until September to exit Afghanistan, reports have since indicated troops could be gone as soon as next month.
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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:46 pm

    kvs wrote:Biden's regime is engaging in the same dilute the resistance policy that the EU overlords engage in.   Note how this use of migrants
    as a weapon against the indigenous resistance is couched in PC flowery language.   It is all about tolerance and human rights.
    Well, then, why not just transplant a couple of billion "oppressed" victims from around the world to the west today.   They deserve
    to be saved.  

    You do not see people fleeing for their lives arriving on the US southern border.   These are economic migrants.   They will always
    exist.   But they cannot form the basis of the immigrant pool today.   This is not the 1880s and the settlement of the wild frontier
    with unskilled labour.   There is no room for such migration today.   There is no room for mass migration, period.  

    Anyway, Americans need to develop some critical thinking skills and stop looking for Russians under every bed.  Based on what
    America is routinely attempting to pull in Russia, you are lucky you are not getting nuked.   Russia has shown epic restraint
    in the face of such open political and economic sabotage.  

    I have to agree with all of this. Imho, the Biden Administration, who ever that is, because he is mentally incompetent, seems to forget, or not take into account, that Russia has something called nuclear weapons.

    We are indeed, imho, living in the most unstable of times. and all of us living on this planet, going through our individual journeys of / through life, we are all deeply affected by what Governments do, that we have no control over.

    God help us all.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:09 am

    They treat it like it is a game... high stakes because they want a high stakes win, but they don't care or just ignore the consequences of getting it really wrong will be borne by us all.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:54 pm

    The Biden Administration has already sued the State of Texas over the Governor saying he won't give licenses to facilities that house migrants. The Texas Governor is giving all those facilities until August to close.

    Chuck DeVore: Biden's border crisis – Texas may have to defend itself. Here's why
    Biden is restraining U.S. Border Patrol and immigration officers from doing their jobs
    The world wants to come to America and many in America – at least in the Biden administration and the Chamber of Commerce – want the world to come.

    Nowhere is this more apparent than on the Texas-Mexico border, where the surge of would-be immigrants has completely overwhelmed the Border Patrol and local law enforcement. If current trends continue, more than 3 million people may stream into the U.S. by year-end, threatening Americans with lost jobs and crime.

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott plans to visit the border city of Del Rio on Thursday to discuss the border crisis and to announce new measures to safeguard Texans after issuing a disaster declaration on June
    1. With the Biden administration abdicating its responsibility to protect the border, it may be up to Texas to step up and protect its own people and property.
    I just finished a three-day fact-finding trip as part of a team sponsored by the Border Security Coalition. We heard from elected officials, law enforcement, active and retired Border Patrol officers, and local citizens in Val Verde County, population 50,000, situated 160 miles west of San Antonio at about the midpoint on the Texas-Mexico border between El Paso and the Gulf of Mexico.

    Officials and locals say that Val Verde used to be a quiet part of the U.S.-Mexico border. Now Border Patrol intelligence analysts estimate that the Mexican crime cartels are banking $25 million per week from human trafficking alone in the Val Verde region. About a year ago, the cartels generated about $11 million per week. Given the collapse of border enforcement, prices to guide people illegally crossing the border have likely gone down due to the reduced risk to the cartels’ coyotes.
    Local experts on the border situation say that the surge in crossings happened immediately upon President Biden’s taking office. Would-be immigrants told Border Patrol agents that Biden said he would be nice and let them in – they are merely taking the president at his word.

    Many of the people crossing into the Texas town of Del Rio appear to have access to money. They claim to be doctors, engineers and other professionals from Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba and nations in Africa and the Middle East. But Venezuela, one of the world’s most corrupt countries, will issue a passport to anyone in only two days – for cash.

    Prior to the border surge, Val Verde County had a very low crime rate. Now residents are under siege. They have been confronted in their homes and on their streets by illegal immigrants seeking food and shelter. Homes have been ransacked, cash and jewelry stolen.
    And now Biden is expected to soon lift the Title 42 pandemic immigration restrictions imposed by President Trump. With Title 42 gone, the surge will further intensify.
    Texas Gov. Abbott has options to meet the challenge, from arresting migrants for trespassing and holding them in temporary facilities, to invoking a state of emergency allowing him to control vehicles and buildings in specific areas, "control of the movement of persons," and establish curfews.


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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  kvs Wed Jun 09, 2021 3:50 pm

    The D. Party has an agenda to flood the US with millions of economic migrants to help it steal elections. Even if these people are not US citizens they
    will still be able to vote since for some bizarre reason showing ID is considered a crime against humanity in the USA. I am guessing that the mail in ballot stuffing
    is going to be a bit harder next time, although I may be wrong. But warm bodies can always vote even if they are illegals. The D. Party will have their
    loyalty because humans are at the end of the day, mentally inadequate. It is like the blacks that think the D. Party is their only voting choice even though
    history has demonstrated that the D. Party is has victimized them.


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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:10 am

    The spent enormous amounts of money during the Trump administration to investigate all sorts of BS claims of so called election fraud and foreign government interference, yet this time around trying to suggest a recount and proper investigations into things that look a little strange are undemocratic domestic terrorism and you need to go to jail and get fired from your job for just suggesting it.

    This is what happens when most of the intelligence agencies become partisan tools of one political party.

    Ignore criminal negligence of Hilary taking secret files home to an unsecured computer network, but nail some guy to the wall for suggestions of this that or the other...

    Yeah, that sounds fair... but new elections come around... it will be interesting to see the backlash because those democrats know what they did to get Biden into power and they know that the Republicans would be stupid not to try exactly the same thing so lets look at the new rules they come up with for the next election cycle.... it should be a good indication of what they did to get into power.

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    Post  kvs Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:55 pm

    Mercouris makes very important observations towards the end of the video. If the US social media corporations are acting as
    agents of the state, which they are, then their behaviour (censorship, etc.) violates the 1st amendment of the US constitution.
    The fact that they are private companies is just a fig leaf and not a legal excuse.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:37 am

    It actually does matter legally.

    The 1st amendment protects only against the government, not private companies.

    it even says this in the line "Congress shall make no law"

    Freakin moron.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  GarryB Sun Jun 13, 2021 12:36 pm

    The US has been using private companies to bypass law for centuries, and more importantly have been using tit for tat spying on allies to bypass core american laws too.

    Using private companies is a pretty simple loophole to break american law... but then they do that as well which is why Manning went to jail and Assange is sitting in a cell too and Snowden is in Russia... but they are so powerful it is the whistle blowers that are in prison or facing accusations of being criminals for exposing extensive criminal activity by the US government against American citizens and around the world against everyone else.

    SS calls KVS a moron for pointing out the criminal activities of the US governments over the years, while SS defends not just this criminal activity but even defends it...

    Who gives a **** anyway, it is only US law, it doesn't mean anything... you just need a good lawyer and you can get away with murder...

    The USs abuse of media freedom and their corruption of an independent media is hilarious too... doing more to undermine democracy and real freedom than any opposition member they murdered to get those oil contracts.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Jun 13, 2021 1:31 pm

    GarryB wrote:The US has been using private companies to bypass law for centuries, and more importantly have been using tit for tat spying on allies to bypass core american laws too.

    Using private companies is a pretty simple loophole to break american law... but then they do that as well which is why Manning went to jail and Assange is sitting in a cell too and Snowden is in Russia... but they are so powerful it is the whistle blowers that are in prison or facing accusations of being criminals for exposing extensive criminal activity by the US government against American citizens and around the world against everyone else.

    SS calls KVS a moron for pointing out the criminal activities of the US governments over the years, while SS defends not just this criminal activity but even defends it...

    Who gives a **** anyway, it is only US law, it doesn't mean anything... you just need a good lawyer and you can get away with murder...

    The USs abuse of media freedom and their corruption of an independent media is hilarious too... doing more to undermine democracy and real freedom than any opposition member they murdered to get those oil contracts.

    I am calling him a moron for trying to say Private companies are just an excuse.

    When you just need to read one sentence to realize they aren't, Freedom of speech is only protected against the Government, not PRIVATE ENTITIES.

    Etc Twitter and FB can ban you and control speech however they want on their platform, they aren't government-funded or controlled.

    You don't have to like it but that's the law in the US, just like a private business can refuse you service for any reason long as the reason is;t discriminatory etc a store can't say "WHITE GUYS ONLY".

    But they can limit what you are allowed to do and say while in their place of business.

    That's the facts don't like it? tough shit feel free to whine about on this dead-end forum all you like.

    Defending criminal activity? lol pure horse shit out of your mouth but what's new Garry. That's all you do try and twist/manipulate people's comments. It's not illegal what Twitter or FB does, they aren't run by the gov or funded by the gov. There is a difference between something you do not like vs it being illegal. Learn the difference.

    Has for the abuse of media, oh the Russians do the same shit with their state controlled media outlets. Pot calling the kettle black there.

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  kvs Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:07 pm

    GarryB wrote:The US has been using private companies to bypass law for centuries, and more importantly have been using tit for tat spying on allies to bypass core american laws too.

    Using private companies is a pretty simple loophole to break american law... but then they do that as well which is why Manning went to jail and Assange is sitting in a cell too and Snowden is in Russia... but they are so powerful it is the whistle blowers that are in prison or facing accusations of being criminals for exposing extensive criminal activity by the US government against American citizens and around the world against everyone else.

    SS calls KVS a moron for pointing out the criminal activities of the US governments over the years, while SS defends not just this criminal activity but even defends it...

    Who gives a **** anyway, it is only US law, it doesn't mean anything... you just need a good lawyer and you can get away with murder...

    The USs abuse of media freedom and their corruption of an independent media is hilarious too... doing more to undermine democracy and real freedom than any opposition member they murdered to get those oil contracts.

    SS is a pathetic troll-tard who thinks when he claims that 2 + 2 = 5, he has some sort of credibility. Chauvinist haters like SS from the Yanquistan do not get to redefine
    reality to serve their agenda.

    You are right Garry, who cares. Yanqui chauvinism is simply leading to the failure of their empire of evil. No amount of trolling of this forum is going
    to change that or make people with functional brains feel inadequate.

    The real America, a hyperpower facade that exists through marginally effective propaganda. Well, the effectiveness of the US propaganda is a
    thing of the past.


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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 6 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:55 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Just like a private business can refuse you service for any reason long as the reason is;t discriminatory etc a store can't say "WHITE GUYS ONLY". But they can limit what you are allowed to do and say while in their place of business.

    It's not illegal what Twitter or FB does, they aren't run by the gov or funded by the gov. There is a difference between something you do not like vs it being illegal. Learn the difference.

    Then the whole American legal system is merely the mean to protect the companies and provide them with the privileges to abuse whatever people stay in their territory, which covers most of the social-economical activities in the the current era which capitalist relationship is the dominant.

    Which I am not surprise. Superstructure, including law and government, is born to protect the class that rules and to suppress any retaliation from the others.

    What you observed and described just proves the point that the American ruling power is abusing the media and there is no real freedom in a state which always claim itself to be the paradise of liberty.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:41 am

    Reporter Who Broke Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Story And Received 'Significant' Death Threats Found Dead

    The body of a Birmingham, Alabama journalist who broke the story about the controversial 2016 tarmac meeting in Phoenix between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was found on Saturday morning of an 'apparent suicide,' according to

    Sure. In America is every political murder is a "suicide".

    Recall the Magnitsky case and all the laws passed in the name of the corrupt accountant working for Browder's "Hermitage Capital" racket who
    died from heart complications in jail. Magnitsky may have, if you believe in the tooth fairy, had some dirt on corruption in Russia, but he
    had not dirt on Putin. But a journalist who got actual dirt on Killary in 2016 is suicided.

    There will be no outcry by the self-declared "international community" and "human rights" groups. The west is a sick farce.

    The journalist who exposed CIA drug sales for off books financing also was suicided.


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    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:39 pm

    I am calling him a moron for trying to say Private companies are just an excuse.

    When you just need to read one sentence to realize they aren't, Freedom of speech is only protected against the Government, not PRIVATE ENTITIES.

    The purpose is to protect the people from the government and the government is bypassing its protections by claiming it is a private entity that is doing it...

    A bit like the US using the CIA to murder people and spy on friends and allies around the world so they can say it wasn't us... it was the CIA... so anyone that gets caught doing something illegal is disavowed and declared not to be American government directed...

    Everyone knows it was the US breaking morals and international laws and this is also what they do with problematic laws domestically.... and if anyone squeals then they are the bad guys... snowden assange manning and plenty more...

    You are the moron for allowing your corrupt and evil government to violate your rights as a US citizen by bypassing the rules and using private enterprise to shaft you up the arse.

    Etc Twitter and FB can ban you and control speech however they want on their platform, they aren't government-funded or controlled.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... they are government controlled.... when they do something the government does not approve of then you see it straight away... right now you get banned from those sites simply by posting anything that does not follow the government line.... ask for a recount of the 2016 election and you are fine, but ask for a recount of the 2020 elections and get instabanned.... support BLM protests and you are fine... support certain protests over the 2020 election and you are a domestic terrorist... banned...

    If they changed policy and shifted in the other direction the attention they would get would be suffocating, with fines and laws introduced over tax payments etc etc their heads would spin... but as long as they play the anti Trump game they will have some leeway to do as they please...

    You don't have to like it but that's the law in the US, just like a private business can refuse you service for any reason long as the reason is;t discriminatory etc a store can't say "WHITE GUYS ONLY".

    They can't say it but that can be the reason, but the US government does not care about most private businesses... just the really big ones... with global reach that they can use to further their propaganda message to the world... or do you think there is no contact between Facebook and Twitter and the CIA and NSA...

    But they can limit what you are allowed to do and say while in their place of business.

    That's the facts don't like it? tough shit feel free to whine about on this dead-end forum all you like.

    Careful, this is my place of business, and disrespecting this forum is against the rules.... though it is amusing how much time you spend here for such an irrelevant place...

    Defending criminal activity? lol pure horse shit out of your mouth but what's new Garry. That's all you do try and twist/manipulate people's comments. It's not illegal what Twitter or FB does, they aren't run by the gov or funded by the gov. There is a difference between something you do not like vs it being illegal. Learn the difference.

    Twitter is ignoring Russian requests to take down posts encouraging children to commit suicide, and Russian requests to take down child pornography... it is actually very illegal in Russia, which is why they are requesting it be removed.

    Twitter and Facebook are ignoring their requests, therefore they are enabling illegal activity and continue to leave it public for months at a time... eventually it gets removed when Russia acts like slowing down Twitter in Russia.... which costs Twitter money so they do something.

    Earning money from Child porn and promoting suicide to children is criminal activity, for a government and for a private company.

    Has for the abuse of media, oh the Russians do the same shit with their state controlled media outlets. Pot calling the kettle black there.

    An American would claim that of course, but is there any actual evidence?

    Or are you just reinforcing western propaganda stereotypes... we might be evil murderers but Russia and China are just as bad and if they were in charge it would all be worse.


    Lets find out shall we...

    Then the whole American legal system is merely the mean to protect the companies and provide them with the privileges to abuse whatever people stay in their territory, which covers most of the social-economical activities in the the current era which capitalist relationship is the dominant.

    Their legal system is broken.... the poor go to jail and are forced to plea bargain for crimes they didn't often commit but no one cares... and the rich get slightly poorer to evade jail... only the lawyers thrive in such an environment... it is a desert where the top dog is a vulture...

    Recall the Magnitsky case and all the laws passed in the name of the corrupt accountant working for Browder's "Hermitage Capital" racket who
    died from heart complications in jail. Magnitsky may have, if you believe in the tooth fairy, had some dirt on corruption in Russia, but he
    had not dirt on Putin. But a journalist who got actual dirt on Killary in 2016 is suicided.

    There was no way Magnitsky had any dirt on Putin or anyone else... except Browder, and that is why Browder had him killed before he could talk and spill the beans on his corruption and criminal activity. The best way to get away with murder is to jump up and down and claim someone else did it and why isn't anyone doing anything about it... we need justice...

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    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:42 pm

    Man, you guys love arguing over nothing... lol1
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:33 am

    Can you believe our President said this?

    BIDEN: "Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government... If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons."

    from The Daily Caller on twitter

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    Post  kvs Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:14 pm

    The US is following the path of the Trotskyists in the USSR in setting up a regime of repression.    Yagoda and Yezhov set up the
    Soviet gulags and were both ardent Trotskyists.   Trotsky distinguished himself as the Butcher of the Red Terror with his
    insane dirty war to suppress the post 1917 resistance to the Bolshevik coup (financed from the west).    For example, Trotsky's
    tactics included taking the families of Russian officers and generals hostage to force them from resisting the new regime.  
    And of course there was mass murder on a scale Russia never (yes truly) saw before at the hands of its own leaders.   The
    gulags were a continuation of the Red Terror that has been falsely attributed to Stalin.   Stalin's dispatch of an assassin
    to put an ice pick in Trotsky's cranium is poetic justice.   Too bad this Red Terror maggot was not tortured to death.

    Anyway, the June 2021 US policy statement on domestic terrorism is pure Trotskyist excrement where cherry picked incidents
    are cast as a broad pattern and actual terrorism by BLM is fully ignored.   The aim of this Biden regime document is to turn
    Trump supporters into enemies of the state and the people.   This document is also the natural result of the US fake stream
    media pushing this narrative over the last few years.   Trump being pushed out of office with brazen electoral fraud is not the
    end of the story.   The US globalist deep state is going to try to make sure that MAGA supporters are fully suppressed.

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