What are you trying to prove now? We know what the Cirkon looks like. We can't see just the front. It may be more pointed than the P-800. The rest is very similar to the Onyx. Of course, it may have a scramjet, it has a much more powerful solid fuel booster, a better warhead, etc. However, it does not have the Waverider design. It probably has similar air intakes as the Onyx. It may have a slightly different end, similar to the American mockup.
What are you saying?
What are you trying to prove now? We know what the Cirkon looks like. We can't see just the front. It may be more pointed than the P-800. The rest is very similar to the Onyx. Of course, it may have a scramjet, it has a much more powerful solid fuel booster, a better warhead, etc. However, it does not have the Waverider design. It probably has similar air intakes as the Onyx. It may have a slightly different end, similar to the American mockup.
o wonder we worship the Russian scientists... fucking idiots here think the flat nosed fairing on a Zircon missile allows it to fly at mach 10... no wonder the Americans can't achieve the same thing... they are wasting their time with pointy noses and wedge shapes when a flat nose is the real secret and the Russians are displaying their super secret nose shape to everyone... only stupid people like me think they would not reveal the actual missile nose shape because they don't want their western enemies to copy them but now the cat is out of the bag... with this new technology even Yasen and Kilo class subs could be hypersonic... just fit them with scramjets and they will be hitting mach 10 in no time... Rolling Eyes Mir on Thu Dec 05, 2024 12:33 pm wrote:
What are you saying?