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    Vladimir Putin Thread


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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  kvs Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:03 am

    The extreme idiocy comes in when countries like Norway officially adopt the stance that Russia is their only threat and thus
    need to deploy US military assets on its soil to "protect itself". That is bootstrapping a problem where there is none.
    Norway and the rest of NATzO have gone full retard with their fear mongering against Russia. Does Norway plan to
    fight and win a nuclear war with Russia?

    And please, Norway and the rest of you sick clowns, Crimea is a legitimate rectification of the Ukrainian annexation in 1991.
    Don't even start to pretend that this was some out of the blue land grab that proves how much of a threat Russia is. You
    imbeciles can't even keep your propaganda straight. If Kosovo is Albanian, then Crimea is 1000% Russian.

    Norway is yet another chihuahua with delusions of invincibility and power to fight "off a Russian invasion". The only threat
    is the collective pack of these dogs that make up NATzO. And the threat is to Russia.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:53 am

    GarryB wrote:

    Don't want to be nuked then don't start anything... real simple.

    -The soviet union collapsed without americans firing a shot without a single nuke used.
    -Syria was completely destroyed with NATO declaring war on them.
    -Lybia the same.
    -Cuba was sent to the stone age its nation development and economy without any nuke.

    Means that you are thinking wrong that Anglo sphere powers wants to nuke Russia.
    if they wanted to do that , all they need to do is start a false flag , sink a warship
    murder a few hundreds of their own soldiers and do that after staging an internet hack
    on the american nation blaming putin. so if they wanted to nuke russia they will have done it
    long time ago.

    What the west wants is continue with the strategy they used versus the soviet union ,

    -sanctions war .... check
    -proxy wars through arming terrorism or nazis forcing russia to interfere and come to the aid of allies.. check.
    -media war ,to damage russia image in the world and damage its tourism and ban
    russia from sports and all other events.
    -pipeline war ... check
    -oil prices war ...- check

    So the west don't need @Garryb to fire a single bullet to defeat russia ,all they need is to create
    more and more wars , in zones of Russia interest to over extend the russian military ,and bleed to the death the russian economy. Don't be surprised if russia is forced to a new afghanistan war..
    even if russia "wins" such war they doing more or less in syria ,it will force russia to send many thousands of military and suffer major or minor casualties . remember this when i told you..
    the americans will push for more armenian ,syrian like wars..

    - will push for continuation ukraine war
    -continuation of syria war.
    -continuation of armenia war
    -new war in moldova vs transnistria , what is russia going to do there? that their airforce can't enter there without ukraine of romanian permission.

    -new balkans war.
    -venezuelan war..

    and so and so... the west only needs to destabilize the world in areas of major importance
    for russia ,and the idiot in chief putin will have endless wars ,with thousands of russian soldiers
    killed and major civil unrest and damage in their economy.

    and being weak and polite with enemies that are killing russian citizens , and russian military
    and hiring terrorist to deploy bombs in russia ,will not persuade them to stop. Why is russia allowing
    embassies of enemy nations to continue to operate in russia ,? what kind of moronic thing is that?
    allow enemies to recruit people in your country and organize protest? No

    Putin's massive incompetence and foolishness is what makes him and russia a punching bag of the
    west. Putin pardoned a traitor who stole oil from russia ,the yuko's case under humanitarian reasons,
    and the first thing he did when was pardoned was to flee to europe and start a major demand on russia for $50 billions dollars , for the nationalization of some major russian oil industry.

    Putin the imbecile follows the western system and western way of doing international laws , later
    he complains the west to respect russia. all those laws that putin follow ,at united natons ,were designed for the benefit of western anglo zionist empire and no one else.. then why follow them?
    why allow embassies of enemy nations to recruit opposition in russia? why allow western ngos of soros to freely operate and he did for 14 years ?? confused what is wrong with putin ? when he is going to wake up ,that the west will never accept them as equals and need to fight back... and im not proposing military fight ,, but with business ,challenge western world influence . if that idiot was not wasting the budget of russia in disney world parks , as he did in moscow with american culture figures and wasting the budget of russia in pretty expensive parks or olympics , russia will have a more than enough money ,up to half a trillion dollars ,for a major space program , and major high tech business global business revolution to compete with the west better and create alternative to their system ,to their internet ,to their united nations , promote alternative banking industry and bypass the west completely ,while attracting europe towards russia orbit , so that nato longer can't exist. without europe support.


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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:00 am

    I wonder if Vann writes for South Front? Cause I am always curious where they get their retarded content from.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:51 am

    miketheterrible wrote:I wonder if Vann writes for South Front? Cause I am always curious where they get their retarded content from.

    At least they know how to properly format their dogshit...

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    Karl Haushofer

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Karl Haushofer Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:00 am

    Would Russia actually use nukes if it faces a direct attack or would Russia cuck out as it usually does?

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:43 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:Would Russia actually use nukes if it faces a direct attack or would Russia cuck out as it usually does?

    If they faced extinction (the state), of course they would.

    There is cuckery that they follow quite a bit but that is because they want the current gravy train to continue. But if they knew war was on and they are to be killed, they would do what every other species does to survive - fight back.

    There are limitations to every person.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  kvs Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:23 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    Karl Haushofer wrote:Would Russia actually use nukes if it faces a direct attack or would Russia cuck out as it usually does?

    If they faced extinction (the state), of course they would.

    There is cuckery that they follow quite a bit but that is because they want the current gravy train to continue. But if they knew war was on and they are to be killed, they would do what every other species does to survive - fight back.

    There are limitations to every person.

    Following the "cuck" logic, it is west that is killing off any "gravy train". Cyprus, sanctions, etc. are pointing to any element in Russia
    that relies on quiet relations with NATzO losing out. So in its efforts to "punish Russia" the west is snookering itself. But hubris
    filled, detached from reality and own koolaid drinkers cannot make viable decisions anyway.

    At least Russian "cuckery" maintains world peace. It is NATzO's blind ambitions that are taking the world into the toilet.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:39 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:Would Russia actually use nukes if it faces a direct attack or would Russia cuck out as it usually does?

    that will never happen karl.. because the west have plenty of options , millions of options to continue
    bleeding Russia economy and promoting civil unrest inside.  by degrading the russian economy with sanctions and with proxy wars and financed terrorism ,on any place in the world that is important for russia economy . They will not nuke russia ,because they know that's something they can predict the outcome , and their ability to intercept a thousand of  missile is not even guarantee. they don't know either which places russia will target.  

    and so they will likely leave that option for the very last and not earlier until they are completely sure , if something goes bad in a world war 3 with russia ,not the way they predicted ,that they will have a plan b , plan c and plan d, and continue the american empire from another anglo nation.  for example Washington dc could have secret agreements with all anglo countries to transfer in case of  world war 3 with russia , to unite and become an anglo federation empire , that is to become openly visible of who they really  are and where their power extend .    Still they are not sure if russia will target canada too or australia and new zealand because it have been open secret american elites have properties and across all anglo states . So in order to target western elites in a major mutual destruction war ,all those anglo powers will have to be targeted too, to not allow the US system to continue operating outside of US in case is destroyed. So a nuclear war is hard to predict the outcome , and so they will prefer economy war ,terrorism war and now biological war instead. against russia and putin stay there taking the hits and doing absolutely nothing to their aggresors other than turn the other cheek so russia is beating more .  No  

    more examples of putin incompetence..

    the russian media RT .. look at the crap they wrote today about venezuela..

    Guaido previously led the National Assembly elected in 2015, which is now controlled by Maduro – who Guaido says was fraudulently elected as the president of Venezuela in 2018.

    The South American nation is battling a huge crisis caused by hyperinflation and mass emigration, which has led to power cuts and food shortages.

    A report about venezuela economic crisis and not a single fucking mention of US criminal economic
    sanction war on venezuela.. and no mention of the financed civil unrest either , no mention of their warships blocking trade on venezuela ,  Laughing    

    Why is so difficult for  Russian government owned media , why is so hard for putin to get their own government media ,to report the truth ? if putin's media even fail in hiring journalist that will always tell tell the truth , then is because he is indeed such extremely incompetent president.

    observe how a report about venezuela in RT promote the same fake news , that western media
    have been promoting.. that is venezuela the one toblame for their economic crisis..  this is a monumental lie.. it is  Western anglo powers interfere and with europe support ,what is ruining
    venezuela economy ,that even their gold was stolen.  lol1

    So if a powerful and bad guy in alliance with other bad and powerful people ,steal your money ,and constantly sabotage all your properties ,following the above logic of venezuela crisis, RT will blame you for being poor.  Laughing

    When i say Putin is incredible massively incompetent and inefficient is because he is. not an exaggeration at all. and all his skills of delaying wars , freezing conflicts will not work forever . as we saw in the armenian war ,that russia was the real loser there ,because the inneficiency of their military in defending armenia on its own airspace or even defending heir own soldiers when flying over armenia airspace ,right next to the russian base was shot down .  Laughing  what is there to say ,
    russia worse days are yet to come and im afraid that idiot in chief putin ,will sink russia ,just like Mikhail Gorbachev collapsed big Russia ,during the soviet times.  

    lets not forget either the russian empire and romanov family collapsed too and it was without nukes , that it was done. it was done by britain hired jews ,who bring down the entire empire with civil unrest. the western anglo powers ,have plenty of experience over throwing governments and as long they can continue bleeding russia from the inside , inciting protest , damaging the russian economy ,they will continue fighting russia without the need to use their military.

    look what big idiot putin have done..   by being so soft and weak with navalny .

    Why navalny continues causing problems to russia?

    because of putin's and Russia government weakness ,they know ,the consequences for their
    actions are very easy to handle , very little consequences , or none at all for those participating in
    foreign paid operations ,so because there is no consequences for those trying to overthrow the government or kill russian soldiers guess what? they continue doing it.
    Navalny only will get few days in jail in a comfortable place and he will be back and repeat , and almost all those protesters will only get a very small fine ,insignificantly that the west will paid ,and released half an hour later . It shows how crazy stupid the russia government system is , they show far more strong hand versus those that oppose putin incredibly stupid fake orthodox christian religion , religious jehovah witness or the siberian jesus that get 2 years in jail , for doing nothing and those who throw stones and help navalny to paralize cities and conspire to overthrow the government gets nothing.   lol1

    And this is  the same over and over again , what destroy russia is.

    1) russia weakness with its enemies internal and external ,no consequence or almost none for those
       that agree to participate to help create conditions for the collapse of the nation.
    2) No consequence for throwing missiles over russian soldiers heads.
    3) absolutely zero strategy to fight back enemies other than complain and cry about how unfair
    is the west.  No
    4)no consequence ,negative effects for those nations financing terrorism on russia federation.

    Is the total lack of strategy , and weakness of autocratic putin's russia ,what what encourage russian enemies , 5th column adversaries or foreign nations that seek to destroy russia ,what makes it possible for those who hate russia ,to continue organizing , to continue trying ,to continue attacking
    russia with absolute confidence ,that there will be no major consequence for their actions ,because
    putin is a coward and an ignorant too ,that doesn't have balls ,to do what needs to do to defend his nation and neither counter nations who are at war with russia in any way or form.  so as long as putin's is in power , Russia will continue to be a punching bag of the west and everytime their hostilities will only increase to new dangerous levels ,as they doing know with a biowar ,full knowing that putin is weak and will do nothing.

    take a look at this news.. how amazingly stupid is the russian government.

    On January 10, Rospotrebnadzor head Anna Popova revealed that the British mutation had been detected in Russia after a traveler arrived from the UK. More than 7,000 people flew from Britain to Russia in the period from late November to December 22.

    “It was found in only one person who felt and is now feeling well. He had no symptoms,” she told TV channel Russia-1.

    On December 22, following the British government’s announcement, Russia suspended air traffic with the United Kingdom.


    So lets see if i can understand.. Russia lifted the ban for britain travels to russia , but dont allow
    chinese citizens to enter in russia ? Shocked

    so why that imbecile president in moscow opened the borders to their western "partners" "Friends" ,people who officially declared russia enemy ,and is leading a war on russia ,and is facing a major lockdown for out of control virus ,knowing the west wants to damage and destroy Russia ? , if this is desperation to reopen tourism , hopeful ,that by being nicer to the west ,they will be nicer to russia?

    or this is a  case of complete stupidity in every way?  sometimes putin behaves like enemy of the nation ,like a traitor , it can't be real ,that someone can be so stupid , like open the borders to britain to allow tourist in russia when they are struggling to contain a virus ,that even russian military on youtube and china claims it was made in the anglo west and is a military operation.

    China have been far a million times better more effective containing the virus than russia ,and they simply shot down its borders , to most of the world , specially anglo powers.. and largely it have worked wonders. china only got a second wave recently because lowered their guard to their asian neighbors and one tourist  from south korea had the virus , and did not show symptoms of it for 2 weeks , and only surface in the 3rd one.  means china discovered the virus can hide from up to 3 full weeks ,full 21 days before showing. also china got virus from their food imports from ukraine and new zealand and nothing surprise me from those anglo empire puppet nations.

    The times Russia is facing is the most dangerous times , since nazis invasion in russia. Russia is facing war and the imbecile in chief Putin , is refusing to see reality , he likes to believe in a parallel universe ,where the "west simply don't understand russia"  ,this is what putin have said.. that he wants to engage in dialogue with west and restore relations . Rolling Eyes  The problem however is not diplomacy ,is not that that there is a "misunderstanding" at all of the west about russia. The anglo west knows very well what they are doing. and if there was any doubt this was repeated by
    no the lest than [Henry Kissinger] who was the foreign policy advisor of US and he told it to putin
    on his face ,that the west not only want leadership of the world ,but to be the only one and that their plans , anglowest plans long term , is complete disintegration of russia .

    So putin is warned by their the west own ex-policy makers ,that the west long term policy is
    the total destruction of russia ,but that idiot don't pay attention and still think he have a chance
    to convince the west in "good relations" ,just because russia have developed hypersonic missiles and putin is very polite and nice with them. lol1    is painful to watch from time to time ,everyone warns
    putin that being nice with serial killers ,will only motivates them to be more hostile ,if the west see
    weakness ,this is a signal they can get away with anything they do to russia.  

    The pentagon chief during obama warned putin in public ,that many russian civilians planes will fall ,and that it will be consequences for russia military in syria , and few days later an egyptian plane
    full of russian passengers falls in egypt..  No   this is the kind of sick people russia is facing ,
    murderous criminals , that have no problems to shot down a civilian airliner of russia and later blame it on isis.. they did the same to iran , airliner and killed 300 civilians and all their captains got a medal of honor for the attack. No   putin is not only a bad president for russia ,but very dangerous too for the national security of the nation. his cowardice ,his weakness ,his refusal to accept reality , that the west will never accept a weak and polite russia as equals , and that the only things the west respect is either advance business leadership or overwhelming force and putin does not push back with any of them.

    It is truly bad that the one that was impeached was trump and not putin , that idiot will be the only
    one to blame when russia collapse like soviet union did it.. and people in this forum will be blaming
    the 5th column in russia and giving a free pass to putin , his strategies are all wrong , he is not a leader capable of taking russia out of the hell is facing.  only a true leader ,very ambitious can save russia ,and that understand fully is facing a true war and politeness and being nice will not help ,and only military strength and advance business world domination/leadership is the only thing can stop the war of the west.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:05 am

    -The soviet union collapsed without americans firing a shot without a single nuke used.

    The Americans fired millions of shots all over the world fighting the cold war...

    A better question would be if America can improve relations with communist China to act as an ally in defeating the Soviet Union, why didn't they just improve relations with the Soviet Union and there would be no need to spend trillions of dollars a year on shit they don't need.

    -Syria was completely destroyed with NATO declaring war on them.

    The US had its own civil war before any communist state even existed... so what?

    Lybia the same.

    Yes, another amazing abuse of power and position by the west to murder some more darkies... maybe they might be alive today and in tact modern countries if they couldn't tell what gender they are today... which seems to offer total protection from the west.

    -Cuba was sent to the stone age its nation development and economy without any nuke.

    They would love for you to think that, but Cuba actually has a state of the art healthcare system and they earn a lot of foreign currency by sending their doctors to other countries to work.

    Stone age would describe Americas voting system, or their electricity grid, or their healthcare system... or should I say their system of denying healthcare to poor people.

    Means that you are thinking wrong that Anglo sphere powers wants to nuke Russia.

    If they could without consequences then they would do it in a heartbeat.

    if they wanted to do that , all they need to do is start a false flag , sink a warship
    murder a few hundreds of their own soldiers and do that after staging an internet hack
    on the american nation blaming putin. so if they wanted to nuke russia they will have done it
    long time ago.

    They can't do it because they know the return strike will wipe them off the map forever.

    It would be suicide... whether they faked a good excuse for it or not.

    What the west wants is continue with the strategy they used versus the soviet union ,

    Of course they do.

    -sanctions war .... check
    -proxy wars through arming terrorism or nazis forcing russia to interfere and come to the aid of allies.. check.
    -media war ,to damage russia image in the world and damage its tourism and ban
    russia from sports and all other events.
    -pipeline war ... check
    -oil prices war ...- check

    Agree... all the same, but there are a lot of very very significant differences now too.... problem number one... Russia no longer has an ideology to push, and being truely democratic they don't even have to make the countries they trade with conform to their political and cultural views like the west does.

    That means it can pick and choose where to intervene, they don't have to save anyone they don't want to save, and all the extra baggage they used to have to support and carry is now cut loose.

    You suggest Russia is in threat of repeating the first cold war again and losing again, but they have developed a state of the art military with technology and equipment and weapons every bit as good as those made anywhere else in the world while spending less than 10% of what the US spends on defence.
    They have managed to reform and upgrade their military in 10 years for less than 70 billion a year... they even have hypersonic missiles entering service, and the S-500 equates to a fully mobile land and sea based ABM system.

    As countries come out of lockdown demand for energy will explode, and who cares about tourism or sports?

    Russia does not earn enough from energy as a percentage to care about the price... the fact is that they already make a good profit from it because they have so much easily available and even more slightly harder to get at.

    So the west don't need @Garryb to fire a single bullet to defeat russia ,all they need is to create
    more and more wars , in zones of Russia interest to over extend the russian military ,and bleed to the death the russian economy. Don't be surprised if russia is forced to a new afghanistan war..

    Russia has dodged most western attempts to get it into conflicts, the conflict in Syria has cemented Russian forces in the region and created a situation where Russia is a trusted and reliable partner even amongst former enemies.... it was Russia that got the Taleban to the table to talk to the Americans for instance, and Russian troops are currently in Syria and NK with the agreement of Turkey and Israel and Iran and Iraq... can't really say the same about the American forces there.

    even if russia "wins" such war they doing more or less in syria ,it will force russia to send many thousands of military and suffer major or minor casualties . remember this when i told you..
    the americans will push for more armenian ,syrian like wars..

    The US is very good at creating wars and thinks it gets the potential to create conditions for the eventual peace. They were not included in NK and barely rate a mention in Syria... the US is a declining power that is hell bent on making itself irrelevant and infact a stumbling block to progress.

    - will push for continuation ukraine war

    Not Russias problem... it is a Ukrainian government fighting a Ukrainian province... more fighting there will only make things worse for the Ukraine, which they can't really afford, but no one else could tell them that.

    -continuation of syria war.

    Russia can continue to test new weapons against real evil... a win win situation.

    -continuation of armenia war

    It is over.

    -new war in moldova vs transnistria , what is russia going to do there? that their airforce can't enter there without ukraine of romanian permission.

    Clearly an untenable situation... perhaps a bio lab could be built there to study genetic diseases in the Ukrainian population...

    -new balkans war.

    Not much Russia could do there before... what has changed?

    -venezuelan war..

    I am sure the Venezuelans could fight off any US force they wanted to send... bay of pigs II perhaps?

    and so and so... the west only needs to destabilize the world in areas of major importance
    for russia ,and the idiot in chief putin will have endless wars ,with thousands of russian soldiers
    killed and major civil unrest and damage in their economy.

    Rubbish, what thousands of soldiers killed?

    And Putin could certainly play that game too... I would say the US is more divided than it has ever been, the Yellow Jacket riots continue in France... imagine the situation if Russia actually was adding fuel to the fire... they could start by handing Iran a few nukes and some hypersonic cruise missiles to fit them to.

    The rest is just wah wah wah... Russia is growing stronger and developing... what they need to do now is establish links to more countries outside of the west and focus on improving relations with those countries and spend less time worrying about countries that don't want a good relationship.

    Norway can join HATO... so can Finland and Ukraine... effectively it makes no real difference to Russia because those countries were already hostile without having signed up binding agreements to buy HATO compatible weapons and equipment.

    Like the baltic countries and the Ukraine... a few years after you cut ties and start to wonder what has happened to your economy because Russia is not trading with you any more.... try and be a big kid and not sulk or demand Russia use your ports or products instead of their own like the Baltic States are currently.

    Would Russia actually use nukes if it faces a direct attack or would Russia cuck out as it usually does?

    Hahahahaha... very funny... when the US was attacked by terrorists on 11/9... terrorists from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan... they immediately invaded... Afghanistan and Iraq... where were their nukes?

    In fact they spend the next decade shielding the Saudi royal family from criminal liability... yeah... bunch of pussies.

    If they faced extinction (the state), of course they would.

    There would be no black and white situation, and they would have to decide on a case by case basis what to do, but I would think there would actually be quite a few situations where they will strike back with force, not necessarily with nuclear weapons, but they don't strictly need to use nukes all the time to get a message across.

    Following the "cuck" logic, it is west that is killing off any "gravy train". Cyprus, sanctions, etc. are pointing to any element in Russia
    that relies on quiet relations with NATzO losing out. So in its efforts to "punish Russia" the west is snookering itself. But hubris
    filled, detached from reality and own koolaid drinkers cannot make viable decisions anyway.

    May and Johnson repeatedly threatened to "deal" with Russian oligarchs in the UK, and Putin offered to assist them because they are so fucking stupid they think putin the puppet master controls all Russians and Russian oligarchs... there is nothing Russia and Putin would like better than house arrest for the thieving rich Russian censored in the UK and Europe and elsewhere be made to pay taxes and get some punishments for their crimes.

    bleeding Russia economy and promoting civil unrest inside.

    But they aren't bleeding the Russian economy, they are making it more self sufficient and resiliant and it is growing better than most real western economies that were barely effected by covid because they don't make anything any more. Prostitute rings and gambling and drugs are not effected by Covid lockdowns so the western economy continues unaffected.

    How long before the EU decides doing all its financial transactions in London does not make sense...

    Why is so difficult for Russian government owned media , why is so hard for putin to get their own government media ,to report the truth ? if putin's media even fail in hiring journalist that will always tell tell the truth , then is because he is indeed such extremely incompetent president.

    Anyone who watches RT knows most of Venezuelas problems come directly from the US... previously bad advice... you can import and pay for things with your oil money you don't need to produce anything except oil... you can't fix that over night, and with oil prices so low this is the time when US companies are supposed to be swooping in and buying up anything of value while it is worthless and then make a killing when the prices go back up but that isn't happening...

    If Venezuela was smart any private oil company that is struggling should by nationalised so when the value recovers they can make a lot of money for the people instead of a few foreign company CEOs.

    blah blah blah.

    Putin should pay money to the west to keep using Navalny he is a joke and while he is the main opposition to Putin then Russia is safe.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jan 27, 2021 3:27 pm

    Putin's discover water is wet.  lol1

    The worthless president is now complaining in davos forum ,that US high tech industry
    have too much power ,have too many users and have too many advantage of spreading
    data ,that now are challenging governments.  Suspect

    Didn't i told he is an idiot ?

    just 20 years ago russia was complaining the western media had too much monopoly over
    the news and narrative of what happens in the world.. and so russia decided to counter
    it creating alternative media like RT...

    so why is Putin complaining about the unfairness of american high tech industry ?
    when he have done Nothing to fight it ?

    Someone need to tell that idiot that if he was so lame ,to allow americans dominate for 20 years
    the internet and digital media platforms and did nothing to counter it ,for being busy with gas stations and sports.. then he needs to shut up ,because he is the only one to blame for it ,if your enemies are strong ,you need to be stronger than them ,is that simple ,so he needs to do something about it , promote that those lazy billionaires in russia ,start countering american twiiter and face book with similar things in the english language, if he had any clue of what it takes to fight back
    the west ,he will have done that 10 -15 years ago and do something about it..

    this is weakness in action.. complaining why the west is so dominating with their business.
    but what he is also saying is revealing how outdated and weak is russia ,that can be supressed
    by american digital media.  

    if i was a journalist there , will be telling him.

    well mr president if you don't like it ,why the hell you don't do something about it and stop whinning?

    the west have been allowed to dominate in every high tech area ,and russia remained totally passive ,just thinking it will not have negative consequences for russia , including its own nation security ,since terrorist use this media and opposition to organize protest.

    This is another example why putin sucks donkey balls.. he is totally clueless and don't know that
    he is the only one to blame for it. by allowing competition to totally dominate in high tech and digital communications. Now russia is paying a price for putin miss guided promoted development of the nation.. he promotes that russia billionaires invest in bananas records ,sports and gas station and this is the root of the problem.. when you have a clueless president in power ,without vision and strategy for the future ,he becomes like today putin is.. weak , a whinner and a victim of his own
    ignorance and lazyness.

    I have been saying this for years.. russia needs an alternative world wide internet ,not controlled by the west ,a totally safe one ,with encrypted communications and stop complaining about the western
    success and domination.. US did what any other nation will do ,who wants to be a leader and dominate.  russia in the other hand ,under putin ,is doing what any lame country ,like saudi arabia or venezuela was doing in the past 20 years.. to depend on gas stations , (cosmetic and lazy development) to expand the economy.  Putin took the laziest path ,that every third world nation also do , commodities base economy and now he is sorry that the west is so strong and rusia so weak in international digital communications.

    and instead of fossil fuels energy ,natural gas , i will have been privatizing those old school business
    to europe and with the money earned in the sale , invest in a total transformation of the energy industry of russia , towards free energy from the nature , solar panels and hydrogen and battery cars and work for developing a major free energy revolution , so that all russian cities receive free energy ,from the nature and bring down the oil cartels ,that have been using their oil sales to finance terrorism. This technologies of free energy will become extremely useful later when more and more competition shows up in the nation , for russia long terms plans of space exploration and colonization of moon and mars and other places. russia needs leadership with major ambitions ,not ignorant
    autocrats like putin that is always attached to the past.


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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:13 am

    so why is Putin complaining about the unfairness of american high tech industry ?
    when he have done Nothing to fight it ?

    The west has allowed companies to become so powerful they can ban a sitting US president from their services without any consequence.

    These companies make trillions of dollars income around the world and pay very little tax anywhere.

    What is Putin supposed to have done?

    Create a Russian equivalent of FaceBook and Twitter... the problem is that the existing companies seem to be above any law... creating more companies is not the solution to that... the US has to suffer from the monopoly of these tech giants before they start using laws to limit their power before it is used against them.

    As long as it works for them they will be happy with it.

    Putin is not in a position to limit their power or their growth, it is the US that decides if Amazon or Google can buy this or that company... Putin and Russia have no say in the matter... they can only warn that what is a useful tool today can become an out of control monster tomorrow...

    Someone need to tell that idiot that if he was so lame ,to allow americans dominate for 20 years
    the internet and digital media platforms and did nothing to counter it ,for being busy with gas stations and sports..

    So Putin is useless because he has not spent the last 20 years of his presidency taking control of the internet off the Americans...

    Fat chance of that... if there is one area the Americas are the experts in it is glitzy bullshit...

    well mr president if you don't like it ,why the hell you don't do something about it and stop whinning?

    He is pointing out an international problem that everyone is going to suffer the consequences of... Russia will be in the position of simply being able to ban Facebook and Twitter and other bullshit American crap if they choose to do so.

    I am sure if the west keeps using western media apps to inspire violence and riots in Russia that is exactly what they will do, and western governments will complain about the anti democratic Russian government denying the Russian people their access to harmless western propaganda tools that would be shut down overnight if it was proven they tried to do the same in the US or UK... it is OK to do it in Russia or North Korea or Hong Kong of course because of their double standard.

    the west have been allowed to dominate in every high tech area ,and russia remained totally passive ,just thinking it will not have negative consequences for russia , including its own nation security ,since terrorist use this media and opposition to organize protest.

    Rubbish, the west has forced Russia to replace most western hardware and software in their infrastructure and economy... and there are Russian alternatives to these western propaganda tools... Russians will be forced to use them when the access to western tools is turned off.

    and instead of fossil fuels energy ,natural gas , i will have been privatizing those old school business
    to europe and with the money earned in the sale , invest in a total transformation of the energy industry of russia

    You fucking idiot... privatisation just hands Russian state owned assets and resources to censored like Bill Gates and other fucking idiots that you love so much... the money they would make on the initial sale would be peanuts. The energy business of Russia has a limited life span and you want to reinvest and focus Russias future on fossil fuels at a time when most countries around the world are agreeing to cut their fossil fuel use by 2050....

    Do you sell used cars by any chance?

    By all means sell fossil fuels and make money but invest that money into developing the whole country and getting to the far north and the far east to exploit those resources and generate more income... which is pretty much what they are already doing.

    In 30 years time in 2050 when most countries have promised to stop using fossil fuels then solar and wind sources of energy are unlikely to have solved the worlds energy problems, so nuclear is going to be an important field... an area that Russia has a clear superiority in expertise.

    But you don't give a shit about Russia, you are just pissed off because Putin obviously slept with your mother or girlfriend.

    so that all russian cities receive free energy ,from the nature and bring down the oil cartels ,that have been using their oil sales to finance terrorism.

    You suggested they sell the oil resources in the first place... if they don't do such a stupid thing to begin with they can enjoy relatively cheap energy while developing other cleaner options... burning fossil fuels in Russia is a good thing... warm the place up a bit...

    Free energy will never happen.

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    Post  kvs Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:28 am

    It's funny but the benzokolonka (gas station) actually has higher prices for gasoline and diesel than the US in real terms so it
    is doing more to reduce fossil fuel use than the USA. I saw over the years all sorts of ignorant twits assume that Russians
    pay nothing for gasoline like Saudis and Venezuelans because Russia is an oil banana republic. Russia's economy and
    policies across the full spectrum are no less advanced than anything the "1st world". People project all sorts of Mickey
    Mouse nonsense onto Russia.

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    Post  miketheterrible Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:51 am

    kvs wrote:It's funny but the benzokolonka (gas station) actually has higher prices for gasoline and diesel than the US in real terms so it
    is doing more to reduce fossil fuel use than the USA.   I saw over the years all sorts of ignorant twits assume that Russians
    pay nothing for gasoline like Saudis and Venezuelans because Russia is an oil banana republic.   Russia's economy and
    policies across the full spectrum are no less advanced than anything the "1st world".   People project all sorts of Mickey
    Mouse nonsense onto Russia.

    The west told me that Russian girls got two vaginas KVS.

    Just wait till Vann and Tsavo Lion get this info. Bill Browder the honest told me so!

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:14 pm

    Take a look at more Russia weakness in action ... why Russia foreign paid opposition are having
    fun with this protest. why they can continue ...


    Navalny ,... systematically violated the conditions of the probationary period before his hospitalization, in particular – on at least six occasions from January to August he failed to appear for registration.”

    A number of Russian cities saw street protests last Saturday in solidarity with the imprisoned anti-corruption activist and footage of violent clashes were shared widely online. In Moscow alone, the country’s statutory prisons watchdog put the number of arrests at more than 600.

    A number of Navalny’s associates, including his wife Yulia, were arrested for their role in the unrest, but almost all were released soon afterwards.

    They can continue with their foreign paid games forever ,promoting the hate of a failure president , because there are no consequences for their actions .This is exactly the same problems that ruined ukraine future , when former president yakunovych from 2013 to 2014 , he was incredibly soft and incredibly weak with the protesters ,they were arrested and then released again at the minute , they see how easy is ,how fun , they are paid free money for protest and on top of that no consequences for their actions? No

    wow amazing eh?  They simply abusing of the super weak system , of Russia ,promoted by their weak president . This is what allows that navalny western paid guaido, to continue to be a leader a voice in the news and be popular among those who rightly think putin sucks. They know there is no consequences for protesting and dissobeying the law ,just like ukraine euromaidan protest and this is what allows them to regroup and grow . Imagine that ,they were earning in ukraine about $150 american dollars per day , for showing up in protest by George soros foundation, and on top of that
    their freedom is guarantee because of the weak government always release them.  In Russia they could afford to pay even more to navalny friends , they can easily transfer that money through western social media . Navalny is news today only because of their weakness of the government with him ,to systematically allow him to continue organizing foreign paid protest ,they now earning position in politics.. what are they waiting for ? for an october revolution?   No

    Russia is only one big mistake away ,one afghan style war away with thousands of soldiers killed  ,from a civil war , jobless increasing , while the government weakness continue , could send Putin popularity to those blind people who still continue to support him ,to the button and what happened
    in ukraine euromaidan could happen in Russia.. weakness and politeness of the government is there ..check  and  degrading economic conditions in Russia too.. and with the big money they receive for daily protest , one major negative event for putin , like a false flag , or another russian submarine accident or warship ,is all the west need to put putin presidency in real troubles and repeat  a color revolution ,what they just already did in georgia and ukraine , and belarus ,that also was put in very serious troubles , it can happen in russia too.  but Putin and his weak government is always underestimating the west.

    par far

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  par far Thu Jan 28, 2021 6:48 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    kvs wrote:It's funny but the benzokolonka (gas station) actually has higher prices for gasoline and diesel than the US in real terms so it
    is doing more to reduce fossil fuel use than the USA.   I saw over the years all sorts of ignorant twits assume that Russians
    pay nothing for gasoline like Saudis and Venezuelans because Russia is an oil banana republic.   Russia's economy and
    policies across the full spectrum are no less advanced than anything the "1st world".   People project all sorts of Mickey
    Mouse nonsense onto Russia.

    The west told me that Russian girls got two vaginas KVS.

    Just wait till Vann and Tsavo Lion get this info. Bill Browder the honest told me so!

    What are the chances that one person is running both of these accounts.

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    Post  miketheterrible Thu Jan 28, 2021 7:10 pm

    When it came to Ultron, Chinese Ultron and Ultimate warrior, their posting was very similar this easier to spot

    Vann and Tsavo are different in posting style. Both equally stupid. But different in their method of projecting it

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 29, 2021 2:47 am

    Take a look at more Russia weakness in action ... why Russia foreign paid opposition are having
    fun with this protest. why they can continue ...

    The people who protested Navalny being punished for breaking his parole conditions are guilty of being morons, but not much else... it does not serve the Russian public interest to put them all in jail and pay for their room and board for weeks or months.

    Unlawful assembly is usually dealt with with fines... hold them till the crowds disperse and then give them a fine to cover the costs of your trouble to hold them... perhaps a few stiffer fines to cover any potential future court action like the guy who kicked that woman in the stomach.

    Giving them all 40 years in the salt mines serves no benefit... their western financial supporters will find some other idiots to do their work for them... and they might be more competent and effective, unlike these dorks and losers.

    The fact is that it is very likely that his suspended prison sentence might turn into a real prison sentence, which would crush any chances of him ever being president.... you know... like if 99% of the Russian population were killed in a tragic car accident and the remaining 1% were bribed by western NGOs like SOROS and the Clinton Foundation to vote Navalny...

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:02 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Take a look at more Russia weakness in action ... why Russia foreign paid opposition are having
    fun with this protest. why they can continue ...

    The people who protested Navalny being punished for breaking his parole conditions are guilty of being morons, but not much else... it does not serve the Russian public interest to put them all in jail and pay for their room and board for weeks or months.

    Unlawful assembly is usually dealt with with fines... hold them till the crowds disperse and then give them a fine to cover the costs of your trouble to hold them... perhaps a few stiffer fines to cover any potential future court action like the guy who kicked that woman in the stomach.

    Giving them all 40 years in the salt mines serves no benefit... their western financial supporters will find some other idiots to do their work for them... and they might be more competent and effective, unlike these dorks and losers.

    The fact is that it is very likely that his suspended prison sentence might turn into a real prison sentence, which would crush any chances of him ever being president.... you know... like if 99% of the Russian population were killed in a tragic car accident and the remaining 1% were bribed by western NGOs like SOROS and the Clinton Foundation to vote Navalny...

    im not saying to put them in jail forever , you are crazy extremist.
    what im saying and you fail to see , is that if you don't understand how dangerous is to allows ,
    those paid foreign agents to abuse of the system , to constantly have under siege the nation protesting , that the foreign paid opposition in russia will continue protesting and will only increase
    in numbers ,only for 1 reason.. because the government is incredibly weak , incredibly soft and nice
    with all this foreign paid ngos..  Putin is so imbecile , that he allowed George soros organizations to freely operate in Russia. for 14 years he was in power and he did not kick them , until 2014 that this same organizations overthrow the ukraine government.

    in kiev revolution yakunovych could be overthrow ,because he was weak ,with the protesters , he allowed them to continue blocking their cities ,and those arrested ,were allowed to leave again. this is what is happening in Russia , vast majority of this foreign paid protesters ,allowed to leave withing 5 minutes they enter the police station and they see ,there is no negative consequences in their attempts to create a major movement to destabilze the government and so they continue.

    What happened in ukraine and georgia ,can happen in russia. if the government is weak ,soft and polite with those foreign agents paid to cause troubles ,they will continue doing that forever.

    In your schools days , if you allowed a bully ,to take your lunch every day , and you do nothing , for insecure and weak ,they will continue doing that the next day. and if you continue being passive ,weak and soft , allowing them to continue . more and more people will join the game and beat you and take you more things..  the moral of the story is .. that weakness is not an strategy ,delaying
    things forever is not an strategy , that sooner or later you will need to fight. and russia already was humiliated in armenia big time  , that their own air defenses failed and all done by a third world nation ,with a little bit of help of other countries.  sorry garryb but i will never applaud incompetence
    as you do .  

    putin is the new Nicholas II , he was very weak and this is what allowed the protesters to grow and grow and completely disband russia empire . it was weakness what disbanded ukraine , had yakunovych had a strong hand and make sure protesters arrested and put in jail for a coupel of years  , then none of this war between kiev new western backed gov and donetsk will have happened .
    but he did exactly what putin is doing in russia , almost everyone within minutes after being detained.    No  

    Weakness ---> encourage hostile people to be more abusive with you , if you show them politeness and nice behavior ,with those that attempt to disband russia ,they will have a field day with you ,because they will get a lot of money for protesting  and get away with it. then the next time they will organize a much bigger protest and everyone will be saying.. hey not worries the government will not
    do anything ,go an break the law and do civil disobedience.  No

    -US navy can bully russia on its own borders ,because they know putin is insecure ,soft and weak ,
    -they practice nuke bombing in russian borders.. because they know putin is soft and weak and will do nothing.
    -israel and turkey can do what they do in syria , attack them for 10 years already ,because they
    know putin is insecure ,soft and weak and will do nothing

    -israel and turkey can do what they did in armenia ,because they know putin is insecure soft and weak and will do nothing.

    -turkey shotdown the russian bomber early in syrian conflict and then murder his pilot, and they did that because.. they know putin is weak and soft and insecure and will do nothing.

    - they shutdown russian helicopters with russian soldiers flying over armenia airspace ,because they know putin is insecure soft and weak and will do nothing.

    Politeness with those that constantly slap your face ,with bullies is a sign of insecurity and weakness.

    if courage and valor influence people , weakness do the opposite .
    when US military tried to bully iran with their drones , what happened? they shot it down as soon
    they enter iranian airspace and they learned their lesson , now the problem was solved , the iranian airspace is respected. why ? because iranian government is not soft and weak ,like putin's government. they used force , not just a parade , but use it and the west was pushed back , they no longer dare to fly global hack drones over iran.

    in crimea nato constantly invades their airspace and also in donetsk they constantly use drones to attack civilians, why they do that ? because they know putin is insecure ,soft and weak and will do nothing.

    Putin is the only one responsible  for all this lack of respect for russia. internal and external ,she show weakness and the west take naturally advantage of it. is not with journalist that putin needs to show strenght and to be rude. is with hostile nations that he needs to do it. but they see putin is weak and soft and will do nothing even if you slap his face. ,for navalny movement to last that long ,The Russian gob have been extremely weak with him for past 15 years ,he continue and continue and continue organizing protest with total impunity ,why? because the gov is very weak . give him small time in jail ,just a few months ,or send him to his home with all the comforts and internet access and he can continue to organize to do more.
    This is how little by little ,those libertards managed to capture positions in siberia , the government see the western paid ngos growing and continue recruiting people and do nothing , totally passive.     Putin needs to grow some balls and stop being so weak. he need to stop trying to look good in the eyes of the world , the west will never accept Putin ,and why is that? because he shows weakness ,
    he shows to be incredibly dumb , they see they can play games with him , continue using embassies to recruit and organize protest.. he allow it. why the hell he need embassies of countries who wants to do damage to russia?  he could setup a diplomatic consulate on any border , lets say findland and there do any talk.  when any western president wants to talk to russia ,they do it in a third party nation anyway.   is the total passiveness of putin ,in front of those who want to destroy his country
    what is bleeding russia.

    Pentagon secretary during obama admin ,goes sends a death sentence message to Putin on the media in public ,that many civilian planes from russia will fall from the sky  ,because of his interference with isis in syria. Shocked   ,and this was noticed as a very hostile menace from pentagon to russia ,by the russian government. even the spokewomen of putin made a major statement ,demanding an explanation of this hostile warnings.. and putin remained silent .. as expected ,
    and 2-3 days later a major civilian russian airliner is shotdown in egypt with hundred of russian citizens women and children killed , and isis claimed responsibility for it , a terror group that putin himself have told is being supported by the us military.

    and why they did that? because they know putin is insecure and weak and will do nothing about it.

    now where we are ?   Russia facing a biological war , according to a russia intel, and this is consequence of what? of the failure of putin as a leader to deter their enemies , into doing things like this , the west could do it ,because they know putin is weak and insecure and will do nothing about it.  putin have become so preditable @garryb  , that the west understand well ,they could break russia in pieces and putin will do nothing about it.. as long they do it   through third party hands ,by proxy ,and is not a direct open attack ,where putin have no way to avoid or hide they were attacked.
    and why they can do this ? because they know putin is insecure and weak and very soft teddy bear and he will do everything possible to have not do anything ,because he is weak and soft and insecure.

    thats said ,putin insecurity ,weakness and his politeness is very dangerous for the national security
    of russia ,either with foreign enemies or internal ones . why ? because russia enemeis knows putin will do nothing about it.. he is weak. and it makes russia very predictable in their response ,and so they can maneuver russia and walk along a fine line and continue bleeding russia ,by real war ,but in a very slowly way and by proxy.   so defending putin will not help him in any way , if he don't see his mistakes. this damage the morale of its military and encourage opposition and 5th column to grow..
    because insecure and weak leaders never impress anyone and instead promotes a government that is incompetent and have no idea what is doing.

    you @GARRYB claimed that nobody will dare to attack russia because oh my god they have nukess..
    so many. that will scare anyone to even think of hurting russia. but like always time proof me right
    and that you were WRONG!!!  no matter how many nukes or hypersonic missiles russia builds , no matter how strong the military is , if you have a bad leader ,that is weak and insecure , enemies outside and internal will continue harming Russia step by step until putin no longer can hide his incompetence of his 20 years in power , there is no good in saving "russia" in your first 8 years ,to later allow it to collapse for lack of ambitions ,lack of a true nation development , lack of a strong leadership . Russia desperately is in crisis ,is a leadership crisis , is run by an outdated and insecure president ,that is weak and soft and scared to deal with problem ,they themselves created , by not developing russia as a TRUE INDEPENDENT nation , not only in politics or military but business independence too is what is missing. and also missing is the lack of vision for russia future , lack of ambitions ,run by a president who can't detach from the past ,and wrongly believe he can continue running russia , as a follower of the western system ,follow western rules and will get a fair deal in the end. No

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Tingsay Fri Jan 29, 2021 12:37 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    GarryB wrote:
    Take a look at more Russia weakness in action ... why Russia foreign paid opposition are having
    fun with this protest. why they can continue ...

    The people who protested Navalny being punished for breaking his parole conditions are guilty of being morons, but not much else... it does not serve the Russian public interest to put them all in jail and pay for their room and board for weeks or months.

    Unlawful assembly is usually dealt with with fines... hold them till the crowds disperse and then give them a fine to cover the costs of your trouble to hold them... perhaps a few stiffer fines to cover any potential future court action like the guy who kicked that woman in the stomach.

    Giving them all 40 years in the salt mines serves no benefit... their western financial supporters will find some other idiots to do their work for them... and they might be more competent and effective, unlike these dorks and losers.

    The fact is that it is very likely that his suspended prison sentence might turn into a real prison sentence, which would crush any chances of him ever being president.... you know... like if 99% of the Russian population were killed in a tragic car accident and the remaining 1% were bribed by western NGOs like SOROS and the Clinton Foundation to vote Navalny...

    im not saying to put them in jail forever , you are crazy extremist.
    what im saying and you fail to see , is that if you don't understand how dangerous is to allows ,
    those paid foreign agents to abuse of the system , to constantly have under siege the nation protesting , that the foreign paid opposition in russia will continue protesting and will only increase
    in numbers ,only for 1 reason.. because the government is incredibly weak , incredibly soft and nice
    with all this foreign paid ngos..  Putin is so imbecile , that he allowed George soros organizations to freely operate in Russia. for 14 years he was in power and he did not kick them , until 2014 that this same organizations overthrow the ukraine government.

    in kiev revolution yakunovych could be overthrow ,because he was weak ,with the protesters , he allowed them to continue blocking their cities ,and those arrested ,were allowed to leave again. this is what is happening in Russia , vast majority of this foreign paid protesters ,allowed to leave withing 5 minutes they enter the police station and they see ,there is no negative consequences in their attempts to create a major movement to destabilze the government and so they continue.

    What happened in ukraine and georgia ,can happen in russia. if the government is weak ,soft and polite with those foreign agents paid to cause troubles ,they will continue doing that forever.

    In your schools days , if you allowed a bully ,to take your lunch every day , and you do nothing , for insecure and weak ,they will continue doing that the next day. and if you continue being passive ,weak and soft , allowing them to continue . more and more people will join the game and beat you and take you more things..  the moral of the story is .. that weakness is not an strategy ,delaying
    things forever is not an strategy , that sooner or later you will need to fight. and russia already was humiliated in armenia big time  , that their own air defenses failed and all done by a third world nation ,with a little bit of help of other countries.  sorry garryb but i will never applaud incompetence
    as you do .  

    putin is the new Nicholas II , he was very weak and this is what allowed the protesters to grow and grow and completely disband russia empire . it was weakness what disbanded ukraine , had yakunovych had a strong hand and make sure protesters arrested and put in jail for a coupel of years  , then none of this war between kiev new western backed gov and donetsk will have happened .
    but he did exactly what putin is doing in russia , almost everyone within minutes after being detained.    No  

    Weakness ---> encourage hostile people to be more abusive with you , if you show them politeness and nice behavior ,with those that attempt to disband russia ,they will have a field day with you ,because they will get a lot of money for protesting  and get away with it. then the next time they will organize a much bigger protest and everyone will be saying.. hey not worries the government will not
    do anything ,go an break the law and do civil disobedience.  No

    -US navy can bully russia on its own borders ,because they know putin is insecure ,soft and weak ,
    -they practice nuke bombing in russian borders.. because they know putin is soft and weak and will do nothing.
    -israel and turkey can do what they do in syria , attack them for 10 years already ,because they
    know putin is insecure ,soft and weak and will do nothing

    -israel and turkey can do what they did in armenia ,because they know putin is insecure soft and weak and will do nothing.

    -turkey shotdown the russian bomber early in syrian conflict and then murder his pilot, and they did that because.. they know putin is weak and soft and insecure and will do nothing.

    - they shutdown russian helicopters with russian soldiers flying over armenia airspace ,because they know putin is insecure soft and weak and will do nothing.

    Politeness with those that constantly slap your face ,with bullies is a sign of insecurity and weakness.

    if courage and valor influence people , weakness do the opposite .
    when US military tried to bully iran with their drones , what happened? they shot it down as soon
    they enter iranian airspace and they learned their lesson , now the problem was solved , the iranian airspace is respected. why ? because iranian government is not soft and weak ,like putin's government. they used force , not just a parade , but use it and the west was pushed back , they no longer dare to fly global hack drones over iran.

    in crimea nato constantly invades their airspace and also in donetsk they constantly use drones to attack civilians, why they do that ? because they know putin is insecure ,soft and weak and will do nothing.

    Putin is the only one responsible  for all this lack of respect for russia. internal and external ,she show weakness and the west take naturally advantage of it. is not with journalist that putin needs to show strenght and to be rude. is with hostile nations that he needs to do it. but they see putin is weak and soft and will do nothing even if you slap his face. ,for navalny movement to last that long ,The Russian gob have been extremely weak with him for past 15 years ,he continue and continue and continue organizing protest with total impunity ,why? because the gov is very weak . give him small time in jail ,just a few months ,or send him to his home with all the comforts and internet access and he can continue to organize to do more.
    This is how little by little ,those libertards managed to capture positions in siberia , the government see the western paid ngos growing and continue recruiting people and do nothing , totally passive.     Putin needs to grow some balls and stop being so weak. he need to stop trying to look good in the eyes of the world , the west will never accept Putin ,and why is that? because he shows weakness ,
    he shows to be incredibly dumb , they see they can play games with him , continue using embassies to recruit and organize protest.. he allow it. why the hell he need embassies of countries who wants to do damage to russia?  he could setup a diplomatic consulate on any border , lets say findland and there do any talk.  when any western president wants to talk to russia ,they do it in a third party nation anyway.   is the total passiveness of putin ,in front of those who want to destroy his country
    what is bleeding russia.

    Pentagon secretary during obama admin ,goes sends a death sentence message to Putin on the media in public ,that many civilian planes from russia will fall from the sky  ,because of his interference with isis in syria. Shocked   ,and this was noticed as a very hostile menace from pentagon to russia ,by the russian government. even the spokewomen of putin made a major statement ,demanding an explanation of this hostile warnings.. and putin remained silent .. as expected ,
    and 2-3 days later a major civilian russian airliner is shotdown in egypt with hundred of russian citizens women and children killed , and isis claimed responsibility for it , a terror group that putin himself have told is being supported by the us military.

    and why they did that? because they know putin is insecure and weak and will do nothing about it.

    now where we are ?   Russia facing a biological war , according to a russia intel, and this is consequence of what? of the failure of putin as a leader to deter their enemies , into doing things like this , the west could do it ,because they know putin is weak and insecure and will do nothing about it.  putin have become so preditable @garryb  , that the west understand well ,they could break russia in pieces and putin will do nothing about it.. as long they do it   through third party hands ,by proxy ,and is not a direct open attack ,where putin have no way to avoid or hide they were attacked.
    and why they can do this ? because they know putin is insecure and weak and very soft teddy bear and he will do everything possible to have not do anything ,because he is weak and soft and insecure.

    thats said ,putin insecurity ,weakness and his politeness is very dangerous for the national security
    of russia ,either with foreign enemies or internal ones . why ? because russia enemeis knows putin will do nothing about it.. he is weak. and it makes russia very predictable in their response ,and so they can maneuver russia and walk along a fine line and continue bleeding russia ,by real war ,but in a very slowly way and by proxy.   so defending putin will not help him in any way , if he don't see his mistakes. this damage the morale of its military and encourage opposition and 5th column to grow..
    because insecure and weak leaders never impress anyone and instead promotes a government that is incompetent and have no idea what is doing.

    you @GARRYB claimed that nobody will dare to attack russia because oh my god they have nukess..
    so many. that will scare anyone to even think of hurting russia. but like always time proof me right
    and that you were WRONG!!!  no matter how many nukes or hypersonic missiles russia builds , no matter how strong the military is , if you have a bad leader ,that is weak and insecure , enemies outside and internal will continue harming Russia step by step until putin no longer can hide his incompetence of his 20 years in power , there is no good in saving "russia" in your first 8 years ,to later allow it to collapse for lack of ambitions ,lack of a true nation development , lack of a strong leadership . Russia desperately is in crisis ,is a leadership crisis , is run by an outdated and insecure president ,that is weak and soft and scared to deal with problem ,they themselves created , by not developing russia as a TRUE INDEPENDENT nation , not only in politics or military but business independence too is what is missing. and also missing is the lack of vision for russia future , lack of ambitions ,run by a president who can't detach from the past ,and wrongly believe he can continue running russia , as a follower of the western system ,follow western rules and will get a fair deal in the end. No

    Is not Putin's fault only....
    The blame is in this order:
    1. Imbecile Russian Chosen One Vissionaries who can create high-tech bizniz but cant seem to do it! When Western high-tech bizniz conquered the world, they did not need Presidents...Facebook didnt need presidents lol1 , Google didnt need presidents... lol1 StarWars didnt need presidents lol1 SpaceX didnt need ***** Presidents lol1
    But the Russian Chosen Ones needs a ***** president No No lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1
    2. The Idiotic Russian peoplez who keep voting for Putin.
    3. Putin himself

    Russia is doomed to be conquered, better abandon ships and move to China No No No No

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Hole Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:14 pm
    It seems the speech wasn´t that bad after all.

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    Post  Vann7 Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:46 am

    Hole wrote:
    It seems the speech wasn´t that bad after all.

    Unfortunately with speeches you can't win wars , and Putin's enemies today are
    much more clever ,than russia enemies in the past. They are masters in breaking nations
    from the inside ,without firing a bullet ,with ukrainian euromaidan protest. And all the west
    needs to do is manage to do the necessary pressure on their european allies and to create
    deadly traps for Russian military ,in combinations with economic sanctions and war on oil prices ,
    that not only will bleed the Russian economy but also kill thousands of russian soldiers in bodyguarding
    allies all over the world , things that will damage significantly damage the popularity of putin and his

    lets not forget that the russian empire under nicholas II was kicked from power by a british financed bolshevik revolution. This was even told by Russian media. thousands of western trained protesters came from Britain to destabilize Russia and promote hate on the government. and the same tactics
    AGAIN the west used with the soviet union... disbanded them without firing a shot. So the west don't need to invade at all Russia to completely defeat it.. it only needs to pressure europe away from doing business with Russia ,keep oil prices at lowest ever record levels.. and force putin intervention into any allied country that they will attack. NATO for example was planning a new war in the balkans and this why they wanted macedonia to join NATO.  Right now today , mexico was been demanded by the pentagon to join NATO, this is to provoke a war with venezuela ,and then you have a war with land locked moldova they can trigger there too ,and kill thousands of russian soldiers there. And russia will be unable to aid them without invading NATO airspace. on top of that biden administration will push turkey into a war with russia and also pushing the continuation the war on armenia.

    on top of all that you have the biological war ,they can use biological weapons on russia ,as this pandemic is one ,and can get away with it because they know putin is soft and weak and will do
    nothing .

    so saying the russian military will retreat to kamchatka if that is need , is silly ,because the west
    will not invade ,and not even need to launch a missile to break Russia in a million parts by destroying its economy , from the inside and w proxy wars.


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    Post  GarryB Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:08 am

    Russia is doomed to be conquered, better abandon ships and move to China

    Hahahaha... you would think the date was 2000 and we were living the dream that was Yeltsens presidency and everything was bad and there was no light at the end of a very very dark tunnel.

    The fact of the matter is that Russia is actually in a much better place than it has every been, it has gone from strength to strength despite the concerted efforts of the richest and most powerful countries on the planet trying to hurt Russia, Putin has been very smart and often dramatically softened the blow, and in the long term turned it into a good thing for Russia.

    Russia has never been in the position of a child at school being bullied... there were simply not teachers or parents they could talk to to help make it stop... what they have done is turned the situation to their advantage without taking a gun to school and murdering everyone like the Americans do when they don't get their way.

    The Russian people vote for Putin because it is essentially getting most thing right and all the whining and bitching from the west about how he is secretly rich and is poisoning people around the world just shows how scared and impotent the rest of the world is... they keep trying sanctions because it will just take one more to break him... but it isn't working.

    I must say I am pleased to see he is finally talking sense like being prepared to walk out of the New START treaty if the US keeps up with all the bullshit... it sounds like his endless patience is ending.... but that is only because Russia is in a much better position to actually stand on its own and day fuck off.

    China is not in any position to do the same to the west because the ties China has to its essentially largely western market tie both to each other.

    The west can cut those ties and shift slave production to India or Bangledesh or any other very poor country chomping at the bit for western investment happy to sign away any laws or rules protecting the lives of their workers to get the jobs.

    China probably needs Russia more than Russia needs China... but they would certainly be better off working together in the shit storm about to come... the Americans wont take losing their position of power very well at all and they are very well equipped, even if not very smart.

    Both Xi and Putin have been playing them for fools and they have obliged.

    Wouldn't surprise me to find Navalny went to school with Putin and they have been planning this all along... Twisted Evil

    @Hole... no wonder there was so much vim and vinegar directed at his speech...

    Putin elegantly demonstrated the inevitability of its final disintegration with a few figures, which showed that while over the past 15-20 years the number of poor people (living on less than $5 a day) in the US has increased by 1.5-fold, in China the number of such people has decreased by 4-fold, and in Russia – 12-fold. At the same time, in Russia today the number of people living on less than $5 a day is already less than in the US.

    Wow... yeah, of course Putin has to be replaced... otherwise the poor people in western countries might realise they don't have to remain poor like the people in Russia don't because of the policies of their leader.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Arrow Sat Jan 30, 2021 9:23 am

    Laughing Laughing

    Putin's Palace

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    Post  kvs Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:28 pm

    As I stated before, all it takes is a property registry search to establish who owns the "palace" property. Several people have
    done this on behalf of Russian media including the operators of the above video channel. The property belongs to Ponamarenko
    via companies he owns.

    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Alexander_Ponomarenko%2C_Russian_Business_Executive

    Queue the drivel about "Putin's friends" owning the "palace" on his behalf.


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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:29 pm

    kvs wrote:The extreme idiocy comes in when countries like Norway officially adopt the stance that Russia is their only threat and thus
    need to deploy US military assets on its soil to "protect itself".   That is bootstrapping a problem where there is none.  
    Norway and the rest of NATzO have gone full retard with their fear mongering against Russia.   Does Norway plan to
    fight and win a nuclear war with Russia?  

    No , because they know putin is weak and soft and insecure and will do nothing if deploy military bases on nato with nuclear missiles in land aimed at Russia.

    But they will not dare to do that against leaders that have no fear to use force against their enemies.
    take for example the Cypriot s-300 crisis incident in the late 90s. it was called too a new "cuban missile" version of greece ,cyprus vs turkey. Russia sold s-300s to greece so they later deploy them
    in cyprus .  An turkey later threathend with an all out war with cyprus and greece if deployed those missiles in cyprus there.  Turkey strong stance , forced greece to put the missile somewhere else .
    and war was avoided..

    Putin's weak and soft teddy bear character,  have created so many opportunities for his enemies
    to not only damage russia interest in the world ,but also put at risk , the national security of russia.
    thanks to putin weakness , NATO can deploy nukes on russian borders ,but russia don't have the balls to do the same in cuba or mexico. because he is afraid to confront the west and they know it.

    So Russia neighbors ,take advantage of this insecurity ,indecisiveness and weakness of putin character for their advantage. They know putin is a teddy bear nice polite moron . and that he will
    prefer to retreat if there is a chance for it , before going to war with their enemies.  And the only
    way he will not retreat is if he have no way to hide , that russia was attacked by NATO intentionally and many soldiers died.  This is why NATO can fire missiles over russian soldiers head in syria. and this is why NATO bombed russian private contractors killing a hundred of them or less. private contractors helping syria ,that were under the protection also of russian military. To believe that the Russia defense minister will abandon those russian private contractors to their luck , when they help their fight against isis and alqaeda is non sense.  US military simply knows putin is weak ,soft and polite and that you can slap his face and humiliate him ,give him a bloody nose and he will do nothing. As long  they do it , in a way , that doesn't look they were directly attacking the russian army by full desire and intention , ie.. that it was an "accident" or "misunderstanding". Then the american military can continue murdering russian soldiers in any part of the world , attack russian bases by proxy ,by giving weapons to terrorist ,drones and artillery and do it with plenty of confidence ,that the master weak president Putin will do nothing against them.

    Israel also does what it does in syria , will full confidence that putin is weak ,insecure and a coward and will do nothing to them. so putin is outplayed and embarrassed its military all the time thanks to their weak president. How bad is putin for Russia national security ?  look no further than the intel plane of Russian airforce , that was shot down , (according to russian military) by consequence of israel airforce using the russian plane as a cover from s-200 missiles.

    So in other words , the russian defense ministry told ,israel knowing well , what they were doing ,
    their airforce actions killed their 12 russian airforce officers , by hidding behind them ,to avoid syrian air defenses.. if this is not an act of war .. no idea what an act of war means.  No

    what putin told when he knew about this?  he told it was a  "terrible Accident"   No
    completely contradicting their own military intel reports.. shows how coward he is.
    and it was a day later that he changed his position ,go an hide from the media and let their military
    to run their their narrative of exactly what happened.  Israel military then visit russia and start joking about how weak are Russian air defenses, doubling down in the humiliation for russia.

    so i told it ,is not joke.. putin is a very big danger for russia national security , he encourage enemies
    to murder Russian soldiers ,attack russian bases and get away with it , and who wants to be part of a military ,that your government will encourage enemies to kill with impunity their soldiers ?

    To this date israel continues firing missiles over russian soldiers head, they even bomb within visual distance of russian base in latakkia   the same bombs deposits that russian military give syria. lol1
    and to add more humiliation , israel gave drones to azerbaijan and ukrainia to bomb russian allies armenia and donetsk.  No

    im sorry ,but i will never praise extremely bad leadership of a nation i believe Russia should be doing a million time better if it had a true leader ,with a more modern and focused economy, with vision for russia for the future. all this wars russia is facing is consequences of the ill guided policies of the russian gov ,that should have known ,that russia empire no longer exist , and that small nation they befriend and they encourage to defend their sovereignty and sell them weapons ,that will be placed by the anglozionists empires on the hit list and that they will have to later come as body guards of them for free.  Russia ill advice foreign policy is what limit russia development in the world. They should follow the example of china , and compete with enemies in where it really hurt ,in bypassing the business the west more proud feel about them and that they use as a soft power ,to attract nations into their orbit.  Norway and georgia could deploy nukes if they desire and they can do that because they know russia president don't have the balls to confront their western partners. That the only thing putin will do is complain and cry and nothing else.

    i know for many could sound like a broken record , but this needs to be told ,so remove the blinders in this forum with putin.. he could be a brotherly person , cool and patriotic , but he is unfortunately very bad leader for a russia that is facing war in almost all fronts. To deal with lions that are trying to kill your family ,you need strong warrior to face them , but also that is smart in preventing those dangers from even showing in the first place. Norway will do what it does , not because they want to die , but because they know putin is weak ,soft and insecure and will prefer to run away than to fight.

    and putin have to be very thankful with europe , they saved his ass in ukraine . because it was germany and france that boycott the plans of obama admin to start a vietnam like war in ukraine.
    with the minsk 2 agreements.. peace deal that ukraine was pressure to sign to avoid a full scale war.
    with americans ,british and canadians and poland and baltics sending mercenaries from all over the world to attack russian army in ukraine ,after the forced to invade .

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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