Do you think Japan got off scot-free? we destroyed their culture and turned them into a nation of weeaboos, office drones, and more.
They perpetrated some of the worst war crimes of history, to call what they did inhumane is a joke.
They cut off arms and reattached them some times on the other side of the body, which meant both arms cut off of course.
They were worried that chemicals and drugs might effect the results so no drugs were given for the pain... ever...
And they did this to women and children and prisoners of war too.
Or did you just think they made them build bridges?
They tested all sorts of diseases.... get 500 prisoners and infect them all with something and then every day take three or four and do an autopsy to see how the disease has progressed... note these were live autopsies... no drugs, though they were likely dead by the time they got to sectioning the brain.
The Americans offered jobs in the US and houses for their families if they didn't destroy their notes but many did because they knew if the public found out about what they were doing they would get executed for war crimes.
We were told at the time that most of the information they managed to recover was useless because of the methods used and they things they recorded, but I suspect the CIA probably got quite a few great torture ideas out of it...
Much of the horrible treatment Germany got came from the USSR, but this depends on what you mean by treatment. The USSR would rape the females, labor camps etc. They killed more civilians then us.
Yeah, because your carpet bombing and fire bombing of Europe uses the same magic bombs you use today... it only kills the bad guys so when it kills women and children then it was because they were on a military base and therefore must have been helping the German military and therefore were a legitimate target... didn't you know... entire German cities were German military bases so all the women and children and old men that those bombings killed were obviously SS soldiers if the highest calibre.
Inmates in labour camps would rape each other... and compared with what the Germans did in the Soviet Union I would say a minor taste of their own medicine.
It is like the Enemy at the Gates movie... one moment in the battle the Soviets were getting pushed and had to send troops over in daylight... because of the urgency they didn't take their heavy weapons, but they were fully equipped and armed with small arms and machine guns and light mortars... but Hollywierd hears a story about earlier on in the conflict where a milita group of workers were used to slow the German advance where some were not equipped with a rifle and were expected to pick up weapons on the battlefield and all of a sudden everyone who watches Enemy at the Gates thinks every soviet soldier got a five round clip of ammo or a rifle... ignoring the fact that that would mean half their force was essentially unarmed and the other half didn't get any ammo...
But lets keep exceptions as the normal and believe all the bullshit we are told...
Yes, we firebombed Japan, but the USSR would level German cities in their advance...I honestly don't get why you're bringing this up,
I thought it was pretty clear but if you need it even simpler... the nuclear bombs killed all the people in a city at a time... the firebombing missions took longer to organise and equip and took lots more planes to achieve but essentially ended up doing the same thing... destroying all the buildings and killing all the people.
Therefore the nuclear bombs were not as scary as some seem to suggest, and certainly not the war winner.
If anything the use of two nuclear weapons on Japan were more a signal to Stalin of how utterly ruthless the US will be to its enemies...