Your hatred of religion is something I find amusing for it is only in religious communities that I has observed people behaving as anything other than self centred crooks.
I don't hate religion, I hate capitalists, reactionaries, criminals, pedophiles, warmongers, aristocrats, and 5th columns that masquerade the name of religion.
Probably you too if you allowed yourself to be one of them.
Talking about self centered crooks don't you look at yourself in the mirror to see whether your call to establish a theocratic Christian state in Russia, a country with significant Muslims, Buddhists, and Judaism communities who were also acknowledged as compatible with Russian culture (look at your own Constitution), is the very manifestation of self centered crooking behavior ?
Why Chirstianity and not Buddhism, Islam, or Judaism ? What is the reason for you religion to be superior than other ones ?
And right in this forum we have self proclaimed religious member who throw racist slur and vulgar words like verbal diarrhea, and another religious member who blatantly call for nuking, genocide, torturing and killing family members of the people he disliked.
You talk about morality and values, yet your understanding of them is that of a child. In your beloved 21st century not where children betray their parents for more money, where wives betray their husbands and where virtue is somehow more rare than common sense these days.
Yaroslav Vladimirovich, Sviatopolk Vladimirovich, and many of the prince engaged in a bloody feud for the position of leadership of Kievan Rus despite being siblings. It is literally similar to brothers killing each other for money. And all of them were religious people.
Yaroslav Vladimirovich refused to pay tribute to his father, Vladimir Sviatoslavich, and the father and son were nearly engaged in a war only to be avoided due to the old age of the father. And seemed like these two people are religious people, too. Is not it similar to "children betray their parents for more money" ?
Yaroslav Vladimirovich apprehended the danger that could ensue from divisions between his siblings, he had to exhort them to live in peace with each other. And Yaroslav Vladimirovich with all his sons are religious people, too, but it seemed like Yaroslav Vladimirovich could not merely rely on religious zeal to settle the disputes between his sons.
Piotr Alekseyevich Romanov had a very poor relationship with his own biological son, Aleksey Petrovich Romanov, the son was alleged to plot against the father, and the father had the son killed in the most brutal way. And it seemed like both of them were religious people, especially the son.
There was no concrete evidence, but when Pavel Petrovich Romanov was killed, his son Aleksandr Pavlovich Romanov was discovered to be in his father's house at the time of killing and were alleged to be associated with the killing, or at least with some plot against his father. And if you say to of them were atheist they will literally gave you a slap in the face.
Ekaterina Alekseyevna Romanova put her husband Pyotr Fyodorovich Romanov into jail and left he died there. And Ekaterina was notorious for having many male lovers. And seems like none of them were atheist. "Wife betrays husband" I guess ?
The list is long, guy.