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    Iraq-China relations and deals


    Posts : 536
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    Join date : 2013-09-16

    Iraq-China relations and deals Empty Iraq-China relations and deals

    Post  sheytanelkebir Tue Dec 22, 2015 2:10 pm

    Today Iraq signed a series of strategic long term agreements with China.

    The IRaqi delegation consisted of the Iraqi Prime Minister, The MInister of defence and the Oil Minister.

    Iraq and china have established a joint marketing company for Iraqi crude oil. It will be based out of China and Singapore
    Iraq and China also signed a wide ranging defence and security agreement... of which the details are not clear.

    Iraqi Minister of Defence and his Chinese Counterpart today.
    Iraq-China relations and deals FWySNIq

    potentially it could mean that the Iraqi Oil can be purchased by Chinese refiners without having to pay in USD.
    And I am guessing that Iraqis will get Yuan denominated goods, services and Chinese investments in return.

    Uncle Sam won't be happy.

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    Iraq-China relations and deals Empty China-Iraq relations

    Post  sheytanelkebir Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:43 pm

    this is huge

    and coincides with iraq taking ramadi and slaughtering once and for all every traitor there.

    which means that silk route via iraq and syria to the med is a real possibility for the first time.

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    Location : Pindos ave., Pindosville, Pindosylvania, Pindostan

    Iraq-China relations and deals Empty Re: Iraq-China relations and deals

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:19 pm

    sheytanelkebir wrote:this is huge

    and coincides with iraq taking ramadi and slaughtering once and for all every traitor there.

    which means that silk route via iraq and syria to the med is a real possibility for the first time.

    Last thing remains is to kick the U.S. led coalition out and bring in Russia, because it's so obvious to anyone paying attention that the U.S. led coalition is there to prevent the movement of the Shia counter-insurgency and not to defeat IS-SHAM, remove them (U.S. coalition) and the Shia mobilization should be significantly more effective. The fact remains that IS-SHAM loves to attack Iraq but not Saudi Arabia, despite sharing borders, and despite Mecca and Medina being located in Saudi territory, is pretty damning indictment.

    I mean why doesn't IS-SHAM want to conquer Mecca and Medina? Rhetorical question, IS-SHAM's masters already control those sites, and the fact that the U.S. has made no attempt to put pressure on the political vermin that control GCC and Turkey is strong indication that they have no intention of destroying IS-SHAM and their Daesh-bag death squads.

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    Iraq-China relations and deals Empty Iraq-China relations and deals

    Post  airstrike Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:01 pm

    Iraq considering $2.5 billion arms deal with China

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    Iraq-China relations and deals Empty iraq china relations

    Post  Isos Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:37 pm

    Global: MilitaryInfo
    China's Ambassador to #Iraq talked to the Iraqi PM today. China's Ambassador told the PM of Beijing's readiness to provide military assistance

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