LMFS Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:28 am
Su-57: an innovative solution TsAGI
In early 2010, the air first flew the prototype aircraft T-50. Russian multi-role fighter of the fifth generation, developed by OKB imeni P. O. Sukhoi within the framework of the project "PAK FA" (Promising aviation complex tactical aviation), now is called su-57.
In the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky new aircraft started to be developed in the framework of scientific research in 1999. Professionals leading center of aviation science in cooperation with the Sukhoi design Bureau was to create a fighter with a number of unique features that have properties, the implementation of which are mutually contradictory. It was necessary to develop aircraft system with functions of fighter, interceptor and attack aircraft. The high combat effectiveness of the PAK FA should be provided with technical solutions in the field of aerodynamic layout, stability and controllability, control systems, propulsion, radar and infrared visibility, avionics and weapons.
Together with employees of the Sukhoi design Bureau and TSAGI scientists have developed the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft that meets the requirements of the fifth generation fighter. Were created not having analogues in the world adjustable stealth intake, which ensures steady operation of the engine on all flight modes. The specialists of the Institute developed a control system for maneuvering the aircraft is statically unstable in the lateral and longitudinal control channels. Ensuring the strength of the airframe with the widespread use of new and composite materials is another challenge that scientists TSAGI has successfully solved. The result was requirements met to the weighted design parameters of the aviation system, the weight of perfection of the aircraft. In a short time carried out work in the areas of safety from flutter, aeroelasticity, design and shimmy of the wheels.
Specialists of the Institute conducted a unique research design the layout of a fighter. In wind tunnels of TSAGI were investigated 28 different models of aircraft; the total number of trials exceeded 32 thousand. Successfully completed testing of new materials and design elements.
After the first flight of the prototype studies for improvement of flight of the machine continued. So, over the next nine years in TSAGI refined the aerodynamic characteristics of the complex were compared with the results of flight tests, worked out the safety of the new aircraft armament. In the process of preparing and conducting flight tests were carried out frequency of tests all created for this aircraft.