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    US/NATO Armed Forces vs Russian Armed Forces comparison


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    US/NATO Armed Forces vs Russian Armed Forces comparison - Page 7 Empty Re: US/NATO Armed Forces vs Russian Armed Forces comparison

    Post  Arrow Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:39 am

    154 units in 1 year? That is absolutely nonsense lol. They can barely produce much in terms of tanks or air defense systems in 1 year and those are a lot less advance. wrote:

    They reported it officially. Last year it was something like 140. What does tank production have to do with the aviation industry. The US has the most developed aviation industry in the world. Add to that civilian production. I'm not saying the F-35 is great. It's a bad plane, many haven't reached combat readiness. It doesn't change the fact that they produce a lot of them.

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    US/NATO Armed Forces vs Russian Armed Forces comparison - Page 7 Empty Re: US/NATO Armed Forces vs Russian Armed Forces comparison

    Post  lancelot Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:03 am

    Arrow wrote:They reported it officially. Last year it was something like 140. What does tank production have to do with the aviation industry. The US has the most developed aviation industry in the world. Add to that civilian production. I'm not saying the F-35 is great. It's a bad plane, many haven't reached combat readiness. It doesn't change the fact that they produce a lot of them.
    They are delivering these F-35 airplanes without the software they should come with. They will be glorified trainer aircraft.

    GarryB, Arrow and zardof like this post


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    US/NATO Armed Forces vs Russian Armed Forces comparison - Page 7 Empty Re: US/NATO Armed Forces vs Russian Armed Forces comparison

    Post  Arrow Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:22 am

    Of course, the Su-57 is better than the F-35 in every aspect. Even without new engines. With new engines, it's overkill. In addition, it can carry a new version of the R-37M in its internal compartments. It is not inferior in terms of avionics equipment and is even better, not to mention the Su-57M, which will put other powers behind for many years. The R-37M alone on the Su-30 and Su-35S or Mig-31BM will significantly increase the capabilities of the VKS. Now, the US is focusing more on quantity than quality. As in the case of the Virginia SSN or the F-35.

    It can be hypothesized that the VKS, thanks to its better armament and additionally powerful AD, equals its potential with the USAF or even exceeds it. It should also be remembered that AD can combat many threats that air forces are unable to cope with. For example, drone swarms, or medium-range ballistic missiles and currently even ICBMs as in the case of the mobile S-500.

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    US/NATO Armed Forces vs Russian Armed Forces comparison - Page 7 Empty Re: US/NATO Armed Forces vs Russian Armed Forces comparison

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 20, 2024 12:50 am

    It can be hypothesized that the VKS, thanks to its better armament and additionally powerful AD, equals its potential with the USAF or even exceeds it.

    The core difference is that the Russian military is basically defensive, which is not to say it is not able to attack, but more that it can't move anywhere in the world and fight a war easily. The US military on the other hand is designed to have bases around the world to operate from and can bomb the hell out of any country they please with no media or public blowback.

    Obviously the economic blowback from sanctions and war against Russia and the coming sanctions war against China is going to destroy their control of most international organisations and the international trading currency... not to mention the control of the UN and markets including pricing etc.

    It is like the old joke... how do you give a moron a million dollar company... give them a billion dollar company and a few months...

    The US is not focussing on quantity instead of quality, they are focussing on bullshit claims that can't be delivered, but still come at an enormous cost, despite being delivered in an unfinished state.

    If you tried to make the Russians take the F-35 they would refuse it and demand it be done properly and at 1/10th the price being charged... or the CEOs of the company making it would be put in jail for graft.

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