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    Russian Economy General News: #4


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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:21 pm

    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 11822890_10203541012920890_960833797083887585_o

    An example of liberast propaganda. Supposedly it is a very, very bad thing that under Putin the federal budget has seen a large
    growth in oil and gas revenue dependence.

    Of course, this is retarded and malicious nonsense. Let's turn the question on its head. Suppose Putin kept the budget dependent
    on oil and gas at the 9% level:

    1) Where would the rest of the money come from (hint: jacking up income taxes from flat 13% to "progressive" up to 30%)

    2) Where would the money that went to the federal budget from oil and gas industry go?

    The Russia government is taking the optimal course of putting the tax load on resource extraction instead of individuals and
    company profits. This stimulates economic growth and makes sure that Russia sees the benefit of its oil and gas exports instead
    of this money going into the offshore bank accounts of oligarchs. This "crime" is why the imperial west attacks Russia. The
    imperial west wanted to siphon the oil and gas revenues out of Russia. Saudi Arabia invests its oil revenues in the west and
    this implies that the west is effectively paying next to nothing for its oil as far as the western GDP is concerned (the money
    circulates right back instead of just leaving). In the case of Russia, the money the west spends on Russian oil and gas actually
    goes to help Russia.

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:23 pm

    The above graphic is also interesting in how one can see the pivot point where the imperial western mask came
    off after 2003. The demonization of Putin kicked in full gear around the time of the Yukos case. You can see
    why. Yukos was siphoning oil revenues to offshores. After Yukos and thanks to the oil price increase after 2004,
    the money started to work for Russia.

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Austin Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:24 pm

    ^^ +1

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  flamming_python Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:59 pm

    kvs wrote:The above graphic is also interesting in how one can see the pivot point where the imperial western mask came
    off after 2003.   The demonization of Putin kicked in full gear around the time of the Yukos case.   You can see
    why.  Yukos was siphoning oil revenues to offshores.   After Yukos and thanks to the oil price increase after 2004,
    the money started to work for Russia.

    Yup that's exactly how I remember it.

    The Western crusade against Putin began with his arrest of Khodorkovsky and liquidation of Yukos.

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:11 pm

    1) Where would the rest of the money come from (hint: jacking up income taxes from flat 13% to "progressive" up to 30%)
    IDK, maybe the from the massive industrial base and cutting edge technologies initially inherited from the USSR, if there was actually any effort from the capitalists to restore it?

    2) Where would the money that went to the federal budget from oil and gas industry go?
    Finance russian R&D and marketing russian technology.

     This stimulates economic growth and makes sure that Russia sees the benefit of its oil and gas exports instead
    of this money going into the offshore bank accounts of oligarchs.
      If that was true, today we'd be seeing volgas outcompeting mercedeses, an all-russian civilain air fleet,  russian shipyards churning out more than 2 ships per year, and the launch of the russian space planes and shuttles.
    Keep in mind this policy was in effect from 1999 plenty of time for it to give results, if it actually worked.[/quote]

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:19 pm

    no, that isn't nearly even close to enough time for all you stated.  So try again.  Money evidently enough didn't solve all of the issues from the industrial base.  But you think that money does.  If so, take a look at Europe and even USA and then get back to us. What we do have, is Lada's making a comeback (and also most sold vehicles in Russia), military industrial complex more or less saved, new industries per month, middle class grew significantly (so did average wage), infrastructure growth in the last 5 years have been enormous.

    Most of this wouldn't have happened if Russia didn't capitalize on the extraction industry in terms of taxation. Did you know that Australia has a very similar system as well?

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:32 pm

    sepheronx wrote:no, that isn't nearly even close to enough time for all you stated.  So try again.  Money evidently enough didn't solve all of the issues from the industrial base.  But you think that money does.  If so, take a look at Europe and even USA and then get back to us.
    Most successful western technological companies became successful and popular for far less than 15 years. Not to mention china, especially it's car and hardware industry. How could china which has never before had an automotive or electronic development history suddenly outcompete russia in both which has 100+ years of experience in them?

    What about Russia's own history? The soviet union became an economic superpower in less than 15 years and while in those times the country was in a critical state, the same can be said about today's Russia to some extent. Moreover the USSR then didn't have ANY access to foreign capital and had almost zero influence on the international economy.

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  sepheronx Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:43 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:no, that isn't nearly even close to enough time for all you stated.  So try again.  Money evidently enough didn't solve all of the issues from the industrial base.  But you think that money does.  If so, take a look at Europe and even USA and then get back to us.
    Most successful western technological companies became successful and popular for far less than 15 years. Not to mention china, especially it's car and hardware industry. How could china which has never before had an automotive or electronic development history suddenly outcompete russia in both which has 100+ years of experience in them?

    What about Russia's own history? The soviet union became an economic superpower in less than 15 years and while in those times the country was in a critical state, the same can be said about today's Russia to some extent.  Moreover the USSR then didn't have ANY access to foreign capital and had almost zero influence on the international economy.

    Automotive Industry of China is a failure for export but for domestic, is a success (and they don't even come close to sales of the luxury side of things in China compared to Buicks, Bently's and such).  Why would you imagine it wouldn't?  Look at the population of China vs Russia.  Flood the domestic market with cheap cars and it will do very well, especially in a nation full of poorer people in comparison.

    Automotive of the western countries are also very old, and American automotive industry maybe excluding Ford, is always in dire straits and in need of financial assistance, even though they are supposed to be doing "better".  Asian automobiles are the ones doing the best, because there was form of protectionism as well as concentration of effort in the companies.  So in this case, Hyundai obtained a lot of assistance and economical advantages in advancing itself.

    Russia hadn't and doesn't give these massive subsidies.  Only subsidies are through individual programs like cash for clunkers or other assistant programs that may indirectly goes to the industries through purchases.  But overall, the industries are on their own.  A mixture of piss poor management in the past and obsolete equipment is what gave way to new management and new equipment.  Now look at Avtovaz.  They are exporting to other countries and opening up production in other countries - Egypt is building Lada Granta's as an example.  Since 2012, Lada Granta's are the most sold vehicles in Russia and gaining traction elsewhere due to being much cheaper and quality is a lot better than previous lada's.

    Electronic industry in Russia was always none existent, especially in civil sector.  It is actually only recently it gained traction.  With the introduction of the Elbrus E2K architecture of the early 2000's only made way for their first modern Elbrus processor and of course, it is tied directly to military and industrial sectors.  While Baikal electronics are aiming at the civil and government markets in the near future.  If Russia didn't have this money, they wouldn't bother with the investments nor there would be a market for it as average people wouldn't be able to afford it. Russia still has various semiconductor companies, and companies like Mikran sell to tons of countries, China included. Then came way of the 90's where Asian production was not only much cheaper but more refined than Russia's and Russia couldn't compete since half the world had contracts in such production. Brand names are not one of them as Apple doesn't produce the parts needed at home, but simply "invent" (More like take already existing ideas and marketing as new) and selling it worldwide. Smart yes, but nothing inventive or hard. Russia has their own brands of computer as example (like dell) that has been around since the 90's and they are quite big, already producing their own line of motherboards in their own facilities unlike dell that re-badges Foxconn motherboards, but these brands are tied mostly in Russia and some CIS countries. Same with their cellphones. I would like to get the effire a7 smartphone as I have read good things about it. But not available out here unless I try to contact the manufacturer.

    Using the automotive industry is a bad idea as well, since a lot of automotive industries are not performing as well as they had hoped.  If Avtovaz was far more aggressive and opening up manufacturing in other countries, I would imagine they too would be far bigger than they are now.  But they don't.  Same with Gaz.  One thing Russia is known for doing, is keeping the manufacturing themselves and they don't look at the aspect of making their companies multinational.  Only a few companies have done it, and they done it through purchasing out other companies in other countries (Rostelsmash owning a Canadian and American tractor company(s)).  

    Simply throwing money at something doesn't solve the issue - This is evident in the shipbuilding industry.  It also comes from the people themselves.  Lets face it, people in Russia for the longest time were far more interested in purchasing German made crap like Volkswagen or BMW because of nothing more than "status" symbol.  They fall victim to same as many Indians lets say in that same category.  Nothing wrong with Tata automobiles and some of their SUV's are real good.   Cheap automotives as well.  But they don't compete against BMW's or Mercedes in India because of same exact reasons.  Same in Canada.  People would rather purchase a BMW than a Toyota Corolla or Hyundai Santa Fe or Kia Serento even though these three automobiles outperform the BMW in terms of reliability in the Lemon guide for automotive (real world experience ranking vs some magazine ratings).

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:03 am

    Sorry if anyone has posted already

    According to computer Translator, mr Albert Jan Maat, leader of Europe farmer union, claimed that EU farmers lost 5.5 billion Euro due to sanction. EU exports in dairy product decreases 50%.

    The union demands a compensate from the goverment.
    Project Canada

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    Post  Project Canada Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:43 am

    Russia Successful in Stabilizing Banking Sector – IMF

    Read more:
    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Karl Haushofer Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:37 am

    Oil dropped below $50. How sustainable is this and implications for Russia?

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Neutrality Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:20 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:Oil dropped below $50. How sustainable is this and implications for Russia?

    I love these doomsday scenarios about Russia when the oil price goes down. A drop of the global oil price can have several explanations. It can be because oil producing countries are pumping oil at a very high rate thus creating reserves that exceed global oil demand. Or it can be because the global economy is cooling down. Right now both of these are happening. OPEC is pumping oil at a much higher rate than before and Russia (not part of OPEC) has boosted its production too, plus there's Iran who will throw an extra million of barrels on the global oil market. Would also like to point out that Russia exported 5-7% more oil than in the same period in 2014. Aforementioned parties are trying to push American shale companies out of business AFAIK, especially OPEC. Then there's China whose economy is continuing to slow down (slower growth but still far from a recession).

    Brent has gone above $50 again today. World leading economies will pick up their pace again and the oil price with it.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Oil dropped below $50. How sustainable is this and implications for Russia?

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:06 pm

    Yes but this doesn't hide the fact that Russian economy is laughably dependent on oil revenues. It is even more dependent than most undeveloped countries, Africa producers etc.
    Like some forum members yap about in the Syria thread some things seems like never change in Russia. Putin collected the low fruits with ease in the early 2000s but now it's time for bigger steps and I simply don't see them.

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Neutrality Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:50 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:Yes but this doesn't hide the fact that Russian economy is laughably dependent on oil revenues. It is even more dependent than most undeveloped countries, Africa producers etc.
    Like some forum members yap about in the Syria thread some things seems like never change in Russia. Putin collected the low fruits with ease in the early 2000s but now it's time for bigger steps and I simply don't see them.

    Oh please, enough of that low-level bait already. Oil doesn't magically appear out of the ground by itself and then proceeds to put itself on a ship and export to other countries. It requires many highly sophisticated industries. You do understand that oil isn't only used for fuels? Just look into how many chemical products have a basis in oil and gas. As an extra, Russian oil is much harder to obtain than oil in Arab countries where it literally flies out of the ground as soon as its drilled through. So Russia has massive fossil reserves. What's wrong with using them to boost the economy? Can you explain that logic to me? Should we praise the financial sector in the UK as its most "exported" product instead? The largest US corporations delocate their businesses to low level income countries like China, produce nothing at home at all but their government takes their numbers into their GDP simply because their HQ is located somewhere in Washington or NYC. That's highly misleading IMHO. Or is China "laughably dependent" on cheap labour too?

    Prince Darling

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Prince Darling Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:01 pm

    Neutrality wrote:
    Hannibal Barca wrote:Yes but this doesn't hide the fact that Russian economy is laughably dependent on oil revenues. It is even more dependent than most undeveloped countries, Africa producers etc.
    Like some forum members yap about in the Syria thread some things seems like never change in Russia. Putin collected the low fruits with ease in the early 2000s but now it's time for bigger steps and I simply don't see them.

    Oh please, enough of that low-level bait already. Oil doesn't magically appear out of the ground by itself and then proceeds to put itself on a ship and export to other countries. It requires many highly sophisticated industries. You do understand that oil isn't only used for fuels? Just look into how many chemical products have a basis in oil and gas. As an extra, Russian oil is much harder to obtain than oil in Arab countries where it literally flies out of the ground as soon as its drilled through. So Russia has massive fossil reserves. What's wrong with using them to boost the economy? Can you explain that logic to me? Should we praise the financial sector in the UK as its most "exported" product instead? The largest US corporations delocate their businesses to low level income countries like China, produce nothing at home at all but their government takes their numbers into their GDP simply because their HQ is located somewhere in Washington or NYC. That's highly misleading IMHO. Or is China "laughably dependent" on cheap labour too?  

    he isnt saying its wrong to exploit natural resources, the trouble is that exploiting natural resources represents a very big part of russian economy, so when there is a global slowdown, russia will always get hit, by falling oil/gas/metals prices. A huge problem is that obviously investing in oil/gas projects have a nice return (when the price is high), so there isn't enough money available to invest huge sums into modernizing manufactoring industries, and i am not talking just about machines, but investing in people and new ways of working, this is much harder and longterm process.

    But this is the curse of more or less every oil producing country, some manage this predicament well like norway, some soo soo like most arab oil producers, and some just flat out fail like Venezuela (lets be honest incompetent Maduro is also a massive factor)

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Vann7 Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:19 pm

    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    The swedish economy is growing at a healthy pace at the moment. Russias sanctions are irrelevant, no matter what russian state media would have you believe. It is a complete non-factor in Sweden.

    That is complete BULLSHIT!!  

    To claim that sanctions on Russia will have no impact in Sweden ,since Europe is highly connected to Russia economy.. is non sense.. real idiocy and stupidity. Russian sanctions in
    agriculture alone have affected countries like UK that have little exports to Russia... but because
    Russia counter sanctions creates an over supply of food in indirectly damaged them.

    This is what the government of Sweeden says..

    Sweden's Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson has formally lowered her growth forecast for the country's economy, suggesting it will expand by 2.4 percent this year and 2.7 percent in 2016.

    The figures contrast with her autumn prediction of a 3.0 growth in 2015, rising to 3.2 percent the following year.

    Speaking after the announcement, she told Swedish media that she was looking to implement "new reforms" designed to improve the situation, but added that it would be "inappropriate" for Sweden to follow other European countries and introduce tough austerity measures.

    The government has already announced that it plans to raise taxes,

    News & Features Jobs Housing Money Dating Community Shop More        
    Politics Dark future forecast for Swedish economy

    SO you have there irrelevant BUllshit is no only a lie but horse shit.. what you can say is that  until now sweeden have not be affected as other European countries ,but claiming is have "no impact" or a "non factor" is bullshit... the entire European economy is slowing and it have everything to do with Sanctions on Russia. If Russia choose for example to block its airspace to will make many airlines to cut jobs in sweeden go bankrupt because will not be able to fly to Asia at competitive prices of others airliners.. which will be nice if Russia do it to remove the stupid smile of every western troll that believe is so above others.

    Learn this Mr Troll , the world economy is a like a house of dominoes..and many of them interconnected.. And If Russia economy for example collapsed today.. if will seriously damage European economy ..and because Sweeden does not live in the outer space
    but in Europe..  It will be Seriously affected too.. because is connected to their European neighbors and their neighbors to others..and then to Russia..  So if the whole European economy slow down.. then lower investments will be in Sweden and less tourism too..

    Unless Sweden makes its economy selling to aliens in space .. or irrelevant propagandist like you..and does not depends on the economy of the world.. you cannot say sanctions on Russia are irrelevant on sweeden economy. it will have an impact.. less money will be in europe to invest in sweeden and less traveling too if the economy slowdown as it is doing in Europe. Is really funny the Arrogance of Trolls like the quoted poster that really think they are so special and cannot be touched in any economic warfare /sanctions or counter sanctions with Russia.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Cucumber Khan

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Cucumber Khan Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:26 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    The swedish economy is growing at a healthy pace at the moment. Russias sanctions are irrelevant, no matter what russian state media would have you believe. It is a complete non-factor in Sweden.

    That is complete BULLSHIT!!  

    To claim that sanctions on Russia will have no impact in Sweden ,since Europe is highly connected to Russia economy.. is non sense.. real idiocy and stupidity. Russian sanctions in
    agriculture alone have affected countries like UK that have little exports to Russia... but because
    Russia counter sanctions creates an over supply of food in indirectly damaged them.

    This is what the government of Sweeden says..

    Sweden's Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson has formally lowered her growth forecast for the country's economy, suggesting it will expand by 2.4 percent this year and 2.7 percent in 2016.

    The figures contrast with her autumn prediction of a 3.0 growth in 2015, rising to 3.2 percent the following year.

    Speaking after the announcement, she told Swedish media that she was looking to implement "new reforms" designed to improve the situation, but added that it would be "inappropriate" for Sweden to follow other European countries and introduce tough austerity measures.

    The government has already announced that it plans to raise taxes,

    SO you have there irrelevant BUllshit is nothing but horse shit.. what you can say is that  until now sweeden have not be affected as other European countries ,but claiming is have "no impact" is bullshit... If Russia choose for example to block its airspace to will make many airlines to cut jobs in sweeden because will not be able to fly to Asia at competitive prices of others airliners.. Learn this Mr Troll , the world economy is a like a house of dominoes..and many of them interconnected.. And If Russia economy for example collapsed today.. if will seriously damage European economy ..and because Sweeden does not live in the outer space
    but in Europe..  It will be Seriously affected too.. because is connected to their European neighbors and their neighbors to others..and then to Russia..  

    Unless Sweden makes its economy selling to aliens in space .. and does not depends on the economy of the world.. you cannot say sanctions on Russia are irrelevant on sweeden economy.
    it will have an impact.. less money will be in europe to invest in sweeden and less traveling too
    if the economy slowdown as it is doing in Europe. I really funny the Arrogance of Trolls like the quoted poster that really think they are so special and cannot be touched in any economic warfare /sanctions or counter sanctions with Russia.

    Yeah, what the hell do I know about the economy of Sweden...

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Vann7 Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:31 pm

    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    Yeah, what the hell do I know about the economy of Sweden...

    Yeah.. what the hell you know that Sweeden Financial minister don't know ?  Sweden Raising taxes a sign for you of rising economy?  lol1 I have bad news for you.. is all European
    economy is slowing.. And directly or indirectly will impact the economy of sweden too as already is doing.
    Cucumber Khan

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Cucumber Khan Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:44 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    Yeah, what the hell do I know about the economy of Sweden...

    Yeah.. what the hell you know that Sweeden Financial minister don't know ?  Sweden Raising taxes a sign for you of rising economy?  lol1   I have bad news for you.. is all European
    economy is slowing.. And directly or indirectly will impact the economy of sweden too as already is doing.

    I guess I just have to take your words over the reality i'm seeing...

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:58 pm

    Sweden may have lost money but the numbers mentioned are not that huge so it wouldnt come as a surprise that it didnt affect them greatly.
    Project Canada

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    Post  Project Canada Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:52 pm

    PM Medvedev to personally head future govt commission on import replacement

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:53 pm

    Project Canada wrote:PM Medvedev to personally head future govt commission on import replacement

    Medvedev was a lousy leader, all Mr.iPhone. I have little faith in him and his abilities. It would be better to get someone in the intelligence agency instead. But I figure he will be nothing more than a figure head.

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    Post  kvs Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:57 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:Yes but this doesn't hide the fact that Russian economy is laughably dependent on oil revenues. It is even more dependent than most undeveloped countries, Africa producers etc.
    Like some forum members yap about in the Syria thread some things seems like never change in Russia. Putin collected the low fruits with ease in the early 2000s but now it's time for bigger steps and I simply don't see them.

    How is 13.7% of GDP in 2013 for the whole oil and gas industry supposed to be laughably dependent? You are smoking some fine crack
    there with your ludicrous claim that Russia is more dependent on it than undeveloped countries. I guess you don't count Saudi Arabia,
    Angola, etc.

    Anyone interested in facts and not trolling can read:


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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  kvs Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:00 pm

    Prince Darling wrote:
    Neutrality wrote:
    Hannibal Barca wrote:Yes but this doesn't hide the fact that Russian economy is laughably dependent on oil revenues. It is even more dependent than most undeveloped countries, Africa producers etc.
    Like some forum members yap about in the Syria thread some things seems like never change in Russia. Putin collected the low fruits with ease in the early 2000s but now it's time for bigger steps and I simply don't see them.

    Oh please, enough of that low-level bait already. Oil doesn't magically appear out of the ground by itself and then proceeds to put itself on a ship and export to other countries. It requires many highly sophisticated industries. You do understand that oil isn't only used for fuels? Just look into how many chemical products have a basis in oil and gas. As an extra, Russian oil is much harder to obtain than oil in Arab countries where it literally flies out of the ground as soon as its drilled through. So Russia has massive fossil reserves. What's wrong with using them to boost the economy? Can you explain that logic to me? Should we praise the financial sector in the UK as its most "exported" product instead? The largest US corporations delocate their businesses to low level income countries like China, produce nothing at home at all but their government takes their numbers into their GDP simply because their HQ is located somewhere in Washington or NYC. That's highly misleading IMHO. Or is China "laughably dependent" on cheap labour too?  

    he isnt saying its wrong to exploit natural resources, the trouble is that exploiting natural resources represents a very big part of russian economy, so when there is a global slowdown, russia will always get hit, by falling oil/gas/metals prices. A huge problem is that obviously investing in oil/gas projects have a nice return (when the price is high), so there isn't enough money available to invest huge sums into modernizing manufactoring industries, and i am not talking just about machines, but investing in people and new ways of working, this is much harder and longterm process.

    But this is the curse of more or less every oil producing country, some manage this predicament well like norway, some soo soo like most arab oil producers, and some just flat out fail like Venezuela (lets be honest incompetent Maduro is also a massive factor)

    Not a single freaking number in this "discussion" aka opinion fest. No Russia is not heavily dependent on oil and gas exports.
    And just because the Russian government creams this industry for tax revenues does not make it more dependent than some
    3rd world toilet as claimed by the troll. Russia puts the tax burden where it should be instead of bleeding its citizens dry like
    in the precious west. A flat 13% income tax is a point of pride for Russia. Many EU states have VAT this large.

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:08 pm

    Throw as much evidence at Hannible as you want.  The guy is a tool and has no idea what he is saying.

    Edit: Just in case he conveniently ignores the link like he always does (like the time I proved to him Russia makes end products and he said they don't):

    World Bank Data (Not Russian propaganda as he may try to portray it as)

    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 IaW2l4V

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    Russian Economy General News: #4 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #4

    Post  Sponsored content

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