The second pair of frigates of the project "Gepard-3.9" was introduced into the Navy of Vietnam February 6, 2018 in Cam Ranh (Vietnam), the ceremony of putting into the Navy of the Vietnamese People's Army two built in Russia at JSC Zelenodolsky Plant named after A.M. Gorky "light frigate project 11661E second series (code" Gepard-3.9 "PLO) with reinforced anti-submarine weapons, received Vietnamese names Tran Hung Dao (on-board number" 015 ", serial number 956) and Quang Trung (on-board number" 016 ", factory number 957). On ships the solemn lifting of the naval flag of the Vietnamese Navy took place. The first of the ships is named after the 13th-century Vietnamese commander Chiang Heng Dao, who organized the successful defense of the country during the third Mongol invasion of Daiviet in 1287-1288; The second frigate is named after Nguyen Hue - the second emperor of the Vietnamese Taishon dynasty, who ruled in 1788-1792 and waged successful wars for the unification of the country. Both frigates were included in the 162nd Marine Brigade of the 4th Naval District of the Vietnamese Navy.
An intergovernmental contract worth about $ 700 million to build two additional frigates for modified project 11661E ("Gepard-3.9" PLO) for Vietnam was signed on October 17, 2012 by Rosoboronexport. On February 15, 2013, the State Contract No. Р / 170412131755-1233287 was concluded between JSC Zelenodolsky Plant named after A.M. Gorky "and JSC" Rosoboronexport "for the construction of the two mentioned frigates (factory numbers 956 and 957). On May 14, 2013, after the transfer of the advance payment by the Vietnamese party, the State contract entered into force. The solemn laying of two frigates was made in Zelenodolsk on September 24, 2013.
According to the State contract, the ship with the serial number 956 was to be delivered in November 2016, and with the factory number 957 - in March 2017. Acts of transfer of frigates in Vietnam were to be signed, respectively, in February and June 2017.
However, in view of the political problems that arose with the delivery of the main gas turbine units M44E with the ZPPG Zorya-Mashproekt (Nikolaev, Ukraine), which were permitted only in 2015, JSC Zelenodolsky Plant named after AMGorky was forced to implement a revised schedule for the construction of ships with taking into account the delay in the delivery of the GDTA M44E. The head frigate of this series with the serial number 956 was launched in Zelenodolsk on April 27, 2016, and the second with the serial number 957 - launched on May 26, 2016. In September and October 2016, both ships were transferred via inland waterways from Zelenodolsk to Novorossiysk, where since December 2016 they were tested and trained Vietnamese crews.
The acceptance certificate for the frigate with the serial number 956 was signed in Novorossiysk on April 1, 2017, and on September 17 the ship was sent to Vietnam aboard the Rolldock Star dock-carrier. The second ship with the serial number 957 was sent to Vietnam also on the ship Rolldock Star in December 2017.
Earlier, in accordance with the contract worth about $ 350 million, signed on December 22, 2006 by Rosoboronexport with the Vietnamese side, the Zelenodolsk plant built for the Vietnamese Navy the first two frigates of the project 11661E (Cheetah 3.9) Đinh Tiên Hoàng (onboard number "011", serial number 954) and Ly Thai To (Ship number "012", serial number 955), commissioned by the Vietnamese fleet, respectively, in March and August 2011.