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    Syrian War: News #18


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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  eehnie Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:47 am

    JohninMK wrote:OK, so you found the button to change type colour. Good for you but it does show a degree of immaturity when you use it for no apparent reason.

    Please don't do it here.

    Better if you care about your own degree of inmaturity feeling disturbed by not apparent reason, and feeling entitled to say what must be done or not here.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:18 am

    Hollywood makes the war look pretty for US stupid people and bad for the bad guys. They condition them to be stupid.

    Sadly they start on you when you are a child... look at all the old cartoons... the irony is that it is always the underdog or the weak that prevail... a cat vs a mouse, a cat vs a bird, a rabbit vs a hunter, a coyote vs a road runner (in the real world Coyotes are faster than road runners).

    When you are brought up with such a distorted view of the world what real chance do you have?

    Ironically using what Disney has taught them, most American children should be anti American... because America is the bully that does things for selfish reasons and breaks the moral rules of right and wrong... rules they use to frame any opposition to their will as being the bad guys, but they don't follow those rules themselves...

    Regarding the use of colours... they are a tool and anyone can use them... I find them useful to highlight things mainly when I have my Mod Hat on so it is clear what is being said is as a Mod rather than a member.

    As a tool it can highlight important points, but if over used can have a negative effect, so it doesn't work the way you were hoping.

    At the end of the day there is the ignore function.

    But lets be clear what is happening here... one member chose to use colour in their post and another member used a little bit of sarcasm in a negative way and then asked politely that they stop doing that.

    I don't think they were trying to offend or be mean... I think it was just a reflection of frustration...

    As an example to everyone... if you are asking someone to stop doing something it is almost never a good idea to be sarcastic and question their maturity while doing so.

    But then when you win your cage fight and you hear abuse coming from outside the cage it might be wrong to leap the fence and deal to that person... but everyone makes mistakes and does the wrong things sometimes...

    The first member can choose to be the grown up and respect the other members wishes, or not... anyone can use the colour and other features of this forum that they choose... but keep in mind that some multicoloured mess is just as likely to be ignored by the people you are here trying to communicate with... which sort of defeats the purpose.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  BKP Sat Oct 20, 2018 6:49 pm

    Tiger Forces commander arrives in east Idlib as offensive is reportedly back on

    ... Should the jihadist rebels not withdraw from the buffer zone in the coming days, then the Syrian Arab Army will launch their long-awaited operation in the eastern countryside of the Idlib Governorate...

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Isos Sat Oct 20, 2018 8:01 pm

    @GarryB Colours plus writting in 78 size is childish and it hurts eyes ... specially if it comes from a guy that keeps saying stupid things.

    For the forum, it makes it look totally biased and full of stupid poeple. I don't think that the goal of the creator and the mods. Totally agree with JohninMK.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:30 am

    And you are entitled to your opinion.

    In some cultures, the use of colour to liven things up is a good thing, and is intended for emphasis.

    Very simply highlighting a short passage from a block of text means it saves you time... just read the coloured bits, though why include the rest of the text could be asked... but it could be answered that some things taken out of context can have different meanings, so having the original text there means that can be checked immediately by those who are interested.

    Opinions noted.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  eehnie Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:45 pm

    GarryB wrote:And you are entitled to your opinion.

    In some cultures, the use of colour to liven things up is a good thing, and is intended for emphasis.

    Very simply highlighting a short passage from a block of text means it saves you time... just read the coloured bits, though why include the rest of the text could be asked... but it could be answered that some things taken out of context can have different meanings, so having the original text there means that can be checked immediately by those who are interested.

    Opinions noted.

    You are right.

    My opinion is that people like JohninMK and Isos always try to find something, when they dislike the said things.

    They try to do always ideological prosecution of some useres, spamming the topics with absurd complaining. Their complaining is alwyas directed against the users they ideologically dislike.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:34 pm

    eehnie wrote:............
    They try to do always ideological prosecution of some useres, spamming the topics with absurd complaining. Their complaining is alwyas directed against the users they ideologically dislike.

    He said while spamming for 2 years straight and counting.... lol1

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Isos Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:10 pm

    My opinion is that people like JohninMK and Isos always try to find something, when they dislike the said things.

    They try to do always ideological prosecution of some useres, spamming the topics with absurd complaining. Their complaining is alwyas directed against the users they ideologically dislike.

    Not really. I don't read your long texts full of colours and big letters. I just scroll down.

    Even now I saw what PD quoted and then saw that you were talking about me.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  JohninMK Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:09 am

    SMM Syria
    ‏ @smmsyria
    12h12 hours ago

    ????A nice map of the #US military logistics in northern #Syria for supplying #YPG/#SDF with arms

    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 DqG9KceWwAEznxB

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  eehnie Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:15 am

    Something that Israel must take into account:

    I should note that our military doctrine says Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons solely in response to a nuclear attack, or an attack with other weapons of mass destruction against the country or its allies, or an act of aggression against us with the use of conventional weapons that threaten the very existence of the state. This all is very clear and specific.

    As such, I see it is my duty to announce the following. Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, weapons of short, medium or any range at all, will be considered as a nuclear attack on this country. Retaliation will be immediate, with all the attendant consequences.

    There should be no doubt about this whatsoever.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:15 pm

    eehnie wrote:Something that Israel must take into account:

    I should note that our military doctrine says Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons solely in response to a nuclear attack, or an attack with other weapons of mass destruction against the country or its allies, or an act of aggression against us with the use of conventional weapons that threaten the very existence of the state. This all is very clear and specific.

    As such, I see it is my duty to announce the following. Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, weapons of short, medium or any range at all, will be considered as a nuclear attack on this country. Retaliation will be immediate, with all the attendant consequences.

    There should be no doubt about this whatsoever.

    Isreal isn't going to launch any nuclear warheads at Russia because then Isreal will be razed to the ground.

    Hell Iran and Syria would loooooooove for them to do that.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  eehnie Thu Oct 25, 2018 1:06 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    eehnie wrote:Something that Israel must take into account:

    I should note that our military doctrine says Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons solely in response to a nuclear attack, or an attack with other weapons of mass destruction against the country or its allies, or an act of aggression against us with the use of conventional weapons that threaten the very existence of the state. This all is very clear and specific.

    As such, I see it is my duty to announce the following. Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, weapons of short, medium or any range at all, will be considered as a nuclear attack on this country. Retaliation will be immediate, with all the attendant consequences.

    There should be no doubt about this whatsoever.

    Isreal isn't going to launch any nuclear warheads at Russia because then Isreal will be razed to the ground.

    Hell Iran and Syria would loooooooove for them to do that.

    Do not forget the part of "or its allies". It is important.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Isos Thu Oct 25, 2018 1:57 am

    Do not forget the part of "or its allies". It is important.

    Iran is not their ally.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:22 am

    The release on a Thermonuclear weapon on anyone unless you are being invaded and it's do it or die,"

    Would be perhaps the most moronic thing Isreal could do. Isreal isn't going to drop nukes, period. I do not know why people entertain this fantasy.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:23 am

    Isos wrote:
    Do not forget the part of "or its allies". It is important.

    Iran is not their ally.

    In the context of syria yes Iran is.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Isos Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:55 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    Do not forget the part of "or its allies". It is important.

    Iran is not their ally.

    In the context of syria yes Iran is.

    They didn't allow them to use iranian airbase. Iran is the ally of syria and hezbollah. Russia is tge ally of iran syria.

    If they were allies they would not allow israeli to attack iranian bases in syria too.

    Last edited by Isos on Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:14 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : [strike]iran[/strike] syria)

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:11 pm

    Isos wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    Do not forget the part of "or its allies". It is important.

    Iran is not their ally.

    In the context of syria yes Iran is.

    They didn't allow them to use iranian airbase. Iran is the ally of syria and hezbollah. Russia is tge ally of iran.

    If they were allies they would not allow israeli to attack iranian bases in syria too.

    Why wouldn't they? Nothing costly to Russia if they do and stopping Isreal from doing that means direct confrontation.

    Russia has allowed Syria to get bombed over and over and over and they are allies.

    They did it's just Russia didn't need the bases, whenever russia asked to use a base Iran always said yes.

    The world isn't black and white like you think. There are always underlying factors that drive things.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Isos Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:19 pm

    They are ally of opportunity if you want but not that much close. Before revolution, iran and russian used to fired at each other. Tomorrow if there is a coup, iran can become US puppet like in the 70s and be the new saudi arabia for them.

    Anyway sile news about the thread, to be confirmed:

    Syrian Strategic Researches
    1st Israeli strike on #Syria since the downing of the Russian il-20M
    Israel launched 6 missiles over north west of #Israel
    Missiles were heading towards #Damascus int. Airport/Al Qalamun
    5 missiles downed by SyAAD 1 missile hit an empty area in Al Tanaya

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Vann7 Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:12 pm

    So it looks that Israel is testing new Syrian air defenses capabilities.. and it will not be the last...
    attack. What is interesting however is how Far is Israel moved now to target Syria.. and how bad is
    their precision too.. So apparently the distance ,at which they launch the missiles can indeed
    affect their much bragged precision ? lol1 russia

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:28 am

    I rather suspect there is nothing wrong with their precision... 5 missiles shot down and one jammed... that tells you nothing about how precise their guidance is.... and everything about how effective an IADS can be.

    Note recent comments about American aircraft assisting rebel drone attacks being made public... perhaps the Russians are moving towards an no fly zone for US aircraft soon too?


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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  starman Fri Oct 26, 2018 12:32 pm

    Isos wrote:
    5 missiles downed by SyAAD 1 missile hit an empty area in Al Tanaya

    Is there another version, any reports of damage?

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Isos Fri Oct 26, 2018 12:45 pm

    starman wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    5 missiles downed by SyAAD 1 missile hit an empty area in Al Tanaya

    Is there another version, any reports of damage?

    Looks like a fake news. Even syrian media don't report anything about this.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Vann7 Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:18 pm

    Isos wrote:
    starman wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    5 missiles downed by SyAAD 1 missile hit an empty area in Al Tanaya

    Is there another version, any reports of damage?

    Looks like a fake news. Even syrian media don't report anything about this.

    It could be fake.. but also it could be Russia told Syrian media to not brag about it..
    to not humilliate Israel and provoke them ,fuel them ,challenge them to do better next time.
    so it could be either way.. remember that Russia not always reports incidents the day it happens.
    In fact a big number of the incident that happens in Syria ,between Syria and Israel are not reported
    of if they done.. not told with details.. for same reasons ,to not humilliate Israel too much on world opinion.
    as for example ,the day Israel lost an F-16.. Syrian perspective page, that the author have contacts ,with the
    military, told Israel lost 3 planes that day and one drone and one hellicopter too..  One F-16 that crashed in Israel.
    and 2x  F-15 that crashed in Jordan.. and even the S-200s missiles in Jordan were found.. and displayed in media.. but it was not told the missiles are hit the planes that was chasing.  So RUssia an Syria will have Plenty of reasons
    to not report at times , the losses of US or Israel or UK in Syria , so to not encourage an escalation.  
    like the chinesse rumors for example ,that Russia bombed and killed 2500 american special forces + private contractors in Eastern Ghoutta and that captured hundreds of British special forces... and US retaliated with a major cruise missile attack. because of "chemical weapons". Syrian perspective told the real reason why US and UK rushed the bombed in Syria even when the chemical inspectors were in damascus, was to retaliate for the killing
    of NATO military in Ghoutta.  Interestingly SPutnik.. released a report of Lebanese media about hundreds of british soldiers captured in the liberation of Ghoutta. when Sputnik/Russia Government do this.. is for a reason. they know NATO /ISrael read sputnik every day.. and they know Sputnik reflects exactly the way the Russian government is thinking in that particular day. SO what we have? a chinese military report ,military chinese media claim  that russia airforce wiped thousands of Americans and British and even Israelis in damascus after the liberation of eastern Ghouta ,they were inside helping the terrorist in holding the city ..and others arrested..and a week later Sputnik releasing a report of british special forces arrested in Damascus.. coincidence?  Smile

    So don't expect you being told everything of what happens in a war , many things are never reported ,in
    main stream media..for political ,diplomatic ,or damage control reasons. So  you need to visit different social sites and forums and look for leaks of information.  from so called insiders.. sometimes is fake but sometimes not.
    ..  Just a year ago , RT released a report of many Air Combat Fights between Soviets and Americans airforce near Soviet Union borders.. Americans used to provoke Russia flying a few meters or more inside soviet airspace and got shutdown their planes..  fights that were never reported. in any media or history book. and americans and Soviets got killed after those encounters.. and those fights were keep secret for diplomatic reasons to not allow things to escalate..and not promote too much heat in the relations. Later they cover those death with "Accidents"
    here or there. Russia likely lost some planes in combat and later reported as "accidents"  Did you really believe Americans warships could have 2 collisions with "fishing boats" in the same week? in different days?  Those are example of fights never reported.. between one side and another .. probably Northkorea damaged American warships with dummy torpedos to send a message..and they keep quiet about it. and this major raise in accidents of american planes could be much more than what is being reported.  Hal Radio Show reported Russia shoot down a global hawk drone months ago.. and a day later after the report American media claims a Global hawk had an accident in US.. coincidence?

    Not all reports are true.. but some are , there is a lot of incidents that can be fake or not.. So you can't dismiss any report ,just because is not reported in official media .  Then you have the Donald Cook warship incident in black sea ,that russia supposedly jammed ,which was not reported by RT ,only by social media did it.. but weeks later RT and SPutnik  did it. Neutral and all Russian media too..very hard to believe story ,that Russia can disable a modern warship computers with their advanced counter electronics ,mounted in a plane...  So you never know , any story could have potential to be based on real true incidents . but not officially claimed by any Government for diplomatic or damage control reasons .


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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Isos Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:59 pm

    Syrian Strategic Researches
    Syrian Strategic Researches
    The #SAA is conducting AShM drills
    So the Israeli jets along with the USAF EW planes are going a bit crazy over and west of #Lebanona

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 37 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Vann7 Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:36 pm

    Remember i was the first to say ,watch for the False Flag attacks..  
    i will be surprised if we don't see a civilian airliner plane shutdown ,
    and Russia and Syria blamed for it..

    Israel is holding "military drills" apparently now in Cyprus.. this allow
    Israel airforce to deploy their planes in combat range of  Syrian Targets.
    They could try to hit and Run and mix with Greece/Cyprus planes..  
    and use them as a shield.. against S-300s..

    They could setup a trap ,with an old Civilian plane ,they were planning to decommission
    rigged with Bombs inside  ,it could have bodies of dead people from morgues too..and they
    wait Syria military to launch a missile at Israel airforce /cyprus positions.
    and then when missile is launched , they themselves blow the plane ,crash it on cyprus,
    and later accuse Russia and Syria for this.

    False flag /staged incidents where many people die , is more common practice
    by the West and Israel than people think.. You can't have a war between US and any
    nation without a false flag. Israel not even bother with them lately ,they just lie and
    claim Hezbolah this or IRAN that. or Syria is about to get a nuke.. to justify any aggression.
    and their citizens will accept it...or just plain embrace the lie..and help promote it on social media.

    Now Russia gov MOD, told white helmets are again moving chemical weapons from IDLIB to Aleppo..
    the zones the terrorist control. This could be to pressure Trump to attack Syria again and damage his
    ratings in mid term elections. Either way...expect before the end of this year a major false flag ,
    with many Europeans civilians killed in a plane , ideally blamed on an S-300 missile.. and later US,UK
    demand the EU to sanction Russia economy stronger than ever and block the Nord stream 2 project.

    The timeframe is this year.. if we they dont do it this year , a malasyan like incident where Syria /Russia
    is accused of shooting down a commercial airliner by mistake ,then is likely they will give up with that
    kind of staged incident and will try something new. Israel can go alone and shutdown a civilian plane on their
    own its airspace and blame Syria/Russia for it. or they can strike their own people with their airforce killing
    many at night , and later blame it on Assad/IRAN missiles.  ill give about 70% probability they will try a major
    false flag with civilian airliners.. But the EU could oppose it..

    So is important to remember this..  a full scale attack/war between US ,NATO,Israel ,against any - not very powerful-  non nuclear power nation, Is not possible today ,without first they staging a false flag .... So a full scale attack/war against IRAN will need one false flag,,, and a full scale attack or continues war against Syria by NATO or Israel.. will need another..  This is because (false flags for war) ,today ,can only be done ,if NATO/Israel understand they can have a chance to defeat in a full scale war that country..  So Syria,IRAN ,Serbia,Venezuela..
    all countries friendly to Russia will sooner or later accused of some major crime ,that the west staged themselves.
    In the case of Russia looks like a world war 3 ,will happen when Russia gets tired of the hostilities of the west.. to their economy and security and leave no option to Russia than to fight back.

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