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    Syrian War: News #18


    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Guest Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:47 pm

    Tingsay wrote:How can the S-200 not differentiate between F-16 and a turbopop??? Is it that bad of an AD?

    No. Operators need to be skilled in order to make difference between various targets, not like panoramic display tells you "this is F-16", "this is C-130 Hercules". Plus resolution of radars used by S-200 is not something to brag about hence attacking one target in group is almost impossible (5N62). It being SARH doesnt help either.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Isos Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:51 pm

    Militarov wrote:
    Tingsay wrote:How can the S-200 not differentiate between F-16 and a turbopop??? Is it that bad of an AD?

    No. Operators need to be skilled in order to make difference between various targets, not like panoramic display tells you "this is F-16", "this is C-130 Hercules". Plus resolution of radars used by S-200 is not something to brag about hence attacking one target in group is almost impossible (5N62). It being SARH doesnt help either.

    What could help is that they let russian operates it and bring the 400km nuclear missile from the 70s. They probably have one or two hidden in their big stocks.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  dino00 Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:52 pm

    ATLASCUB wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    ATLASCUB wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:See Putin can make Isreal pay without attacking Isreal land.

    Simply put down more AD and tell your operators its now open season on Isreali aircraft if they bomb Syria for whatever purpose.

    That's the least.....

    They could also arm Lebanon (Hez) and Iran (backdoor), support BDS and call for Security Council resolutions condeming Israel, starting with this event....espectacles of all kind could be considered.....

    But given Russian responses and Putin's words today.... you'll be lucky if you get the "least"....cause it looks like you'll get nothing.

    Putin: Israel didn't shoot down the Russian plane deliberately. It was a result of a chain of tragic circumstances

    You know it's sad when your own leader is making up excuses for them killing your own guys

    Yeah he will just brush it under the rug so "We are making it safer, and will make sure this doesn't happen again" blah blah blah, we know the story. What an embarrassment

    There is always a safe space for those than don't want to accept the fact that being spineless is simply just that, being spineless...

    I understand a lot of Russians might in this case suffer from cognitive dissonance dealing with what's apparent.... so there is always the safe space the mind subconsciously turns to to explain what's so uncomfortable to digest, "the sweet lie"... in this case: "Strategic patience in 9D chess level moves".

    So let me ask:
    Did you see Strategic Patience when Georgia atacked Russian peacekeapers?
    Did you see Strategic Patience when Ukrain atacked Russian people?

    What would you do? War with Ukrain? War with Israel?

    Putin is the president the Resintence needs, every step has to be prepared.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  ATLASCUB Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:03 pm

    dino00 wrote:
    So let me ask:
    Did you see Strategic Patience when Georgia atacked Russian peacekeapers?
    Did you see Strategic Patience when Ukrain atacked Russian people?

    What would you do? War with Ukrain? War with Israel?

    Putin is the president the Resintence needs, every step has to be prepared.

    They did the right thing in Georgia, except they didn't install a puppet government when they should have... instead they pulled out and settled for the provinces after victory. Georgia is still flirting with NATO and the cabal is more or less the same....Russia had its chance of purging some of those elements....but it did not. As for Ukraine....that conflict is full of "strategic patience" what are you talking about? First for failing to protect the clown in Kiev, second for falling for the ploy with the West and accepting the "new" Kiev gov. and taking it in the ass...third for doing a half-assed effort to arm a militia and insurrection in Eastern Ukraine and forth: The Minsk agreements when the Ukrops were getting their shit pushed in....

    BTW those are different topics which will derail the thread from this event.....

    As for what to do in regards to this case....many things that could be done. I listed some of them but that's not a definitive list by any means. Moreover, the decision to allow Israel to have more or less a free pass in Syrian airspace was from the very beginning a mistake and picture perfect example of appeasement - and I'm not the only one to have seen it then.... sadly today more will come to see it (still debating myself whether for the right or wrong reasons).... it should not however require blood to differentiate a poor strategy from the good - but you're bound to commit those "tragic" mistakes when you're trying to please everyone - specially your diametrically opposed enemy in this conflict - it's like shooting yourself in the foot - in this case the literal becomes real. History does have a way of punishing what should be deemed as stupid.

    Last edited by ATLASCUB on Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  crod Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:27 pm

    Putin’s weak words were as desperate as they were predictable unfortunately.

    Within 2 weeks it’ll be all over and the status quo continues; for those wishing vengeance, you will not see it.

    Putin will bring in extra assets for sure, but they won’t be targeting israel this to save face only.

    Bibi will be emboldened by it too, the message is loud and clear - we have free reign boys to whatever the fuck we want, it’s party time. The BS words coming out of Putin for his domestic audience is comical.

    In the eyes of the world, Russians are weak led by a weak leader.

    I hasten to add, one does wonder how the poorly paid, living in shit conditions rank and file of the Russian military think of all this; watching on tv as the inevitable posthumous medal ceremony awarded to the dead and collected by the widowed wives plays out on tv, toddler kids dressed in little suits not quite understanding just yet what it all means. I wonder too what the hardened senior managers within the military think of it all - was their career worth it? Defending the motherland at all costs and with sacrifice, Putin isn’t fit to tie their boots.
    Karl Haushofer

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Karl Haushofer Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:01 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:Going by Putin's comments, he's gonna let this pass.

    Putin always lets everything pass. There are no Red Lines for this guy.

    The NATO could nuke Moscow tomorrow and Putin wouldn't let Russia retaliate.
    Karl Haushofer

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Karl Haushofer Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:08 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:G
    Chalk up another 15 dead to the tally..... what's it now? In the hundreds of Russian dead?

    How many Israeli soldiers dead? How many American soldiers dead? ... for a conflict these countries masterminded and started? Yeah that's what I thought....  
    Think what you want about America and Israel, but you have to respect their attitude about their own military casualties. You kill US or Israeli soldiers and you will pay. You will pay dearly. This is why nobody dares to mess with them. They may be hated, but even more they are feared.

    Russia? Well, what can I say. Russia is supposed to be a great power. A nuclear power. The second most powerful military in the world. But the recent happenings have proved that you can kill Russian servicemen with no price whatsoever, and Russia will take any humiliation imaginable without even attempting to hit back.

    This is why its extremely stressful to support Russia. They are just too weak and hapless. Putlet the Weakling is not the leader I thought he was 10 years ago. I have gradually lost faith in him since the Minsk agreements and abandonment of Novorossiya. This was the final nail in the coffin.

    I'm not planning to invest any more of my time to support Russia. A defeat after a humiliation after a defeat after a humiliation is too much for me.
    Karl Haushofer

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Karl Haushofer Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:14 am

    ultimatewarrior wrote:Putin blocked delivery of MiG-29 M / M2 Syria PAID FOR before the war, refuses S-300 to Syria, refuses S-300 for Lebanon. Allows Israel to bomb Syria day and night. Unfortunately, as long as Putin is in office, many more Russian servicemen will die unnecessary deaths in Syria. Very unfortunate.

    I previously said that I would like to see a military coup in Russia. Hopefully it will happen soon.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Neutrality Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:18 am

    Keyboard warriors Rolling Eyes

    All talk but no walk, I'm 100% sure of this. None of you would go into the trenches or storm frontlines if the shit REALLY hit the fan. No, you'd rather desert.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  ATLASCUB Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:21 am

    Neutrality wrote:Keyboard warriors Rolling Eyes

    All talk but no walk, I'm 100% sure of this. None of you would go into the trenches or storm frontlines if the shit REALLY hit the fan. No, you'd rather desert.

    Are you sure you wouldn't desert too?
    Karl Haushofer

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Karl Haushofer Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:22 am

    Neutrality wrote:Keyboard warriors Rolling Eyes

    All talk but no walk, I'm 100% sure of this. None of you would go into the trenches or storm frontlines if the shit REALLY hit the fan. No, you'd rather desert.

    So how many Russian servicemen should be used as sacrificial lambs before Russia actually makes the aggressor pay with blood?

    Why is it always the Russians who have to die and not the Westerners? Are Russians more expendable than Israelis or Americans?

    Why is it always Russia who shed its blood? Wouldn't it be refreshing to see Russia make its enemies shed their own blood? Just for a change?

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:35 am

    Neutrality wrote:Keyboard warriors Rolling Eyes

    All talk but no walk, I'm 100% sure of this. None of you would go into the trenches or storm frontlines if the shit REALLY hit the fan. No, you'd rather desert.

    Such brainless thinking, so you're saying long has Russian land or bases aren't targetted you can kill all the servicemen you want?. If so that's a good message to send to guys who would love to send them home in body bags. "Wait until they away from the base then have fun".

    This was no accident the pilot of the F-16 used them has a human shield, now if he acted on his own accord then Isreal can hand him over to Russia but will they? no.

    So when is enough enough then 100? 200? 300?.

    I am not saying attack Isreal directly simply down their aircraft for you know illegally bombing syria anyways.

    If Isreal really doesn't want Iran there, they could have a chat with Assad "We will help you end this war in exchange when it's over you have iran remove all of its military forces" that is a deal syria and Iran would agree to.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  LMFS Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:54 am

    We all would like to see action from Russia, myself the first, because the villainy of Israel's behaviour in Syria is beyond words, and because it is also fair to think that allowing these provocations is not the right way to put and end to them. But just as food for thought I submit what both Martyanov and the Saker answered to P. Craig Roberts exactly about this very crucial issue.

    The West is MAD to escalate tensions with Russia as main military power of the non-aligned block, since their power is decaying and each passing day is bringing closer their demise. Russia (rather Putin, since there are so many other people in disagreement) is simply refusing to engage and trying as hard as he can to buy time for the multipolar block to become an economic and political alternative to the West, without the need of a military conflict which in best case would delay the Russian growth by decades and in worst put an end to the world as we know it. This is obviously the correct thing to be tried, the only question is whether he will manage to pull it off or whether the provocations will escalate to the point where they must be met with lethal force against the West. Since the later is clearly ruled by soulless creatures (I refuse to consider them complete humans due to their extreme emotional dysfunctions) that would not doubt for a second to stage a massive provocation against Russians or a false flag (WMD included) on their own population, they have all escalation possibilities at their disposal and Russia's walk on the tight rope is an extremely complicated feat, unless the millions of intellectual zombies in the world wake up by some miracle and prevent something really stupid to happen. Not holding my breath for it sadly.

    Nevertheless I would expect more support for a guy which is bearing a HUGE responsibility for the future of the whole world and taking hits to literally save our asses. Unless of course, you think the West is not trying to escalate tensions with Russia and will be deterred by some testicular action here and there. As always, to correctly assess the opponent is the key. While military experts in the West would certainly opt for restraint, it is very obvious that the political power is not in their hands but in those of some very disturbed maniacs (some read about "dark triad" personality traits and its characteristics is recommended) who are:
    - clueless about military, so cannot really assess the risk of blowback their provocations have. By nature and life training they are experts in graving power, not in the boring technicalities needed to use it properly
    - due to impulsive behaviour, risk affinity and adventurism, have no thoughtful consideration of consequences like WWIII
    - in their total lack of empathy, will bear no remorse for one or one billion deaths. They mean exactly the same to them: nothing
    - as narcissists and self-worshippers, they are ready to accept nothing else than submission.

    Therefore to delay the conflict until those maniacs are taken down by internal rivals or their own populations is the only sane approach, even when it may very well not work.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  LMFS Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:16 am

    From Martyanov's blog:

    UPDATE: Some very important info. Really important which clarifies a lot (in Russian):

    Syrian AD didn't have IFF codes, which Russia (understandably) didn't want to provide. So, that means the integration with SAA's AD is done by simpler protocols.

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:27 am

    I am no fan of the IAF but from all reports they are typical of most top quality air forces in that they would plan their attacks, especially high risk ones like this, meticulously. Indeed I argued on various sites that the F-16s had hidden in the Il-20 radar 'shadow'. I am now not so sure.

    So, can anyone explain how the IAF could have known in advance the flight path of the Il-20 so that they could have incorporated it into their plan before take-off?

    Perhaps adding a comment on how it made any sense at all to slow the F-16s to Il-20, heading for landing, speed just prior to lobbing their SDB?

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:39 am

    Neutrality wrote:Keyboard warriors Rolling Eyes

    All talk but no walk, I'm 100% sure of this. None of you would go into the trenches or storm frontlines if the shit REALLY hit the fan. No, you'd rather desert.

    I ain't advocating war but technically my job would be to clear minefields before others storm the frontline so sucks double for me Cool

    Back to serious stuff:

    What happened here is pretty much worst case scenario: Israel was doing the nasty but it was Syrians that pulled the trigger, no going around it.

    If it were actually Israelis then it would be much simpler. Shoot something and answer the phone later.

    What Russia could do now is pretty much to just close off entire Syrian airspace for IDF and shoot at anything flying out of Israel into Syria or shooting in that general direction.

    Also, let Iranians offload whatever they want into Syria for at least another year (cargo planes are already flying out of iran, hopefully this is coordinated ops and not just Iran taking advantage of situation)

    Iranians definitely did not do anything to earn this privilege but it is what would piss off Israelis most without starting a direct conflict (and there is no reason for it since it was Syrian missile) so Iran gets the golden ticket this time.

    What I definitely noticed is that loudest criticts of measured Russian approach to this are not Russians at all but assorted local nobodies who would love for someone else to solve their Israel problem for them.

    Funny how they are all concerned about Russian honor and reputation for some reason. They don't seem to ask how harmful for Russian reputation is to have such incompetent allies...

    flamming_python wrote:
    Karl Haushofer wrote:.....

    Russia Insider used to be very pro-Putin just a few years ago. Lately they have turned a lot more critical towards him.

    Oh yeah, just type in 'Grandmaster' into their search engine; back 1-2 years ago they were all hailing him as this Grandmaster that checkmates the West at every move.


    There was a big schism at Russia Insider couple of years ago

    They started off as great source but later Alexader Mercuris left to found The Duran (most likely due to differences in political views) and took several best authors and contributors with him

    Year ago however entire website officially went full "Jews rule the world!!!" mode which is when they gone full nutjob and remaining normal contributors bailed as well

    So basically if you want to read old-school Russia Insider you should go to The Duran because that's where old talent is now (Helvig, Mercuris, etc...)

    Russia Insider these days is only good for occasional links to better stuff and translated YouTube videos

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  ATLASCUB Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:45 am

    The psycho trauma of losing big not too long ago has some conflicting enemies with allies, and allies with enemies. It creeps so hard nothing but rubbish comes out...

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    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #18

    Post  Vann7 Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:16 am

    For all the turkey and Israeli visitors ,who come to defend The illegal their government against  Syria..
    and accuse Assad of "killing its own people " with swimming pool chemicals.. or real chemical weapons.
    Here is evidence that the Syrian war was planned way before any protest began in Syria in 2011..
    The syrian war was planned quickly after the twin towers attack in 9111 ,and since July 2003 the Pentagon
    had all the plans in powerpoint image slides given in conferences.. and some of this plans where
    exposed by a retired 4 star general.. who lead the war of NATO against yugoeslavia..

    Notice how since march 2007 ,that retired General was warning
    that the Pentagon and NATO had plans to destroy Syria.. the Arab Spring and Syrian war
    was in 2011 ,and this conference was given in 2007. 4 years before Anyone was killed in Syria.
    Simply Americans had plans to provoke a civil war in Syria all the way to 2001 after september 11
    WTC 911 attacks. and later accuse Assad of it..

    And here is the power point slides the Pentagon used in 2003 to explain the zones
    in the world had to be destroyed for Americans taking control of their resources..
    they call it for "integrating non allied zones ,into the global trade" in other words after
    911 attacks ,the Pentagon created plans to destabilize and invade half of the world..
    and the general in the first video expose some of those wars..

    Syrian War: News #18 - Page 31 202832-1-b286d

    Powerpoint extract from a conference given by Admiral Cebrowski at the Pentagon , on 23 July 2003. Left, in mauve, the zone in which the state structures have to be destroyed.

    Look at their arrogance that not even hide their plans..and their Humor.. how they call it "Exporting Security". Those criminals were planning to destroy half of the world ,like they did with Lybia and IRAQ and AFganistan and Syria ,and terrorism to hit nations by proxy ,and totally change the geography of all middle east ,africa ,latin America ,in all those zones way back to 2003 using as pretext "exporting democracy and security" . and it is clear for me.. that they were planning to use Islamic terrorist hundreds of thousands of them ,trainned and armed by NATO to over Run nations and after Nation.. Even this plans of US ,UK and France of joining Alqaeda and ISIS to over run countries could be used against other Europeans countries too , who becomes closer to Russia.

    after ISIS take IRAQ ,the plan was to capture Syria and then Lebanon and then later IRAN..and from caspian sea threaten Russia.. and Turkey will have been split too ,this is why Europe and Americans provide weapons to Kurds.. This is how NATO planned to take control over half of the world.. Pretending that their invasions were for "humanitarian cause" or defeating terrorism.

    Although the White House and Russia have agreed to end the proxy war fought by jihadists in Syria, peace is a long time coming. Why?

    Why is there a war against Syria?
    Contrary to the idea carefully sown by seven years of propaganda, the war against Syria is not a « revolution which went wrong ». It was decided by the Pentagon in September 2001, then prepared for many years, admittedly with a few difficulties.

    A war in preparation for a decade

    JPEG - 38.6 kb
    The preparation of the war is explained in depth in Thierry Meyssan’s latest book. It is already available in French, Spanish, Russian and Turkish. It will be published in September in English, Arab and Italian.
    A reminder of the main stages of the planning of the war:
    - In September 2001, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld adopted the strategy of Admiral Arthur Cebrowski, which specified that the state structures of half of the world had to be destroyed. For those states whose economy is globalised, the United States would control the access to the natural resources of those regions not connected to the global economy. The Pentagon commenced its work by « remodelling » the « Greater Middle East » [1].
    - On 12 December 2003, George Bush Jr. signed the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act. From that moment on, the President of the United States enjoyed the right to go to war with Syria without having to ask Congress for approval [2].
    - The Lebanese civil war (1978-90) ended with the Taif Agreement. At the request of the Arab League, and with the approbation of the UN Security Council, the Syrian Arab Army came to the assistance of the Lebanese army in disarming the militias, then, acting as a Peace Force, stabilised the country. Thereafter, Israël accused Syria of having occupied Lebanon, which makes no sense at all. [3]
    - In 2004, during the summit of the Arab League in Tunis, President Ben Ali attempted to push through a motion authorising the League to legitimise the use of force against member states who refused to respect the League’s brand new Human Rights Charter.
    - In 2005, the CIA organised the Cedar revolution in Lebanon. By assassinating Sunni leader Rafic Hariri and blaming the Christian President of Lebanon and the Alaouite President of Syria, they hoped to trigger a Sunni uprising against the Syrian Peace Forces. With the Marines ready to disembark in Beïrut, Syria withdrew on its own initiative, and the tension was dissipated [4].
    - In 2006, Dick Cheney tasked his daughter Liz with creating the « Iran Syria Policy and Operations Group ». They organised the Israeli attack against Hezbollah, thinking that they would be unable to resist for long. US Marines were then intended to disembark in Beïrut and continue their march of « liberation » on Damascus. However, the operation failed, and after 33 days of combat, Israël had to retreat [5].
    - In 2008, Washington once again tried to create conflict with Lebanon as its flash point. Prime Minister Fouad Siniora decided to cut the internal communications of the Resistance and to interrupt air transport with Teheran. Within a few hours, Hezbollah had inverted the Western military system and replaced all of its infrastructures.
    - In 2010, Washington adopted the strategy of « leading from behind ». The Obama administration handed the attacks on Libya and Syria to France and the United Kingdom respectively (Lancaster House agreements).
    - In 2011, beginning of military operations in Syria.

    It is therefore absurd to speak of the war against Syria as a spontaneous event sui generis [6].

    Indirect war

    The original feature of the war against Syria is that although it was declared by states (the « Friends of Syria »), it was in reality fought almost exclusively by non-state armies, the jihadists.

    During the seven years of this war, more than 250,000 combatants arrived from overseas to fight against the Syrian Arab Republic. They were without doubt little more than cannon fodder, and insufficiently trained, but during the first four years of the conflict, these soldiers were better armed than the Syrian Arab Army. The most important arms traffic in History was organised in order to keep the jihadists supplied with war materials [7].

    The Western powers had not used mercenaries on this scale since the European Renaissance [8].

    It is therefore absurd to speak of a « revolution that went wrong ».

    A war supervised by allies who have their own objectives
    By asking Israël to attack Lebanon on their behalf, then by handing over the wars on Libya and Syria to France and the United Kingdom, and finally by using the NATO installations in Turkey, the Pentagon allowed its plan to be confounded by its allies.

    Just as in all wars, the leading country has to promise its obedient allies that they will be awarded a return on their investment. However, with the entry of Russia into the war, Western victory became impossible. Every one of the United States allies turned progressively back towards its own strategy in the region. With time, the war objectives of the allies gained the upper hand over those of the United States, who refused to invest as much as they should have done, militarily speaking.


    Pursuing the colonial ideology of some of its founding fathers, Israël implemented a policy of division intended to split its larger neighbours into a collection of small countries which were to be ethnically or religiously homogeneous. It therefore supported - in vain - the division of Lebanon into two states, one Muslim and one Christian, or again the creation of a Kurdistan in Iraq, then later in Syria. We do not have the Israëli strategic documents, but retrospectively, the line followed by Tel-Aviv corresponds to the « Yinon plan » of 1982 [9] or that of the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies of 1996 [10].

    The Israëli strategy stayed within the limits of the « remodelling of the Greater Middle East » designed by Rumsfeld and Cebrowski. However, it did not have anything like the same objective - the Pentagon wanted to control the access to the region’s riches by the developed countries, while Israël wanted to ensure that none of its neighbours could become strong enough to challenge it.

    The United Kingdom and France

    The United Kingdom and France fell back on their colonial policy, as it was defined at the moment of the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the division of the Middle East (the Sykes-Picot agreements).

    The British used a replay of the « Great Arab Revolt of 1915 » that Lawrence of Arabia had set up against the Ottomans. At that time, they had promised freedom to all Arabs if they would throw off the shackles of the Ottoman Empire and place the Wahhabites in power, This time they promised freedom if they would overthrow all their national governments and replace them with the Muslim Brotherhood. But neither in 1915, when the British Empire replaced the Ottoman Empire, nor in 2011, did the Arabs find their liberty. That was the « Arab Spring » plan of 2011 [11].

    The French were seeking to re-establish the mandate on Syria which had been handed to them by the League of Nations. This was explained by Picot’s great-nephew (as in the Sykes-Picot agreements), ex- President Giscard d’Estaing [12]. And that is what President Hollande demanded during his visit to the United Nations, in September 2015. Just as in 1921, when France stood for the ethnic separation of the Kurds from the Arabs, it therefore defended the creation of a Kurdistan, not on its historic territory in Turkey, but anywhere, so long as it was on Arab land in Syria.


    As for Turkey, it dreamed of realising the promise of its founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the « National Pact » (Misak-ı Millî) [13], adopted by the Ottoman Parliament on 12 February 1920. Its intention was to annex Northern Syria, including Aleppo, and also to eliminate the Christians, including the Catholics in Maaloula and the Armenians in Kessab.

    Turkey entered into conflict with the other allies – with the Israëlis because they sought to annex Northern Syria rather than making it autonomous – with the British because they wanted to re-establish the Ottoman Caliphate - and with the French because they sought to create an independent Kurdistan in Syria. Above all, it entered into conflict with the United States themselves because they made no secret of wanting to destroy Syria after having dismantled it [14].

    How to escape from this war?
    After seven years of combat, the Syrian state is still standing. The Syrian Arab Republic and its allies, Russia, Iran and the Hezbollah, are victorious. The foreign armies (the jihadists) have suffered a crushing defeat, but not their commanders – the United States, Israël, the United Kingdom, France and Turkey.

    Not only has the war re-awoken the ambitions of the beginning of the 20th century, but none of the protagonists who have not paid for their defeat in blood are ready to abandon the fight.

    It may seem stupid to want to start over with a war which has already been lost by the jihadists. The presence of the Russian army makes impossible any direct confrontation. Far from being eliminated, the Syrian population is now battle-hardened, ready to suffer even more hardship, and is much better armed than before. Above all, it has given the situation some serious thought, and is less manipulable than it was in 2011. However, just as before, Western political rhetoric has once again taken up its refrain « Bachar must go ».

    Logically, therefore, the conflict will have to start again on another battle-field. While in the past, Admiral Cebrowski had planned to take the next stage of the war to Central Asia and the South-East, his successors will first have to finish the job in the Greater Middle East. They are currently studying the possibility of relighting the fire in Iraq, as we see with the spectacular about-face of the Rohani administration and the riots in Bassorah.

    and if there was any doubts left...
    The former Foreign French Minister , Roland Dumas ,exposed in french television that he was invited
    by British Government years before the so called "civil war" in Syria began.. to help them to recruit
    mercenary jihadist for an invasion they were planning to do in Syria.. and when he asked why they
    were planning such a war against Syria , one of the reasons they explained was israel wants syria destroyed.

    check the english substitles..

    So you have there not one , but 3 important sources , top officials from France and US ,how they had plans to destroy Syria , how the military was ordered to desetabilize IRAQ , promote sectarian religious violence so later
    after the violence NATO can justify an invasion.. they provoke the violence and civil unrest and terrorism and later come with the "solution" with a problem they created.

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    Post  LMFS Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:38 am

    Elijah Manier on the downing of the Il-20 and the general threat of a bigger war:
    par far

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    Post  par far Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:08 am

    LMFS wrote:We all would like to see action from Russia, myself the first, because the villainy of Israel's behaviour in Syria is beyond words, and because it is also fair to think that allowing these provocations is not the right way to put and end to them. But just as food for thought I submit what both Martyanov and the Saker answered to P. Craig Roberts exactly about this very crucial issue.

    The West is MAD to escalate tensions with Russia as main military power of the non-aligned block, since their power is decaying and each passing day is bringing closer their demise. Russia (rather Putin, since there are so many other people in disagreement) is simply refusing to engage and trying as hard as he can to buy time for the multipolar block to become an economic and political alternative to the West, without the need of a military conflict which in best case would delay the Russian growth by decades and in worst put an end to the world as we know it. This is obviously the correct thing to be tried, the only question is whether he will manage to pull it off or whether the provocations will escalate to the point where they must be met with lethal force against the West. Since the later is clearly ruled by soulless creatures (I refuse to consider them complete humans due to their extreme emotional dysfunctions) that would not doubt for a second to stage a massive provocation against Russians or a false flag (WMD included) on their own population, they have all escalation possibilities at their disposal and Russia's walk on the tight rope is an extremely complicated feat, unless the millions of intellectual zombies in the world wake up by some miracle and prevent something really stupid to happen. Not holding my breath for it sadly.

    Nevertheless I would expect more support for a guy which is bearing a HUGE responsibility for the future of the whole world and taking hits to literally save our asses. Unless of course, you think the West is not trying to escalate tensions with Russia and will be deterred by some testicular action here and there. As always, to correctly assess the opponent is the key. While military experts in the West would certainly opt for restraint, it is very obvious that the political power is not in their hands but in those of some very disturbed maniacs (some read about "dark triad" personality traits and its characteristics is recommended) who are:
    - clueless about military, so cannot really assess the risk of blowback their provocations have. By nature and life training they are experts in graving power, not in the boring technicalities needed to use it properly
    - due to impulsive behaviour, risk affinity and adventurism, have no thoughtful consideration of consequences like WWIII
    - in their total lack of empathy, will bear no remorse for one or one billion deaths. They mean exactly the same to them: nothing
    - as narcissists and self-worshippers, they are ready to accept nothing else than submission.

    Therefore to delay the conflict until those maniacs are taken down by internal rivals or their own populations is the only sane approach, even when it may very well not work.

    I totally agree with this, the west wants to escalate the situation in Syria (and in general against Russia), Russia needs to be careful here and that is what Putin is doing right(it takes a lot more courage and strength to think this through, the easy thing would have been to blast and make threats against Israel but what Putin demonstrated here is very hard to do and that is constraint.)

    There are other ways to "hit" back at Israel, thinks like:

    -Blocking off Syrian airspace to Israel and NATO(this can be done by diving the SAA more advanced weapons.)

    -After this is done, let Iran bring in whatever they like.

    -Russia can sell advanced weapons to Iran.

    -Russia can help Lebanon out.

    -Russia can arm Hezbollah.

    There are many things that Russia can do here but making threats isn't one of them. Russia will respond but it won't be in a confrontational way but it will hurt the enemy in many ways(like with Turkey when they shot down the SU 24.)

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    Post  jhelb Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:16 am

    Stealthflanker wrote:

    Even X-band narrow beamwidth radar like the 5N62 will have quite large resolution cell which can be exploited. At 150 km range the typical range of S-200. The 5N62 will have like 2576 m x 2576 m Resolution cell (assume 1.4 degrees of beamwidth) The range resolution is probably big too so.. the F-16 can be like 1000m above the Il-20 and unresolved.

    The missile will simply go to the center of it..and pick one with biggest return. or average the return and go to center which could be the Il-20.

    Russian Defence Ministry said yesterday that Israeli F-16s used the IL 20 as cover & that's how Syrian SAMs shot down the IL-20 .

    Not sure how the Israeli F 16s used the IL 20 as cover.

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    Post  AbdulhamidtheSecond Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:37 am

    Reportedly the full text of the deal.

    In my opinion, it is the deal by which a win-win case would be meant.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:06 am

    If Isreal really doesn't want Iran there, they could have a chat with Assad "We will help you end this war in exchange when it's over you have iran remove all of its military forces" that is a deal syria and Iran would agree to.

    Who gives a fuck what Israel wants now?

    Putin played nice and helped mediate relations and this is how they repay him... Putin should tell Assad that his future existence depends on getting as many Iranian ballistic missiles into Syria as possible all pointed at Israel, so that when Russia starts sending weapons to Hezbulla and they start more actively attacking Israel that the Iranian missiles can better support the operations...

    Russia should boost the capabilities and performances of the Syrian air Defence forces and use alternate IFF codes for Russian aircraft operating in Syria that can be given to the Syrian air defence forces.

    Any Israeli attack with less than 3 hours warning will be fought off by Russian and Syrian air defence forces... including attacks from outside Syrian airspace...

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    Post  Vann7 Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:34 am

    Erdogan is a fool... he have been part of the problem in Syria , by allowing NATO to use its borders to
    destabilize Syria ,sending radical islamist to Syria to take control of their cities.. Eventually all this money
    and time he have invested in holding Idlib ,with mercenaries friendly to him ,will go down the toilet , because
    Erdogan will not be in power  forever ,and any new Government can reverse 100% all interference of Turkey in Syria. In previous elections ,already this was proposed by the opposition of Erdogan..To cut all the aid they provide
    to the rebels holding cities away from Syria ,seeking to split the country ,end the interference of Turkey in Syria
    and restore relations 100% with Assad.  So Erdogan will not be in power forever ,and Putin knows this , so the plans of Russia are very long term for Syria ,so to create conditions for Syria to recover 100% of its territory. And Americans ,Britain ,France and Israel are fully aware of this major flaw in their tactics , so this is why Israel and NATO are now replacing Alqaeda and ISIS with their cruise missiles and combat planes attacks.. Is no longer a proxy war ,but now is more direct..

    When ISIS and Alqaeda had a chance to fight Syrian army ,Israel and NATO remained largely silent the entire conflict .  But now they reviving the chemical weapons propaganda to justify bombing Syria.. All this cruise missiles
    attacks of NATO and Israel incursions ,bombing near Russian base.. all this ,what it really wants is pressure Russia
    ,scare Russia to negotiate the partition of Syria to keep them weak..eventually so that they can continue bleeding
    Syria in the future and provoke a new civil war , by exporting non syrians into Syria ,that are incompatible with Assad secular country , that will continue destabilizing it.  As long NATO and Israel can continue the conflict in Syria , then Russia will continue being there , waisting money..defending it.. So make no mistake , this NATO/Israel interference will continue for many years more, but at the same time , they will continue bombing Syria on the pretext of "chemical weapons storages" or "weapons aimed to hezbolah" or " suspicion of nuclear weapons" but Syria have big chances ,big possibilities ,under Putin's long term plans to recover 100% of its territory. Since as was said Erdogan will not last forever in Turkey and any new leader from opposite party or even in same party ,
    could be convinced to stop their interfere with Syria and restore in full relations with Russia. Everyone knows US are only using Turkey for their own benefits and what happens in Syria could be exported to Turkey too , and no one who believe deserve respect , will want to operate in a relationship with Americans under such terms ,with one hand friendship and with the other arming Kurds to become very lethal force ,for a future war against Turkey.

    So Putin is doing a relative effective policy in Syria , but is far from perfect ,because Russia needs to have a lot
    of patience ,even when their soldiers killed by foreign intervention. But for sure i will never call Putin a genius..
    Because if he was really smart ,he should have known Russia Economic and military limitations of power projection and will have avoided any kind of close friendship .with any nation far from Russia ,knowing well ,that NATO will put them later on the hit list..

    So Truly Putin policy is very short sighted... he should focus only in influencing the nations on its borders ,that he could properly help and defend , and in attracting Europe into Russian orbit.. Putin's pivot to Asia ,is laughable .
    Since this is basically turning their back ,on someone kicking you in the ass..  Imagine that.. that Stalin turned
    its back on Europe and looked to pivot to China, when hitler had plans in motion to attack Russia and already deploying dozens of thousands tanks near Soviet borders. .. The nations Russia needs to influence more ,is Europe.. more than anything.. because there will be NO NATO and no more jewish American or British empire ,the day Europe becomes allied and very close to Russia. Collapsing the dollar will not end NATO ,only by countering American influence over Europe it will happen.  But is unlikely Putin will be the leader who can achieve that. So people should not hold their breath with Putin , the best he can do ,is make Russia hold Americans aggression . Only to stay alive.. this is the best he can do..  But turning Russia into a world leader that ends US influence in the world, requires a very different kind of Government in Russia.. that is not so attached to the past and reinvent Russia in a new way ,that will get Europe move away from the US system.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  Isos Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:58 am

    Any Israeli attack with less than 3 hours warning will be fought off by Russian and Syrian air defence forces... including attacks from outside Syrian airspace...

    Are you serious ? Russian DIDN'T have to react to isreali bombing as it is about iran/israel confrontation.

    Syrians have to react always.

    And NOW that israeli involved russians in their conflict with iran, russia has to react to this event. And not ask for calls before israeli bombing.

    Fuck, even iran launched 20 ballistical missiles at them when they killed many of them and russia couldn't because of 50 nuk that israel has ?

    They should load those tupolev to destroy as many as possible israeli planes. Then bring 50 tactical nuclear missiles and show them they have them on board su-34, kalibr on frigate, base some tupolev 160 in iran ... isrel would just shut up and US would hold its puppet better next time as the nuks can threat also US bases.

    If they don't its only a question of time to see more dead like this for them.

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