VIDEO: Turkish soldiers are torturing a villager at rural #Afrin in order to get information on ATGMs.
calm wrote:SAA will supply them with that from Aleppo.
Turkey is blocked from flying over Syria since downing of Russian plane. They had to sit and watch as this convoy move through Afrin.
calm wrote:SAA captured 40 villages from IS in Hama pocket.
VIDEO: Turkish soldiers are torturing a villager at rural #Afrin in order to get information on ATGMs.
Inevitable really given the many years of support by the Turks and the US to their proxies in the area and the relatively small size of the SyAA being unable to fight on all fronts. It is going to take years for the situation to stabilise in Syria.SeigSoloyvov wrote:Turkish army units are setting up checkpoints and entering cities in Idlib.
If the SAA want to advance anymore they will have to walk over dead Turkish soldiers.
Oh what will you choose Assad.
par far wrote:
Where are you getting the highlighted information from? The battle for Afrin is about to heat up, Turkey is already sending thousands of their own terrorists to Afrin and now these Kurdish terrorists are going to Afrin, now all these terrorists will kill each other, which is very good.
Body is recovered.Russia has apparently closed Syrian airspace to Turkish aircraft at least until its murdered pilot's body is recovered.
The Russians want a) the body of their pilot back b) Turkey to stop helping Al Qaeda in Idlib.
calm wrote:..................
3 days ago
Body is recovered.Russia has apparently closed Syrian airspace to Turkish aircraft at least until its murdered pilot's body is recovered.
The Russians want a) the body of their pilot back b) Turkey to stop helping Al Qaeda in Idlib.
So maybe it is all bs but no more videos from Turkish media of airstrikes. And no reports from Kurds on airstrikes either.
SeigSoloyvov wrote:Turkish army units are setting up checkpoints and entering cities in Idlib.
If the SAA want to advance anymore they will have to walk over dead Turkish soldiers.
Oh what will you choose Assad.
JohninMK wrote:Not really a military target
Gissur Simonarson
Verified account @GissiSim
6h6 hours ago
A few hours ago Turkish army bombarded the drinking water facility of Afrin with heavy artillery. The facility is providing clean drinking water to 100Ks of civilians. This is yet another war crime - @GilgoPapa
Was today's US airstrike against SAA in defense of the Conoco plant? It is indeed 8 km east of SAA-held Hatlah (CJTFOIR says 8 km E of deconfliction line) but only 3.4 km from Khusham.
This is the beginning of the end for the Yanks. It started out exactly like this at Al Tanf. They panicked and bombed the Hashd when they got too near their weak-ass rats.
All combat-capable SDF units are leaving Jazira for Afrin. The Yank SOFs in DeZ are left with Abu Hawla's worthless bums facing the Russians so they panic and call in the cavalry.
calm wrote:US attacking SAA on other side of Euphrates.
JUST IN: Russian contractors may have been involved in pro-regime attack on US military advisers and their partner forces in Syria that led to US counterattack with aircraft and artillery in east of Euphrates. No US wounded.
Was today's US airstrike against SAA in defense of the Conoco plant? It is indeed 8 km east of SAA-held Hatlah (CJTFOIR says 8 km E of deconfliction line) but only 3.4 km from Khusham.
This is the beginning of the end for the Yanks. It started out exactly like this at Al Tanf. They panicked and bombed the Hashd when they got too near their weak-ass rats.
All combat-capable SDF units are leaving Jazira for Afrin. The Yank SOFs in DeZ are left with Abu Hawla's worthless bums facing the Russians so they panic and call in the cavalry.
AbdulhamidtheSecond wrote:Russia requested from Turkey to set up 12 bases and now I see people accusing Turkey. Well that was nice...
Well, reality is, Turkey will work for his interests, as every country does.
Russia and Turkey are not close enough to be called as allies, however they did something. They assembled a guarantorship agreement over warring sides in Syria. Excluding US. This was a clear message to US.
Militarov wrote:"The issue of restoring contacts and ties between Syria and Turkey is not on Ankara's agenda and such proposals are unrealistic, Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Wednesday."
GunshipDemocracy wrote:AbdulhamidtheSecond wrote:Russia requested from Turkey to set up 12 bases and now I see people accusing Turkey. Well that was nice...
which people? Lavrov? Putin? Shoigu?