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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  littlerabbit Sun Jun 10, 2018 6:34 pm

    Hole wrote:Our "friends and partners in the west" have send five KC-135 to our friendly nazi regime in the neighbourhood. Ah, the pride of the ami air force, 55 year old aerial tankers!

    Is it possible this is a sign of inevitable attack on Donbass?! attack When Pentagon starts to relocate aerial tankers, that usually means the war is coming. dunno

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  JohninMK Sun Jun 10, 2018 7:51 pm

    littlerabbit wrote:
    Hole wrote:Our "friends and partners in the west" have send five KC-135 to our friendly nazi regime in the neighbourhood. Ah, the pride of the ami air force, 55 year old aerial tankers!

    Is it possible this is a sign of inevitable attack on Donbass?! attack  When Pentagon starts to relocate aerial tankers, that usually means the war is coming. dunno
    The USAF has got plenty of tankers around Europe. They would be sitting ducks if anything serious happened.

    Perhaps more likely a way for the US to dump a few more $millions of military gear on Ukraine. Anyone got any idea what they would be used for?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  franco Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:46 pm,15700023,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700173,15700186,15700190,15700201&usg=ALkJrhhMMl0VlLpIuI4baT7WIy9Evi4UIw

    Interesting read. Tried to copy and paste translation without luck.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  George1 Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:34 pm

    franco wrote:,15700023,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700173,15700186,15700190,15700201&usg=ALkJrhhMMl0VlLpIuI4baT7WIy9Evi4UIw

    Interesting read. Tried to copy and paste translation without luck.

    If Trump will raise rates, the Russian army will enter Ukraine

    The fateful date is approaching. My friends, of course, I understand that Ukraine is not Hitlerite Germany and I am sure that it will never be like that, but the experience of previous generations teaches us that history tends to repeat itself - once in the form of tragedy, another time in the form of farce. And we have already seen the tragedy. Therefore, on the eve of June 22, somehow you start to look more closely around and blow to the cold. Very much the situation disposes.

    We all remember the war on August 8, 08, which began synchronously with the opening of the Olympic Games in Beijing and we all know what begins in Russia on June 14. Sin, you know, Putin will not spoil the mass, especially since his hands will be connected at that moment. And in Ukraine there are forces that think so. And it is not groundless. Rapid response is possible only through the forces of the "north wind" and the corps of the self-proclaimed republics of the armed forces, and they, you know, are not iron. If the offensive begins massively along the entire perimeter of contact, then using the numerical superiority and element of surprise to steal, breaking through the 1st line of defense will not be difficult in 2-3-4 places at the same time, and crushing defenses on the shoulders of the defenders enter dense urban agglomeration already during the first 36 hours of escalation, where they will then be impossible to smoke, not allowing massive loss of civilian population. They have been following this idea for a Croatian operation "Molniya" (1995) for 2 years already.

    At the moment, we are observing the implementation of their plan for slowly squeezing out VSN forces and moving the APU to the gray zone (so they pushed back the territory and reduced the neutral zone in 13 places along the line of contact). The plan seems to be unpromising if we consider it as a final task (so they will be pressing the territory for another 100 years), but not at all hopeless if we regard it as an intermediate one, aimed at diverting attention from the directions of the main strike in the implementation of the plan of the lightning throw.

    Here is what the former commander of the Vostok battalion Alexander Khodakovsky writes on this subject (I give it concisely):

    1. I state: the Minsk truce has once again been foiled by the fault of the Ukrainian side. Bakhmutka (Zhelobok), Gorlovka (Zaitsevo, Chigiri), Dokuchaevsk, Yasinovatsky block-post district, Donetsk airport and in a number of other places there is a sharp activation of the enemy's actions. There are daily infantry clashes and artillery battles with losses on both sides (up to 5 people killed and up to 15 wounded each day). The enemy is constantly trying to move forward in neutral (the gray zone has already been eaten by them, now it is just neutrality). Most often this happens by forces of one or two platoons. Occupied positions immediately strengthened and no longer give up. In a number of cases, such attempts are reflected, but sometimes there is simply no one to reflect them, and there is nothing to do - the front line is shifted by several hundred meters. As a result of the general superiority of the enemy in the 1st line of defense, we have to leave our positions in order to avoid encirclement and vain losses. And for the VSN bodies the ban on the opening of fire is the first to continue. We only react to the enemy's actions.

    2. The main areas of activity of the APU are still Debaltsevo, Dokuchaevsk, Gorlovka, Bakhmutka, YaBP. In all these directions, the enemy has large reserves in the immediate vicinity of the front line, ready at any moment to strike a massive blow with the aim of capturing these points. Petrovsky district of Donetsk is also included in their number, where the threat of capture is not weakened, since the defense is held there by any departmental special forces, which patches holes in the battle formations of the linear corps. In the case of a large-scale attack by the forces of full BTG with the active support of artillery - the front in these areas will last no more than 2-3 hours. There is not much hope for a few strategic reserves of the VSN, because they are not able to arrive quickly to breakthrough places for a number of objective, and often even subjective reasons (I have already reported about the level of general idiocy and local pofigism).

    3. The efforts made by the authorities to maintain the strength of the corps are insufficient and it continues to decline steadily throughout this time. The state of technology, the coordination of troops and other indicators that have a decisive influence on the outcome of military operations are also not impressive. About the quality of the command staff of the "advisers", in general, it's better to keep silent. (The data on the units will tell who should, but as practice shows, this will not affect the situation in any way.) While Kremen and his ilk are commanded by brigades, and then they go to increase, the threat of destroying the brigades subordinated to them, because of their complete incompetence, will be only a matter of time ).

    4. There is a real threat that the enemy may decide (if the curators give permission) to strike in the direction of Gorlovka, Debaltsevo, Dokuchaevsk, Yasinovatoy, Zhelobka, Petrovsky district of Donetsk and a number of other settlements. Whether he will develop his offensive at the same time or not - I do not know, everything will depend on how the Kremlin will react. If the "north wind" blows with the same force, then the shelters, defending the already captured, will dive with pleasure into some Minsk-3. If not, they will go further. When they do, I do not know, but they have already completed the preparations for such an attack.

    Have you read it? What thoughts? Stubbornly, yes? But do not rush to tear your hair. And that's why. This is written by Khodakovsky, you know, not to the MTR headquarters of the newly appointed commander of the MTR, Lieutenant-General Lunev, but to the curators to the Kremlin, but since this document is publicly available, it can pursue exactly the opposite goals, which you did not think about. Not for the first time already Khodakovski tears his hair with shouts: "It's gone, boss! Gips are being removed, the client is leaving! "- LDNR's defense is leaking, discipline is falling, the commanders are not in line with their positions, the armed forces are about to start their offensive and if urgent urgent measures are not taken (that is, to assign me to all posts at once), then neither for which I can not vouch. Since the situation is stalemate, I risk assuming that this leak can also serve as an invitation to active Ukrainians. Strange as it may sound now - it is their offensive and will untie the hands of the Kremlin with all possible consequences for Ukraine. Minsk-2, stalled, the Norman format, treading on the spot, even the discussion of the introduction of peacekeeping forces into the territory of the self-proclaimed republics does not even one step closer to the resolution of the long overripe Ukrainian question.

    It is already clear that the recognition of the legitimacy of the current Ukrainian leadership in the hope of its adequacy was a mistake. All subsequent events only confirmed this assumption. It is not possible to delegitimize the existing regime in Ukraine at the moment, as soon as, if not in the case of frankly its unfriendly aggressive actions towards the Russian Federation, which is impossible a priori, there are no suicides there. What can not be said about LDPR - the escalation of hostilities there, in principle, is possible, and what some forces in Kiev only dream about, because this is the only way to prolong their existence and increase the chances in the internal political struggle. Therefore, I would not consider Khodakovsky's letters to the grandfather's village from the standpoint of selfish interest, but suggested a more subtle game (Alexander Khodakovsky, of course, not Pop Gapon, but in fact I would not rule out the option of catching the MSF from the FSB). And do not be bothered by Putin's response to Zahar Prilepin's question during his recent Straight Line - about the fatalities for Ukraine of its attempts during the World Cup to take any power actions to change the status quo in the Donbass. You all know who and where Putin worked before his current position. Read the lips - the Kremlin is only waiting for it. All forces for reaction are in full combat readiness. Reserves are accumulated along the entire Ukrainian-Russian border. The units of the permanent readiness were put into the "deployment at 2:00" mode. Ukrainians no one will give 36 hours. And do not be disturbed by NATO's activity on our northern borders, unprecedented in the forces involved (3,000 US troops of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment of the US Army and 1,500 combat vehicles) exercises in the Baltic States, which have now begun at the military ranges of Estonia and Lithuania and will end only on June 21. And the national exercises Perkūno griausmas ("Thunder Perkūnas"), the exercises of the Lithuanian Special Operations Forces Liepsnojantis kalavijas ("The Burning Sword"), the exercises under the command of the USA Saber Strike ("Saber Strike") and the NATO exercise Steadfast Cobalt ("Durable" cobalt"). Putin will not repeat Stalin's mistakes. No one will turn a blind eye to the "provocation" of the enemy, especially since he is waiting for them. The forthcoming meeting of the Norman four in the format of the foreign ministers in Berlin on 11 June will be the last point of bifurcation, after which either the force scenario will be finally replaced with a peacekeeping one, or wait for surprises. And they, by no means, will not be connected with the beginning World Cup in football.

    What would you like more - to let the Russian team become the world champion or to finally solve the Ukrainian crisis in our favor?

    So that you do not have unnecessary illusions about the negotiating component of this conflict of interests between the Russian Federation and the US, while the US is not a member of the Norman format, I will give just a few reasons.

    1. Neither aggravation under Gorlovka, nor any other provocations by the APU by diplomatic methods can not be stopped, as they are part of the long-playing strategy of the United States to maintain the conflict in Ukraine in the hot phase and prevent its freezing in the Transnistrian scenario. Kiev will continue to implement a plan to slowly squeeze out the enemy and advance into the gray zone (and not only in the direction of the city), regardless of losses, to maintain a controlled conflict in the hot phase. Loss in manpower and mat. units will allow it to maintain the current level of intensity of combat operations for years, since they are far from unacceptable.

    2. Everyone can observe that the Kremlin has not been allowed to jump out of the fork after the surrender of the war for four years. And it was foolish to hope that with the advent of Trump something will change for the better and he will give up the strategic advantage achieved here by his predecessor (unless, in exchange for concessions in other geopolitically important regions for the United States). The past 4 years of the positional war only confirmed the obvious, if someone expected that diplomacy would work, then, of course, they were waiting for surprises. Therefore, from the upcoming negotiations in Berlin, I do not expect anything at all - there is no one to talk with Lavrov, there is no American side, and its European component is nothing more than political scenery (in terms of their influence on Kiev).

    3. Substitution of Surkov for Babich in the format of special representatives here did not change anything and could not change, because all the opportunities for changing the situation were lost as early as 2014. And now it's too late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys were turned off ... RF, of course, will still try to implement the inertial scenario , counting on the freezing of the conflict and the internal destruction of the existing fascist regime, but the result is likely to be zero, because, unlike our American counterparts, we do not have levers of influence on the Kiev regime.

    4. As a result, after more than 4 years of war in the Donbass, neither side has achieved the desired strategic goals. The United States has not been able to squeeze Russia out of the territory of Ukraine, Russia has never been able to use the existing holdings in the Donbass to return influence to Ukraine in the desired way. Hopes that this can happen through some international negotiation formats did not come true, why it should happen now in Berlin - I do not know?


    We have an obvious military and political impasse that can not be resolved either in the Normandy-Minsk format, nor the maintenance of the status quo on the line of demarcation, nor attempts to bypass the impasse through the Syrian war. The emerging strategic stalemate (in the conditions of the sides' refusal to seize the initiative through a full-scale offensive) at the current stage does not have a military-political solution and is doomed to remain hostage to unremovable contradictions in US-Russian relations. The solution of the issue is possible only through personal arrangements between Trump and Putin, the meeting between which is postponed for reasons beyond our control. If this takes place, each of the contracting parties will try to enter it with a strong negotiating position. And I do not exclude that Trump will want to raise rates, putting the Russian Federation ahead of an irresolvable dilemma - to enter into an open conflict with Ukraine or not. Everything should happen before June 22. We all entered the regime of maximum turbulence. The point of bifurcation will be the 11th. We look, we draw conclusions ...

    Author: Vladimir Volkonsky
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  George1 Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:03 am

    Normandy Four ministerial talks begin in Berlin

    The talks are expected to focus on the recent escalation in Donbass and prospects for deployment of a peacekeeping mission to the embattled region

    BERLIN, June 11. /TASS/. A ministerial meeting in the Normandy Four format (Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine) has begun in Berlin, TASS reported from the scene on Monday.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is attending the meeting.

    The talks are expected to focus on the recent escalation in Donbass and prospects for deployment of a peacekeeping mission to the embattled region.

    Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that Russia would insist that the status quo be restored in the grey zone near the villages of Zolotoye (the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, DPR) and Petrovskoye (the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic, LPR), that troops and weapons be disengaged near Stanitsa Luganskaya (LPR) and that the ‘Steinmeier formula’ on the procedure of elections in Donbass be confirmed.

    The talks are taking place at the German foreign minister’s guesthouse Villa Borsig.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jun 30, 2018 2:18 pm


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  littlerabbit Sat Jun 30, 2018 4:03 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 TSs8AZnP-r4VcF4x-R8drHehiRjjbhxQ5866u_23sTE

    Is he a parachuter? Very Happy

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  d_taddei2 Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:13 am

    littlerabbit wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 TSs8AZnP-r4VcF4x-R8drHehiRjjbhxQ5866u_23sTE

    Is he a parachuter? Very Happy

    Nah I am going to go for marine good buoyancy lol1

    Although might get mistaken as a naval mine lol1

    Although to fair he's probably got a meaningful role in the frontline like a clerk or cook lol1

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  JohninMK Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:26 pm

    You really need to be a Russian speaker to get the most out of the videos.

    One of the most decisive battles of the war in eastern Ukraine came in January and February 2015, when Russia sent hundreds — if not thousands — of soldiers and modern tanks to capture the key railway hub of Debaltseve. Ukraine’s defeat in this battle led to the Minsk II agreements, and no battles over the past three years have approached the level of direct Russian involvement seen in Debaltseve.

    Recently, a video emerged that was filmed in the winter of 2014 and 2015, which and shows soldiers of the infamous Wagner private military company (PMC) riding towards Debaltseve, where they would take part in the battle. The videos were taken from a flash drive that was recovered by Ukrainian forces as a “trophy,” though the original owner of the footage is unknown.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jul 16, 2018 5:40 pm

    Putin just said in Helsinki that Russia is open to extending the gas transit contract. He seemed to tag it to an agreement on the Stockholm settlements.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:37 pm

    He is open to dialogue, not exactly anything concrete. And FYI, settlement was suspended due to issues that was put forward by Russia that threw the enforcement out the window.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  Hole Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:03 pm

    The idiots in the EU want this gas transfer so they will have to pay for it.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  auslander Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:33 pm

    Reports are Donetsk City Proper is being bombarded heavily, mainly infrastructure. Casualties unknown but the inference is this is a result of President Trump's meeting with VVP.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #27 - Page 20 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #27

    Post  franco Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:05 pm

    auslander wrote:Reports are Donetsk City Proper is being bombarded heavily, mainly infrastructure. Casualties unknown but the inference is this is a result of President Trump's meeting with VVP.

    Seems to happen every time.

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Jul 17, 2018 12:14 am

    Also World Cup is now over, Syria looking good for Russia and Trump Putin got on OK in Helsinki. Also with Putin saying (after Trump said, to a US press question, that he didn't recognise Crimea) that Crimea was a done deal as the referendum was done to UN standards.

    Definitely time for someone so minded to try to put a spanner in the works by pulling Putin's tail in Donbas to try to get a reaction. Can't say its unexpected, sadly.

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    Post  auslander Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:44 pm

    Problem with the idiots is the spanner might not end up in 'the works', it may end up somewhere very sensitive in someone's anatomy.

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jul 25, 2018 10:32 pm

    I would usually just be linking to Russia Insider but they have been seriously going off the deep end lately so here is original source:

    Lavrov And Gerasimov "Inform" Merkel.

    It is rather a peculiar development. No, not the fact of Lavrov meeting Frau Kanzlerin in Berlin as was agreed prior with Vladimir Putin. Nothing special about that. What is special and peculiar is that Frau Merkel also met with:

    The meeting, agreed last week by Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin, was also attended by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and the head of Russia’s military general staff Valery Gerasimov, said the spokeswoman in a statement.No further details were given.

    Valery Gerasimov is not the kind of guy who attends diplomatic meetings, him being present in Berlin together with Russia's foreign minister signals something very important in the making. Discussing Syria? Sure, seems natural but as Russia's news agencies report and I quote: "The issue of Ukraine was also discussed". I think, that this is it.........

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:34 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    I would usually just be linking to Russia Insider but they have been seriously going off the deep end lately so here is original source:

    Lavrov And Gerasimov "Inform" Merkel.

    It is rather a peculiar development. No, not the fact of Lavrov meeting Frau Kanzlerin in Berlin as was agreed prior with Vladimir Putin. Nothing special about that. What is special and peculiar is that Frau Merkel also met with:

       The meeting, agreed last week by Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin, was also attended by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and the head of Russia’s military general staff Valery Gerasimov, said the spokeswoman in a statement.No further details were given.

    Valery Gerasimov is not the kind of guy who attends diplomatic meetings, him being present in Berlin together with Russia's foreign minister signals something very important in the making. Discussing Syria? Sure, seems natural but as Russia's news agencies report and I quote: "The issue of Ukraine was also discussed". I think, that this is it.........
    The two of them forming a team to go and visit Israel and Germany.

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    Post  JohninMK Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:55 am

    A John Helmer analysis post Helsinki

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    Post  JohninMK Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:37 pm

    The hit squad went to Paris as well as Berlin

    Never before had Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forced Valery Gerasimov travelled on a joint tour abroad. Obviously, these two officials play the role of “messengers” who clarify certain issues for Putin-Trump meetings. Yet, why does Gerasimov need to attend meetings in Berlin and Paris, if Germany and France play a secondary military role in Syria?

    The meeting in Berlin was held in the presence of German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, while French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian attended the meeting in Paris. According to Western publications, the meetings were arranged at Russian president’s request. The Russian Foreign Ministry reported that the officials discussed issues related to Syrian refugees and the implementation of the Minsk Accords for the regulation of the crisis in Ukraine (the Normandy format).

    What was the need for Mr. Gerasimov, the Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, to be present at all those meetings? Paris and Berlin play a secondary, one can say a humanitarian role in the Syrian conflict. It was reported that Russia and France launched a joint humanitarian operation in Syria’s liberated south. But what does Mr. Gerasimov have in common with it?

    Yet, Berlin and Paris are directly responsible for the rise of fascist regime to power in Ukraine. They are also responsible for the anti-Russian hysteria in Europe. Russia held the FIFA World Cup and could now have a frank explanation with European leaders about its stance on Ukraine. Russia’s position on the crisis in Ukraine has changed. Suffice it to recall Putin’s recent proposal to hold a referendum in the Donbass. This is where Mr. Gerasimov could come in handy to talk about the red line that Ukraine has crossed in the Sea of Azov.

    Earlier, Putin warned that the exacerbation of the crisis in the Donbass could lead to serious consequences for Ukraine’s statehood. It appears that the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces already has a plan of action at this point. It appears that this plan takes into account Ukraine’s possible move to launch a military operation against the Donbass either at its own will or by instructions from the deep state.

    The above-mentioned meetings, held at Putin’s request, looked like a message from Putin to Merkel and Macron: “Talk to Gerasimov, if Lavrov doesn’t sound convincing for you.”

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    Post  JohninMK Thu Jul 26, 2018 9:36 pm

    Someone stirring it in Moscow

    Christo Grozev
    ‏ @christogrozev
    12h12 hours ago

    Russian paper MK reports that DNR/LNR "rebels" claim they have 760 tanks, incl T-90s never exported to Ukraine. Plus 70 GRAD units and 500 heavy artillery units. This is nearly 3x the tanks owned by Germany. No alternative provenance explanation than illegally provided by Russia.


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    Post  kvs Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:33 am

    JohninMK wrote:Someone stirring it in Moscow

    Christo Grozev
    ‏ @christogrozev
    12h12 hours ago

    Russian paper MK reports that DNR/LNR "rebels" claim they have 760 tanks, incl T-90s never exported to Ukraine. Plus 70 GRAD units and 500 heavy artillery units. This is nearly 3x the tanks owned by Germany. No alternative provenance explanation than illegally provided by Russia.

    The regime in Kiev is illegal. The Donbass is governed lawfully and is fully within its rights to obtain any military or civilian goods from
    Russia or any other country.

    Sick and tired of these BS claims about "legality" by assorted propagandists. Washington is not some God-appointed enforcer of absolute
    truth and morality. Its views and claims and pronouncements have no legal weight.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 27, 2018 10:11 am

    The US is currently supplying weapons and training to an illegal government imposed in a Coup, why should Russia not supply the peaceful freedom loving freedom fighters trying to resist this disgusting abomination against democracy in the heart of Europe?

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:39 am

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said he is confident that Ukraine will begin mass production of large-caliber artillery ammunition in the near future. "Today we are ready to move to the mass production of the most scarce ammunition in the near future," Poroshenko said during the launch of a new site for the production of 152mm artillery shells at joint-stock holding company Artem in Kyiv on Thursday.

    He said that the Ukrainian Defense Ministry had drafted at his request a target program for the new production of artillery munitions.

    He noted that this is impossible without new equipment, which was not sold to Ukraine in 2013, despite the diplomatic efforts of the leadership of the country and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "I can state that there was such a low level of confidence in Ukraine, that the previous Ukrainian authorities were so uncompromising that nobody trusted us and nobody supplied the equipment," Poroshenko said.

    He said that new equipment had currently been installed at the Artem plant. "The newest machines [...] came from Turkey and are already operating. The newest machines arrived. I will not say which countries they came from, because there are conditions of confidentiality, but I can say that many countries of the world today supply the unique equipment that is used by employees of the Ukrainian defense industry," Poroshenko said.

    He drew attention to the fact that the seized $1.5 billion, which was stolen from the Ukrainian people by the previous government, was working for Ukraine. He recalled that part of these funds had been spent on the country's defense industry, and "these funds were used to ensure the creation of a complex for the production of ammunition, both artillery and reactive ammunition."

    The head of state also noted that artillery had ensured a reliable defense of Ukrainian lands over the past four years of the war.

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    Ukrainian operating buk ...

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