flamming_python Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:44 am
par far wrote:We are slowing witnessing the destruction of the US right before our eyes.
It's all about money isn't it
Black people in America, who for all intents and purposes are their own seperate people or sub-ethnos, subconsciously know the bargain - essentially to appease them, give them quotas in universities, social benefits, drugs, etc... and being able to present themselves as the eternal victims - in return for their continued role at the bottom of society which their own culture serves to mark as an aspect of pride. Black entrepreneurs also profit from this wave, being able to tout the mark of a black-owned business, and in return assume positions as community leaders and go-betweens between their neighborhoods and the authorities. A sort of modern feudalism.
But there are no steps actually taken to modernize their communities, change the culture, eliminate backward practices, reduce drug-flow and invite industries and ways to generate jobs. All black people who say something intelligent or come up with some plan are seemingly side-lined.
Of course there are also many black people who achieve success in wider American society but those are the ones who get out of those same black communities as quickly as possible and move to white ones, mix with the affluent middle-class, become professionals in various fields - and then basically never look back at those same black communities and wouldn't be caught dead going there.
The underclass of the masses however is continued to be left in the position that it is, an essential part of the social hierarchy in America, much as the LGBT crowd and now 647 new genders are also becoming part of the hierarchy; all pretty much aligned to hate each other instead of realizing common interests.