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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus:


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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  soldieroffortune Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:41 am

    Jelena wrote:
    soldieroffortune wrote:

    I hope I've answered your question.
    Thank you very much for your answer, I'll take my time to think about it.

    Sure. I know I've offered this documentary already, as well as other articles, documentaries, etc and you don't always have the time ... but still if you do have the time please watch at least the first 10 minutes of

    Кавказцы в войнах России. Дикая дивизия

    about the warriors of the "Savage Division" in WW1. Interestingly, Josef Bros Tito, the future Marshal and leader of Yugoslavia was captured by the Muslim warriors of the "Savage Division" ... and even 60 years later he was still terrified by the experience... It could be that that experience at some subliminal level turned him off against Russia for ever ... Enjoy!

    NB.: Do you know what "CA" on your epaulet mean?

    Советская Армия[/quote]

    Very good ;-)

    Last edited by soldieroffortune on Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:33 pm

    sepheronx wrote:

    You know, in any other nation where they have terrorist activity going on in a certain region (like Russia does in the North Caucus), they would have already placed curfews and other such stuff, militarized the area and placed strict rules. All to flush out the terrorists, and to get people to cough up the locations of where these people are. They are not ghosts, they are not invisible, and they obviously know other people as well. FSB in the area would also track down people.

    The North Caucus is a problem, and was not during the USSR (and for a damn good reason). Allowing over abundant of free speech (especially when that speech turns to hate speech), especially when done by Islamic religion, should be stricken down and people should be warned. It is because of all these Islamic fundamentalists, problems are arising in the north Caucus and Russia is doing very little to deal with it. It is the lives of their own people at stake, and they are not trying harder.

    It seems August is a bad month in Russia. Lots of people died and injured. Not very good for the economy in the country (especially when the largest hydro electric damn in Russia gets damaged). But being Siberia, there is no terrorist activity. So at least it was an error based on the electric company.

    Kadyrov has been named head of security since the Governour was attacked a couple months ago.

    And Federal forces have been fighting this conflict. Just because martial law hasn't been declared doesn't mean people aren't be tortured and assasinated. You don't always hear this in the news.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:56 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:

    Kadyrov has been named head of security since the Governour was attacked a couple months ago.

    And Federal forces have been fighting this conflict. Just because martial law hasn't been declared doesn't mean people aren't be tortured and assasinated. You don't always hear this in the news.

    I think you people are forgetting the definition of "curfew"

      /ˈkɜrfyu/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kur-fyoo] Show IPA
    Use curfew in a Sentence
    1. an order establishing a specific time in the evening after which certain regulations apply, esp. that no civilians or other specified group of unauthorized persons may be outdoors or that places of public assembly must be closed.
    2. a regulation requiring a person to be home at a certain prescribed time, as imposed by a parent on a child.
    3. the time at which a daily curfew starts.
    4. the period during which a curfew is in effect.
    5. a signal, usually made with a bell, announcing the start of the time of restrictions under a curfew.
    6. a bell for sounding a curfew.
    7. (in medieval Europe) the ringing of a bell at a fixed hour in the evening as a signal for covering or extinguishing fires.
    8. a metal cover for shielding a banked or unattended fire.

    I am not saying torture or kill people. I am saying, limit their freedoms. No external force will come in to "save the day" like buddy boy thinks. It is a simple and effective tool that would be used and should be used to smoke out the enemy. Simply standing buy, twiddling thumbs and hoping corruption will stop (yet it is just as rampant in the US still) in hopes that terrorism will die down, is a pipe dream. Not acting hard shows weakness, especially when dealing with terrorists. You think our boys from Canada, USA, England, and the rest of NATO are doing diddly squat in Afghanistan? Because that is very much insulting knowing that Canadians are dieing for a cause you people think is considered "stupid". Instead we should be fighting the government? Hoping to take out corruption? No, because we already did that and these fundamentalists still exist. I am not saying kill them all, but set an example. But since these dumb asses are coming from other countries, they don't give a crap about government. All they are trying to do is bring in a fear force of conversion of Islam and trying to turn Russia into another country with problems.

    And anyway, we can sit by and try to fight corruption. But by the time we do something that is effective, Russia would have lost too many people. I can see why the Russian demographic is dropping actually. It is because these idiots run freely. Yeah, Kadyrov is in power. Woopdy doo. He is a crook too and these problems are more outside of Chechnya and in the neighboring republic.

    As for Jelena, who cares about the woman aspect. This has nothing to do about women or my feelings towards women and theirs towards me. This is about people being killed and people sitting around with a thumb up their ass.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:26 pm

    What is a curfew going to do? This bombing happened in the day.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  sepheronx Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:52 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:What is a curfew going to do? This bombing happened in the day.

    That is the thing. If these guys move around the night and make plans during the night. It would be easier to spot them. If day time is the main issue, then police the whole area. Bring down the Iron curtain so to speak.

    Whatever though. Whatever Russia does to stop these scum bags, and get rid of small dictators like Kadyrov, then I am happy.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  soldieroffortune Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:41 am

    ... to get rid of the "small dictator" Kadyrov, one would first have to get rid of Putin, who created Kadyrov.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  Marco1964 Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:10 pm

    Hi, I'm sorry for coming into the middle of your discussion here. I read through the different messages, and the varioust points being made, with a great deal of interest. I must admit, I was not fully aware of how bad things were Russia.
    I have never agreed nor have I ever seen the point of anyone trying to get their own way by using terrorism. In many respects it is the cowards way, especially when innocent men, women and children are hurt or killed because of it.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  Admin Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:08 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    Vladimir79 wrote:What is a curfew going to do? This bombing happened in the day.

    That is the thing. If these guys move around the night and make plans during the night. It would be easier to spot them. If day time is the main issue, then police the whole area. Bring down the Iron curtain so to speak.

    We have very few UAVs armed with thermal imagers and it wouldn't do very well anyway considering you have to have HUMINT to really break up these cells. Give Kadyrov a chance, he will assasinate this bafoon.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:03 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:

    We have very few UAVs armed with thermal imagers and it wouldn't do very well anyway considering you have to have HUMINT to really break up these cells. Give Kadyrov a chance, he will assasinate this bafoon.

    Thermal imagers and UAV's where not used in the past, yet we as humans were still good at sniffing out the enemy.

    UAV's anyway are coming into service, and Thermal imagers.....Russia has made them before and for a long time (cannot be that hard).

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  Admin Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:53 pm

    sepheronx wrote:

    UAV's anyway are coming into service, and Thermal imagers.....Russia has made them before and for a long time (cannot be that hard).

    Then why must we buy BPLA from Israel and thermal imagers from France... it is not so easy without significant investment.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:02 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:

    UAV's anyway are coming into service, and Thermal imagers.....Russia has made them before and for a long time (cannot be that hard).

    Then why must we buy BPLA from Israel and thermal imagers from France... it is not so easy without significant investment.

    Purchases should be made in order to gain technical knowledge on developing similar systems and further expanding on it. In order to be competitive in the world in technology development, is to also know what you are up against.

    I still think these deals is more then simply because it is better or not. But because a lot of work is already done for you. Expanding it would be cheaper and easier.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  Turk1 Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:10 pm

    It is clear Russian cannot control its own borders. Just release them to the freedom they want.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  sepheronx Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:22 pm

    Turk1 wrote:It is clear Russian cannot control its own borders. Just release them to the freedom they want.

    God ****, you are an idiot.

    It is a bunch of rebel scumbags who have nothing better to do with their times but rather listen to their extremist mosques and alike. I think Russia should bring down the Iron curtain on them. Then it will be like USSR all over again for those savages.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  soldieroffortune Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:49 am

    Turk1 wrote:It is clear Russian cannot control its own borders. Just release them to the freedom they want.

    Salam Alejkum, Turk1: I think it's Turkey cannot control its own borders with all those Kurdish rebels, - I say, - let them have their Kurdistan, - why to keep them in Turkey? You let go Egypt, Serbia, Syria, Arabia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, etc, etc, etc - let the Kurds have their own state.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty 'Suicide bomber' kills 4 policemen in Chechnya

    Post  Jelena Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:59 pm

    'Suicide bomber' kills 4 policemen in Chechnya

    Tue, 25 Aug 2009 12:30:32 GMT

    A suicide bomber has killed at least four policemen and injured another in central Chechnya, where deadly clashes have recently intensified.

    The attack occurred in Chechnya's central Shali district on Tuesday as a man wearing an explosive belt approached five policemen waiting for their vehicle to be cleaned at a carwash, and detonated himself, the RIA Novosti news agency reported.

    Four of the police officers were killed instantly, while the fifth one was taken to a hospital with severe wounds.

    There has been no official statement from Russian authorities on the latest attack.

    The development comes only four days after four policemen were killed in a double suicide bombing in Chechnya's capital Grozny.

    Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov later said the attack could have been aimed at killing him during a ceremony marking his birthday.

    Also last week, over 20 people were killed in a bomb attack on the police headquarters in Nazran, the main city of the equally-restive region of Ingushetia, which neighbors Chechnya.

    Insurgents in Chechnya have recently stepped up their anti-federal campaigns and spread the violence in the neighboring provinces in a significant spillover of the conflict on Russian territories.

    Separatists in the region have been seeking an independent homeland since the collapse of the Soviet Union in early 1990s, fighting two full-scale wars with the central government in Russia.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:19 pm

    What is it that they want?

    In honesty, they won't get it by killing children in school hostages and bombing police stations. It may work in trying to get soldiers out of your country, but by destroying your own economy and making your people whom are happy, miserable, poor and scared?

    Whatever their objective is, it is a poor one at that. Their message comes across that they are angry about something, but they will not gain international recognition. Only a bunch of idiots who believes US papers would truly believe these guys are freedom fighters (when there are far and few who support their cause or the fact there are not many of these idiots looming around as well).

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  Jelena Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:39 pm

    sepheronx wrote:What is it that they want?

    In honesty, they won't get it by killing children in school hostages and bombing police stations. It may work in trying to get soldiers out of your country, but by destroying your own economy and making your people whom are happy, miserable, poor and scared?
    Miserable, poor and scared are the easiest to be manipulated!

    Whatever their objective is, it is a poor one at that. Their message comes across that they are angry about something, but they will not gain international recognition. Only a bunch of idiots who believes US papers would truly believe these guys are freedom fighters (when there are far and few who support their cause or the fact there are not many of these idiots looming around as well).

    Look at the things this way.
    They start to intensify their terrorist activities and that will provoke some very strict measures by local government in order to protect civilians; Then the "humanitarians" will start to scream "Human rights" (well know scenario) and next thing you know, the Western press will be full of anti-Russian articles! It is a PR which is the most important thing today.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Russia accuses Georgia of supporting terrorism in N.Caucasus

    Post  sepheronx Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:44 am

    This site has been very very much quiet in late....


    MOSCOW, October 13 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's security chief accused Georgia on Tuesday of supporting terrorist groups in Russia's North Caucasus.

    FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov told a meeting of the national counterterrorism committee that audio recordings found on militants "show that they had worked with Al-Qaeda emissaries in establishing contacts with representatives of Georgia's special services, who participated in organizing training of terrorists and sending them to Chechnya."

    Georgian special services also helped supply arms and funds to terrorist groups for attacks in Dagestan, "particularly on oil and gas pipelines," the FSB chief said.

    So far this year, 45 terrorist attacks have been prevented in Russia's North Caucasus, including 19 since the start of June, Bortnikov said. A total of 178 militants have been killed or arrested.

    Russia's North Caucasus republics, in particular Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia, have seen an upsurge of militant violence this year, with frequent attacks on police and officials.


    You know, I would be considered a despot and just an evil dictator with this mind set; but to break the virus, fight the source. In other words, the problem does not lie in Chechnya and Daegestan, but it lies in Georgia (and various other countries like Wahhabi Saudi Arabia, etc.). And in order to find a cure, fight the source. Georgia is a country with little to gain in an asset to USA, and regardless of the fact, if Georgia is attacked, USA will not help them. Face it, the country is small and weak and no one really cares about them. They are just a satellite state to either Russia in the USSR times to USA now. Break them, and there is no way they can bid by the terrorist link.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  Admin Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:07 pm

    Moscow accuses Georgia of aiding al Qaeda in Russia
    Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:50pm IST

    By Amie Ferris-Rotman

    MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow accused Tbilisi on Tuesday of collaborating with al Qaeda and aiding Islamist militants in "terrorist" activities on Russian soil, a charge Georgia denied.

    A series of suicide bombs and attacks on police and security forces in Chechnya, where Russia has fought two separatist wars since the mid-1990s, and nearby Ingushetia and Dagestan, have shattered a few years of relative calm in the North Caucasus.

    "Tapes found belonging to militants testify that they, together with al Qaeda, established contact with representatives of Georgian special services," Alexander Bortnikov, head of the FSB, successor to the KGB, told Russian media.

    Georgia has helped train and move "terrorists" from Georgia to southern Russia's volatile, mainly Muslim republic of Chechnya, which it borders, he said.

    Georgia swiftly denied the claim, saying Russia was trying to stoke tensions with its ex-Soviet neighbour, with whom it fought a brief war in August 2008 over Georgian breakaway region South Ossetia.

    "It's an absurd, baseless, ridiculous statement, but it's not new in terms of Russian propaganda," Georgian National Security Council Secretary Eka Tkeshelashvili told Reuters.

    Bortnikov's comments echoed growing fears among officials and analysts that the simmering Islamist insurgency on Russia's southern flank is recruiting from abroad.

    He also said authorities had prevented a series of suicide attacks on the capital last month.

    "According to documents from law enforcement services, the activities of five militants trained for suicide attacks were prevented," he said.

    Referring to one man who was detained in Moscow, Bortnikov said he was planning a "terrorist attack" on a public holiday on Sept. 5, when tens of thousands of Muscovites strolled car-free streets in the heart of the city near the Kremlin.

    Russia's security services head added Georgia was also involved in delivering weapons, explosives and financial resources to aiding "subversive" activities in Dagestan, especially when destroying oil and gas pipelines.

    Last month state media reported that the regional head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, said "international terrorism" had reached Russia, and that 90 percent of recently liquidated militants in his region were foreign. He did not say from where.

    Sergei Goncharov, head of a group of former elite KGB troops and a deputy in the Moscow city government, told Reuters that about 15 percent of the funding for "terrorist" activity in the North Caucasus comes from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    During the second separatist war with Chechnya, which the Kremlin described as a "counter-terrorist operation", Moscow said Georgia's Pankisi Gorge on the border with Chechnya served as a shelter for hiding guerrillas and militants.

    Today, Tbilisi officials say some Chechen refugees still live there, but fighters and militants no longer take shelter in Georgia.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty North Caucasus insurgency/terrorist attacks:

    Post  Admin Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:10 pm

    More than 80 terror attacks prevented in this year's North Caucasus

    10:31 08/12/2009

    MOSCOW, December 8 - RIA Novosti. Law enforcement officials have prevented the North Caucasus in 2009, 81 terrorist attack and detained nearly 800 militants and their supporters, said the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, at a meeting of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee (NAC).

    "This year in the North Caucasus region held 42 counter-terrorist operations, as well as a large number of reconnaissance and search operational-combat activities. The result was prevented 81 terrorist crimes, arrested 782 members bandpodpolya and their associates, have identified and seized more than 1,6 thousands of small arms, 490 improvised explosive devices and more than 5.5 tons of explosives ", - said Bortnikov.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  msaabneh Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:32 pm

    in fact i dont know what is going on there.why is the war lasted for this long time?
    oleg nik
    oleg nik

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Black widows were forced out

    Post  oleg nik Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:16 am

    The story is full of black widows in poverty and despair caused by the war. Her growth was accompanied by the disintegration of the country, standard of living rapidly backwards. Chechen war, their home was completely destroyed and were living in displaced among their husbands died in combat with Russian forces, she and young children should keep in her husband's family, and live as slaves days. In order to feed their children and themselves, often choose a loan shark, ultimately can not afford to pay back the money, can only pay with their lives, do suicide attacks.

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:34 am

    The poverty and killing is created by the Chechen wahhabists.

    They won their independance and what did they do with it?

    Created a bandit state that sent roving bands of criminals to destabilise its neighbours.

    It wasn't by accident that these roving bands went north further into the Russian Federation rather than south into Georgia.

    They are currently better off than they have ever been.
    Farhad Gulemov
    Farhad Gulemov

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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Information about arrested Chechen insurgents?

    Post  Farhad Gulemov Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:25 pm


    Many Chechen insurgents were captured/arrested by the Federal forces in the first and, even more so, during the second Chechen war. I wonder what happened to them. Some of them are low-level "foot soldiers" and some of them are crazed murderers who crucified Russian soldiers, held slave markets, tortured people on video, etc. How did the Russian authorities cope with this influx of ver diverse detainees? I would also be interested in their interrogations (mostly how and why they ended up taking up arms) and in the sentences they received. Last, but not least, I would love to see some footage of the worst of them in handcuffs being interrogated by the Russians (I have seen the videos of Raduev, but there must be more).

    I wonder how many ex Chechen insurgents are now in the Russian prison system and for how long typically they are supposed to stay there. And I also wonder what kind of sentence the worst of the worst got and where they are kept (labor camp or Lefortovo?).

    Can somebody point me to some video, audio or text documents about this, preferably in Russian, but English is fine too.

    Thanks a lot in advance,


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    Insurgency in the North Caucasus: - Page 3 Empty Re: Insurgency in the North Caucasus:

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:13 am

    What do you think happened to them? They were interrogated and killed. If there wasn't time to interrogate we would line them up behind the vehicles and shoot them. Once they were finished with an interrogation they were taken out to a field and shot the same way.

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