Russia's economy is diversified.
Christ almighty. This is pathetic
Every country is diversified. Question is what is the contribution of those sectors to that country's GDP?miketheterrible wrote:Sujoy, learn economics. You are spreading bullshit that we already covered.
Russia's economy is diversified.
Christ almighty. This is pathetic
Sujoy wrote:Every country is diversified. Question is what is the contribution of those sectors to that country's GDP?miketheterrible wrote:Sujoy, learn economics. You are spreading bullshit that we already covered.
Russia's economy is diversified.
Christ almighty. This is pathetic
Oil and gas are responsible for more than 60% of Russia's exports and provide more than 30% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).
Assuming I lied, like you said, why is the Russian economy smaller in size to even Germany, Japan and UK? Those countries have roughly the same population that Russia has. Moreover, they hardly have any meaningful natural resource that they can export. Yet these countries have an economy larger than Russia.
of which crude oil and natural gas accounted for 26 percent and 12 percent respectively
PPP basis arguably more useful when comparing differences in living standards between nations. A haircut in New York is more expensive than in Lima; the price of a taxi ride of the same distance is higher in Paris than in Tunis; and a ticket to a cricket game costs more in London than in Lahore. PPP is an exchange rate at which the currency of one country is converted into that of the second country in order to purchase the same volume of goods and services in both countries. If a hamburger is selling in London for £2 and in New York for $4, this would imply a PPP exchange rate of 1 pound to 2 U.S. dollars. PPP exchange rates are relatively stable over time. Drawbacks of PPP is that PPP is harder to measure than nominal.
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Sujoy wrote:In order to compete with China, EU could have outsourced manufacturing to eastern Europe, instead they outsourced manufacturing to China.Isos wrote:All the eastern countries from EU are just as poor as Serbia. The advantage is that most western EU countries delocalize there and bring them work.Russia has a small but a skilled workforce. Per capita income is 2X that of China. I wonder why in all these years Putin steadfastly refused to diversify the Russian economy. They could have used the petro dollars to create a world class tech industry and a finance industry. Could have easily created a $5 Trillion economy by now and that would have given the Kremlin considerable heft in world affairs. Yet it remains an economy completely dependent on extraction of natural resources and export of weapons.Isos wrote:Russia isn't really a big economic partner. China is no better than US. EU is their last hope.
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GarryB wrote:Keep hearing how Russia betrayed all these little countries in the region... quite amusing really because I seem to remember they took a lot of shit from the west over their support for Serbia and other states in the area.
GarryB wrote:But I guess Russia not being able to save them from all of HATO is a much bigger betrayal and much harder to get over than HATO actually bombing their country
GarryB wrote:...and murdering their soldiers and policemen and of course helping local terrorists and criminals do the same.
GarryB wrote:I do wonder how long Serbia will be in HATO and the EU before they stop thinking of them as being the bad guys that were friends with Russia.
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In order to compete with China, EU could have outsourced manufacturing to eastern Europe, instead they outsourced manufacturing to China.
Russia has a small but a skilled workforce. Per capita income is 2X that of China. I wonder why in all these years Putin steadfastly refused to diversify the Russian economy.
They could have used the petro dollars to create a world class tech industry and a finance industry.
Could have easily created a $5 Trillion economy by now and that would have given the Kremlin considerable heft in world affairs.
Yet it remains an economy completely dependent on extraction of natural resources and export of weapons.
Every country is diversified.
Every country is diversified. Question is what is the contribution of those sectors to that country's GDP?
Oil and gas are responsible for more than 60% of Russia's exports and provide more than 30% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).
Assuming I lied, like you said, why is the Russian economy smaller in size to even Germany, Japan and UK?
more income tax (currently Russians pay a flat 13% tax) just to have "less dependence" on oil and gas for taxes is beyond retarded.
They did? Really?
Wow, this is definitely hot take since every time Russia was about to say that they will support Serbia they would be given a container of expired chicken legs for their starving ''loyal'' masses and a pat on the back after which they would fold like lawn chairs and fall back in line
They were cock blocked by the the military might of the superpower of Bulgaria
It think they simply don't give a fuck really
And let's not forget Arabs, Iranians and Palestinians who did their part here (and got the ball rolling back in the late 80s)
Who do you thing was dropping cash in US congress, buying Soviet weapons and sending jihadists to the Balkans?
NATO are assholes but they ain't the only ones in this fun house
If Belarus and the Ukraine are anything to go by it will be about 4 minutes and 27 seconds (give or take)
And since we never took a shit on Russia despite never getting free money from Russia (unlike everybody else) we still score way higher on that precious ''loyalty'' test
Russia doesn't have military bases in the region (Kosovo especially), they got no major political or financial investments or interests here and they haven't been making anything of this agreement themselves
In that document USA could have handed over control of entire Balkan peninsula to Belgrade but local fanboys would still be throwing shit fits over it and screaming about ''betrayal of Russia'' because their main priority which are the Palestinians were getting some more of their comeuppance
So please, spare me the fake outrage, nobody cares about ''poor little'' Abdul in Gaza Strip
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GarryB wrote: They got screwed by HATO just like you did... they were expecting to be a part of the peace keeping force.... what were you expecting them to do... bomb Brussels? They were hardly in a great position themselves.
GarryB wrote: Of course... A Russian invasion of Bulgaria would have solved everything....
GarryB wrote:HATO essentially broke international law, but what exactly were you expecting Russia to do about it?
GarryB wrote:You have forgiven them so fast I guess I could give it a week and you will be best friends again with Russia too perhaps?
GarryB wrote:... these are the people you want to be friends with...
GarryB wrote:....Of course, and you can improve your standing by getting lots of Russian speakers and baracade them in a building and then burn it down... shooting anyone who tries to leave.... get video of it they will love watching that over and over... the charred blacked corpses in the stairwells where the suffocated and eventually burned.... they might give you some cookies... and if the building is concrete it might still be solid enough to keep your quote of migrants... maybe burn it down a few times eh?
GarryB wrote:....It has nothing to do with Israel or the Palestinians... Israel is going to do what it does whether it has Serbian approval or not, this is just an election gimmick to try to get support for Yahoo and Trump... the fact that you are dealing with the devil is something you don't even notice as being a problem is the problem...
GarryB wrote:....Serbia is in bed with HATO and the US. That is all that this is about....
GarryB wrote:....Russia really can't afford to sell you fighters and air defence systems and other shit if you sleep with those...
GarryB wrote:....As Luke Skywalkers mum said to his dad... you are heading down a path that I can't follow... sorry to see you go but you are an adult and you make your own choices...
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flamming_python wrote:Anyway, the EU is demanding Serbia slap sanctions on Belarus. The obvious implication is that they'll ask Serbia to join the sanctions regime on Russia next
flamming_python wrote:Maybe starting with the new Navalny bill
flamming_python wrote:So, I guess we'll soon see if PD's theory about Serbia hedging it's bets with Trump against the EU and US globalists is true or not then.
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Serbia: size of Kaliningrad, population of Moscow suburb and an army the size of St. Petersburg traffic police
Russia: 1/6 of Earth's landmass, 130 million people and second largest military in existence at the time
It's safe to say that Serbia getting screwed is not exactly the same as Russia letting themselves get screwed (several times in a row on a same trick)
No Garry, not Russian invasion of Bulgaria
Not everything requires an invasion (thinking that it does is one of major problems with people on this forum)
Start breaking some international law in return
Again, I am still getting no explanation from any of you as to how exactly does this affect Russia
I know how it affects Arabs and Palestinians but I couldn't give fewer fuck about that and neither could anyone else on our end
No, these are the people we need to do business with in part because they are the only game in town (and EU are far worse than USA at the moment at least for us)
Competition is nowhere in sight
If the Ukraine is any indication it would probably result in Russia finally finishing that gas pipeline, giving us dirt cheap oil and gas and loads of free money for decades to come
Unfortunately for us we ain't exactly big fans of that approach to diplomacy (I blame our upbringing and mentality) so we have to actually work for a living
Everyone is waiting in line for a chance to deal with that Devil, Russia and China first and foremost (Chincoms ain't even pretending to be dignified about it)
And nobody here cares if they elect Beelzebub or Cthulhu if they want to, what matters is what we get out of it
We are solo as always (and finally learned to accept that fact and roll with it for the first time in history, fuck yeah finally)
The moment we flash the cash Russia will be asking where we want them delivered (yes, unlike other Russian allies we actually pay for our shit, those helicopters and Pantsirs came without gift-wrapping)
Seriously? Of all Star Wars movies you opted to quote that one?
Unlike Russia not a single person here would take that clown seriously
It's not theory and it's not hedging bets, it's about taking what you can now before elections in USA
Only real advantage anyone sees in EU here is money and nothing more, offer that Russia could easily match and exceed but they simply aren't doing
But it looks like Trump's current USA just did (sucks for current EU but fuck them) so better grab it before autumn
No hard feelings
GarryB wrote:Outline what you think Russia should have done to save you and Kosovo.
GarryB wrote:If they start acting like the west does that makes them no better
GarryB wrote:The west are clearly the bad guys
GarryB wrote:Lowering themselves to the level of the west and why should we care who wins... Russia will just be more of the same
GarryB wrote:You are clearly lost... you say you don't care about the Palestinians and arabs and I believe that... why should you... the question is... why do you think anything you can do for the US will ever make you their best interests in Europe... they are never going to think more of you than you think of the other vassals they screwed over this week
GarryB wrote:Yeah, the more chaos there, the more new migrants the EU will be getting over the next few years... why should you care... interference in the Middle East can never hurt Europe right?
GarryB wrote:So sucking up to the US is your way of showing independence?
GarryB wrote:It doesn't. I am not Russia. The other people here criticising your leader are not Russia either.
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Not taking it up the ass like a maggot composed out of string of rectums would have been a solid basis for later moves
But in this particular case they could have just said ''no''
Afterwards some honesty about who and what they are would have improved their image post fact at least
Oh wait, this was betterment competition?
My bad, all this time I thought this was geopolitics. silly me
And? What about it?
Nobody gives a crap
I don't seem to recall good guys getting results
They already are the same and always have been
Others just do it a lot better
We know they don't care
And we don't care about them
Nobody gives a shit
It's what we can get out of it that matters
Lessons of the 90's
The more chaos spreads over there the more those who fucked us over get to go to shit, a perfect storm
Sand Niggers (I do love this new name, thanks for coming up with it) go down the shitter first and they move to EU who goes down the shitter later as a result (Russia profits too, pro-bono hahaha)
Win - win for us, all the upsides with none of the downsides
What, did you think that we like EU here or something? They got money, only reason we give a crap
They fucking went to war against us
As for Sand Niggers they can always pop in a VHS copy of Disney's Aladdin and reminisce about the good old days when they were the good guys and those nasty Serbs were getting the big budget Jihad
And this is why none of these ''complaints'' y'all have matter
Relevant parties have no complaints, that's what matters
The rest is all just irrelevant background noise
GarryB wrote:Maggots don't take it up the arse... social climbers do.
GarryB wrote:most of your neighbours will be higher on the pecking order...
GarryB wrote:more so that Poland is....
GarryB wrote:A friendly country too far away to help...
GarryB wrote:No. But morality is important going forward...
GarryB wrote:it is harder to dress your own wounds when they are in your back.
GarryB wrote:The funny thing is that it was HATO with the knife in the back and Russia trying to help but once it is in what could they do?
GarryB wrote:So why are you not a member of an Albanian gang...
GarryB wrote:The west works for their financiers... the 1%, Putin seems to be working in the interests of all Russians.
GarryB wrote:Sad that you are a teacher.
How do you explain the work hard ethic together with the forget morality and just take the easy options... it just seems like a contradiction to me.
GarryB wrote:The 1% who funded you getting screwed over are not suffering... more wars in the Middle East means more ammo and more weapons production... they are making lots of money over chaos, and they don't live in the EU... they are getting more money than they know what to do with, if shit gets bad in EU or US they can easily move... what country wont take a billionaire?
GarryB wrote:...What it will do first is destroy the welfare systems because after you say no, foreigners can't abuse it... you start to wonder what sort of other local people are abusing it too... Of course take away the safety net and like you say... you start doing what you have to to get on in the world, so you get drugs and prostitution... the two easiest ways to earn money anywhere... or just intimidation and theft... obviously the most vulnerable suffer there... the little old ladies and retired couples would be easy targets, children too....
GarryB wrote:Very western and almost American of you.... you only feel good when everyone around you suffers.
GarryB wrote:But that is the thing... they can just tag along at a Black Lives Matter march and have some fun setting fire to stuff and smashing windows and telling white people to kneel and say they are sorry for the colour of their skin and what bastards their ancestors were to their ancestors.
GarryB wrote:You have spent a lot of time responding to peoples opinions that don't matter...
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More like hypocritical spineless losers trying (and failing) to live off the (minuscule) old glory
No it's not
It's completely irrelevant
Not familiar with modern history are we?
NATO was coming at us straight on, it was Russia that was sitting behind us
As for 1% claim (faulty one but let's play along for discussion purposes) that doesn't absolve other 99% of responsibility
They had jolly good time watching the party on TV and kept voting for that 1%
Time to pick up the tab
Cry me a river
99% should have gotten off their asses at some point
They didn't
No such thing as free entertainment
But on the upside Disney's Aladdin was an awesome cartoon, totally worth it in retrospect
I wouldn't want to remind anyone of Vann7 and his paragraph-less text walls
GarryB wrote:I realise English is probably your second language, but the terms hypocritical and spineless would apply to Russia only if they were doing what your leader seems to be doing now.
GarryB wrote:Morality was what used to make you different from those that bombed you
GarryB wrote:From your perspective a stab in the back... hardly a stab... more like they knocked you out of a war you could not win before HATO did irrepairable harm to you...
GarryB wrote:The 1% will think that is the best way to think about it because when
GarryB wrote:Of course, which is why I don't like war. There are no good wars.
Odin of Ossetia wrote:Not only is the fact that there were plenty of foreign Muslim volunteers fighting in the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina (and later in Kosovo-Metohija) often now forgotten, but that there were more than a few of the non-Muslim Western volunteers also fighting on behalf of the Bosnian Muslim regime, even from countries like Denmark, U.K., Spain, and others.
Yes, Western non-Muslims were fighting on the side of the Muslims against the Serbs and Yugoslavia.
9-11 and 3-11 in Spain did them well. Got to taste some of their own medicine.
slasher wrote:Been doing a bit of research on the background behind the partition Serbia and Kosovo. Am curious about claims as posted here asserting Russia's "betrayal" of Serbia in the unfolding of events. Granted I haven't personally lived through them....
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GarryB wrote:Russia has its own problems and has been essentially fighting the west since the west broke Yugoslavia apart... honestly if Russia really was guilty of stabbing Serbia in the back they could have done it then and kept good relations with the west
PapaDragon wrote:As the situation deteriorated over the course of the 90s Russians kept saying how they got our backs, how they will support us no matter what and how all we need to do is ask and they will be on the job
And then when we did need help they threw immediately sold us for a truckload of expired chicken legs
And here we are now
And even that was still not enough for us to tell Russians to fully fuck themselves but after that Russian word is worth less than nothing (at least USA said they will fuck us up and they did, no hypocrisy there)
PapaDragon wrote:Only actions and money up-front is accepted... going forward
slasher wrote: Either the Russians were kidding themselves, fantasizing about their lost legacy status, or they just plain lied to Serbia then.
slasher wrote:So yes, Russia really did Serbia a favour by negotiating a path out of the mess
slasher wrote:There's a word for that line of work. It seems your wish for Serbia ditching any morality it might have had has been granted. Serbia is now honing its skills in prostituting itself to the highest bidders.
slasher wrote:in time where the one world order has been showing signs of cracking from within itself, and being confronted by the few brave states rising to the challenge
slasher wrote:The break-up of Yugoslavia fuelled by the West has been widely cited as at the heart of Russia's humiliation and resultant disenchantment with the West. It has severely tainted Russia's view of its dealings with the West since, and deeply scarred its leadership's psyche
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This is same nonsense when locals here try to excuse failures of Roscosmos by pulling something SpaceX did, it's still no excuse for Roskosmos no matter what happens to SpaceX
Wow, so they were actually helping us by fucking us?
This one is peak apologism and Russia fanboyism, you are giving some of our local clowns run for their money with this statement
Have you tried a career as a psychologist?
Your bed, your problem, sleep in it now
And this is why Whites can't really complain when someone tells them to kneel, can they?
It's not just that but also insane amounts of money which were pumped by Arabs and Iranians into lobbying in USA and EU against us for several decades
This mountain of money is the reason why EU and USA are so unwavering and inflexible in approach to Serbia
This all started in late 70's and we are now supposed to ignore Arabs and strictly blame USA?
It's like asking someone to solely blame contract killer and ignore the person who hired him and gave him orders
Contractor is a sideshow, I want one who paid him
As the situation deteriorated over the course of the 90s Russians kept saying how they got our backs, how they will support us no matter what and how all we need to do is ask and they will be on the job
And then when we did need help they threw immediately sold us for a truckload of expired chicken legs
And even that was still not enough for us to tell Russians to fully fuck themselves but after that Russian word is worth less than nothing (at least USA said they will fuck us up and they did, no hypocrisy there)
Only actions and money up-front is accepted from Russians going forward
Indeed. The break-up of Yugoslavia fuelled by the West has been widely cited as at the heart of Russia's humiliation and resultant disenchantment with the West.
It has severely tainted Russia's view of its dealings with the West since, and deeply scarred its leadership's psyche.
So this generation in their bitterness now turns against their Slavic brethren and common ally for the same Western aggressors that sought to destroy their state. I imagine there should be a name for that type of psychosis.
Either the Russians were kidding themselves, fantasizing about their lost legacy status, or they just plain lied to Serbia then.
Honest thing to do would have been to just admit that they threw in the towel and tell us that we are on our own
Oh yes, so much disenchantment and tainting and scarring
The horror, the horror
GarryB wrote:Are you suggesting 20 batteries of S-300 would have saved you?
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