SturmGuard Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:30 am
what can be said of Montenegrins? You have same people doing ultranationalist Serb thing in the '90s (including the leader), switching overnight to anti-Serb hysteria and confrontationalism? The worst thing is the historical nonsense they come up with, including their take on regional history, and their newly-fashioned Montenegrin language, whose grammar was written by a Croat and a Bosniak/Muslim, and "is based on old Podgorica Muslim folk speech" :DDD
On the topic of WW2, I understand what you are writing about, I am fully aware of the statistics. However, as the German Army retreated, some part of the Volksdeutscher population went with them. Generally speaking, those that thought they had nothing to fear, chose to stay. It was to no avail, their properties were confiscated, they were "encouraged" to leave, executed, interred in camps and used for forced labour in various infrastructure projects.
The same, actually even worse, can be said for the Italians. After the surrender of Italy, there were initially more Italians in Partisans than there were Bosniaks/Muslims. Yet, their fate was horrible, even though they were usually singled out in comparison to displays of savagery of "locals". In both cases, a miniscule fraction of both populations remained. Their homes and properties were filled up with various people. I recommend you to investigate the demographic engineering the Yugocommunists did in Dalmatia, Istria, Vojvodina and Kosovo, some eye-opening information there.
The general characteristic was that there were no trials or investigations done, no justice was even attempted. The worst scum, murderers and criminals from "brotherly" nations were pardoned, accepted into the new order or left to live their lives, while entire historic populations were ethnically cleansed, and masses of POWs and civilians were summarily executed. Not to mention the persecution and reprisals of intellectuals, bourgeoise, White emigrees, royalists etc. If I remember correctly, around 10-15% of those killed in former Yugoslavia during WW2, were killed by Germans and Italians. The rest - by "brothers". The people who initially tried to resist foreign invaders and were taken to concentration camps (the Royal Yugoslav Army personnel - 200 000 of them) and those that chose to continue the resistance were percevied as enemies, as was the Kingdom, which is why Yugocommunists and Ustashe cooperated prior to war, and Yugocommunists viewed the aggresion as an excellent opportunity for an attempt at power usurpation, banking on the suffering of common people, which they exploited for their agenda.
My family had partisans, but they immediately fell out of party favour. Interestingly, one grandpa due to "misunderstandings" concerning his church wedding (he was no devout Christian, just a traditionalist), which probably saved his life because he was supposed to go to USSR for military education. You know what happened to those who returned from USSR before Yugocommunists turned to the West.
On the topic of Šešelj, I have heard some very convincing arguments about his UDBA-backed role of the Trojan horse to Serbian right/nationalist democratic politics.
Something very similar to the now apparent role of both Dveri and the new DSS under Rašković. What else can be said about the party being supported by none other than Jasmina Vujić (I was aware of her background, positions and role due to my profession)? Just Google her, everyone. Or those ridiculous new totally-pro-Russian minor parties that fracture the vote?
You are in deep shit, with no hope in sight. I don't know what is worse:
- 50% of people voted for a coalition containing Rasim (for 16 years in all governments), Vuk Drašković, Babić, Vujin and which openly advocates euroatlantic integration (those same who demonised, dismantled and bombed you) AND good relations with Russia (yeah, something tells me that is mutually exclusive)
- openly separatist and hostile entities are allowed in parliament (SDA, Ugljanin, Albanians, Vojvodina fifth-column)
- a coalition hosting Latinka fuckin' Perović (I really hate that breed of people) of all people, managed to get into parliament
At which point will the people wake up? I mean, there is absolutely no problem in identifying the underlying causes and culprits for the historic downfall of Serbia, the year can be precisely dated to either 1945, or even 1919. How many times does it take for people to finally get a hold of reality?
The NATO agreement signed recently, which continues nicely on the previous one signed by Vuk Drašković while he was MFA, as well as the Bruxelles agreements, should amount to a treason. The economy is not doing well, neither are average wages and pensions.
I hope that I managed to convey my thoughts and opinions to you well; these are just observations from a neighbour. Don't want to come off as an arrogant and/or condescending individual lecturing you on the subject of your country, just genuinely interested in your take on the matter.