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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Cucumber Khan

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  Cucumber Khan Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:36 pm

    GarryB wrote:Lend lease did not really start being useful till well after the Germans were stopped at Moscow.

    It was useful to the Soviets, but suggesting it won the war on the eastern front would be like the couple of billion Japan contributed to Desert Storm is the reason the allies won against Saddam in 1991...

    The main effect of Lend Lease was to enable the rapid recovery and growth of the Soviet military... Operation Bagration is not well known in the west but it likely had more effect on the results of WWII than D-Day.

    The raw materials and trucks were probably the most useful items delivered, with most of the aircraft and tanks delivered being largely obsolete... certainly better than nothing... but sometimes not much better.
    The P-39 A-20 and B-25 was considered excellent. The P-40 was seen as somewhat second-rate, but servicable. The Hurricane was loathed. The Spitfire Mk.V was second-hand and worn, later Mk.IX didn't arrive until mid-44. The C-47 was praised. They all played their role in the war.

    As for tanks, the Sherman was well regarded, as was the Valentine tank. The Lee and Stuart less so.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  mack8 Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:25 pm

    The first bombings were in 1941 by Soviets, they had to get there, despite that Soviet Union virtually had no bombers made it all a problem. 1942 British has bombed Ploesti already, but with little effect.

    There was no british bombing of Ploesti oilfields until 1944 if i'm not mistaken, and that at night (they also did mining on Danube, which did have significant effects), and anyway their effects (against the refineries) compared to the 1944 american air offensive were marginal. The only bombing operation against Ploiesti in 1942 was Halpro, a small B-24 attack, with virtually no effects. The Tidal Wave operation of 1943 caused significant damage but it was repaired by year end. It was the 1944 (April-August) air offensive that really crippled the oil zone.
    Cucumber Khan

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  Cucumber Khan Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:09 pm

    mack8 wrote:
    The first bombings were in 1941 by Soviets, they had to get there, despite that Soviet Union virtually had no bombers made it all a problem. 1942 British has bombed Ploesti already, but with little effect.

    There was no british bombing of Ploesti oilfields until 1944 if i'm not mistaken, and that at night (they also did mining on Danube, which did have significant effects), and anyway their effects (against the refineries) compared to the 1944 american air offensive were  marginal. The only bombing operation against Ploiesti in 1942 was Halpro, a small B-24 attack, with virtually no effects. The Tidal Wave operation of 1943 caused significant damage but it was repaired by year end. It was the 1944 (April-August) air offensive that really crippled the oil zone.

    In fact, Tidal Wave failed to curtail production. It was in fact greater after the raid. Many refenieries were undamaged, and could compensate for those that were damaged. Overall, Tidal Wave was a failure.

    That some british bombers based in the Crimea could have destroyed Ploesti is nothing but wishful thinking. It was simply beyond the ability of the VVS and the RAF in 1941.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  GarryB Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:16 am

    The P-39 A-20 and B-25 was considered excellent.

    Except they didn't need twin engined bombers as they already had their own excellent twin engined bombers in the form of the Pe-2, Pe-3 and Tu-2.

    The P-39 was sent because it was considered ineffective by the west... who used it as an anti tank plane, while the Soviets largely used it as a fighter.

    The C-47 was praised.

    They already had a licence to produce the Lis-2.

    As for tanks, the Sherman was well regarded, as was the Valentine tank. The Lee and Stuart less so.

    The Sherman was too big for its armour, the Valentine was too slow, and the Lee was nicknamed Coffin for 7 brothers. The Churchill was liked for its armour but not so much for its mobility and fire power.
    Cucumber Khan

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  Cucumber Khan Sun Jun 07, 2015 12:40 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    The P-39 A-20 and B-25 was considered excellent.

    Except they didn't need twin engined bombers as they already had their own excellent twin engined bombers in the form of the Pe-2, Pe-3 and Tu-2.

    The P-39 was sent because it was considered ineffective by the west... who used it as an anti tank plane, while the Soviets largely used it as a fighter.

    The C-47 was praised.

    They already had a licence to produce the Lis-2.

    As for tanks, the Sherman was well regarded, as was the Valentine tank. The Lee and Stuart less so.

    The Sherman was too big for its armour, the Valentine was too slow, and the Lee was nicknamed Coffin for 7 brothers. The Churchill was liked for its armour but not so much for its mobility and fire power.

    They needed every twin-engined bomber they could get. Nobody forced them to accept 3000 A-20s, yet they employed them heavily, and the crews who used them were happy about them. The Pe-3 was a fighter version of the Pe-2, and was only used in small numbers. The Tu-2 didn't see widespread service until the second half of 1944. So the A-20 was really the second most numerous light bomber in soviet service.

    While the Li-2 was a good and useful aircraft, the C-47 was simply better. Could aircrew chose, they would chose the C-47. It had stronger engines and better instrumentaion.

    As for the armor of the Sherman, at that point of the war the T-34s armor wasn't really anything to talk about. As soviet tankers joked: "Our armor is crap but our tanks are faster". And the Sherman had some advantages, being much more ergonomical than the T-34. All veterans who served on Shermans tells that. Really, the M4A2 with 75 mm gun was equal to the T-34/76, and the M4 with 76 mm gun equal to the T-34/85. Certainly, the Shermans was used in the same way as the T-34.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  Regular Sun Jun 07, 2015 2:01 pm

    Russians - Land-Lease was very insignificant.
    Americans - Land-Lease saved Stalin.
    Hehe I think it's either downplayed or overplayed.

    By the way those few Shermans were quite good tanks for some time if to believe Russian tankist memoirs. Ofcourse Soviets had way better domestic tanks, but they also had plenty if outdated tanks too.
    Soviets used leased planes very effectively too. Makes me think what would have happened if they got later P-51(I think they had few B ones?)
    I have to mention US made trucks and jeeps who were more important than tanks or planes SU received. Logistical needs for Soviet union were massive. Pretty much trucks were only thing what russians really needed.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  kvs Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:46 pm

    Regular wrote:Russians - Land-Lease was very insignificant.
    Americans - Land-Lease saved Stalin.
    Hehe I think it's either downplayed or overplayed.

    By the way those few Shermans were quite good tanks for some time if to believe Russian tankist memoirs. Ofcourse Soviets had way better domestic tanks, but they also had plenty if outdated tanks too.
    Soviets used leased planes very effectively too. Makes me think what would have happened if they got later P-51(I think they had few B ones?)
    I have to mention US made trucks and jeeps who were more important than tanks or planes SU received. Logistical needs for Soviet union were massive. Pretty much trucks were only thing what russians really needed.

    It's all about the timeline. So your attempt to make Russians look like idiots is an automatic flop.

    On the other hand the chauvinism and ignorance of Americans is epic when it comes to knowledge of foreign
    history and affairs. They know almost nothing about Canada.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  Regular Sun Jun 07, 2015 5:36 pm

    What are You talking about? How did I make russians look bad? Dry your eyes.
    I said that lend lease helped mostly logistically therefor it wasn't visible. Significance of it can be debated to death. Either its overplayed or downplayed.
    My opinion is that it relieved evacuated and overloaded industry to some point until it picked itself up.

    By the way Russian chauvinism and ignorance sometimes is not so different to american. Rednecks are on both sides You know. From personal experience I can say that Brits are similar too.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:46 pm

    Regular wrote:What are You talking about? How did I make russians look bad? Dry your eyes.
    I said that lend lease helped mostly logistically therefor it wasn't visible. Significance of it can be debated to death. Either its overplayed or downplayed.
    My opinion is that it relieved evacuated and overloaded industry to some point until it picked itself up.

    By the way Russian chauvinism and ignorance sometimes is not so different to american. Rednecks are on both sides You know. From personal experience I can say that Brits are similar too.

    No, the Lend-Lease kicked in after the Soviets already have defeated Wehrmacht and were pushing them back to Germany only after that time content of the Lend-Lease had any amount or quality of supplies like vehicles (tanks, fuel, ammunition) before that it was almost non existent.
    Cucumber Khan

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  Cucumber Khan Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:46 pm

    Here are a wealth of information on the numbers of lend-lease tanks, trucks and other motor vehicles. Interesting stuff:

    And on lend-lease aircrafts:

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:01 pm

    They needed every twin-engined bomber they could get. Nobody forced them to accept 3000 A-20s, yet they employed them heavily, and the crews who used them were happy about them. The Pe-3 was a fighter version of the Pe-2, and was only used in small numbers. The Tu-2 didn't see widespread service until the second half of 1944. So the A-20 was really the second most numerous light bomber in soviet service.

    Ask for 4 engined bombers and get inferior twin engine bombers... of course they are not going to refuse them, but they are hardly going to say they won the war either.

    Li-2 is a licence produced DC-3... military name for DC-3 in the US is C-47...

    As for the armor of the Sherman, at that point of the war the T-34s armor wasn't really anything to talk about. As soviet tankers joked: "Our armor is crap but our tanks are faster". And the Sherman had some advantages, being much more ergonomical than the T-34. All veterans who served on Shermans tells that. Really, the M4A2 with 75 mm gun was equal to the T-34/76, and the M4 with 76 mm gun equal to the T-34/85. Certainly, the Shermans was used in the same way as the T-34.

    Bull. The armour was poorly angled and while thicker in places offered no better protection, yet was much higher. The 50 cal SMGs that came with the tank were useless in winter and wouldn't reliably penetrate winter clothing at combat ranges. The 76mm gun was no equivalent to the 85mm gun.

    Of course they used the Shermans like medium tanks... they were just not as effective as T-34s despite being designed and built later.

    Russians - Land-Lease was very insignificant.
    Americans - Land-Lease saved Stalin.
    Hehe I think it's either downplayed or overplayed.

    I remember a quote from a Soviet Interpreter in the 1950s when the west actually started claiming Lend Lease was critical to the Soviets winning on the eastern front... he said something along the lines of "His mother died of starvation in Leningrad but US Spam won the war"... has new meaning now I suppose with the new meaning for spam... during WWII I remember it being called the second front by most armies...

    I have to mention US made trucks and jeeps who were more important than tanks or planes SU received. Logistical needs for Soviet union were massive. Pretty much trucks were only thing what russians really needed.

    They used everything they got, but most of what they got was too late to be of any critical significance and it was never the latest equipment... more often it was obsolete material that was handed down as the western force that supplied it was supplied with new gear.

    My opinion is that it relieved evacuated and overloaded industry to some point until it picked itself up.

    except that by the time they got it sorted out and moving at a pace that was even useful the critical periods had already passed, and it just ended up making some things easier.

    By the way Russian chauvinism and ignorance sometimes is not so different to american.

    Yeah, you can say that, but does that make it true?

    I have heard Russians and pro Russians say some silly things, but how many Russians think the main and most powerful US fighter was based on a pre war Russian fighter? I have chatted to an American who thought the I-16 Polikarpov was a ripoff of the Geebee racer. Most Americans to date think the P-51 was the most important aircraft of the war... even though it did not enter service till 1944 when the result had already been decided... an impressive aircraft but it didn't actually see much of it in the over all scheme of things. Funny how strategic bombing didn't deter the Brits but supposedly won WWII, yet German production increased... seems killing all those german women and children and old people wasn't the most effective way to defeat germany afterall.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Lend-Lease

    Post  andalusia Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:44 pm

    I would like to thank all of you for your responses to my question. I have always heard about the US singularly winning World War II and discredit Soviet participation during the war. It seems that Lend-Lease is overrated.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  Werewolf Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:46 pm

    andalusia wrote:I would like to thank all of you for your responses to my question.  I have always heard about the US singularly winning World War II and discredit Soviet participation during the war. It seems that Lend-Lease is overrated.


    The entire Lend-Lease and so called "help" argument is entirely terminated by the fact that US has supplied more to Nazi Germany than to Soviet Union. Without US oil to Germany the war would have ended in 1942.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:24 am

    It seems that Lend-Lease is overrated.

    If you say lend lease won the war, then yes, you are over rating its effect.

    If you say lend lease was an important factor that made the war a little easier and likely shorter, then that is more reasonable... of course you could equally argue that without lend lease most of eastern europe might have been captured by the west instead of by the Soviets, but that likely would have required a D-Day in 1942 or so and losses for the UK and US in the 2-3 million mark instead of the sub million each.... of course the US and UK were never going to risk losing that many men for eastern europe.

    The US contribution in WWII was most significant in the Pacific, but their contribution in the western front was also considerable... it is not their fault that most of the German forces were dedicated to the destruction of the Soviet Union and were on the eastern front.

    A lot of their wonder weapons like the P-51 didn't make it to the front line till 44 either... so the outcome had already been determined and it just made things easier and faster.

    If Germany had tried to invade the UK I am pretty sure Stalin would have waited until both forces had exhausted themselves before he sent in his forces to declare victory like the western allies did.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:20 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    andalusia wrote:I would like to thank all of you for your responses to my question.  I have always heard about the US singularly winning World War II and discredit Soviet participation during the war. It seems that Lend-Lease is overrated.


    The entire Lend-Lease and so called "help" argument is entirely terminated by the fact that US has supplied more to Nazi Germany than to Soviet Union. Without US oil to Germany the war would have ended in 1942.

    Jaysuuuus. Not this again. While the Standart Oil/DP AG was real it wasn't even up to 2% of the fuel ze Germanz were burning to bomb the shit out of France and Prior to that Poland. Even the Infmaous Soviet/German Credit agreement doesn't amount to 1% of the German Rearmament effort from 33 to 39. And when taking in account that the USSR got alloys and precision machinery from ze Germanz the real "contribution" is even smaller.

    The Land Lease argument is over-sold, not because it wasn't helpful, but because it was an asterisk to the real issue. Helping the Soviet Union just made the war easier with relatively a small cost. Furthermore without the Lend-Lease the exponential growth of Wartime America was about to nosedive earlier than it happened. America had two dips in 45 and 48. While 45 was a classical post-war transformation, the 48 one was clearly a preview of things to come from 68 onwards.

    There would have been NO capture of Eastern Europe by the Allies. You have to understand that Hitler and Stalin would have dealt directly IF the Allies were to gain THAT much influence in Europe and come at the USSR doorsteps. Ergo, a tacit agreement to slow the pace of the war in the East to let Gitler punch back the guys at the Western Front. It is the same kind of effect Hitler tried to offer the Allies up to 43. Conditions in order to deal with Stalin....

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  George1 Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:37 am

    andalusia wrote:I want to know how much did Lend-Lease help the USSR? Many Americans say the Soviet Union only defeated Nazi Germany because of the weather and Lend-Lease. Is that true? How much did Lend Lease help?

    at that time USSR, Free France, UK and USA were allies against Nazi Germany. USA helped european allies with this program but also USSR with its resistance helped USA, playing a crucial role as maintaining and winning the second front that Nazi opened in Europe

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  George1 Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:42 pm

    I think this belongs here

    Russian P-39 Airacorba found/pulled out of a lake in Russia after sitting there for 66 years.

    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 CeakTNzWAAARDDW

    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 CeakTNwW4AA1K20

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  George1 Mon Dec 31, 2018 5:24 pm

    New Year's symbol of military-technical cooperation from the distant 1942

    New Year's symbol of military-technical cooperation with foreign countries from the distant 1942: the greeting card shows the medium (infantry) tank Matilda (Infantry Tank Mark II.A. (Matilda II Mk III)), supplied to the USSR by Lend-Lease Britain in 1941 -1943 years. The tank is easily recognizable by the mask of the cannon and the characteristic notch on the front wing.

    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 6377429_original
    New Year greeting card, winter 1941-1942. (c)

    According to Yury Pasholka, in the period from October to December 1941, 145 tanks of the specified modification were delivered to the Soviet Union. The first units, which received the Matilda tanks, got to the front line around December 10, 1941 and took part in the battle for Moscow.

    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 6377576_800
    Tank Matilda II Mk III at the NIBT range. Kazan, January 1942. (c)

    In total, 1084 "Matilda" were sent by sea to the USSR, of which 918 reached the ports of destination, and the rest were lost with convoys sunk.

    On the Soviet-German front, Matilda tanks were actively used in 1942-1943, in the conditions of winter and summer, on the Western, Kalinin, Bryansk, North Caucasus and South-Western fronts.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  kvs Tue Apr 02, 2019 3:39 pm

    Excellent article on lend-lease. Anyone who thinks that lend-lease affected the Soviet war on the Reich in a substantial
    fashion is out of touch with reality.

    1) In the early critical stages of the war on the Eastern Front, lend-lease volumes where trivial. In fact,
    most lend-lease supply occurred after 1943 when the Reich was in retreat.

    2) The USSR was supplied with obsolete trash that was not usable against German systems and was inferior to both
    German and Soviet systems.

    3) The UK grabbed a shipment of aerocobras for itself that was designated for the USSR. According to British scumbags
    they would make better use of them with more impact on the war. An example of British-tard chutzpah. The Reich expended
    80% of its war effort on the Eastern Front. The "Battle of Britain" was total side show.


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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  jhelb Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:08 pm

    GarryB wrote:Which shows what cowardly bastards they are... why would Russia want them as part of their country?

    Playing devil's advocate here, Ukraine was forced by Uk and US to carry out these attacks against Russia. Recall back in the 90s how the US had placed snipers on rooftops across Moscow, who were shooting innocent Russians on the streets.

    Before WWII, the UK gased to death thousands of Russians. Far more than the number of jews allegedly killed by Nazis. Most Russians today do not remember this incident, leave alone avenge it.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  JohninMK Tue Feb 11, 2020 12:44 am

    jhelb wrote:

    Before WWII, the UK gased to death thousands of Russians.
    Got a link?

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  kvs Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:58 am

    JohninMK wrote:
    jhelb wrote:

    Before WWII, the UK gased to death thousands of Russians.
    Got a link?

    I am interested too. But I would not be surprised. During WWII the British were hijacking lend-lease shipments intended
    for the USSR. One grotesque case is a consignment of Aerocobras which the British claimed would be put to better use
    by themselves. Yeah, sure.


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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  GarryB Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:00 am

    Ukraine was forced by Uk and US to carry out these attacks against Russia.


    The Ukraine is an independent nation it needs to take responsibility for its own actions... it was happy to be a pawn in the big game of chess because it likes attacking Russia... blaming Russia for everything means its not our fault our country is so shit... it is Russias fault for not fixing our problems and wiping our ass after we have a shit.

    Recall back in the 90s how the US had placed snipers on rooftops across Moscow, who were shooting innocent Russians on the streets.

    No idea what you are talking about... do you mean the Georgian snipers they paid for out of their Nuland cookie fund to shoot people on both sides at Maidan to stir everyone up into a frenzy?

    Before WWII, the UK gased to death thousands of Russians. Far more than the number of jews allegedly killed by Nazis. Most Russians today do not remember this incident, leave alone avenge it.

    The UK has done a lot of very bad things but that one doesn't spring to mind easily... more info required there...

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  JohninMK Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:49 am

    kvs wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:
    jhelb wrote:

    Before WWII, the UK gased to death thousands of Russians.
    Got a link?

    I am interested too.  But I would not be surprised.  During WWII the British were hijacking lend-lease shipments intended
    for the USSR.   One grotesque case is a consignment of Aerocobras which the British claimed would be put to better use
    by themselves.   Yeah, sure.

    Its a bit O/T but I'm sure we were, but the timing of incoming Atlantic convoys and outgoing Artic convoys were often not synchronized so it made sense to use supplies rather have them sitting, vulnerable, on ships. Also I have no doubt that the US switched the Lease Lend invoice to the UK. Those ships could then be turned round back to the US for another load.

    As to the P-39 I was unaware of any real use of it by the RAF in England, other parts of the World yes, due to its restricted ceiling. Maybe we rerouted it to North Africa where it was needed. Again I bet the UK paid.

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    Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Lend-Lease - World War II: Discussion

    Post  jhelb Tue Feb 11, 2020 12:45 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    jhelb wrote:

    Before WWII, the UK gased to death thousands of Russians.
    Got a link?

    "As a long-term advocate of chemical warfare, he (Churchill)was determined to use them against the Russian Bolsheviks. In the summer of 1919, 94 years before the devastating strike in Syria, Churchill planned and executed a sustained chemical attack on northern Russia."

    Winston Churchill now took the controversial decision to use the stockpiles of M Device (diphenylaminechloroarsine) against the Red Army who were involved in fighting against invading forces hostile to the Russian Revolution. He was supported in this by Sir Keith Price, the head of the chemical warfare, at Porton Down. He declared it to be the "right medicine for the Bolshevist" and the terrain would enable it to "drift along very nicely".

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