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    Russian Sniper Rifles

    par far

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  par far Fri May 22, 2015 4:32 pm

    Kyo wrote:ORSIS T-5000 sniper rifle is on par with its Western analogues. T-5000M coming.

    Here is the T 5000m.


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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  Werewolf Fri May 22, 2015 4:39 pm

    Orsis T5000 costs almost 4.200 euro.

    Orsis T5000M costs almosts 7000 euro.

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  KoTeMoRe Fri May 22, 2015 6:22 pm

    Werewolf wrote:Orsis T5000 costs almost 4.200 euro.

    Orsis T5000M costs almosts 7000 euro.

    Yes. Typical optic on LA115 is 5900 euro...rifle itself about 6000.

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  Werewolf Fri May 22, 2015 6:31 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:Orsis T5000 costs almost 4.200 euro.

    Orsis T5000M costs almosts 7000 euro.

    Yes. Typical optic on LA115 is 5900 euro...rifle itself about 6000.

    Yes, high quality optics, well even average optics and scopes cost to much money, would be great if those costs could be reduced to reasonable and affordable prices.

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  KoTeMoRe Fri May 22, 2015 6:40 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:Orsis T5000 costs almost 4.200 euro.

    Orsis T5000M costs almosts 7000 euro.

    Yes. Typical optic on LA115 is 5900 euro...rifle itself about 6000.

    Yes, high quality optics, well even average optics and scopes cost to much money, would be great if those costs could be reduced to reasonable and affordable prices.

    I find the cost very good, plus the Dedal scopes while not being Hensoldts are Very effective. And less than 1600 euro. So all in all the T5000 is damn cheap compared to your average 10/12K european rifle.

    Lobaev on the other side are out of their mind.

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  Cyberspec Fri May 22, 2015 10:41 pm

    Still, I think too expensive for widespread use

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat May 23, 2015 12:37 am

    Modernized SVD aka SVDM:


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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  GarryB Sat May 23, 2015 8:05 am

    That SVDM seems to have a much heavier barrel...
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sat May 23, 2015 8:24 am

    GarryB wrote:That SVDM seems to have a much heavier barrel...

    Considering the much larger outer barrel diameter, I think a thermally compensated design, a la Pecheneg, is a possibility, especially if they have added an automatic fire mode to the SVDM. Does anyone know if they have added an automatic fire mode to it or not?

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat May 23, 2015 8:28 am

    Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:
    GarryB wrote:That SVDM seems to have a much heavier barrel...

    Considering the much larger outer barrel diameter, I think a thermally compensated design, a la Pecheneg, is a possibility, especially if they have added an automatic fire mode to the SVDM. Does anyone know if they have added an automatic fire mode to it or not?

    Yes a heavier thicker barrel, likely superior machining allowing better rifle threading with a re-designed muzzle.

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  KoTeMoRe Sat May 23, 2015 1:22 pm

    Cyberspec wrote:Still, I think too expensive for widespread use

    If some hillbilly from Kansas can take care of a twice as expensive rig and twice as expensive optic, why couldn't your kontraktnik from Buryatia? It isn't too expensive, for the quality in the description and the echoes I've heard, the rifles are actually cheap.

    Again, the T-5000 is on par with the new M24E1 and the LA115.

    Just so you can understand what we're talking about.

    18K Murrican. That's twice the price of the T-5000M with the Dedal rig.

    and this...
    Some dude... wrote:Yeah or maybe to reach out to a guy setting up a 82mm recoilless rifle, aimed directly at your Patrol base, when all air was red. And it actually cost 27k with the Scope. So thanks you stupid fucktard. Sincerely a United States Sniper...

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  George1 Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:28 am

    Ratnik Future Soldier System to Get Large-Caliber Sniper Rifles

    A pair of large-caliber sniper rifles has been added to the new Ratnik combat gear, which is entering service with the Russian armed forces, a representative of the advanced outfit’s designer said on Saturday.

    “The 6VM7-1 rifle is a more lightweight and shortened version of the 6VM7,” the representative of the Central Research Institute of Precision Mechanics said during the Army-2015 expo, adding that both rifles had already been tested and would soon enter service.

    The 12.7 mm 6VM7-1 and the 6VM7 sniper systems, built by the Degtyarev plant in Kovrov, are relatively lightweight (11 kg) and designed in a bullpup (i.e., magazine behind grip/trigger section) configuration.

    Both have an effective range of 1,500 m and come equipped with a 1-P88-2 variable-range sight and can be fitted with a 1PN139 thermal visor.

    The Degtyarev Plant earlier said 6VM7 sniper rifles will be supplied to the armed forces already before the end of this year.

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:25 pm

    The 12.7 mm 6VM7-1 and the 6VM7 sniper systems, built by the Degtyarev plant in Kovrov, are relatively lightweight (11 kg) and designed in a bullpup (i.e., magazine behind grip/trigger section) configuration.

    So these sound like new designations for the KSVK or SVN-98 bullpup bolt action 12.7mm rifle...

    Ahh, I have found the answer:

    KSVK / ASVK sniper rifle (GRAU index of bare rifle is 6V7, with optical and night sight - 6S8)


    So the 6VM7 and 6VM7-1 are clearly upgraded versions including a standard and lightened version... so with a scope it will become the 6VM8 and lighter 6VM8-1...

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  Cyberspec Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:53 pm

    6VM7 ...I'm guessing

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  George1 Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:57 am

    VSK-94: Silent Killer

    The ability to shoot in all weather conditions, as far and as accurately as possible has always been a major challenge to sniper gun designers, and this is where Russian master armorers have always shined.

    Meet their latest creation – the top-of-the-line VSK-94 silenced sniper rifle — developed by the Tula-based Instrument Design Bureau, most famous for its high-performance GSh-series aircraft cannons, as well as for antitank missile systems and other excellent weapons.

    The VSK-94 is actually an attempt to create a less expensive rival to their special purpose VSS Vintorez 9mm silenced super-rifle.

    The conduct of urban combat operations requires more compact, easily concealed sniping weapons and the VSK-94 fits the bill just perfectly.

    It is light and, unlike its prototype, it sports a more rigid and convenient plastic buttstock and an altered iron sight with settings graduated to a range of up to 400 m.

    One important component of the sniper complex is the optical sights – the daytime PKS-07 the nighttime PKN-03M, which offer the latest achievements in this field, giving the rifle an edge over its closes competitor – the US-made S-16 Grendel 7.62x39mm unit.

    With a comparable effective range, the S-16 is 100 mm longer and 1.6 kg heavier.

    The VSK-94 rifle is a simple and reliable gas-operated weapon. It has a long service life (at least 6,000 shots), irrespective of the types of cartridges fired.

    The relatively low cost of the VSK-94, with its superior qualities, is also important.

    The VSK-94 sniper complex came along at the right time and is now a weapon of choice for Special Ops troops both in Russia and abroad.

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  Regular Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:41 am

    Sorry, but last article is really funny. Super rifle? It's not being used around the world too like it suggests. Russia has more interesting weapons like AS Val, SR-2, VSS, OTs-14 and AK-12Sn in the making.

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  George1 Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:48 am

    Russia’s New Sniper Rifle Wins Kudos From Top General

    Russia’s all-new sniper rifle, currently being tested by the Airborne troops, is set to enter service already next year, Russian media reported on Friday.

    The rifle, appropriately called Tochnost (Precision), has already won praise from the Airborne Troops Commander, General Vladimir Shamanov.

    “Our Special Operations brigades have already tested this rifle during various missions and described it as a highly efficient weapon,” Shamanov told Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper.

    Shamanov added, however, that as good as it was, the Tochnost still had to be brought up to speed during additional trials.
    “Chances are high that we will eventually take it up,” the general noted.

    The Tochnost sniper rifle was developed by ORSIS, a private firm, which also manufactures the famous T5000 sniper rifle.

    The technical characteristics of the new weapon are still under wraps but, according to the newspaper’s own sources, they do not differ much from the T5000’s.

    There is another sniper rifle currently being developed by the Central Research Institute for Precision Machine Building (TsNIITochMash), Rossiiskaya Gazeta wrote.

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  par far Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:25 pm

    Russian ORSIS T-5000 has led the Chinese people to victory


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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  iraqidabab Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:41 pm

    This Lobaev rifle OVL-3 better then T-5000 ORSIS ? Both look interesting, not much info available, not in English at least.

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  sepheronx Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:59 pm

    iraqidabab wrote:This Lobaev rifle OVL-3 better then T-5000 ORSIS ? Both look interesting, not much info available, not in English at least.

    Not really. Probably no better than T-5000. But Lobaev proved unreliable when they decided to move manufacturing to UAE. They recently came back to Russia probably due to poor sales from UAE but ORSIS at least stayed in Russia and continued to build there.
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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  par far Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:05 pm

    Why are Lobaev sniper rifle's not getting any love? They are making great Sniper rifles that match any in the west, why is the Russian army not taking a serious look at Lobaev sniper rifle's?


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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  Werewolf Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:11 pm

    par far wrote:Why are Lobaev sniper rifle's not getting any love? They are making great Sniper rifles that match any in the west, why is the Russian army not taking a serious look at Lobaev sniper rifle's?

    Freaking high costs, costs as much you get in an entire year, while other sniper rifles cost roughly the half and are still top notch.
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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  par far Sat Oct 03, 2015 1:45 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    par far wrote:Why are Lobaev sniper rifle's not getting any love? They are making great Sniper rifles that match any in the west, why is the Russian army not taking a serious look at Lobaev sniper rifle's?

    Freaking high costs, costs as much you get in an entire year, while other sniper rifles cost roughly the half and are still top notch.

    How much more does it cost than say Orsis T 5000? I just hope the company would lower the price a little bit, we want the Russian to be one the best, then we have to buy the best.

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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  KoTeMoRe Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:31 am

    par far wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    par far wrote:Why are Lobaev sniper rifle's not getting any love? They are making great Sniper rifles that match any in the west, why is the Russian army not taking a serious look at Lobaev sniper rifle's?

    Freaking high costs, costs as much you get in an entire year, while other sniper rifles cost roughly the half and are still top notch.

    How much more does it cost than say Orsis T 5000? I just hope the company would lower the price a little bit, we want the Russian to be one the best, then we have to buy the best.

    For civilians the cost with Dedal 5-20 is about 6500 Euros.

    That's half the price of an British Lseries rifle in current service. Unit cost for new m24's in US (without scope) varies from 11 thousand to 17 thousand (contracts for the Army were with and without scopes). Lobaev comes really close to those prices and uses generally Hensoldt scopes. Thus it has zero chances for mass production.
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    Russian Sniper Rifles - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Sniper Rifles

    Post  par far Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:38 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    par far wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    par far wrote:Why are Lobaev sniper rifle's not getting any love? They are making great Sniper rifles that match any in the west, why is the Russian army not taking a serious look at Lobaev sniper rifle's?

    Freaking high costs, costs as much you get in an entire year, while other sniper rifles cost roughly the half and are still top notch.

    How much more does it cost than say Orsis T 5000? I just hope the company would lower the price a little bit, we want the Russian to be one the best, then we have to buy the best.

    For civilians the cost with Dedal 5-20 is about 6500 Euros.

    That's half the price of an British Lseries rifle in current service. Unit cost for new m24's in US (without scope) varies from 11 thousand to 17 thousand (contracts for the Army were with and without scopes). Lobaev comes really close to those prices and uses generally Hensoldt scopes. Thus it has zero chances for mass production.

    That is expensive, hopefully They lower the price.

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