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    Syrian Civil War: News #9


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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  JohninMK Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:59 pm

    Now for something more understandable

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 CqtlfKzXYAIiwyl

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:26 pm

    As explained earlier this month, the whole "breaking of the siege" was an exercise in futility. Now the only way that would allow ressuply and reinforcements is under firecontrol.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:55 pm

    JohninMK wrote:This makes it all very clear, hope you do better than me  Shocked

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 CquKtYiXgAAjJ7M]

    Well this makes perfect since now. Consider me educated...  Sleep

    Imagine showing this diagram to someone 10 years ago?

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Resistance Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:00 am

    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:52 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:This makes it all very clear, hope you do better than me  Shocked

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 CquKtYiXgAAjJ7M]

    Well this makes perfect since now. Consider me educated...  Sleep

    Imagine showing this diagram to someone 10 years ago?

    Even that complicated diagram is not entirely correct.

    For example, the "Islamic State" has not too long ago attacked the FSA in north-western Syria, but that stupid thing does not show it.

    Also, it shows that the U.S.A. "supports" the FSA but in reality the West does not really support it in any meaningful way.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Vann7 Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:27 am

    Let me explain it all again for the fools that do not get it..

    Read this slowly.. so you can memorize it..

    Americans are NOT fighting ISIS.

    neither they Fighting Alqaeda. And when i say fighting , i mean not their enemies ,
    not at war with them. Any thing that give the illusion that Americans are fighting
    ISIS or ALqaeda is a carefully planned stunt , a show , with actors , a videos showing
    Empty buildings bombed.  It was said that Americans allowed 400 ISIS fighters to leave
    Manji after the city "liberated".  I really think that people perception of United States war in Syria will completely change if only they did their homework and understood how WTC 9/11
    Inside Job attacks happened.  99% of the people in this forum do not understand a shit
    of how Masters of deception are the Neocons and their Jewish billionaires friends. This people
    hire professionals ,specialist and plans important missions for months before they executed.
    There is not such a thing like "mistake". If Anyone believe United States committed a mistake
    in World trade Center , and in all the countries they invaded. is because they do not understand
    a shit of US policy.  American Policy in middle east is better understood as Controlled Chaos.
    Where they try to manipulate as many factions as possible into a fight ,including supporting both sides.  In the IRAN vs IRAQ war.. Americans supplied weapons to both. In the Vietnam War ,Americans did not wanted to defeat Vietcong. they only wanted the war to last for many decades. The Longer conflicts last , the more bombs will be needed to buy and the higher the profits for Rockefellers and US defense Industry.  

    In Syria and IRAQ.. the US and middle east coalition what they doing is they pay ISIS or any other terrorist to control a zone and take it away of Syria Government or Iraq government, then later NATO takes away that zone and give it to Kurds. Usually this transfer of lands happens with a shake of hands without a fight between the leaders of each side. And to make the fake war against ISIS more realistic , a few terrorist ,could be moved to any zone ,and sacrificed . And all this things can happen without Kurds being aware ,of how they are fooled into thinking
    Americans are fighting ISIS. But they arent.  As a matter of fact. Veterans Today,, that have contacts with the Syrian Army , have reported that American Special forces protect at all times ISIS leader. So there is no war between NATO and ISIS. its leader is being protected. He is only a tool to justify NATO invasions in Syria and IRAQ. The fact that Americans  and its coalition did not moved a finger against thousands of ISIS oil trucks moving to turkey ,against their multi millionaire oil business ,money they use to recruit more terrorist and finance the fighters.. should be indicative of how fake is the war.

    So if Americans lead any operations "Against ISIS" ,you can be sure ,it had to be coordinated before with the same terrorist.. how the circus act will be done ,to make it real .but is fraud.

    -So US or NATO or Turkey or anyone on their coalition is NOT fighting or any other terrorist..
    NATO ,neither its coalition are  fighting Alqaeda .

    Only Russia ,Syria,IRAQ and IRAN and Hezbolah are fighting ALL terrorist.

    The only time Americans fought ISIS was ,when they began to target kurds in Kobani and try to capture it ,with the help of Turkey. So ISIS are nothing more than NATO+saudi Arabia ,
    puppet terrorist , and its leader is under heavy protection of American special forces. And all
    ISIS and Alqaeda operations are coordinated by NATO. All satellite communications from ISIS and Alqaeda. All their drones comes from NATO. All ISIS and Alqaeda food from where it comes? NATO again. All their munition supplies? NATO.. NATO fake war against terror is fake.
    And if it looks like they are fighting because their deception is good and you are not
    aware of their tricks.

    When NATO or Turkey wants to provide weapons to ISIS or Alqaeda.. they use different tactics,either air drops and opps.. "by accident" Terrorist capture it. but also they can do it directly from Turkey border by trucks or simply give the weapons to a "moderate" group
    and they later by "coincidence" defect to ISIS or ALqaeda.  

    In short all terrorist changes their names at will ,some day they call themselves moderates..other FSA,others ISIS other Alqaeda.. it all depends on the need.

     This is exactly what happened with the so called "new" Syrian army. the new "moderate" terrorist of Obama, that received heavy weapons and tanks and later when they fight start
    ,they run away dropping their weapons.. just imagine that ,and ISIS gets lots of new weapons without a fight. The Americans war against Alqaeda was a fraud, and so is the ISIS new war too. They are not fighting any terrorist. They actually do the opposite , provide weapons to them.

    Don't fall for any operation they do with Kurds to fight
    ISIS..because the probability is a Circus and Fake.. is 99%..  and is a very good Fake ,where they plan the whole thing to look like a real fight and that ISIS was really defeated. Just look at manji.. 400 ISIS fighters allowed to leave if drop weapons.. even though they were encircled..  Laughing

    Stop being NAIVE people. NATO is not fighting any terrorist group. ZERO.
    and there no "humanitarian activist" in Syria. There are no neutral sides in Syria.
    There are only pro Assad, or Pro NATO/PRO ISIS.Most of this "humanitarian activist"
    very active in Syria are just NGOs paid to deceive the world into thinking that
    the Syrian Government is bombing civilians that wants democracy and freedom. No  

    This women..  Jenan Moussa so called " Humanitarian Activist.."

    Is not a "nice girl " , she is a human Scum ,a two head monster, that deserve to experience the same misery ,her Alqaeda buddies cause on others, who have been backing terrorism since 2011. and she is paid to lie and justify NATO war in Syria. She is the Ukrainian Girl version of Syria.

    take a look at the same Propaganda activist of Ukraine..

    Is all a deception ,and i only wish people really were not so naive in wars.
    NATO will hire any clown ,to promote their wars and defend their humanitarian bombing.
    Like the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights.. another clown.

    Hired to deceive people by running the same NATO narrative of what they claim
    to happen in Syria.  But is a lie.

    Ohh.. who she criticize many times the FSA..  yea.. Is a show. Is part of her mission.
    To look like a genuine activist. but they are a fraud. In wars deception is the biggest
    casualty and weak minded people without critical thinking ,the first victims.

    I will never get tired of repeating how Masters of deception are the Neocons and their zionist friends. Just a year before the war began in Syria.. Obama Goberment was in honeymoon with Assad ,and with guess who else? Qadafi too..  

    Did i mention that the American Government are real Masters of deception?

    this was in Jul 14 2016.. Kerry was all smiles making it look like
    they were going to work together.. and stop their support to Terrorism.

    I'm ready, you’re ready, let's go!' Kerry sits down for Syria talks with Putin in Moscow

    What happened after JUl 14? Nothing.. It was a hoax meeting. ZERO agreement .Americans were simply trying to influence Russia with Smiles and humor to capitulate to Americans.  Wink

    Oh but this Deception tactics also used before. where?

    Just one year after Obama came to power, they did a tour worldwide
    to fool the non NATO allies into thinking Obama was going to restore relations.

    Damascus 2009..

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Article-2408805-1B94E57D000005DC-279_634x575

    also in 2009

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 01-lavrov-clinton-reset-button

    In the same year , CLinton visit Qadaffi too..  Wink

    So the Obama administration as soon came to power ,fooled everyone for CHANGE.
    That they were going to Create Bridges... with IRAN ,Russia and Middle east. and solve
    things politically.   Rolling Eyes

    But it was all a deception for all American competition to lower their guard . The US policy
    was already set in stone before Obama came to power. Was called the New Project for American Century.. and it basically American Imperialism. A one world Government where al the decisions
    are taken by them. A global Dictatorship.

    Wake up people NATO and its gulf allies is ONLY fighting the Syria,Russia and their allies and Only them. the only exception is Turkey vs Kurds.. Lately Turkey more interested in fighting Kurds than Syrian army. it looks like that at least. but they still a major threat to Syria too. no question about that. What happens in Syria is a very slow soft world war 3 by proxy.. between NATO coalition and RUssia allies. Nothing more and nothing else. And terrorist here are used by NATO as trojan horse .  Kurds in the other hand are fighting for Kurdistan..and this is their only goal. And they not united and they are pushed by Americans to fight the Syrian army.

    If NATO really was for the destruction of Alqaeda and ISIS.. they will simply
    STOP providing food to them. Weapons and munitions . and more importantly
    Sanctions on Saudi Arabia. Sanctions on Turkey at least them ,to make sure they do not
    sponsor anymore the violence in Syria.

    Obama even told was not going to backup "anymore" moderates. and only "Syrian Democratic Forces". But who are Syrian democratic forces? It can be anyone they desire to call it that way.
    master of deception.. and Obama deserve credit for being very Good in Bullshit. In the Art
    of Deceiving. Clinton in the other hand does not know how to lie. and seems doesn't care anyway. The Obama-Kerry/Clinton administration can be summarised in a tactic of , tell them
    what they want to hear.. but do something else. Obama is an actor and a very good one ,
    and many of its staff like Kerry too. They use Big Smiles always as part of their diplomacy.
    Since they want to manipulate the world into thinking they will stop fueling the conflict.
    But it was a Show. A circus.. it was not genuine peace agreement. but a fake stunt.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  zorobabel Fri Aug 26, 2016 2:34 am

    Vann7 wrote:Wake up people NATO and its gulf allies is ONLY fighting the Syria,Russia and their allies and Only them. the only exception is Turkey vs Kurds.. Lately Turkey more interested in fighting Kurds than Syrian army. it looks like that at least. but they still a major threat to Syria too. no question about that. What happens in Syria is a very slow soft world war 3 by proxy.. between NATO coalition and RUssia allies. Nothing more and nothing else. And terrorist here are used by NATO as trojan horse .  Kurds in the other hand are fighting for Kurdistan..and this is their only goal. And they not united and they are pushed by Americans to fight the Syrian army.
    Yep. That's why I don't believe in any backdoor deal between Russia and Turkey. If there was one, why is Turkey handing control of Syrian towns over to radical anti-Assad jihadists from Idlib and the Azaz pocket?

    Now, something to make me feel better.

    Damascus, 2012:
    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 640px-Damascus_offensive_%28February_2013%29.svg

    Damascus, 2016:
    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 640px-Rif_Damashq.svg

    Not included in the last image: more gains made in the Ghouta pocket and the Daraya pocket about to be handed over the Syrian government.

    If SAA and its allies can close these little pockets, besiege Aleppo again, and keep taking ground in Latakia, they'll have the momentum to win.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:29 am

    Arab secularism should again become internationalist and stop operating in "to each his own" fashion it does now. Among jihadists in Syria you can find people from as far away as the Phillipines. On the SAA side there arent any non Syrian Arabs really. Even Copts and Jordanian Christians arent in the fight.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:33 am


    It is the Kurds who benefit the most so one way or another, secularism wins and Turkey losses. Isn't that a great situation?

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Azi Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:45 am

    Vann7 wrote:It was said that Americans allowed 400 ISIS fighters to leave
    Manji after the city "liberated".
    And USA should bomb hundred of civilians used as human shields from IS leaving Manbij???

    Vann7 wrote:Americans are NOT fighting ISIS.
    USA is fighting IS! They were not effective before 2015, because they were just bombing without coordination of ground troops. It doesn't matter if a city, a vilage is hold by 20000, 2000 or 10 men, if a enemy is not at sight there is no danger. You can bomb ar-Raqqa million times, if no enemy is at the gates of city nothing will change! This is the difference to Russian operation! Russia works hand in hand with SAA and allies, as much as the shit heap of SAA can do. USA learnt quickly and working now together wit SDF, with good success, just have a look at SDF territory 2013 and now!

    Vann7 wrote:99% of the people in this forum do not understand a shit
    of how Masters of deception are the Neocons and their Jewish billionaires friends
    Of course! The big jewish demons sits everywhere! pwnd lol!

    Vann7 wrote:In the Vietnam War ,Americans did not wanted to defeat Vietcong. they only wanted the war to last for many decades. The Longer conflicts last , the more bombs will be needed to buy and the higher the profits for Rockefellers and US defense Industry.
    BULLSHIT! In Vietnam USA lost more, then they ever benefited. US defense industry is not the only power factor in US-administration!

    Vann7 wrote:have reported that American Special forces protect at all times ISIS leader.
    Sounds funny, but no evidence!

    Chill out bro, you are not a clear thinker, when you are full of hate! I don't like USA, but you must view things clear and neutral. Of course USA supported at beginning ISIS in Syria and was fighting ISIS in Iraq at the same time. Often USA creates monsters they couldn't control anymore. IS now is supported from Turkey and sunni arabic neighbours, but has nothing to do with USA anymore! But have a clear view at the situation...Israel is a ally of USA, Iran supports direct terrorism targeting Israel, so USA don't like Iran. Syria has become a outpost of Iran in the last two decades and Iran was not playing a good and fair game, don't forget Iran sponsored terrorism in Russia in 90ies! So the USA took the advantage of the occasion "arabic spring" to destroy the syrian government, this is priority no. 1, priority no. 2 is maybe destroying IS, but this explains clearly the weird behavior of USA sometimes. This means not that USA is not fighting IS, but it's not their highest priority. USA is playing a weird game because they have no concept, the only concept is they don't want Assad and IS is evil. This is complete bullshit! Now they are supporting Kurds, but Kurds can never took over complete syria, because Arabs would never accept kurdish supremacy.

    Russia has a concept and the concept works!!! It will take a time, but Assad will win to the point where a political solution is possible with rebels in complete defensive. Maybe in 2 years, but no problem the outcome is important. Turkey has changed it's stance towards Syria, they are now ready to accept Assad for a "transistion phase", this means they wil accept syrian government like now!!! Turkey tries now to catch some advanteges for his rebels in diplomatic negotiations. Turkey knows that it had lost the war in Syria and it needs Russia as a important and trustfull business partner. Ok there is a small chance of weird turkish behavior, because Erdogan acts sometimes only emotional, but at end he is no idiot!!!

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  JohninMK Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:59 am

    I think Vann7 has too much time on his hands Smile

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Khepesh Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:07 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Well this makes perfect since now. Consider me educated...  Sleep

    Imagine showing this diagram to someone 10 years ago?
    Monty Python were way ahead of the curve and got it right nearly 30 years ago.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  KoTeMoRe Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:45 am

    zorobabel wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:Wake up people NATO and its gulf allies is ONLY fighting the Syria,Russia and their allies and Only them. the only exception is Turkey vs Kurds.. Lately Turkey more interested in fighting Kurds than Syrian army. it looks like that at least. but they still a major threat to Syria too. no question about that. What happens in Syria is a very slow soft world war 3 by proxy.. between NATO coalition and RUssia allies. Nothing more and nothing else. And terrorist here are used by NATO as trojan horse .  Kurds in the other hand are fighting for Kurdistan..and this is their only goal. And they not united and they are pushed by Americans to fight the Syrian army.
    Yep. That's why I don't believe in any backdoor deal between Russia and Turkey. If there was one, why is Turkey handing control of Syrian towns over to radical anti-Assad jihadists from Idlib and the Azaz pocket?

    Now, something to make me feel better.

    Damascus, 2012:
    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 640px-Damascus_offensive_%28February_2013%29.svg

    Damascus, 2016:
    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 640px-Rif_Damashq.svg

    Not included in the last image: more gains made in the Ghouta pocket and the Daraya pocket about to be handed over the Syrian government.

    If SAA and its allies can close these little pockets, besiege Aleppo again, and keep taking ground in Latakia, they'll have the momentum to win.

    You should see Aleppo since 2013...
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:52 am

    Darayya has fallen. SAA is in full control now.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  calm Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:40 pm

    Damascus, Syria (1:40 P.M.) – One of the longest battles in this Syrian conflict is finally over after Liwaa Shuhada Al-Islam and their affiliates officially surrendered the strategic town of Darayya to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on Friday morning.

    The final chapter of this battle came when the Syrian Arab Army’s 4th Division effectively cutoff the road linking Darayya with the nearby town of Mo’adhimiyah.

    The Mo’adhimiyah rebels reconciled with the government shortly after this event, leaving the militants inside of Darayya completely isolated.

    With Darayya under their control, the Syrian Armed Forces can now redeploy their 2,500 soldiers and heavy armory to another important front that could use experienced reinforcements.

    10,421 recorded KIA militants killed 22/4/2011 till 24/8/2016 in western & eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside. Heavy price for nothing:)
    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Cqx1CZEWEAAG6H5
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    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:57 pm

    I wonder what are SAA losses? They must be in some thousands given intensity and duration of the fighting.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  calm Fri Aug 26, 2016 2:05 pm

    Footage: Regime assault yesterday on Technical College in #Aleppo. Basically hide & run away wrote:



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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  zorobabel Fri Aug 26, 2016 2:10 pm

    Turkey has gone further than promised in Syria, says Moscow

    Also, the FortRuss analysis that argued this had been coordinated said neither Syria nor Russia had denounced Turkey's invasion. Actually they both have, multiple times now.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Aug 26, 2016 2:34 pm

    zorobabel wrote:Turkey has gone further than promised in Syria, says Moscow

    Also, the FortRuss analysis that argued this had been coordinated said neither Syria nor Russia had denounced Turkey's invasion. Actually they both have, multiple times now.

    All this stupid confusion, from what i can tell it's because of some vague words from some fool in the RFM.

    Personally, i don't buy this Russo-Turkish link, to me this was an U.S-Turko deal to remind the Kurds who owns them.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  sepheronx Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:13 pm

    Some people are questioning the news regarding about US' aid to Turkey in air support during the operation because of this:

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 XF6rmmB

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Resistance Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:18 pm

    Terrorists artillery is their biggest assets. Russia neither supplies counter battery radars to SAA nor provides intel on their locations to SAA. Russia apparently needs the war to continue for financial and political gain. Terrorists is Russia's asset in Syria. Russia prolong the war for its own interests. Russia don't care how many Syrians die, as long as it benefits them.
    par far

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  par far Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:33 pm

    zorobabel wrote:Turkey has gone further than promised in Syria, says Moscow

    Also, the FortRuss analysis that argued this had been coordinated said neither Syria nor Russia had denounced Turkey's invasion. Actually they both have, multiple times now.

    I wonder how much further the Turks have gone in? The Syrian government and Russia, knew about this and they started denouncing this, when the Turks went further in, than promised, I think the Turks/US tricked Russia and Syria into this, the biggest idiots in this are the Kurds, they thought the US would help them but they did not know that, Turkey is more important to them, than the Kurds, but this can easily be reserved, just arm the Kurds(Syria and Russia lost shipments of weapons somewhere near the Kurds, the US does this every time).

    Now Arab Tribes(I am thinking Sunnis) have formed a new militia to fight the Kurds in Northern Syria, the Kurds are just morons, pure fucking morons, had they stayed on the side of Assad, they would have received, their own region in Syria but no they had to fuck something up, if the Kurds were on Assad's side, than the Kurds could have been used a buffer zone Turkey.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:56 pm

    par far wrote:
    zorobabel wrote:Turkey has gone further than promised in Syria, says Moscow

    Also, the FortRuss analysis that argued this had been coordinated said neither Syria nor Russia had denounced Turkey's invasion. Actually they both have, multiple times now.

    I wonder how much further the Turks have gone in? The Syrian government and Russia, knew about this and they started denouncing this, when the Turks went further in, than promised, I think the Turks/US tricked Russia and Syria into this, the biggest idiots in this are the Kurds, they thought the US would help them but they did not know that, Turkey is more important to them, than the Kurds, but this can easily be reserved, just arm the Kurds(Syria and Russia lost shipments of weapons somewhere near the Kurds, the US does this every time).

    Now Arab Tribes(I am thinking Sunnis) have formed a new militia to fight the Kurds in Northern Syria, the Kurds are just morons, pure fucking morons, had they stayed on the side of Assad, they would have received, their own region in Syria but no they had to fuck something up, if the Kurds were on Assad's side, than the Kurds could have been used a buffer zone Turkey.

    WTF is RBTH playing at, i have read there entire article and nowhere does it mention this so called "promise" in fact the article itself clarifies that there was no coordination whatsoever with either Syria or Moscow, but instead strong coordination with the U.S op.
    par far

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  par far Fri Aug 26, 2016 4:05 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    par far wrote:
    zorobabel wrote:Turkey has gone further than promised in Syria, says Moscow

    Also, the FortRuss analysis that argued this had been coordinated said neither Syria nor Russia had denounced Turkey's invasion. Actually they both have, multiple times now.

    I wonder how much further the Turks have gone in? The Syrian government and Russia, knew about this and they started denouncing this, when the Turks went further in, than promised, I think the Turks/US tricked Russia and Syria into this, the biggest idiots in this are the Kurds, they thought the US would help them but they did not know that, Turkey is more important to them, than the Kurds, but this can easily be reserved, just arm the Kurds(Syria and Russia lost shipments of weapons somewhere near the Kurds, the US does this every time).

    Now Arab Tribes(I am thinking Sunnis) have formed a new militia to fight the Kurds in Northern Syria, the Kurds are just morons, pure fucking morons, had they stayed on the side of Assad, they would have received, their own region in Syria but no they had to fuck something up, if the Kurds were on Assad's side, than the Kurds could have been used a buffer zone Turkey.

    WTF is RBTH playing at, i have read there entire article and nowhere does it mention this so called "promise" in fact the article itself clarifies that there was no coordination whatsoever with either Syria or Moscow, but instead strong coordination with the U.S op.

    Russia and Syria knew about this but I don't think this was coordination with Russia or Syria(so you are right about the coordination part). Russia is playing games here, just make it clear, we will not fuck around and go for the throat.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Empty reply

    Post  d_taddei2 Fri Aug 26, 2016 5:15 pm

    calm wrote:
    Damascus, Syria (1:40 P.M.) – One of the longest battles in this Syrian conflict is finally over after Liwaa Shuhada Al-Islam and their affiliates officially surrendered the strategic town of Darayya to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on Friday morning.

    The final chapter of this battle came when the Syrian Arab Army’s 4th Division effectively cutoff the road linking Darayya with the nearby town of Mo’adhimiyah.

    The Mo’adhimiyah rebels reconciled with the government shortly after this event, leaving the militants inside of Darayya completely isolated.

    With Darayya under their control, the Syrian Armed Forces can now redeploy their 2,500 soldiers and heavy armory to another important front that could use experienced reinforcements.

    10,421 recorded KIA militants killed 22/4/2011 till 24/8/2016 in western & eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside. Heavy price for nothing:)
    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 12 Cqx1CZEWEAAG6H5

    some really good news i wouldn't be surprised if FSA etc, put pressure on them to leave as well as with the current casualties in southern Aleppo they will be looking for replacements for the dead. I just hope Russia is keeping an eye on the terrorists moving to Idilb and be ready to bomb the crap out of them soon after. Bonus for the SAA it seems they will have an extra 2,500 experienced troops and various equipment to use else where. They have two choices really send them to Aleppo to close the gap, or send them to eastern Ghouta to speed up the operation there. With recent troops being sent to southern Aleppo might just be better to send them to eastern Ghouta and finally get this whole area liberated along with the rest of Damascus and no doubt do the same here offer a surrender deal. This would free up loads of troops to pour into southern Aleppo and Latakia.

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