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    Syrian Civil War: News #8


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    Syrian Civil War: News #8 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #8

    Post  KiloGolf Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:34 pm

    @ivansidorenko1 twitter page is shut down and hadn't posted anything for 2 days (I was checking it).
    Rumors the guy quit, possibly too many of his contacts died in one day (I assume Raqqa). dunno

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    Syrian Civil War: News #8 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #8

    Post  Dima Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:50 pm

    ^ It would also be that the twitter has blocked him from updating his account?
    After all twitter has been very accomodative of jihadi/terrorists accounts.

    @ Vann,

    Agree with your points. But with half-a dozen to a dozen combat airplanes and a handful of helos, there is little that Russia can do at the moment. Unless there is a significant boost to the numbers all combat zones cannot be covered.

    Else let Iran do the strikes where Russia is not able to provide air support due to limited aircrafts, but they are far below the capability of SyAAF (who have been doing risky strikes at low levels) and Russia is not yet ready (say so?) to sell them aircrafts due to some stupid sanctions. Even if Iran want to do strikes they will need to do it at high altitude and avoid the airdefence. But is there anything in their arsenal that is as good as the VKS Su-24??
    I guess not, so the strikes maynot be effective and it would be bad if it falls around allied units.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #8 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #8

    Post  KiloGolf Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:00 pm

    Dima wrote:^ It would also be that the twitter has blocked him from updating his account?
    After all twitter has been very accomodative of jihadi/terrorists accounts.

    He's been online but inactive for two days. I think he just gave up.
    meanwhile... Sufyan oilfield, Raqqa:

    Syrian Civil War: News #8 - Page 19 Cle3iRFWMAAc7iU
    Oryx ‏@oryxspioenkop  5h5 hours ago
    Russian delivered Ural-4320-31 armoured truck knocked out by the Islamic State near the Thawrah oilfield.

    And East Palmyra (graphic)

    Oryx ‏@oryxspioenkop  Jun 20
    @oryxspioenkop Simply obliterated.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #8 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #8

    Post  calm Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:13 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Didn't Russia disagree with SAA push to Raqqa? Something that they were arguing with Iran over?
    Anyway, they seem to concentrate in Aleppo more so than SAA. Probably best now to fall back.

    It's all in this article, ignore dumb propaganda, and read between the lines.

    The Aviation Group of the Russian Airspace Force — the Vozdushno-Kosmicheskiye Sily or VKS — is conducting an interdiction campaign against Syrian insurgents active in western Aleppo governorate with intention of forcing these into negotiations on Moscow’s conditions.
    Therefore, nearly 90 percent of the VKS’ air strikes are targeting Hayyan, Anadan, Hreitan, Kfar Hamra and Ma’arat Al Artiq — five towns northwest of Aleppo positioned along roads leading into insurgent-held northern and eastern parts of Aleppo city.
    Five BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles and a T-72 main battle tank of the JAF armour outside Qurassi on June 9, 2016. Theoretically an ideal target for enemy air power, such concentrations are operating entirely freely, because neither the VKS nor the SyAAF ever attempted to target them.*wmjwGKiIUIXywfwSrAPFHw.jpeg

    One of most powerful concentrations of forces loyal to the regime of Pres. Bashar Al Assad launched an offensive against ISIS in southeastern Aleppo governorate. Theses pro-Al Assad forces include private military companies such as Liwa Suqour As Sahra and Liwa Dir As Sahel, sectarian militias such as the Liwa Nussr Az Zawba’a and Quwwat Al Galilee and also a unit of Hezbollah from Lebanon.
    Their operation aims to recover Tabqa Air Base and perhaps also reach the city of Raqqah, capitol of the province of same name.

    Finally, a mix of Iranian Republican Guard Corps-controlled units, primarily consisting of Iraqi Shi’a militias such as Harakat An Nujba, Katayb Hezbollah, and Assaib Ahl Al Haqq — at least the last two of which are operating Russian-made T-90 main battle tanks acquired by the IRGC early this year — is running its own campaign against Syrian insurgents and foreign jihadists of the Jaysh Al Fateh coalition, or JAF, in southern Aleppo.

    Obviously, these three entirely disconnected operations are illustrating complete disharmony between interests and resulting strategies of Damascus, Moscow and Tehran.

    Instead of deploying their air power in support of loyalist- and IRGC-controlled ground forces, the Russians did nothing as the JAF — which is including the main group of Jabhat Al Nusra units in northern Syria — concentrated several brigade-size formations supported by dozens of tanks, armored fighting vehicles and heavy artillery in southern Aleppo, in early June 2016. They didn’t move even when jihadists — supported by several Syrian insurgent units — assaulted IRGC’s positions east of Khan Touman, captured half a dozen of villages and strongpoints and inflicted hundreds of casualties
    Instead, the IRGC was forced to rush reinforcements from Iran, and even request help from Damascus, which reacted by re-deploying units from quiet front lines in southern Syria.
    Ever since, repeated counterattacks of IRGC-controlled troops are all repulsed by the JAF, but Russians are still not moving. The VKS continues its campaign in western Aleppo as if there were no battlefield in southern Aleppo. Indeed, it even found an opportunity to fly several air strikes against villages in northern Laughing Aleppo that U.S.- and Turkish-supported Syrian insurgents had liberated from ISIS only few days ago.

    Moscow apparently remains insistent on its own, limited — though much more realistic — aims in this war, primarily related to securing the survival of Al Assad’s regime.
    By contrast, Damascus and Tehran remain insistent on their own, less-realistic aims. Top Iranian leaders — including Dehghan — are proclaiming their intention to “liberate” all of Aleppo governorate, while Al Assad is publicly announcing a “liberation of every inch of Syria” as his new war objective.
    Obviously, only time will tell which of the three governments is right. But under the current conditions, any kind of a durable ceasefire in Syria is an illusion — and something like peace is completely out of the question.

    Eyad al-Hosain report...
    Syrian journalist Eyad al-Hosain, who is embedded with the army, wrote on his Facebook page that even if special forces "retreat for hours they will come back." He added that after two days of fierce battles, the army had to withdraw from "some" of the positions it captured recently.
    Al-Hosain added that the march toward Tabqa is ongoing but will take on "new dimensions," without elaborating.
    The Observatory said 40 troops were killed over the past two days, raising to 93 the number of troops killed since the offensive began. It added that 126 IS militants have been killed in the area so far, including 21 since Sunday.
    The Observatory said IS has brought reinforcements of some 300 fighters from the city of Raqqa.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #8 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #8

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:18 pm

    Vann7 wrote:................
    None of this will be happening if MR PUTIN had proper airforce backing people in the ground
    in the RAQQA offensive. and the Syrian army is using NOT using obsolete T-55s . to face suicide bombers armed cars full of TNT. All this casualties could have been avoided had Russia properly armed Syrian ARmy ,or at least had enough Airforce there to bomb the hell of terrorist. but it looks the Russia Airforce split from side to side and and is never all the time in any front line.  

    None of this will be happening if SAA were doing their f*cking jobs instead of running away.

    T-55 is more than enough to take out any SVIBED. You could do it with T-34 easy.  

    SAA has been more than properly armed. Spoiled would be my assessment. Given their track record they need to be placed on little disciplinary hardware diet. If they want something they should earn it first. They have been given loads pf stuff for free and it was all for nothing.  

    Vann7 wrote:.........
    And NATO special forces are in Northen Syria US ,France and UK ,close to RAQQA. about 50km or less of Syrian Army positions ,ie. withing range Artillery. So i will not be surprised US special forces are fighting with ISIS.  Veterans Today reported one incident that Hezbolah fighters captured an American SF fighting with ISIS arrested.

    Comedy Central does not do you justice.

    Vann7 wrote:............
    Where are the Russian drones?
    Where are the Iranian Drones?
    Where is the artillery backup?
    Why no T-72s in the Raqqa offensive ,Russia have more than 5,000 of them. ?
    Where is the Russian Airforce backing the RAqqa offensive ?

    None of this loses of ground will be possible with a strong Airforce covering SAA advance in
    RAQQA. or at least a dozen of T-72s with auto targeting . Terrorist always use the same tactics of very fast suicide bombers attacks followed by a wave of terrorist on fast pickups with heavy machine guns.  Terrorist use lighting speed attacks with lots of suicide bombers  and a t-55 or a pickup civilian truck is not the correct military hardware to face that.............

    Where is Syrian Air force?
    Where is Iranian Air force?
    Where is SAA?
    Where is Iranian Army?
    Where is the Syrian artillery backup?
    Where is the Iranian artillery backup?

    Fixed that for you there

    Vann7 wrote:.............
    Why no T-72s in the Raqqa offensive ,Russia have more than 5,000 of them. ?

    I assume you will be paying for it? You seem to be very liberal with other people's time, money and lives.

    Where were you from again and why aren't you volunteering to join SAA since they are so awesome?

    Last edited by PapaDragon on Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian Civil War: News #8 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #8

    Post  calm Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:19 pm


    We have so many soldiers tied up in rural Damascus. If we captured the East Ghouta and Darayya; it would free-up 10k-15k soldiers.

    Look at the previous page, whole bunch of pictures from Tabqa road.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #8 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #8

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:25 pm

    No more F-18s overhead for a while, off home to Virginia.

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    Post  calm Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:31 pm

    Dima wrote:Russia is not yet ready (say so?) to sell them aircrafts due to some stupid sanctions.

    Yeah but Iran is ready to buy from America...

    Iran, Boeing reach deal on purchase of 100 planes

    What happened with all that "america is evil and so"...
    Let them bomb Alepo with those boings.  Laughing

    I had to.

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    Post  KiloGolf Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:53 pm

    Looks like USN and USMC have been trashing IS all over. Manbij and Fallujah are the results of that operation.
    Even supported SAA at Deir ez Zor  lol1

    The Pentagon reported details of 16 air strikes in Syria and 18 in Iraq.

    Strikes in Syria

    Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed three ISIS oil well heads.
    Near Raqqah, three strikes struck two ISIS-used bridges and an ISIS staging area.
    Near Ayn Isa, a strike destroyed two ISIS rocket systems.
    Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike struck an ISIS tactical unit.
    Near Manbij, nine strikes struck nine separate ISIS tactical units and destroyed 11 ISIS fighting positions and an ISIS vehicle.
    Near Mara, a strike destroyed an ISIS vehicle and an ISIS heavy machine gun.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Near Baghdad, two strikes struck an ISIS beddown facility and an ISIS staging area and destroyed an ISIS bunker.
    Near Beiji, two strikes struck two separate ISIS tactical units and destroyed an ISIS fighting position, three ISIS vehicles, an ISIS heavy machine gun, an ISIS recoilless rifle and an ISIS mortar system.
    Near Fallujah, four strikes struck three separate ISIS tactical units and destroyed 22 ISIS fighting positions, two ISIS vehicles, 10 ISIS heavy machine guns, seven ISIS light machine guns, an ISIS recoilless rifle, three ISIS rocket-propelled-grenade systems and an ISIS vehicle-borne bomb and denied ISIS access to terrain.
    Near Kisik, a strike struck an ISIS tactical unit and an ISIS assembly area.
    Near Mosul, a strike struck an ISIS oil headquarters.
    Near Qayyarah, five strikes struck an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three ISIS mortar systems, an ISIS assembly area, an ISIS weapons cache and an ISIS command-and-control node and denied ISIS access to terrain.
    Near Ramadi, two strikes struck two separate ISIS tactical units and destroyed an ISIS fighting position, an ISIS vehicle, an ISIS vehicle-borne bomb, an ISIS boat and an ISIS light machine gun and damaged a separate ISIS boat.
    Near Tal Afar, a strike struck two separate ISIS foreign fighter command posts.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #8 - Page 19 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #8

    Post  KiloGolf Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:06 pm

    calm wrote:

    Instead of deploying their air power in support of loyalist- and IRGC-controlled ground forces, the Russians did nothing as the JAF — which is including the main group of Jabhat Al Nusra units in northern Syria — concentrated several brigade-size formations supported by dozens of tanks, armored fighting vehicles and heavy artillery in southern Aleppo, in early June 2016. They didn’t move even when jihadists — supported by several Syrian insurgent units — assaulted IRGC’s positions east of Khan Touman, captured half a dozen of villages and strongpoints and inflicted hundreds of casualties
    Instead, the IRGC was forced to rush reinforcements from Iran, and even request help from Damascus, which reacted by re-deploying units from quiet front lines in southern Syria.
    Ever since, repeated counterattacks of IRGC-controlled troops are all repulsed by the JAF, but Russians are still not moving. The VKS continues its campaign in western Aleppo as if there were no battlefield in southern Aleppo. Indeed, it even found an opportunity to fly several air strikes against villages in northern  Laughing Aleppo that U.S.- and Turkish-supported Syrian insurgents had liberated from ISIS only few days ago.

    Moscow apparently remains insistent on its own, limited — though much more realistic — aims in this war, primarily related to securing the survival of Al Assad’s regime.
    By contrast, Damascus and Tehran remain insistent on their own, less-realistic aims. Top Iranian leaders — including Dehghan — are proclaiming their intention to “liberate” all of Aleppo governorate, while Al Assad is publicly announcing a “liberation of every inch of Syria” as his new war objective.
    Obviously, only time will tell which of the three governments is right. But under the current conditions, any kind of a durable ceasefire in Syria is an illusion — and something like peace is completely out of the question.

    Eyad al-Hosain report...
    Syrian journalist Eyad al-Hosain, who is embedded with the army, wrote on his Facebook page that even if special forces "retreat for hours they will come back." He added that after two days of fierce battles, the army had to withdraw from "some" of the positions it captured recently.
    Al-Hosain added that the march toward Tabqa is ongoing but will take on "new dimensions," without elaborating.
    The Observatory said 40 troops were killed over the past two days, raising to 93 the number of troops killed since the offensive began. It added that 126 IS militants have been killed in the area so far, including 21 since Sunday.
    The Observatory said IS has brought reinforcements of some 300 fighters from the city of Raqqa. got it right a few days ago. Russia has made a bit of a mess but it's not only their fault. Iran doesn't seem willing to pull any of its weight in the fight. SAA is being typical SAA. Concerning Eya al Hosain, he better stay silent and stop making things up or sugarcoating the defeat.

    Dima wrote:Considering there is absolutely no staging ground for helos nearby

    No excuse. Our Army forward deploys Apaches on anything from mountains, to flat lands and valleys or forests. The flat dessert of Raqqa is pretty much the most ideal location to stage helos like the Hind, like anywhere. But it seems that massive loss of those Ka-52s have made them sceptical on whether this war is really worth it.

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:17 pm

    Can someone remind me again how this is Russia's fault on this?  This is SAA fault.  They need to be determined if they are going to go into Raqqa, and that means full support.  They didn't.  Syria has a larger airforce in their own country than what Russia currently has stationed in Syria.  Add to that, RuAF has been concentrating on bombings in Palmyra and Northern Aleppo, so the Raqqa movement and southern Aleppo has to also get support from other airforces.  I myself would be quite happy just to have Moscow send more aircrafts (and eventually they probably will when they see SAA losing this badly again) but in time being, they cannot be everywhere at once.  For all intense and purposes, RuAF has done far more in a very short period of time than US did in over a year.

    I repeat - SyAF needs to be more involved.  I haven't heard much from them in quite some time.

    What loss of Ka-52's? You are trolling pretty hard there Kilo

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    Post  KiloGolf Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:23 pm

    sepheronx wrote:What loss of Ka-52's? You are trolling pretty hard there Kilo

    Others do trolling, I made a post and you have an opinion.
    My understanding is the Ka-52, however extreme, hasn't been debunked.

    Russia doesn't deliver warplanes to Syria, it's also their fault.

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:26 pm

    No Ka-52 was lost. Point it out to me please. I read through Keypub forums and of course no thing is being pandered off. Neither anywhere else. If you mean the airbase strike, there wasn't even Ka-52's being mentioned there either.

    Mass loss of Ka-52's in your quote is absolutely trolling.

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    Post  KiloGolf Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:28 pm

    sepheronx wrote:No Ka-52 was lost.  Point it out to me please.  I read through Keypub forums and of course no thing is being pandered off.  Neither anywhere else.  If you mean the airbase strike, there wasn't even Ka-52's being mentioned there either.

    Mass loss of Ka-52's in your quote is absolutely trolling.

    No trolling here, you happen to disagree.
    I haven't seen evidence debunking that sat photo of destroyed choppers by IS (I remember them being Ka-52).
    Do I have to dig that photo? And I'm not claiming to be right here, just recollecting that the issue was unsettled.

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:30 pm

    Yes, dig it up. You are referring to that airbase attack? The ones with Mi-24's and Mi-8's and a MiG-25? No, there wasn't any Ka-52's as it was a Syrian airfield.

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    Post  KiloGolf Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:31 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Yes, dig it up.  You are referring to that airbase attack? The ones with Mi-24's and Mi-8's and a MiG-25?  No, there wasn't any Ka-52's as it was a Syrian airfield.

    Oh so that's your take on it. Fair enough.
    Probably all of this has to do with the disappearance of Ka-52s from Syria on those days as well.

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:34 pm

    Its not my take on it.  Go ahead and post it.  It was discussed here by people far more intelligent on the matters than either you or I.  Too bad one of those guys decided to leave this forums.  I cant say I blame him though.  This place has been flooded with far too many trolls.

    KiloGolf wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Yes, dig it up. You are referring to that airbase attack? The ones with Mi-24's and Mi-8's and a MiG-25? No, there wasn't any Ka-52's as it was a Syrian airfield.

    Oh so that's your take on it. Fair enough.
    Probably all of this has to do with the disappearance of Ka-52s from Syria on those days as well.

    So you going to post same thing about lack of Mi-28's as well? Guess you are trolling pretty hard. Not surprising really.

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    Post  KiloGolf Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:37 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Its not my take on it.  Go ahead and post it.  It was discussed here by people far more intelligent on the matters than either you or I.  Too bad one of those guys decided to leave this forums.  I cant say I blame him though.  This place has been flooded with far too many trolls.

    KiloGolf wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Yes, dig it up.  You are referring to that airbase attack? The ones with Mi-24's and Mi-8's and a MiG-25?  No, there wasn't any Ka-52's as it was a Syrian airfield.

    Oh so that's your take on it. Fair enough.
    Probably all of this has to do with the disappearance of Ka-52s from Syria on those days as well.

    So you going to post same thing about lack of Mi-28's as well?  Guess you are trolling pretty hard.  Not surprising really.

    Having an opinion is just that. I don't claim to be more informed than anyone.
    All the troll accusations are returned to you.

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:48 pm

    Last time Ka-52 was spotted was in Tartous

    and discussion of this:

    and it was denied:

    So as I said earlier, don't troll on this.

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    Post  KiloGolf Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:53 pm

    sepheronx wrote:

    Last time Ka-52 was spotted was in Tartous

    and discussion of this:

    and it was denied:

    So as I said earlier, don't troll on this.

    I think you are the one trolling or projecting here, as it took all these posts to reply constructively. You disagree, have different information maybe better-educated than mine. Control your rage or whatever and write a civilised sentence. Again the accusation is returned.

    I'll have a look at the links, thank you.

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:58 pm

    Yes please do. And next time when making wild accusations, please use citation.

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:02 pm

    Map of most recent achievements by the SAA:

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    Post  KiloGolf Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:06 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Yes please do.  And next time when making wild accusations, please use citation.

    No need for any of that advice as I did not accuse anyone of anything.

    PS. control your rage and refrain from lighthearted trolling accusations.

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:09 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:.............

    Russia doesn't deliver warplanes to Syria, it's also their fault.

    Well I can't really blame Russians for not wanting to deliver aircrafts to Syrians.

    They want to export those things. How can they expect to sell any if everyone sees their burnt wrecks all over the news just because they were flown by bunch of incompetent morons?

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    Post  KiloGolf Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:14 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    KiloGolf wrote:.............

    Russia doesn't deliver warplanes to Syria, it's also their fault.

    Well I can't really blame Russians for not wanting to deliver aircrafts to Syrians.

    They want to export those things. How can they expect to sell any if everyone sees their burnt wrecks all over the news just because they were flown by bunch of incompetent morons?

    Fair enough, but Russia can't claim now that SAA (however monstrously incompetent) having no decent air support when they need it, is purely their fault. Russians and Syrians disagreed on the Tabqa op. It's a big mess, that what it is. One big player needs to step up, Iran or Russia.

    PS. I thought the Tabqa/Raqqa op was strange when they could have advanced to Deir Hafir and consolidate in Latakia much faster.

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