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    World Economic News and Discussion


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    World Economic News and Discussion - Page 14 Empty Re: World Economic News and Discussion

    Post  Kiko Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:11 pm

    Nearly Half of Canadians Struggling to Meet Daily Expenses Due to Rising Prices - StatCan, 08.15.2024.

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Close to half of Canadians (45%) have reported that rising prices have affected their ability to meet daily expenses, Statistics Canada (StatCan) said on Thursday.

    The data come from the latest cycle of the Canadian Social Survey, collected from April 19 to June 3, Statistics Canada said in the latest edition of its "The Daily" bulletin.

    "In spring 2024, nearly half (45%) of Canadians reported that rising prices were greatly affecting their ability to meet day-to-day expenses, 12 percentage points higher than what it was two years earlier (33%)," Statistics Canada said.

    Close to four in ten Canadians (38%) said they are "very concerned" about their ability to either afford a home or rent due to rising prices - an 8% increase from two years ago, Statistics Canada said.

    In addition, nearly a fourth of Canadians reported their households as being very or somewhat likely, respectively 8% and 15% to obtain meals from community organizations in the past six months - a 3% surge over a two-year period.

    In mid-June, Food Banks Canada reported that more than one in four Canadians might currently be living under the Material Deprivation Index poverty-level standard.

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    World Economic News and Discussion - Page 14 Empty Re: World Economic News and Discussion

    Post  GarryB Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:37 pm

    Gold reserves are climbing globally: the dollar is being hit with everything, from all sides.

    Great news for countries buying gold like Russia and China whose gold reserves just get more and more valuable as the value of gold increases.


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    World Economic News and Discussion - Page 14 Empty Re: World Economic News and Discussion

    Post  kvs Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:39 pm

    The official CPI in Kanada is a retarded joke. Supposedly it is 2.7%. But every price that I deal with shows annual increases of around 10%. This includes food
    and construction materials. Rents are not dropping. Computer parts and electronics are increasing following the 10% annual rate. Consider the price
    of all video card price categories over the last 10 years. You can't fob this off as a the result of bitcoin mining.

    US statistics are also manipulated. Employment and other data are presented as rosy in the first release and then revised later. The MSM and the markets don't
    react to the revised numbers which are generally much worse than the initial release.

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    World Economic News and Discussion - Page 14 Empty Re: World Economic News and Discussion

    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 17, 2024 4:03 am

    All part of the scam... things are great... well OK, some things are not so great... but at least Putin or Xi isn't in charge.

    The irony is that things in China and Russia are not perfect either, but money is being spent to make things better, and it seems to be helping.

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    World Economic News and Discussion - Page 14 Empty Re: World Economic News and Discussion

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:46 am

    I do not buy processed food and cook my own. So the prices I see are "raw". But the CPI treats these downsized products the same as if they were the original size.
    You have all sorts of BS "hedonics" adjustments designed to lowball the CPI, but you do not have size adjustments to allow apples to apples comparisons of products.
    It is not just food that is being downsized. If you pay attention to product quality it is also going in the shitter. Cars may have soft plastics, but they are built as if
    if they are made from tinfoil. A common feature these days is for cars and trucks to start falling apart after the warranty expires. You are not going be driving a
    pickup 20 years after you bought it since it will cost too much in repairs.

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    World Economic News and Discussion - Page 14 Empty Re: World Economic News and Discussion

    Post  Kiko Wed Sep 04, 2024 9:13 am

    The "Titanic" of the German economy has already hit the iceberg, by Irina Alksnis for RiaNovosti. 09.04.2024.

    A new chapter has opened in the chronicle of Germany's deindustrialization: the management of the Volkswagen automobile concern announced that for the first time in its 87-year history, the company may close factories in Germany. This concerns the possible liquidation of two enterprises - one for the production of cars and one for components.

    No less of a public and media shock was the announcement that "the concern, in order to save money, was also considering breaking the agreement with the trade unions, which was signed until 2029." Volkswagen is considered (although, perhaps, it would be more correct to say - was considered) the "gold standard" employer in Germany: the most reliable work, the most generous social guarantees, the highest salaries. So the company's plans, of course, caused a storm of indignation, especially from the trade union structures, which announced massive resistance to the announced plans.

    The authorities, for their part, are also putting pressure on Volkswagen, insisting on finding alternatives that would allow them to avoid the announced intentions. And perhaps they will even succeed in achieving their goal - for a while, since there is no point in talking about a radical solution to the problems that have arisen.

    The fact is that the unpopular plans of Volkswagen management are based on an increasingly unfavorable reality. And gloomy trends for the Germans, which show no hope of being reversed even in the medium term. According to the company's CEO Oliver Blume, "Germany as a place to do business is increasingly lagging behind in terms of competitiveness," and in general "the European automobile industry is in a very difficult and serious situation."

    There are many reasons for the current situation. There is the terribly expensive labour force in Germany, accustomed to the highest level of social security, and the rapid displacement of Germans from the market by the Chinese auto industry, primarily by electric car manufacturers, and the loss of Russian pipeline gas by the German industry (the cheapness of which largely compensated for the high cost of labour), and shooting at their own feet in the form of leaving the Russian market, and much, much more.

    In general, one can understand the management of Volkswagen, for whom the forecast puzzle began to come together in the word "bankruptcy", and in order to avoid such an unpleasant scenario in the future, they are faced with the need to take tough measures today. And it is clear: the longer the decision is delayed, the more painful the return will be. And Germany as such is increasingly reminiscent of the "Titanic", so no one will be very surprised if Volkswagen finally decides to finally leave the sinking ship.

    Perhaps the strangest thing about what is happening is the insulting, cynical openness with which the destruction of German industry is being carried out. After all, until now the West has always sugar-coated the bitter pill of reality that it wanted to feed to someone. And Germany itself has considerable experience in this: as the leader of the European Union, it successfully destroyed entire industries of Eastern European EU members under the guise of beautiful words about European unity and prosperity.

    But now that Germany itself is on the chopping block, the Germans are not being treated to even the slightest bit of inspirational rhetoric. They must endure a decline in their standard of living and quality of life because Putin will attack. They must abandon nuclear power for the sake of the planet's future. They must switch to cricket meat for the sake of climate change. They must embrace the entire LGBT* madness for the sake of tolerance. They must tighten their radiator valves and their belts simply because they have to.

    The results of the elections in Saxony and Thuringia on Sunday showed that at least in the eastern states of the country, most of the people have had enough of this approach. However, so far the German – as well as the Western – establishment has not shown even the slightest hint of a change in policy and is prepared to stubbornly continue to stick to its line.

    It will be interesting to see what the authorities' fundamental disregard for the opinions of their own people will lead to.

    * An extremist movement banned in Russia.

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