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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter


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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  BKP Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:03 am


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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:20 am

    This tread was bullshit from the get go and in no case should be renamed into anything that sounds even remotely serious even though it has been done once already.

    Give it name "Turkish Bullshit" and call it a day...

    We have proper treads for real data and discussion.

    Oguzhanoz wrote: bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, ........................

    You asslovers really do not get it do you? Turkey fucked itself up. Done.

    NATO dropped turkey on this.

    Only reason you are not glassed right now is because Russia is collecting PR points and letting you do their job for them.

    Russia owns Syrian airspace now, nobody flies anymore in there unless VKS says so.

    Turks and similar creatures on the ground in Syria are being hunted into extinction. Thank you Erdogan.

    If turk army crosses one inch into Syria they are all slaughtered. Look at that video for sneak-preview. If you go full retard after that, turk mainland is a cemetery.

    Game Over turks....

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  flamming_python Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:36 am

    Mustafa wrote:
    Beside that, if its necessary to take the land inhabitated by turkmens to guarantee their safety, we will do it. Putin also doesn´t want WW III. He isn´t the only one who can threat others. Last time i checked he paid the hardest price yet with two airplanes down so far.

    Yeah, by two ambushes.

    Do you know what will happen if the Turks try to engage Russian bombers which are expecting an attack, backed by escort fighters, ground-based and sea-based anti-air defence systems? Now the Russians will be prepared.

    If you are really suggesting that Russia will lose a limited military engagement with Turkey (Khalkin-Gol or Sino-Soviet border war style), then you need to wake the fuck up and smell the coffee, because madmen Devaltogu and Erdogan are going to drag your nation into a situation where it can't possibly win.

    I don't think Russia will do anything militarily if Turkey annexes part of Syria.
    I'm just talking about if Turkey tries to engage a Russian military unit again. You keep saying that no-one is scared of Russia. Well I don't know about that, but I can tell you for sure, that the Russian military has a lot more capabilities and fire-power than the Turkish military, whichever way you spin it - 'dying power', 'taken over by China', all this irrelevant nonsense.

    If Turkey annexes part of Syria; it may end up as just another northern Cyprus scenario, but it may also end up with NATO disowning Turkey and the West, Russia & China denouncing it at the UN and passing a resolution against it - because none of them need a dismembered Syria; and Turkey is not a permanent UN member, unlike Russia.
    My advice is to tread carefully and advise your idiot president to cool down. He has made enemies of everyone needlessly; first Israel, then Syria, then the Kurds (which he was running a successful peace process with), and now Russia. He hasn't done much for Turkish relations with the EU, Armenia or Greece either.
    And you might want to ask yourself why? Why is this all neccessery? Now Turkey is surrounded by enemies on all sides, or at the very least - unfriendly states. And before Erdogan there were no problems. Syrian Turkmen weren't oppressed by anyone, relations with Russia were progressing, relations with Israel were quite close, and the PKK and all Kurdish separatist activity was steadily winding down and evolving in a political peace process like in Northern Ireland.
    This idiot ruined everything, and you blindly support him.
    He's using all this as both domestic political points, and for his own regional ambitions for Turkey to become some sort of leader of the Sunni bloc in the Middle East. But this bloc is not worth fighting for - Saudi Arabia is losing in Yemen, Iran is only gaining in strength. Turkey needs a far smarter policy than the one it has; right now it has enemies on all sides - East, West, North and South.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:58 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:47 am

    moved to new John´s thread

    Last edited by GunshipDemocracy on Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:50 am

    moved to new John´s thread

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Rodinazombie Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:56 am

    John, dont get so worried about the state of this thread.

    Its been a stinking, rotten pile of mouldy half digested kebab meat right since the start, nobody has taken it seriously since the two jokers turned up and then everyone else went full retard too.

    Just be thankful it hasnt spread to the rest of the forum yet. Let this thread be an asylum of sorts for all the nutjobs and associated brainfarts that come with them.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  flamming_python Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:56 am

    Oguzhanoz wrote:Well sorry,i am trying to have a conversation but most of you are fanboys.
    I am tryin to say that,if Russia cuts gas,yea it will be a hard time but Russia is only a supplyer,we don't take all of our gas from that.
    Plus,Russia sells its gas through blue stream to south europe,you know the capacity of this stream and you may calculate the loss.

    I mean,it is not something like "Russia can do anything and has no harm."Russia is in a more fragile position,you should admit it,we have seen it last year's crysis.
    Who knows,maybe this is a game between Russia and Turkey,some people tell it but i don't think it is possible.
    The think Russia needed to do was to agree with Turkey and end the war in Syria.She choosed the long way.
    On the other hand,Russia is earning new enemies after Georgia,Ukrain and old sscb countries.

    How is Russia in a 'more fragile position'?
    Because of the economic recession? Last time I checked Putin's ratings haven't moved an inch, and the economy is recovering.

    The point is that NATO has already made the point to Turkey quite clear - if you want to continue provoking Russia; you are on your own. There will be no help from the 'international community' on this one.

    And if the US didn't crush Russia over the Ukraine issue, then Turkey is not going to have much luck with Russia by itself.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  JohninMK Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:03 am

    Rodinazombie wrote:John, dont get so worried about the state of this thread.

    Its been a stinking, rotten pile of mouldy half digested kebab meat right since the start, nobody has taken it seriously since the two jokers turned up and then everyone else went full retard too.

    Just be thankful it hasn't spread to the rest of the forum yet. Let this thread be an asylum of sorts for all the nutjobs and associated brainfarts that come with them.
    Thanks, it is, as you say, a good receptacle for the bile created by the thread starter and his fellow countryman. The only real problem I saw was that it sucked in information that should have been in threads where it might have been referred to later or seen by those studiously avoiding this angst fest.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:14 am

    JohninMK wrote:
    Rodinazombie wrote:John, dont get so worried about the state of this thread.

    Its been a stinking, rotten pile of mouldy half digested kebab meat right since the start, nobody has taken it seriously since the two jokers turned up and then everyone else went full retard too.

    Just be thankful it hasn't spread to the rest of the forum yet. Let this thread be an asylum of sorts for all the nutjobs and associated brainfarts that come with them.
    Thanks, it is, as you say, a good receptacle for the bile created by the thread starter and his fellow countryman. The only real problem I saw was that it sucked in information that should have been in threads where it might have been referred to later or seen by those studiously avoiding this angst fest.

    OK thne I return Surprised)

    Putin forbade employers to employ Turkish nationals in 2016

    Putin has decided to limit imports of goods from Turkey

    The General staff Greece: Turkey has reduced violations of air borders of the country
    lol! lol! lol!

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Vann7 Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:25 am

    all that turkey needs to do.. is to try to attack another Russian plane on Syria airspace..
    a combat jet.. not a bomber only with ground attack weapons.. The turkey terrorist thinks
    they can impress anyone with what coward attack on Russia from behind when they were not
    expecting Turkey to become so coward than to do a chicken attack like that from behind
    and on a bomber that was busing fighting terrorist.  

    What Turkey Terrorist did.. will be comparable than to walk near your neighbor house
    and wait he arrive from work.. greet him.. but he turns back.. he stab with a knife their neighbor in the back when he is not looking or expecting any combat.  It was a coward attack..

    All that Russia needs to erase Turkey from the world map.. if that ERdopig and its terrorist airforce goes and strike a Russian civilian airliner. or another similar chicken attack. and you will
    see how Turkey will be destroyed in just one day By Russia. with just a couple of nuclear strikes oon will be game over.. with millions killed in just one hit.

    Then after the nuclear attack ,Russia will take control of Istanbul and Turkey will be split between RUssia ,Greece  ,Kurds and Syria.  Cool  

    No more turkey ISIS sponsors in the world.
    and for your information Russian nuclear weapons are the most powerful in the world by far.

    Look at the top 4 nuclear weapons in the world ,that could be be falling in Ankara and Instantbull..  lol1

    Neither Europe ,Neither Americans will take a nuclear bomb from Russia for defending a Muslin
    terror state like Turkey that support ISIS.  No   the developed modern nations ,Christian roots countries do not like muslin terrorist like turks. and the Americans that are atheist will neither do it.

    One or two hits and Turkey will surrender.. knowing they had no chance to fight Russia
    in a real world war. no sympathy for terrorist supporters. zero tolerance for terrorist turks

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:50 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Cyberspec Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:43 am

    Is this the official Russo-Turkish venting thread?


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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Acheron Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:00 am

    Cyberspec wrote:Is this the official Russo-Turkish venting thread?

    Yep. Seems that way.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Russia-Turkey Stand-off

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:06 am

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    The General staff Greece: Turkey has reduced violations of air borders of the country
    lol! lol! lol!

    It would be hard for them to violate the Greek airspace if the Turkish airforce has been grounded by the Russians.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  George1 Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:37 am

    ok i made the seperate thread that you asked a lot of you. But pls put relative posts here. only for Russia-Turkey confrontation
    Project Canada

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Project Canada Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:05 am


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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Siempre_Leal Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:19 am

    Body of Russian pilot in Turkey, preparing handover to Russia: Turkish PM


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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Mustafa Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:40 am

    They are not ISIS militants but locals we work with. ISIS is not active at our boarder. And even if it would be ISIS, so what? ISIS fights against Assad and thats all that matters right now.

    Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Neutrality Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:42 am

    Mustafa wrote:They are not ISIS militants but locals we work with. ISIS is not active at our boarder. And even if it would be ISIS, so what? ISIS fights against Assad and thats all that matters right now.

    Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

    Locals you work with huh?

    Admins around?

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Werewolf Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:47 am

    Seriously Mods and Admin this trolling gone already to far ban this subhuman terrorist supportive scum who have nothing else done but trolling, insulting dead pilot and russians and advertized for terrorism.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  wilhelm Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:59 am

    Mustafa wrote:They are not ISIS militants but locals we work with. ISIS is not active at our boarder. And even if it would be ISIS, so
    what? ISIS fights against Assad and thats all that matters right now.

    Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

    Like killing infidels in Paris...slitting throats and beheading hundreds of innocent people...machine gunning thousands of lined up people...killing parents so as to take their children as slaves/sex slaves...murdering all who don't follow an ideology from the stone age.

    They are vermin who should be wiped from the face of the earth
    And so should their supporters.

    I suspect you are a troll have a very MilPhotos manner about you....

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:05 am

    Mustafa wrote: Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

    yup, that´s why 2 terrorists´ convoys were burned down Razz

    yet another genocide of peace loving democrats who are accusing Assad about non democracy Smile

    The public of Greece asks Russia to recognize the genocide of Pontian Greeks

    As stated in the petition, posted on the website in the period 1914-1923, Turkish authorities deliberately destroyed from 326 thousand to 382 thousand innocent Greeks living on the territory of Pontus.

    РИА Новости

    Last edited by GunshipDemocracy on Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:08 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:07 am

    Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:
    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    The General staff Greece: Turkey has reduced violations of air borders of the country
    lol! lol! lol!

    It would be hard for them to violate the Greek airspace if the Turkish airforce has been grounded by the Russians.

    c´mon you are making life of Turkish intel full time employees on this forum miserable welcome lol! lol! lol!

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Mustafa Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:59 am

    Its not trolling. I state my opinion and i will voice it once.

    I dont care what goes on in syria. It has no effect on my life or that of my people. I only care for the safety of turkmens in northern syria. Russia itself supports terrorism when it suits it. Its called diplomacy. Nations have no friends, just interests.

    If anyone here is so moronic to believe that there is some humanity in foreign relations, he must be completly retarded. Blame the game, not the player.

    Turkey warned France about the Paris attacks, France didn´t listen to intel information, so its their fault.

    Basic fact now is that ISIS fights Assad and Kurds. Both effects are in our interest. Meanwhile they pose no threat for turkey right now.

    Some here should read Machiavelli. Thats the ideology that powers diplomacy.

    The current situation is a win situation for us. Syria is destroyed and the chaos forces EU to make us concessions.

    And before someone here screams islamist again. I don´t believe in god. I´m a nationalist and kemalist. I see such groups as tool you use to get what you want and drop when they did what they were needed for.

    They start to become a liability now so its very posible our position might change and we crush them and present ourself as the knight.

    its important to keep all options open Smile

    The war against ISIS will take many years and to stabilize the situation in syria will take even longer. Best option for our nation is to keep both sides happy and profit from it as long as possible.

    If you think i shed a tear because those ISIS idiots kill some yezidi kurds then i can tell you thats not a big topic when meeting with friends at starbucks or the apple store. A far more important topic is when will Microsoft launch ist Surface Pro 4 and when will i get it. I preordered but the delivery takes so long.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Neutrality Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:36 pm

    Seriously, where is the report button?

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Mustafa Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:48 pm

    Neutrality wrote:Seriously, where is the report button?

    Whats your problem with reality?

    Name me a reason why we should not support something that suits our interests? As you noticed just today is a large meeting with all 28 EU member states and turkey where they discuss gifts for our nation, so we keep the refugees at bay. You know what that means? In the end i can travel without any visa for a weekend to milano, paris oder berlin. Its a great opportunity for us and a great chance. They need us. We give them something and they take.

    Its that easy.

    You can hate reality as much as you want. It won´t change. That russia starts bombing in syria makes it even better, because it creates even more chaos and havoc there. I care for our well being. Thats the only thing that matters.

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