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    North Korea Economy and Situation


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    North Korea Economy and Situation - Page 2 Empty Re: North Korea Economy and Situation

    Post  miketheterrible Sat May 02, 2020 11:18 am

    He looks like shit though. But I guess its because he is getting older and fatter.

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    North Korea Economy and Situation - Page 2 Empty Re: North Korea Economy and Situation

    Post  Hole Sat May 02, 2020 12:35 pm

    He still looks better then Trump, Johnson, Merkel... Very Happy

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    North Korea Economy and Situation - Page 2 Empty Re: North Korea Economy and Situation

    Post  kvs Sat May 02, 2020 6:18 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:He looks like shit though.  But I guess its because he is getting older and fatter.

    That would be because he most likely has insulin resistance. Even if he starves himself he will have hard time losing weight.
    And the same goes for exercise. I hear all sorts of MSM dolts and "know it alls" yap about how easy it is to lose weight
    by counting calories. They know shit. Normal metabolisms allow fat to be drawn down from storage easily. Insulin
    resistant metabolisms have fat storage act like a ratchet. That is because every time they eat anything and with any
    calorie count, they have an insulin spike due to the failure of cells to uptake any glucose excess from a meal. Unless
    one eats anything other than pure fat, there is some increase in blood glucose (carbs, protein). For insulin resistant people
    this increase is amplified by the deficient cell glucose uptake. A perfect storm that keeps getting progressively worse with
    age since cells reduce the number of insulin receptors in response to periodic exposure to high insulin levels.

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    Location : Merkelland

    North Korea Economy and Situation - Page 2 Empty Kim is still alive, surprise!

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sat May 02, 2020 7:26 pm

    Hole wrote:He still looks better then Trump, Johnson, Merkel... Very Happy
    well but they have almost twice of his age...

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