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    The so called Cultural superiority of West


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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  victor1985 Mon Aug 24, 2015 2:38 am

    well this topic is about a simple thing. west proclaim as being cultural , mentally and evolutionary superior to all countryes in the world. i dont think that is quite true because tehnological evolution has nothing to do with mental evolution. basically lets look at nazists tehnological they were superior to west but mentally they were garbage. the so called superiority is a justify to abuses about other peoples and the proclame of others as being a control addicted is not different by the usa interests uses , seeming that when they need the argument of free will they accept it and when they not need it they go back to the "policeman" thinking way, also lets think about how they justify the today high security with the terorists argument saying "safety first" but not use same argument in others fight for freedom.

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon Aug 24, 2015 3:11 am

    victor1985 wrote:well this topic is about a simple thing. west proclaim as being cultural , mentally and evolutionary superior to all countryes in the world. i dont think that is quite true because tehnological evolution has nothing to do with mental evolution. basically lets look at nazists tehnological they were superior to west but mentally they were garbage. the so called superiority is a justify to abuses about other peoples and the proclame of others as being a control addicted is not different by the usa interests uses , seeming that when they need the argument of free will they accept it and when they not need it they go back to the "policeman" thinking way, also lets think about how they justify the today high security with the terorists argument saying "safety first" but not use same argument in others fight for freedom.

    The cultural superiority is actually true. And its based on a very simple situation. Cultural domination is matter of Cost, Production values, Narrative system and above all Cultural Distribution. In all four areas Western culture leads because it has created the situation in which we consume culture. Culture isn't a way of life anymore, its simply a way of spending our surplus. On that, Capitalist Overlords have really understood Marx especially after the whole Summer of Love period.

    This reversal is even more important in the places where culture would be outlined, like the Academia. Before the Academia would have a very strong political bias (left, right what ever) which would produce cultural models. Now Academia is trying to become a part of the economy, with researchers tryng to conform to "big business" demand especially in fields it usually opposed the utilitarian methods of Big Business. Look at sociology, it made leaps and bounds by trying to be critical...Now Sociology is becoming a consumption too for all the corporations out there. Out of 10 thesis, about 8 are sponsored (thus directed in a specific field, usually "bankable"). The slow but certain death by choking of the critical thinking among those sectors that would make the real "culture" in the Western World, is creating even worse issues. Alien cultures are frantically catching up with the whole "incubator" BS. While usually people look at them as start-up stimulation platform, most incubator actually regard cultural products, usually stemming from big B financial support. Most of the ideas once again have to be bankable. The tight knot between Big Business (mostly coming from the Western World) and the rest of the Cultural mediums makes the Western World dominate the cultural arena. There's little the Rest of the World can do, because the distribution channels, when it comes to Culture are tightly hold by the West.

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:15 pm

    Read my signature... using violence to impose your will is not cultural superiority and they rabidly oppose and culture that tries to do the same to them...

    Being the most liberal and most accepting isn't sophisticated either...

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  Rodinazombie Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:50 pm

    Cultural 'superiority', isnt that a bit of a misnomer?

    Its not that the culture in itself is actually superior, its just that its better 'promoted'.

    With english being the language of the world, the US and UK are immediately going to have a cultural advantage over everybody else. Take music for example, the crappiest english language songs will be known everywhere yet a foreign language song that is far better will never be heard outside of its own country.

    Lets look at films, hollywood in the most part is just trash, if you want to switch your brains off for a couple of hours go and watch something from hollywood, if you want something a bit more intelligent, something that you might need a modicum of brainpower to understand, you need to look elsewhere. Ive watched many great foreign films, later to be copied and pasted by hollywood who completely bugger it up despite supposedly being superior.

    Would you say that mcdonalds is superior to foreign cuisines? Its in almost every city in the world, every mcdonalds is always full of customers every hour of the working day. Surely thats proof enough of its superiority no? Of course we all know the realities of mcdonalds, just because its all pervasive and has its slimy fingers all over the world, does not mean its superior in any way.

    Real culture actually, is being eroded by this supposed 'superior western culture' that promotes this instant satisfaction fast food dumbed down lifestyle.

    Just a few random thoughts.

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  Dforce Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:06 pm

    I think it is more useful to talk about Soft Power then Cultural Superiority, and in that sense the West do have a strong position. When I try to explain this I sat: Look at the opening cermonies for the Olympics. Both the Sochi och the Bejing ones were way better then the London one when it comes to the actual show, but still they did not have a chance to impress more. No matter the training and number of actors, as long as Russia and China are lacking iconic figures such as Bond, mr. Bean, Pink Floyd, Beatles, The Who, and even those silly Spice Girls there is no competition.

    Sure, Russian culture probably have interesting figures too, but they are just not that well known in the wider world. As it stands now, I think this is quite correct:

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:23 pm

    Once again guys. Cultural superiority is a fact because of what I stated. Culture for the West (in its Anglo Saxon guise) is not simply a way of life. It's actually making that way of life a cosa franca (IE the meanstream thing). Look at how you can't live without cellphone, social media, without the need to post shit on the internet. Shit you wouldn't even think about, if you weren't in this very profound cultural net that the "West" has created.

    People with normal brains, highly functioning cells and generally zero impairment, litter the net with very personal matters, crucial information, outright opening the door to a lot more than stalking.

    This trend of over-publicizing yourself wasn't there 30 years ago. Quite the contrary. This is not "connecting people". This is something else, a totally different ethos, in line with what Soviet shad described as self-surrender. The same cunts then complain that they're against big data, big gov and NSA circus...

    That's the current culture the West sells. There is NO Soft Power, that notion is completely fucked up, when you see how well the US government communicates. Looking at the average police crisis, the average non-sense in US politics, there's litterally nothing to use Soft Power on. That's why Soft Power isn't done by the US Gov since about 10 years. It's done by two aforementioned structures. That Business and Academia. There's a complete rollback of the US state as front for "change" (albeit they sign the checks). Compare the brain drain caused by Academia and then Big Business that hires the guys out of Uni and the "liberation" schemes from the US in various parts of the world.

    That's the big issue about cultural supremacy. Publications in US academia are a guarantee of success, in your research life, nevermind what you wrote is bullshit (Constructivist Sociology pioneered in the US, got very bad results pretty much everywhere) but the folks from Chicago, they get still paid royalties and taught around the fucking globe. Same for the monetarist absurdity (fucked up ideas - look at Greece) yet no one dares to change them.

    The Japanese say that when your only tool is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail. Such is the issue with culture. It will only change when the Western input in culture is completely broke. But that's very complicated, to change that you need time, everyday. That's completely impossible with the current level of stress and work practices. Half the population has only 10 hours of available free personal time. Eight of them (optimally) are devolved to sleeping. What do you think people would do in those two remaining hours? Too little time, too manny things to do.

    BTW Olympic games ceremonies are hardly "local", they have to respect a certain format and shooting angles. The ideas might be local and show the vitality of the production crew, but unfortunately even the freaking time of broadcast was picked as to have western audience in mind.

    There are many things you can show to impress people around the world, the point is the willingness to do so. That is something Western Outlets do very little. Look at the the Press generally in "western" styled outlets and "non-western" ones. Compare Russian news, Chinese news; Japanese and generally western news. The level of "fatalities" and the overtones of the Eastern News would simply make you think you live in fucking Fantasialand. There's little personal crime, there's little macabre BS. Check the Western News...80% of the time it's shit that's broken or dead somewhere. That's ANGST building. It's a very old way to do press. And now with Social "media", the Angst gets even greater... That's how pushers work, that ain't soft power, that's virtual junkies.

    It's all in the Narrative, and narrative depends on the editorial line, which depends on the board, which depends on who pays for it...

    See back to square 1. Cultural Superiority will not change hands, IF those who wish to dethrone the West, don't make efforts to actually sink the damn system, there will not be any change.

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  Dforce Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:40 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    That's the current culture the West sells. There is NO Soft Power, that notion is completely fucked up, when you see how well the US government communicates. Looking at the average police crisis, the average non-sense in US politics, there's litterally nothing to use Soft Power on. That's why Soft Power isn't done by the US Gov since about 10 years. It's done by two aforementioned structures. That Business and Academia. There's a complete rollback of the US state as front for "change" (albeit they sign the checks). Compare the brain drain caused by Academia and then Big Business that hires the guys out of Uni and the "liberation" schemes from the US in various parts of the world.

    Think you are misunderstanding the concept of "soft power". It is not a tool you can use, but an indirect effect of other actions you have taken. If you have played Civ III back in the days it works like cultural influence and how that spreads in that game; it is more about others looking up to you and wanting to be like you as a result of your internal politics.

    Posts : 4212
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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:07 am

    Dforce wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    That's the current culture the West sells. There is NO Soft Power, that notion is completely fucked up, when you see how well the US government communicates. Looking at the average police crisis, the average non-sense in US politics, there's litterally nothing to use Soft Power on. That's why Soft Power isn't done by the US Gov since about 10 years. It's done by two aforementioned structures. That Business and Academia. There's a complete rollback of the US state as front for "change" (albeit they sign the checks). Compare the brain drain caused by Academia and then Big Business that hires the guys out of Uni and the "liberation" schemes from the US in various parts of the world.

    Think you are misunderstanding the concept of "soft power". It is not a tool you can use, but an indirect effect of other actions you have taken. If you have played Civ III back in the days it works like cultural influence and how that spreads in that game; it is more about others looking up to you and wanting to be like you as a result of your internal politics.

    I don't think I misunderstand what Soft Power is. There's power in the contraption and the reality is exactly that. Soft Power is multifaceted. It's not just Soap Operas and the casual circus coverage around election time.

    When it comes to the US, SoftPower is far more the myriad of "facilitation and fostering" programs that regard "Democracy", rather than what Hollywood plants as background to the US political system. Having millions of USAID rice bags around the world (which will allow you to sell your own produce later) is also part of SoftPower. Having a selective Green Card Program is Soft Power. This bullshit about emulation through virtue, is actually the least performing part of the SoftPower conundrum and you couldn't even sell to Martians. What is the most pervasive installment of Western Culture is the completely absurd idea you can do it on your own, that individualism is what drives the system. That leads to severe disillusions and outright generational rifts (like the ones seen in Europe among allochtones or Afro-Americans and Latinos in the uS). That is something "SoftPower" doesn't explain. Because what you describe is the MLP version for idiots. Some of those were last seen jumping on Maidan.

    Edit: And that's something very interesting, because the Western Individualist school of thought has a lot of mottos about how to be strong, how it's all in the head. How you need to win. Yet it practices (or claims to) a very poor version of Asian Middle path ethics. That kind of analysis, opens up a fairly dramatic image of utter incompetence among Western Politicians. To the point that Donald Trump might definitely close the coffin o the Ploutocratic direction "Western Democracy" has taken since the end of the Cold War.

    Soft power is just hiding in plain sight, what used to be self-evident for everyone.

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  Regular Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:00 am

    Westerns might be culturulary superior, over polite and a that bs, but speaking pragmatically they are inferior beings.
    Physically weaker, less adaptive, naive and etc.
    We eastern Europeans dominate the fuck out of them.
    I live in UK for many years and I never had not a single 1 local as a friend. Men are like gays. They say hi or nod their heads on the street even if You dont know them. They are all liars, idiots, fucking lesser beings who are not to be trusted. The more I live here in the more I hate westerners.

    Posts : 4212
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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:27 am

    Regular wrote:Westerns might be culturulary superior, over polite and a that bs, but speaking pragmatically they are inferior beings.
    Physically weaker, less adaptive, naive and etc.
    We eastern Europeans dominate the fuck out of them.
    I live in UK for many years and I never had not a single 1 local as a friend. Men are like gays. They say hi or nod their heads on the street even if You dont know them. They are all liars, idiots, fucking lesser beings who are not to be trusted. The more I live here in the more I hate westerners.

    What is superior is not the people. But the mediums they employ. As a matter of fact, Zulus were far stronger than the Brits, understood better their environment and ecosystem. Yet, the Brits deemed them inferior BEINGS, exactly because of their superior adaptivity (and machine gunned them down) Same for Balkanics, Slavs, Turks, Migrants generally speaking. Able to adapt better, learn a second language, learn a new set of rules. Yet that very fact constitutes the superiority of those rules the migrants adapt to.

    GarryB explains it every time it posts. Superior Systems of Violence will enable superior cultural practices. Do not construe Superior as a pure value. Take it as a construct. For instance, it is better to drive ride a bike than drive a car. Yet we drive cars. Because the medium preferred by the "leadership". It is better to cook at home, rather than buy fast food. Yet fast food has never been so much present and triumphing. I told you, A hammer will only see nails. Superiority will negate everything that puts it in a bad light.


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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  victor1985 Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:54 am

    i see a lot of you condemn the violence of west. and i am agree on that. but the west justify that what drive them to lead the world is exacly the sistem of being efficient and active and strong and. but this kind of action-reaction thing take them to the way in that they miss important colateral things that are also important as much as action-reaction way of thinking , making them a lot violent , they are own proclamed as leaders of the world , also in what concern crappy hollywood films and cartoon and reclams they are also a part of so called "action man way of thinking"

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  victor1985 Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:58 am

    [quote="KoTeMoRe"][quote="Regular"]Westerns might be culturulary superior, over polite and a that bs, but speaking pragmatically they are inferior beings.
    Physically weaker, less adaptive, naive and etc.
    We eastern Europeans dominate the fuck out of them.
    I live in UK for many years and I never had not a single 1 local as a friend. Men are like gays. They say hi or nod their heads on the street even if You dont know them. They are all liars, idiots, fucking lesser beings who are not to be trusted. The more I live here in the more I hate westerners. [/quote]

    What is superior is not the people. But the mediums they employ. As a matter of fact, Zulus were far stronger than the Brits, understood better their environment and ecosystem. Yet, the Brits deemed them inferior BEINGS, exactly because of their superior adaptivity (and machine gunned them down) Same for Balkanics, Slavs, Turks, Migrants generally speaking. Able to adapt better, learn a second language, learn a new set of rules. Yet that very fact constitutes the superiority of those rules the migrants adapt to.

    GarryB explains it every time it posts. Superior Systems of Violence will enable superior cultural practices. Do not construe Superior as a pure value. Take it as a construct. For instance, it is better to drive ride a bike than drive a car. Yet we drive cars. Because the medium preferred by the "leadership". It is better to cook at home, rather than buy fast food. Yet fast food has never been so much present and triumphing. I told you, A hammer will only see nails. Superiority will negate everything that puts it in a bad light.

    that is nazist like. so proclamed genetic superiority. that "learn a language ,rules , and adapt" is a kind of saying "genetic superiority". i think is wrong. on one way west sustain that everyone must be free but when someone touch the fortune subject they become meritocrato-nazists.

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  victor1985 Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:05 am

    That's the current culture the West sells. There is NO Soft Power, that notion is completely fucked up, when you see how well the US government communicates. Looking at the average police crisis, the average non-sense in US politics, there's litterally nothing to use Soft Power on. That's why Soft Power isn't done by the US Gov since about 10 years. It's done by two aforementioned structures. That Business and Academia. There's a complete rollback of the US state as front for "change" (albeit they sign the checks). Compare the brain drain caused by Academia and then Big Business that hires the guys out of Uni and the "liberation" schemes from the US in various parts of the world.

    Think you are misunderstanding the concept of "soft power". It is not a tool you can use, but an indirect effect of other actions you have taken. If you have played Civ III back in the days it works like cultural influence and how that spreads in that game; it is more about others looking up to you and wanting to be like you as a result of your internal politics.[/quote]

    I don't think I misunderstand what Soft Power is. There's power in the contraption and the reality is exactly that. Soft Power is multifaceted. It's not just Soap Operas and the casual circus coverage around election time.

    When it comes to the US, SoftPower is far more the myriad of "facilitation and fostering" programs that regard "Democracy", rather than what Hollywood plants as background to the US political system. Having millions of USAID rice bags around the world (which will allow you to sell your own produce later) is also part of SoftPower. Having a selective Green Card Program is Soft Power. This bullshit about emulation through virtue, is actually the least performing part of the SoftPower conundrum and you couldn't even sell to Martians. What is the most pervasive installment of Western Culture is the completely absurd idea you can do it on your own, that individualism is what drives the system. That leads to severe disillusions and outright generational rifts (like the ones seen in Europe among allochtones or Afro-Americans and Latinos in the uS). That is something "SoftPower" doesn't explain. Because what you describe is the MLP version for idiots. Some of those were last seen jumping on Maidan.

    Edit: And that's something very interesting, because the Western Individualist school of thought has a lot of mottos about how to be strong, how it's all in the head. How you need to win. Yet it practices (or claims to) a very poor version of Asian Middle path ethics. That kind of analysis, opens up a fairly dramatic image of utter incompetence among Western Politicians. To the point that Donald Trump might definitely close the coffin o the Ploutocratic direction "Western Democracy" has taken since the end of the Cold War.

    Soft power is just hiding in plain sight, what used to be self-evident for everyone. [/quote]

    main question will be: you can do it yourself what? get a job? but if you get it is that true that you depend on tons of others people near you? isnt a company a colective? how you consider a company individual forces that work or a colective?

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    Location : Krankhaus Central.

    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:22 am

    victor1985 wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Dforce wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    That's the current culture the West sells. There is NO Soft Power, that notion is completely fucked up, when you see how well the US government communicates. Looking at the average police crisis, the average non-sense in US politics, there's litterally nothing to use Soft Power on. That's why Soft Power isn't done by the US Gov since about 10 years. It's done by two aforementioned structures. That Business and Academia. There's a complete rollback of the US state as front for "change" (albeit they sign the checks). Compare the brain drain caused by Academia and then Big Business that hires the guys out of Uni and the "liberation" schemes from the US in various parts of the world.

    Think you are misunderstanding the concept of "soft power". It is not a tool you can use, but an indirect effect of other actions you have taken. If you have played Civ III back in the days it works like cultural influence and how that spreads in that game; it is more about others looking up to you and wanting to be like you as a result of your internal politics.

    I don't think I misunderstand what Soft Power is. There's power in the contraption and the reality is exactly that. Soft Power is multifaceted. It's not just Soap Operas and the casual circus coverage around election time.

    When it comes to the US, SoftPower is far more the myriad of "facilitation and fostering" programs that regard "Democracy", rather than what Hollywood plants as background to the US political system. Having millions of USAID rice bags around the world (which will allow you to sell your own produce later) is also part of SoftPower. Having a selective Green Card Program is Soft Power. This bullshit about emulation through virtue, is actually the least performing part of the SoftPower conundrum and you couldn't even sell to Martians. What is the most pervasive installment of Western Culture is the completely absurd idea you can do it on your own, that individualism is what drives the system. That leads to severe disillusions and outright generational rifts (like the ones seen in Europe among allochtones or Afro-Americans and Latinos in the uS). That is something "SoftPower" doesn't explain. Because what you describe is the MLP version for idiots. Some of those were last seen jumping on Maidan.

    Edit: And that's something very interesting, because the Western Individualist school of thought has a lot of mottos about how to be strong, how it's all in the head. How you need to win. Yet it practices (or claims to) a very poor version of Asian Middle path ethics. That kind of analysis, opens up a fairly dramatic image of utter incompetence among Western Politicians. To the point that Donald Trump might definitely close the coffin o the Ploutocratic direction "Western Democracy" has taken since the end of the Cold War.

    Soft power is just hiding in plain sight, what used to be self-evident for everyone.

    main question will be: you can do it yourself what? get a job? but if you get it is that true that you depend on tons of others people near you? isnt a company a colective? how you consider a company individual forces that work or a colective?

    That's basically it. Individualism as sold by the West, ironically is only true for those who succeed elsewhere with bigger bureaucratic burdens and less favorable structural environments. Balkanic people, to succeed at home have to literally become fraudsters, liars, thieves and sometimes gangsters. At the pinnacle, they also become politicians. There you can extol that individual power of will and "survival of the fittest" environment awareness.

    In most Western countries, what pegs and stifles "success", is the number of people that try the same as you and do the same (as well) as you. The fiscal burden adds more trouble. And the PC crowd in the inter-business relationship does the rest. In the Balkans you can fire your staff every day and you'd have zilch to justify. A whole system is there at your disposal to use. That makes entrepreneurship a bigger burden as much as a simpler task.

    Basically how it works at home... here in Romanian version.

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  flamming_python Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:36 am

    Regular wrote:Westerns might be culturulary superior, over polite and a that bs, but speaking pragmatically they are inferior beings.
    Physically weaker, less adaptive, naive and etc.
    We eastern Europeans dominate the fuck out of them.
    I live in UK for many years and I never had not a single 1 local as a friend. Men are like gays. They say hi or nod their heads on the street even if You dont know them. They are all liars, idiots, fucking lesser beings who are not to be trusted. The more I live here in the more I hate westerners.

    Dude how about a trip to the clinic.

    Honestly when walking down the street in St. Petersburg I get the same feeling, at least from the young, post-Soviet generation. Wimpy, polite, draft-dodging hipster metrosexuals the lot of them, maybe 1/10 of the men I see have some muscles on their bones.

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  Rodinazombie Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:11 am

    Regular wrote:Westerns might be culturulary superior, over polite and a that bs, but speaking pragmatically they are inferior beings.
    Physically weaker, less adaptive, naive and etc.
    We eastern Europeans dominate the fuck out of them.
    I live in UK for many years and I never had not a single 1 local as a friend. Men are like gays. They say hi or nod their heads on the street even if You dont know them. They are all liars, idiots, fucking lesser beings who are not to be trusted. The more I live here in the more I hate westerners.

    If thats your attitude then its no wonder you have no friends here, and if you hate us so much feel free to pack your bags and bugger off back to where you came from.

    No need to live amongst us 'inferior beings'

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  flamming_python Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:53 am

    Rodinazombie wrote:
    Regular wrote:Westerns might be culturulary superior, over polite and a that bs, but speaking pragmatically they are inferior beings.
    Physically weaker, less adaptive, naive and etc.
    We eastern Europeans dominate the fuck out of them.
    I live in UK for many years and I never had not a single 1 local as a friend. Men are like gays. They say hi or nod their heads on the street even if You dont know them. They are all liars, idiots, fucking lesser beings who are not to be trusted. The more I live here in the more I hate westerners.

    If thats your attitude then its no wonder you have no friends here, and if you hate us so much feel free to pack your bags and bugger off back to where you came from.

    No need to live amongst us 'inferior beings'

    Don't hate on the guy, you know, he just likes his strong, dominant men lol1

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  Firebird Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:39 pm

    Rodinazombie wrote:
    Regular wrote:Westerns might be culturulary superior, over polite and a that bs, but speaking pragmatically they are inferior beings.
    Physically weaker, less adaptive, naive and etc.
    We eastern Europeans dominate the fuck out of them.
    I live in UK for many years and I never had not a single 1 local as a friend. Men are like gays. They say hi or nod their heads on the street even if You dont know them. They are all liars, idiots, fucking lesser beings who are not to be trusted. The more I live here in the more I hate westerners.

    If thats your attitude then its no wonder you have no friends here, and if you hate us so much feel free to pack your bags and bugger off back to where you came from.

    No need to live amongst us 'inferior beings'

    Did Regular move to Brighton? Laughing

    Britain has always been the most masculine culture of Western Europe, probably along with Ireland. You only need look at football hooligan firms vs everyone else. England would send 20,000. Next biggest the Dutch, would be about 2000. (Now tho, hooligan passports are seized before tournaments).

    I can go out in most towns and I'll see mass fights in the pubs, road rage fights in the morning etc

    Now you cna go to some areas(Brighton) and studenty places and there is a different type of British. Infact, I wouldnt even call those British.

    As for physicality, the British aren't as tall as the Germans or some Nordics, but they're the biggest boned in much of Europe. Muscular physiques are the norm in many parts of Britain. Unlike much of Europe.

    When I've been to E Europe (Croatia etc aside), I've seen smaller people. And generally a much less violent atmosphere around the bars etc.

    British newspapers and the Establishment might want to promote "metrosexual faggotry", but compared to the EU, British men (student fags/media types aside) don't want anything to do with that. Many women sadly tho, have been infected with American style "feminism".

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  Firebird Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:49 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Regular wrote:Westerns might be culturulary superior, over polite and a that bs, but speaking pragmatically they are inferior beings.
    Physically weaker, less adaptive, naive and etc.
    We eastern Europeans dominate the fuck out of them.
    I live in UK for many years and I never had not a single 1 local as a friend. Men are like gays. They say hi or nod their heads on the street even if You dont know them. They are all liars, idiots, fucking lesser beings who are not to be trusted. The more I live here in the more I hate westerners.

    Dude how about a trip to the clinic.

    Honestly when walking down the street in St. Petersburg I get the same feeling, at least from the young, post-Soviet generation. Wimpy, polite, draft-dodging hipster metrosexuals the lot of them, maybe 1/10 of the men I see have some muscles on their bones.

    I suppose you could argue that St P is a European, not a strictly "Russian" city. So some of them will be spending their day in the Hermitage, admiring Rubens pics of naked 3 yr olds... LOL

    I don't think Russians have traditionally been into building muscle on average as much as say British, or particularly Americans and their steroids.

    I actually think muscle can be overrated. Even Speznaz dont look that big compared to their Western counterparts. But with martial arts and the need for mobility, muscle can be counterproductive.

    My own frame seems to be inherited from my Russian side. I've got fairly slim bones (wrists etc) but broad shoulders. Typical British, Germans, tend to have heavier bone structure

    My best ever martial arts instructor was 5'3 and prob 135 lbs. His junior students ran MMA clubs etc and tended to be 220lb of muscle. But he was one deadly fucker.


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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:10 pm

    Well, I say hello and smile to strangers on the street... men and women.

    It has nothing to do with homosexuality, and everything to do with manners and attitude to life.

    You want to hate everyone... that is fine... be a sour prick... doesn't sound like a very happy existence but I can't do much about that can I?

    The perceived cultural superiority is an illusion... the group with the best propaganda is of course always the best and guess what... the west owns the western media.

    Most of everything the west has or believes was pinched from someone they murdered or stole from.

    They are the Borg and they will continue to pinch and steal and assimilate from anyone and anything.

    It is not the only path however and the current direction seems to be self destructive delusion.

    Money is good, the poor are weak or stupid or lazy or criminals and don't need your help or understanding...

    The sad fact is that money is a disease and the more you have the more you want... no amount will satisfy... more is always better. I know lots of rich people and lots of poor people, and the richer they are the tighter they are... the poor people spend time helping the local charities and local sports clubs... rich people rarely do much of any of that. In my experience.

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  flamming_python Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:21 am

    Firebird wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    Regular wrote:Westerns might be culturulary superior, over polite and a that bs, but speaking pragmatically they are inferior beings.
    Physically weaker, less adaptive, naive and etc.
    We eastern Europeans dominate the fuck out of them.
    I live in UK for many years and I never had not a single 1 local as a friend. Men are like gays. They say hi or nod their heads on the street even if You dont know them. They are all liars, idiots, fucking lesser beings who are not to be trusted. The more I live here in the more I hate westerners.

    Dude how about a trip to the clinic.

    Honestly when walking down the street in St. Petersburg I get the same feeling, at least from the young, post-Soviet generation. Wimpy, polite, draft-dodging hipster metrosexuals the lot of them, maybe 1/10 of the men I see have some muscles on their bones.

    I suppose you could argue that St P is a European, not a strictly "Russian" city. So some of them will be spending their day in the Hermitage, admiring Rubens pics of naked 3 yr olds... LOL

    I don't think Russians have traditionally been into building muscle on average as much as say British, or particularly Americans and their steroids.

    I actually think muscle can be overrated. Even Speznaz dont look that big compared to  their Western counterparts. But with martial arts and the need for mobility, muscle can be counterproductive.

    My own frame seems to be inherited from my Russian side. I've got fairly slim bones (wrists etc) but broad shoulders. Typical British, Germans, tend to have heavier bone structure

    My best ever martial arts instructor was 5'3 and prob 135 lbs. His junior students ran MMA clubs etc and tended to be 220lb of muscle. But he  was one deadly fucker.

    Yeah that's my impression too. Hooliganism has died down since its hayday, working-class Brits are a lot more sensible about violence, but you can still find plenty of drunk morons around any pub football game, Mallorca, Greek islands and so on.

    A lot of the working-class folk from the Midlands/South/Wales are big lads, football is popular everywhere in Britain ofc but rugby is popular too in those areas and you have plenty of meatheads.
    Brighton too, yes there are plenty of weedy students and vacationing middle-class Londoners, but native Brightonians, esp. from the working class areas such as Whitehawk or Moulsecoomb are a fair bit stockier.

    Totally agree about Brit ladies infected with feminism, it's as bad as in the states. That's not to say every girl has that mentality, or even most, but enough of them have it to spoil the browth. No fun really. And even the proper ladies who won't be offended by being the 'weaker sex' and appreciate masculinity in men, still have some low level feminism going on that they don't realize.

    From among Eastern European men I'd say the largest are Lithuanians or Georgians, although I heard Montenegrans are well-built too, I just never met any.

    The biggest Russians tend to come from the Ural-Siberia basin (Ekaterinburg, Orenburg, Kuzbass, Omsk, Tomsk, etc...). Also from regions close to the Ukraine (Kursk, Belgorod, Rostov, etc...). And of course some Caucasus ethnicities such as Chechens, Ingush, Ossetians in particular.
    Definately not the weeds we have in St. Petersburg and Moscow though.

    However something common to Russians regardless of build size or muscle mass (to many other Eastern Europeans too probably), is that Russians take less shit than Europeans do just in general. They are also less naive, and can quicker clock onto others' (malevolant) motives. You won't con Russians, and you won't be able to heap any white guilt on them; there is no such concept in Russia.
    There is no feminist crap among women (which doesn't mean they can't have careers, or be in positions of leadership - you see more female bosses in Russia than in then West), they enjoy being women and men enjoy being men (which doesn't make them aggressive meatheads either), gender norms/behaviours are more strongly adheared to in Russia as compared to Western Europe.
    So Regular was partially right in several aspects, even if he chose a dick way of putting it.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:57 am; edited 1 time in total
    Walther von Oldenburg
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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:34 am


    The tallest Europeans come from Scandinavia and the Netherlands, they are also the most heavily built.

    It may be a bit off topic -do Russians have Asian admixture? I noticed that lots of East Slavs have phenotypes (facial features) that are not common in the rest of Europe - there is simply a certain "Russian" look that is unique - IMHO in Europe only Finns are equally distinct.

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  Fred333 Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:39 am

    Dutch str0nk!

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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  flamming_python Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:51 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:FP:

    The tallest Europeans come from Scandinavia and the Netherlands, they are also the most heavily built.

    It may be a bit off topic -do Russians have Asian admixture? I noticed that lots of East Slavs have phenotypes (facial features) that are not common in the rest of Europe - there is simply a certain "Russian" look that is unique - IMHO in Europe only Finns are equally distinct.

    There is, but if you look closely, you can identify unique looks for just about all European nations.

    I can defo do it for Poles, Spaniards, Brits and Swedes/Norweigians for instance.

    For Russia it's actually harder, it's more genetically varied than typical European nations, and I'm talking just about ethnic Russians - this is an ethnos that until 100 years ago, was more based on religion and birthplace than anything else. Even negroes born and baptized here were counted as 'russkie'
    But for sure there are some types/looks that are definitively ethnic Russian. But many others could pass off for generic southern or northern Europeans.

    BTW, Russia's Asian ethnoses, some of them; Tuvans, Yakuts, Kazakhs - may not look like much, but they can be some vicious fuckers lol1
    Cowboy's daughter
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    The so called Cultural superiority of West Empty Re: The so called Cultural superiority of West

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:34 pm

    victor1985 wrote:well this topic is about a simple thing. west proclaim as being cultural , mentally and evolutionary superior to all countryes in the world. i dont think that is quite true because tehnological evolution has nothing to do with mental evolution. basically lets look at nazists tehnological they were superior to west but mentally they were garbage. the so called superiority is a justify to abuses about other peoples and the proclame of others as being a control addicted is not different by the usa interests uses , seeming that when they need the argument of free will they accept it and when they not need it they go back to the "policeman" thinking way, also lets think about how they justify the today high security with the terorists argument saying "safety first" but not use same argument in others fight for freedom.

    I can speak only for the usa. In the first place, there are a lot of different cultures in the usa. Anglo, Spanish, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, American Indian, etc.

    but if you go back to the beginning, i.e. Spain, Holland, England ...Spanish, Dutch, English colonizing America, then as for as colonizing American Indians, & believing non-American Indian culture (Spanish, Dutch, English) was superior to theirs (the American Indians' culture) , that is just f'ed up thinking, arrogance, pride, and delusion, and justification for colonization, murder, rape, starvation, theft, etc, etc. etc. In that context either 1. cultures are not inferior or superior, just different. but in the aspect of colonization, the culture doing the colonizing, is the inferior culture, not the one being colonized.

    Which really is individuals in a culture committing heinous acts against persons of another culture. But also, a country, or whomever is in charge, can commit heinous acts.

    Such as English against Irish, or even English against English.

    Which has happened since the beginning of time.

    As far as I'm concerned, the ability to act like this applies to every person and country on the planet.

    & Americans against Americans in the USA, and against other countries.

    So, to me, when anyone claims to be superior, be it spiritually superior, or any other way, as far as I'm concerned that's just bs. and not true.

    So, nope not true, imho, the West is not  cultural , mentally and evolutionary superior to all countryes in the world..

    the so called superiority is a justify to abuses about other peoples

    That's a fact in my opinion.

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