Singular_Transform Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:03 pm
higurashihougi wrote:One another advantage is that the radar will not be restricted to planar shape, we can bend its surface as much as we can, since we can adjust the phase shift and frequency of each element to change the sum emitted wave.
Radars on T-50 wing edges and hull sides is just the beginning step. In the future, who know somebody may coat much of the aircraft surface with radar elements...
That is possible with PESA as well.
It require to pre compute the setting for each phase shifter, instead just to use linear setting for each of them.
higurashihougi wrote: – extended detection range;
– enhanced resolution in the surface mapping mode;
I haven't gotten it yet. The range and resolution should depends on radar power and antenna size, rather than AESA or PESA, don't they ?
In fact, I think, AESA requires more complicate and careful synchronization between each elements, and that is why F-22's AESA suffered from myopia, isn't it ?
The phase shifters behave as additional resistance, means each of them will decrease the power a bit.
The Raytheon quoting 3db transmission / 3db receiving loss due to the phase shifters in they advertisements .
Means that an AESA peak power vs PESA difference can be 10-30%, if the nominal output is the same.
This is one of the reason why the Russians using hybrid PESA, with directly connect receiver for each element.
In that case the full AESA radar the challenge is the cooling of each individual unit.
With the PESA only one or two tube need cooling, that is uniformal and easy .
However in the case of the AESA 1600 bubble gum sized transmitter / receiver needs individual cooling.
The biggest problem is the asymmetricity of the cooling.
The timing ,performance and amplification of each element, depend on he temperature of the given element.
Means at the edge of the radar each of them will be cooler - or warmer if the aircraft fly fast.
If there is a nanosecond shift between the radiation between then the radar can't work.
Last edited by Singular_Transform on Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:21 pm; edited 1 time in total