Werewolf Thu Nov 20, 2014 10:34 pm
magnumcromagnon wrote: Werewolf wrote:500kg bombs on outer pylons?
+1 Nice picture you found.
Werewolf have you been patrolling highways lately?
![Russian Military Photos and Videos #2 - Page 5 1514630_769769536423377_5453638826481067999_n](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1514630_769769536423377_5453638826481067999_n.jpg?oh=cf28821e408db803de02ef6e5ce16b52&oe=54D7DE90&__gda__=1423857163_6f82d8be2dfca4d7b3ca9e321cc2220f)
From when is this picture?
I get some dubious information, BitnikGr told me last year that Ka-50 were out of service all off them by 2013 which was also reported by well RIA, not really great source, but then i have seen pictures from 2014 alledgley 2014 Vostok Military drills and exercises where the Ka-50 flying.
So not sure if they are all out or still kept for Speznas.
BTW, thank you for the nice picture.