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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization


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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  M60TM Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:23 am

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 DLKqd6pW4AA5mhf

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  BM-21 Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:41 am

    Airman wrote:Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 DLKqd6pW4AA5mhf

    Sorry, is that arrow pointing to something important or is it just a pic of the Mig-29 arriving to Serbia.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  M60TM Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:03 am

    BM-21 wrote:
    Airman wrote:Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 DLKqd6pW4AA5mhf

    Sorry, is that arrow pointing to something important or is it just a pic of the Mig-29 arriving to Serbia.

    Just a pic of the Mig-29 arriving to Serbia.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  BM-21 Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:05 am

    Airman wrote:
    BM-21 wrote:
    Airman wrote:Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 DLKqd6pW4AA5mhf

    Sorry, is that arrow pointing to something important or is it just a pic of the Mig-29 arriving to Serbia.

    Just a pic of the Mig-29 arriving to Serbia.

    Ah ok thanks Smile

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  mack8 Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:11 pm

    First good pics of Serbia's new MiG-29s!

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  M60TM Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:36 pm

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 DMkzpo3XUAAKbj2

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 DMkzrF2WAAAAVQE

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  George1 Sun Oct 22, 2017 11:23 pm


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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  d_taddei2 Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:37 pm

    Does anyone know what level/variant was delivered and what level they will upgrade to?  Heard reports of SM level. Some sources state 4+gen. Some to SMT/M2.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:47 pm

    d_taddei2 wrote:Does anyone know what level/variant was delivered and what level they will upgrade to?  Heard reports of SM level. Some sources state 4+gen. Some to SMT/M2.

    Don't know but I don't think it matters that much. All we need them for is air policing and keeping pilots certified for supersonic flight. With these we are covered for couple of decades easy.

    SAM systems is what it's all about.

    What I would want to see is squadron or two of Yak-130 in combat version (if UAC ever get around to making one) but Yak-130 in standard edition + SAMs will do just fine for whatever might happen here.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:13 am

    miketheterrible wrote:What are you guys sporting for an AD anyway?

    S-125 Neva and 2K12 Kub

    Waiting for those BUKs to finally arrive (maybe something even bigger but BUKs will do just fine)

    They would solve max altitude problem we had during 99, we were 10km short

    Everyone is talking about S-300 but BUK is more than enough, problem was altitude, not max distance


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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:37 am

    Yeah, Buk has around over 70K ft. So that's enough to bring down a globalhawk.

    Any kind of plans for newer SHORADS?

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:40 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:What are you guys sporting for an AD anyway?

    S-125 Neva and 2K12 Kub

    Waiting for those BUKs to finally arrive (maybe something even bigger but BUKs will do just fine)

    They would solve max altitude problem we had during 99, we were 10km short

    Everyone is talking about S-300 but BUK is more than enough, problem was altitude, not max distance

    BUKs would be excellent, would also be good to have Pantsirs or even Tunguskas for point defense.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  d_taddei2 Wed Dec 27, 2017 9:05 am

    I quite agree PapaDragon combat multi role yak-130 are sufficient but now migs are on the scene I would say mig-29 and replace remaining aircraft with yak-130 and 6-8 mi-35 and your done.
    AD front I believe BUK and Tunguska was mentioned along with its current upgraded
    s-125, Kub, and sa-13  is ok.
    Not sure if buk will replace kub or not as kub have been upgraded not so long ago. I would think that Tunguska would replace bofors.

    For future upgrade sa-13(or see below long term) and simple upgrade of S-125 mounted on T-55 they have in storage and addition of another missile as is common practice when mounting the system in this manner something i am surprised they havent done yet. Replace Sa-9 and praga with a mix of strelets and mounted zu-23/ZOM1 and both this and strelets could be mounted on the Sa-9  (Brdm-2) and praga a simple replacement of weapons only keeping chassis these systems would be more than enough and improve their AD to a good level. They of course if wanted could also purchase some zsu 23-4M4(a mix of these and Tunguska replacing bofors) to which I think a mix of the three systems mentioned would be best option.  Exiting systems can be kept in reserve.

    Long term they could slowly replace manpads with Verba and the sa-13 could be replaced eventually by Sonsa -R yet again just a matter of replacing the missile system and using the MT-LB chassis of the sa-13. As for s-300 too expensive unless Russia donates or sells cheaply I doubt they will get it. But what I mentioned above I would imagine they could get cheaper than buying S-300 and it would be more than enough. Of course there will come a time S-300 might be supplied but likely not within a decade.

    Forgot to mention that current yak -130 I believe can deliver munitions as I believe Bangladesh is using it as such in a combat role. Although I believe that yak hasn't specifically designed a dedicated combat version yet. But they need get a move on and get a version many sales opportunities to be had if they do.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  Godric Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:10 pm

    if they could mount the bofors gun on a truck or a BMP 1 they would be quite effective as a ground fire support

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:19 pm

    Godric wrote:if they could mount the bofors gun on a truck or a BMP 1 they would be quite effective as a ground fire support

    Oh dude, way ahead of you there. This thing has been working the infantry for decades:
    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 HS_M09_BOV-3

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  d_taddei2 Wed Dec 27, 2017 7:00 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Godric wrote:if they could mount the bofors gun on a truck or a BMP 1 they would be quite effective as a ground fire support

    Oh dude, way ahead of you there. This thing has been working the infantry for decades:
    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 HS_M09_BOV-3

    how many are in service? i believe these are 20mm cannons? its not bad system. But will they build more?

    reason for bofors is that its another calibre that they could get rid of, stream lining calibre sizes in the forces.

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  Guest Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:41 am

    d_taddei2 wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Godric wrote:if they could mount the bofors gun on a truck or a BMP 1 they would be quite effective as a ground fire support

    Oh dude, way ahead of you there. This thing has been working the infantry for decades:
    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 HS_M09_BOV-3

    how many are in service? i believe these are 20mm cannons? its not bad system. But will they build more?

    reason for bofors is that its another calibre that they could get rid of, stream lining calibre sizes in the forces.

    Yes, 3x20mm, BOV-3. Not very... great system to be honest. It was never really finished product, had many issues, today only few are remaining in service and not with the army. They are being converted into recon and command variants.

    And no, last example was built 3 decades ago.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  Cyberspec Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:39 am

    Godric wrote:if they could mount the bofors gun on a truck or a BMP 1 they would be quite effective as a ground fire support

    There's always the PASARS-16 as an option  Cool

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 192952_211083413_NS-2016-3


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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  d_taddei2 Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:01 am

    Cyberspec wrote:
    Godric wrote:if they could mount the bofors gun on a truck or a BMP 1 they would be quite effective as a ground fire support

    There's always the PASARS-16 as an option  Cool

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 192952_211083413_NS-2016-3

    Not bad. But like most serbian systems it will be filled with a mix of components from various countries and will it make it into production? Using zsu-23-4 would likely be cheaper as most are in storage in Russia and upgrading them to zsu -23-4M. Russia I presume are looking to sell these off. Or cheaper option buy zu-23-2 ZOM1 etc then mount it on variety of vehicles that they already have in stock.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  Godric Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:28 pm

    Cyberspec wrote:
    Godric wrote:if they could mount the bofors gun on a truck or a BMP 1 they would be quite effective as a ground fire support

    There's always the PASARS-16 as an option  Cool

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 192952_211083413_NS-2016-3

    just the thing ... those bofors might be old guns but they are still useful

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 01, 2018 6:50 am

    The performance of those Sidewinders from a ground launch would leave much to be desired... they could do with some solid rocket boosters to get them moving and to altitude.

    The biggest threat these days is UAVs and UCAVs so if that 40mm gun can take down UAVs flying a reasonable heights from reasonable ranges then it makes a lot of sense.

    The Russians have realised that 23mm guns lack the altitude and accuracy to hit small targets like UAVs so the 57mm guided shells are getting the nod instead... a nice HE frag shell that explodes within a few metres of a UAV should be effective enough.

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  Guest Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:21 am

    GarryB wrote:The performance of those Sidewinders from a ground launch would leave much to be desired... they could do with some solid rocket boosters to get them moving and to altitude.

    The biggest threat these days is UAVs and UCAVs so if that 40mm gun can take down UAVs flying a reasonable heights from reasonable ranges then it makes a lot of sense.

    The Russians have realised that 23mm guns lack the altitude and accuracy to hit small targets like UAVs so the 57mm guided shells are getting the nod instead... a nice HE frag shell that explodes within a few metres of a UAV should be effective enough.

    Those are supposed to be locally modified Russian R-13Ms. Remnants of old project from late 90s.


    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  Guest Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:23 am

    d_taddei2 wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:
    Godric wrote:if they could mount the bofors gun on a truck or a BMP 1 they would be quite effective as a ground fire support

    There's always the PASARS-16 as an option  Cool

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 192952_211083413_NS-2016-3

    Not bad. But like most serbian systems it will be filled with a mix of components from various countries and will it make it into production?  Using zsu-23-4 would likely be cheaper as most are in storage in Russia and upgrading them to zsu -23-4M. Russia I presume are looking to sell these off. Or cheaper option  buy zu-23-2 ZOM1 etc then mount it on variety of vehicles that they already have in stock.

    Tracked, hence too expencive for us to operate.

    Also we do not have 23mm ammunition in required quantities, while we still do have some reserves of ammo for Bofors. We have no adequate military budget to think about major procurements sadly. Mostly used, gifted... repainted xD

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:46 am

    Those are supposed to be locally modified Russian R-13Ms. Remnants of old project from late 90s.

    Soviet Sidewinders would be no better, though looking a bit closer the bodies of the missiles get wider so they clearly have a more powerful rocket motor added... it would not give it sterling performance anyway.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 4 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  Cyberspec Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:02 pm

    They have large stocks left over from the Yugoslav Army so I suppose it makes sense to upgrade them. I think the Maljutka is till the most numerous ATGM in service with the Serbian Army. Apart from the ground based platform, the Airforce's Gazelle light helicopters are armed with it

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