Not really, we just take the money that Russians would be getting paid with and use it to buy products from a country who doesn't allow anyone to block their deliveries like bitches would
Yeah, make it about Machismo... do you think France or Israel would sell anything to you if the US objected... amusing you talk about bitches when you are dealing with some.
Russia is not hated by the west because it is weak. Russia is hated because it does not conform and do as it is told... something Serbia used to understand.
Lost sales then become Russian problem
They were friend prices, so more profit than selling to the Russian military, but less profit than selling to Egypt or China...
Russia has plenty of customers, losing Serbia wont bankrupt anyone...
If you can't deliver the product you don't deserve to be in business
Your location makes things difficult, but I rather doubt they will go out of business because your neighbours hate them and you.
They are in the process of correcting a similar problem they have with a region of Moldova and part of that solution gives them territory on the Danube which would make access to Serbia by River a solution to all sorts of problems... but it is too delicate to openly discuss at the moment... it just depends how things go from here.
I guess to really know who was sanctionned, Serbia or Russia or both, Serbia should rent a cargo plane and pick up some weapons in Russia. Theorically should be possible. A bunch of missiles can be brought in one flight.
An obvious solution that would be good business for the Serbian company that owned those aircraft, yet who is brave enough to try... the lions of Serbia or pussies of Russia?
Seems neither.
If Bulgaria tried to deny access to American planes they would have bombed them, plain and simple
Russia denied US aircraft use of their airspace in response to western countries denying access to western airspace to Russian airlines.... no one got bombed then.
And exactly what would they bomb?
And to jump through the hoops by importing through third countries and risk secondary sanctions, defeats the purpose. Economic cost would be prohibitively high with no gain.
So your neighbours have you in a head lock... but somehow it is all Russias fault... typical.
Have you tried using a Serbian river boat and sail up the Danube?