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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization


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    Location : Fort Evil, Serbia

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jan 02, 2025 9:51 pm

    Serbia purchased Hermes 900 UAVs from Israel

    Serbia, a supplier of munitions used by Israel in Gaza, inks $335 million deal for Israeli weapons, amid its arms race with neighboring NATO member Croatia...

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Elbit_10


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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 03, 2025 4:09 am

    Why should we give a fúck about Russian problems?

    When your HATO and EU chums are blocking the supply to you then it is your problem.

    Also France will at least deliver the products we order unlike Russia

    You enjoy using a rolls royce to plough fields...

    You wont get any discounts of course but bleeding money into the western MIC is part of the training to be a slave of the west.

    So we are supposed to wait decades for Russia to MAYBE stop being pussies and to MAYBE design an aircraft which they should have already had years ago?

    Sounds like recipe for scam

    Buying Rafales at twice the price of F-35 super dooper 5th gen prices is already a scam and it seems you are unable to see that.

    Carry on.

    I am sure they will be gentle and wont use it to blackmail you for anything at all...

    Also when was the last time Iranians actually used those F-14s?

    They were quite instrumental when facing Iraq and later probably prevented a lot of European and US attacks that would have happened if they had lessor aircraft types only.

    They had F-14As rather than the improved F-14Ds of course... the new engines and missiles were significant improvements that they never operated for themselves, but they were not terrible aircraft.

    They can't even do a missile strike properly and they are currently sitting on their asses while their Syrian clients are getting assraped as we speak

    The situation in Syria is hardly the fault of Russia or Iran... you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.

    Regarding the drones... amusing that they refused to sell such a drone to Russia and would only supply the older Heron model.

    It was an education for Russia in the design and use of drones so it was certainly worth it for them I would think the Serbs could do the same and kickstart their aerospace industry... but as part of Team America will they be allowed to be competition?[/quote]

    Last edited by GarryB on Sat Jan 04, 2025 11:45 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13663
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    Location : Fort Evil, Serbia

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jan 03, 2025 5:18 am

    GarryB wrote:When your HATO and EU chums are blocking the supply to you then it is your problem...

    Not really, we just take the money that Russians would be getting paid with and use it to buy products from a country who doesn't allow anyone to block their deliveries like bitches would

    Lost sales then become Russian problem

    If you can't deliver the product you don't deserve to be in business

    Nobody buys weapons from pussies

    Especially from ones who are terrified of Bulgaria


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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  Isos Fri Jan 03, 2025 8:40 am

    Well... it's Serbia that is surrounded by unfriendly countries that doesn't allow russian planes to go there.

    Russia won't bomb those countries because they forbid their airspace.

    I guess to really know who was sanctionned, Serbia or Russia or both, Serbia should rent a cargo plane and pick up some weapons in Russia. Theorically should be possible. A bunch of missiles can be brought in one flight.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:34 pm

    If Bulgaria tried to deny access to American planes they would have bombed them, plain and simple

    If they fúck with you bomb them

    If Russia can't overfly some random county to deliver weapons they took money for them they should stop trying to pretend that they are some military power

    Nobody gives a fúck about posers and swindlers

    caveat emptor
    caveat emptor

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  caveat emptor Fri Jan 03, 2025 4:23 pm

    I guess to really know who was sanctionned, Serbia or Russia or both, Serbia should rent a cargo plane and pick up some weapons in Russia. Theorically should be possible. A bunch of missiles can be brought in one flight.
    That's been already tried. They tried to import some Kamaz trucks for Nora howitzers and they were stopped without ever entering Serbia. So, now they'll go with Tatra trucks.
    There's absolutely no reason to try and risk more money, as those hypothetical planes will not be allowed to use NATO airspace.
    And to jump through the hoops by importing through third countries and risk secondary sanctions, defeats the purpose. Economic cost would be prohibitively high with no gain.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  GarryB Sat Jan 04, 2025 12:00 pm

    Not really, we just take the money that Russians would be getting paid with and use it to buy products from a country who doesn't allow anyone to block their deliveries like bitches would

    Yeah, make it about Machismo... do you think France or Israel would sell anything to you if the US objected... amusing you talk about bitches when you are dealing with some.

    Russia is not hated by the west because it is weak. Russia is hated because it does not conform and do as it is told... something Serbia used to understand.

    Lost sales then become Russian problem

    They were friend prices, so more profit than selling to the Russian military, but less profit than selling to Egypt or China...

    Russia has plenty of customers, losing Serbia wont bankrupt anyone...

    If you can't deliver the product you don't deserve to be in business

    Your location makes things difficult, but I rather doubt they will go out of business because your neighbours hate them and you.

    They are in the process of correcting a similar problem they have with a region of Moldova and part of that solution gives them territory on the Danube which would make access to Serbia by River a solution to all sorts of problems... but it is too delicate to openly discuss at the moment... it just depends how things go from here.

    I guess to really know who was sanctionned, Serbia or Russia or both, Serbia should rent a cargo plane and pick up some weapons in Russia. Theorically should be possible. A bunch of missiles can be brought in one flight.

    An obvious solution that would be good business for the Serbian company that owned those aircraft, yet who is brave enough to try... the lions of Serbia or pussies of Russia?

    Seems neither.

    If Bulgaria tried to deny access to American planes they would have bombed them, plain and simple

    Russia denied US aircraft use of their airspace in response to western countries denying access to western airspace to Russian airlines.... no one got bombed then.

    And exactly what would they bomb?

    And to jump through the hoops by importing through third countries and risk secondary sanctions, defeats the purpose. Economic cost would be prohibitively high with no gain.

    So your neighbours have you in a head lock... but somehow it is all Russias fault... typical.

    Have you tried using a Serbian river boat and sail up the Danube?
    caveat emptor
    caveat emptor

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  caveat emptor Sat Jan 04, 2025 4:41 pm

    So your neighbours have you in a head lock... but somehow it is all Russias fault... typical.
    Have you tried using a Serbian river boat and sail up the Danube?
    Someone here called you stubborn, but i think better description would be thick.
    For what purpose should Serbia try that? It's simple situation really.
    We do very little business with Russia and many times more with EU. Why risk losing that for little weaponry? How would we benefit exactly?
    I don't blame Russia for anything, but on this forum many people consider Serbia to be some sort of a Russian satellite state and that everything we do should begin and end with Russia.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:49 am

    My views are irrelevant, it is Serbia that refuses to impose EU sanctions on Russia... they don't do much trade with them... so why is that?

    What does Serbia achieve by refusing to give up Kosovo and not hating Russia openly and with vigour like other pathetic EU wannabe states.

    Why not fully do as you are told and get the full pussy experience of getting abused by the entire west?

    I am sure they will cuddle you afterwards... isn't that what you really want?

    Posts : 13663
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    Location : Fort Evil, Serbia

    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jan 05, 2025 6:23 pm

    GarryB wrote:Location : New Zealand

    I do hope that irony is not lost on you


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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 06, 2025 5:15 am

    PapaDragon wrote:Location : Fort Evil, Serbia

    Right back at you.

    Fort Evil... overrun by the enemy and being processed and commercialised... morals and ethics adjusted to fit into the box you will need to occupy as part of the expanded west. You know... New Europe.

    New Zealand is a tiny country that is bullied by plenty of countries... we went to WWI in Europe and WWII in the Pacific and Europe... we went to Korea in Asia and also Vietnam in Asia... even went to Bosnia and Afghanistan... when none of it was our fight or our business.

    I doubt our efforts were critical... although some Kiwis did have an impact.

    Our masters told us to go and we went.

    I know exactly what it is like for a small country in a big countrys world.

    Our main exports went to the UK up until they joined the EU and then we were left to find markets to sell our products... tell you what to do but drop you like a hot rock when it is convenient for them.

    PD acts like Russia screwed Serbia over on purpose... well for a period Russia was feeling a bit weak like a small country and probably did some things they would not have done if they had another choice. And in the next breath cheerlead Russia grinding nazis in Ukraine... you sound bipolar.

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    Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization - Page 12 Empty Re: Serbian Air Force Needs and Modernization

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jan 06, 2025 10:04 pm


    You can't be weak if you have nukes

    Only way to have nukes and be weak is if you are a pussy


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    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 07, 2025 9:40 am

    Oh of course....countries who have nukes never lose and always get their way in everything...

    Except the Soviet Union left Afghanistan... quite recently France and the UK and the US as part of a HATO force in Afghanistan also left Afghanistan in defeat.

    The US is a major nuclear power that controls the entire western world but they can't force denmark to hand over Greenland or Panama to give them control of the canal.

    Nuclear power is like having your currency as the international chosen currency of trade. Use it as a weapon to manipulate and control and it loses all its power.

    Nuclear weapons seems to be helpless in Israel forcing everyone to believe they are the good guys and are just defending themselves.

    How can nuclear weapons help India and Pakistan always have power and influence?

    What nuclear weapons do is stop the major global powers from directly invading you... that is all... which is why Russia has developed an enormous range of conventional weapons... including weapons that are powerful like nukes but can actually be used in real combat... unlike nukes.

    Like everyone Russia has to pick its battles and its fights and should not waste its energy on fights it wont win or at best will achieve a draw.

    When the Syrians don't fight then the Russians wont fight instead of them. They are there to help... not to do everything for them.

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