sepheronx wrote:Well, it was extremely successful and all the whining and crying of lack of diversity from the typical journalists didn't do harm to it. Probably helped big time in the marketing of it.
Elden Ring was a good game. I did enjoy it. But I never did finish Demon Souls or any of the Dark souls because I just didn't have the time to, as you said, memorize every little area and boss battle. I didn't "get gud"
My main complaint with the soulshit genre is the limited moveset. The games are not difficult because it is difficult - its because the controls are gonk shit. What happens is you only really get a few ways to play and that gets boring real quick. Instead of an action game you get what is basically the equivalent of a 3d bullet hell. Garbage.
You want a real action game - Try DMC5. Now that shit is art.
Like look at this dope shit: