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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard


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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Shipbuilding Plant in Azerbaijan

    Post  Admin Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:04 am

    Shipbuilding Plant in Azerbaijan

    In Azerbaijan, will be built shipyard, including the manufacture of warships.

    "Azerbaijan is negotiating with foreign companies for construction in Baku shipbuilding factory, modern standards", - said President Ilham Aliyev at a government meeting on the basis of socio-economic development in the first half. The Head of State noted that he had already selected a foreign investor to finance the construction of such an enterprise. At the same time, he said, the project must involve state-owned oil and investment company. "We need to make sure that construction began as early as next year and completed in a short period of time. This should be the plant, which will be any court, including for military purposes," - said Aliyev.

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  Vladislav Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:15 am

    So Azerbaijan is going to compete with us in building ships? lol!

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Azeri Defence Budget: News and Issues

    Post  Admin Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:37 pm

    For the first time in 2010, Azerbaijan had not budgeted for the activities of the NATO Partnership for Peace and the Individual Partnership Plan (IPAP), whereas in the state budget for 2009 for this purpose was provided 1 378 490 AZN.

    The rights to this material is owned Day.Az

    Looks like Aliyev has seen the light and is turning away from NATO.  Probably because he knows they won't protect him.  lol!

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Azerbaijani Armed Forces

    Post  Admin Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:12 am

    MKEK forced to look for a replacement engine in self-propelled guns Firtina

    Turkish company Makina ve Kimya Senayesi Təskilatı (MKEK) - state-owned company, the main producer of Turkish artillery, encountered a problem related to the reluctance of the German company MTU grant a license to reexport their engines MT 883 Ka-500 in Azerbaijan.

    This was announced by the Turkish Undersecretariat senior Defense Industry (SSM).

    The position of the German side due to the fact that Azerbaijan is technically in a state of military conflict with Armenia.

    MKEK held talks with Azerbaijan in 2008 to supply 40 units of self-propelled howitzers T-155 Firtina. Despite the fact that these howitzers manufactured in Turkey under license from the South Korean company Samsung Techwin, it used components such as power plant MTU. As a result, Germany was able to block the deal, valued at $ 200 million and the signing of which was planned for late 2011.

    MTU is a subsidiary of industrial group Tognum AG, which is formed by DaimlerChrysler American and British Rolls-Royce plc. Tognum AG, in addition to MTU also owns such well-known brands as Mercedes-Benz and Maybach.

    Now MKEK urgently looking for replacement of German power plant. One option could be a power plant with a production of Ukrainian 6TD. The Ukrainian side has considerable experience in installing their own power pack compartment (WTO) on foreign armored vehicles. An example is the logistics of tanks Al-Khalid (Pakistan) and MBT2000 (China).

    T-155 Firtina

    ACS T-155 Firtina (Storm) is a Turkish version of the Korean K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzer 155 mm.

    Although mainly used in automatic control systems K9 howitzer howitzers, including the gun mount 155 mm / 52 caliber Korean development, most of the chassis, automatic ammunition feed, as well as German MTU diesel engine KA-881 500, however T-155 have significant differences in the construction of the tower, chassis components, navigation systems and electronic systems (such as communication and fire control system), which were developed in Turkey. In contrast to K9, T-155 Firtina has no digital panoramic sight for commander.

    Under a license agreement with South Korea's Samsung Techwin, the first eight T-155 were manufactured in South Korea, and the remaining 300 units will be manufactured in Turkey. The total purchase price, including technology transfer and license for the Turkish government was $ 1 billion.

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  AttilaA Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:54 am


    "The engine and transmission problems of the artillery system have been solved and the alternative company was found."

    I cannot post links...


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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  GarryB Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:04 am

    Sounds good for the Ukraine.

    Amusing that a German company that makes weapons itself wont provide weapons to a country that might actually use them.

    I wonder if they supply engines to the German military while German forces are deployed to war zones?

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  Admin Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:54 pm

    "MKEK) CEO Unal Onsipahioglu told APA that the problem was on the eve of its settlement:"

    Which means it has not been settled. Throwing in a Ukrainian engine for a chasis designed for an MTU diesel is not easy. They must be talking about the Turk option...

    "We have started work for the production of engines in Turkey. It will take approximately four or five years. There will be no problems after that,” he said."

    Knowing Tork timetables it will more likely be next decade.

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  AttilaA Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:12 pm

    AttilaA wrote:

    "The engine and transmission problems of the artillery system have been solved and the alternative company was found."

    I think this is pretty clear if you ask me.


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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Mi-24G Superhind

    Post  AttilaA Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:54 pm

    Mi-24G Superhind Mk IV.

    G stands for "Gecə" which means "Night".

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 351ex

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2vtcn5y

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Lynx MLRS.

    Post  AttilaA Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:11 pm

    • Autonomous & modular launching system capable of firing various artillery rockets & tactical missiles, including GRAD, LAR, EXTRA and DELILAH-GL precision attack weapon
    • The launchers automatically identify the munitions on board
    • Autonomous Launcher with Multiple Pods & Warheads
    • Meteorological System
    • Forward Observation
    • Aerial Intelligence & BDA
    • C4I

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard V79r8h

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 28jcevs

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2v1233q

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Alth8k

    Last edited by AttilaA on Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  AttilaA Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:11 pm

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2720460

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2744012

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2731724

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2723532

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2726604

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  AttilaA Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:12 pm

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2737871

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2741967

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2730703

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2711247

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2708175

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2709199

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  AttilaA Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:14 pm


    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 29w77l4

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 2ugyy4j

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:48 am

    I appreciate that the night vision ball will greatly improve night and day performance and that the 20mm cannon is a step up from the 4 barrel 12.7mm HMG, but this upgrade of the Mi-24 is certainly the least attractive I have ever seen.

    It seems to totally block the weapon officers forward view.

    The positioning is obvious because of the size of the optics ball and gun exceed the clearance space under the nose, but I think a better solution would be a roof or even a mast mounted optics ball above the main rotor, with the gun left where it is.

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:51 am

    So the irony is that the German company that sells weapons but refuses to sell to countries actually involved in conflicts and needing to use weapon, has, by refusing to sell its product, forced its customer to fund the development of an engine that will likely become competition to the German companies products as it will need to fit in the same engine bay and offer similar performance.

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Israel signs $1.6 billion arms deal with Azerbaijan

    Post  AttilaA Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:13 pm

    Israeli defense officials on Sunday confirmed $1.6 billion in deals to sell drones as well as anti-aircraft and missile defense systems to Azerbaijan, bringing sophisticated Israeli technology to the doorstep of archenemy Iran.

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  Kysusha Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:49 am

    As I understood it, this is part of a deal to allow Izrehell to use Azebagie airfield for the Izrehell strike on Iran.

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  Mr.Kalishnikov47 Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:06 am

    Kysusha wrote:As I understood it, this is part of a deal to allow Izrehell to use Azebagie airfield for the Izrehell strike on Iran.

    Definitely wouldn't surprise me.

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  Kysusha Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:24 am

    I read that Obummer has ‘leaked” such information on account of Merika “not wanting their friend” to strike Iran. Such an action signals deep intrigue. Are we witnessing a distancing of Merika from Izrehell? Or are we seeing a political move designed to allow Merika to play the moral trump card and then intervene on behalf of Izrehell when they are subsequently attacked. Whatever the move, or motive, we can be sure that there are many things happening over the world “bipolar” stance now that Mr Putin has introduced the BRIC’s group and is talking the “unipolar” world.

    The global dynamics are shifting – Putin has come out and stated that we are to make no mistake, he is going to support Christians around the globe as they have been persecuted for decade – the persecution is by Joos. Russia, under Putin, is moving steadily away from the Joo controlled banking system and NWO – there is going to be very interesting times soon. Already BRIC’s are talking about accepting each others currency as exchange. Japan has done a deal with China to exchange currencies – things are moving. Remember that the reason for the Libyan fiasco by HATO was on account of Gaddafi wanting to introduce the Gold coinage for Africa and deny the Central Banks access to the market.

    Back to the Azabazies, they are simply prostituting themselves for Joo money. A short-term view; they need to look at who is their really big neighbour and what interests they are going to cross by allowing Izrehell to seduce them.

    A similar event to what happened in Georgia may well be on the cards – Russia restores order!

    Go Putin.


    This move has really upset Turkey – they are fair spitting tacks.

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:10 am

    Hopefully Putin will rescind Medvedevs block on military exports to Iran and Iran will start ordering decent weapons... with an initial order of 300 Su-30MKs and late model S-300s... they could even offer to buy the old ex soviet systems with a quick cheap upgrade just to do the Russians a favour to sort that out.

    Licence production of Igla-S missiles and Pantsir-S1 as well as Kornet-EM missiles as well as contracts for about another 20 nuclear power stations would greatly improve their stability and safety and undermine the safety of US aircraft and vehicles in the region.

    Iran already is earning money exporting electricity to Pakistan... people living in nice safe modern western countries forget that at one time electricity was not available 24/7... imagine running a business today knowing you will have electric power between 10am and 3pm every day... Imagine the effect on electronics being turned off every day... do you enjoy resetting the clocks twice a year for daylight saving?

    Safe reliable electricity is needed for growth and stability and is what the US is really trying to deny Iran.

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  AttilaA Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:22 pm

    No it is not, and that stuff is nothing more than wild fantasy. Azerbaijan have also officially denied it. Why would Israel even need it? How do you propose a such thing when all countries in-between Israel and Azerbaijan are hostile nations to Israel? Simple a wild fantasy. The credibility of the author of that article is also very low on Israeli-related issues. You should check it out and see other wild-fantasy articles from the same person about Israel. But even in that article there is no such thing mentioned (that the deal is part of this fantasy story), so not sure how you "understood" it, must be from your arse.

    This is simple a business with Azerbaijan's oil money.

    And please be more respectful with names.

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  Kysusha Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:07 am

    So why has Obummer “leaked” this information – is he the source that is not credible? I'd happliy accept that!

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  AttilaA Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:09 pm

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 3798326

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 3789110

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 3786038

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 3778870

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  AttilaA Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:11 pm

    BMP-3 with Vesna-K thermal sight.

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 3781950

    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard 3773758

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    Azerbaijan's new military shipyard Empty Re: Azerbaijan's new military shipyard

    Post  Cyberspec Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:23 pm

    Impressive...thanks for the pics

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