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Morpheus Eberhardt
As Sa'iqa
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:20 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    Flyingdutchman wrote:
    So because of that i want nato and russia to go to war?
    You're insane too buddy

    If you believe dutch special forces magical abilities and those believes let you sleep better, fine with me.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:24 pm

    Us claims that ukraine is under fire of russia.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 1

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:05 am

    A picture for NATO lovers..
    Specially Georgian.. ^^
    Look at the third picture in detail..

    A young Girl and its baby killed by Kiev artillery.What you see there is one of the dozens of civilians and children killed by the kiev gangs shelling in Donetsk just today. And that wasn't an "Accident". The Kiev national guard is using Grad artillery to attack cities. Means they consider perfectly acceptable the killings of civilians ,and use that to pressure self defense forces to stop fighting. For sure the popularity of NATO will increase now for another 10 fold.. for the recent genocide ,because after all their media will not report it and will continue saying  "what Russia is doing in Ukraine".  Rolling Eyes 

    Make no mistake..The illegal war that Kiev is leading in eastern Ukraine will not be possible without the support of NATO. Not possible. Because Kiev 100% depends of NATO for political support ,military and economic and also media support too. Kiev alone will have no chance to even start a war in eastern ukraine against people asking for full autonomy a legitimate request and will have been forced to welcome reforms and federalization of the Pro Russian cities. Something that could have totally avoided the war. But Since the west is fully encouraging Poroshenko actions the civilians women and children are indiscriminately bombing cities. For what? To destroy any
    support for Russia in Ukraine? for what? to make for NATO more easier to provoke a major war against Russia?

    Kiev of course deny they are killing any civilians. they never attack them.  Rolling Eyes 

    You could say.. but but country is not doing it.. is just nazis and US that supports them . But your country
    Silence and support for NATO sactions and welcoming them in your country to do military drills is enough to encourage their Criminal Organization that have hostage half of the world.NATO  not only give  financial help to ukraine but also political support too and weapons,and total support through their international mainstream media ,so that they continue their criminal war but military advisors too. Had Poroshenko being a friendly with Putin.. long time ago ,NATO will have been pushing for a no fly zone,to remove him for its genocide against civilians womens and children.

    Look at the full report of the recent indiscriminate attack on cities, with more civilians killed ,a genocide that NATO fully support.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  TheGeorgian Mon Jul 28, 2014 4:32 am

    Werewolf wrote:low quality dutch SF can hold agaisnt Ukrain and rebels at the same time without tanks and against tanks.

    Dutch SF aren't low quality at all, why do you say that ? also it's pretty clarified now that they won't be deployed there.

    Vann7 wrote:A picture for NATO lovers..
    Specially Georgian.. ^^

    Stick such retarded comments and allusions elsewhere Vann7

    why is this thread turning into prejudice collection against different ethnicities ? Way to contest Ukr svoboda party.

    I would appreciate if people could share any additional information on the situation rather then blathering some childish nonsense.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:22 am

    TheGeorgian wrote:

    why is this thread turning into prejudice collection against different ethnicities ? Way to contest Ukr svoboda party.

    I would appreciate if people could share any additional information on the situation rather then blathering some childish nonsense.

    But you do support NATO aren't you?  Im not disrespecting any Ethnic Group at all..NATO have no ethnicity
    it can be any country. Im just showing the Genocide that NATO fully support directly by arming kiev and indirectly
    by giving political support to kiev through its media and NGOs.  How much civilians women and children needs to die
    in Ukraine for NATO supporters to realize the organization is on the wrong side of history? How many more proxy wars and coups they provoke will be good enough for you? They still arming alqaeda groups in Syria. I think obama was asking for $500 millions more for the cannibals.. So that they can continue murdering civilians in Syria.  NATO stand not for the integrity of any nation dude. they do not stand for any democracy or freedom. They overthrow democratic governments that are not loyal to their interest. ,they actually have split many nations a hundreds of times not with referendums but by dropping bombs and no fly zones, NATO only stand for US-UK total control of the world ,even if that means ethnic cleansing of millions of civilians .

    Take a look at the "moderates" that Obama with full support of many NATO countries have been training in Jordan with weapons,to go to fight in Syria.

    Just imagine for a second that your government was aware of this.. but still welcomes US actions and fully support
    joining their military alliances, that is sole intentions is to repeat Syria proxy war in every part of the world ,until they control it completely.

    All those terrorist Alqaeda ,ALnusra ,ISIS ,are just tools that NATO major axis use to achieve total control of Nations ,without them having to invade of use real armies. They do not use JIhadist Radicals in Ukraine because will be impossible for them to recruit followers in a christian nation. So this is were banderasnazis comes to the rescue.

    But for sure none of the NATO countries see anything wrong with being part of an alliance..that promote the world destruction .is not our business anyway they say what US and its major allies does in the world. But unfortunately if you sponsor a country leadership and applaud its actions even if the do it for fear of retaliation,then you automatically support its actions and encourage them to continue.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:43 am; edited 2 times in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  sepheronx Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:00 am

    Let us get one thing strait.

    NATO isn't the ones arming the jihadists. It is the US and some other countries whom are interested more paticularly business wise. Even though US does do it, what will the rest of the NATO countries do? Condemn them? Only nation willing to do that is Turkey, and it isn't because they are arming them, but lack thereof. TheGeorgian can be pro or anti nato, but that is besides the point and not really to this thread. You think that someone in Denmark, or Norway or Romania actually has a say? Of course not.

    TR1 is partially right, in Warsaw pact, the Kremlin (regardless what ethnic leader was in charge at the time) was more constrictive than NATO is, because NATO is purely military and not economical. If anything, it is the EU that is one to blame.

    Only time I can outright blame NATO is Yugoslavia war.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:12 am

    sepheronx wrote:Let us get one thing strait.

    NATO isn't the ones arming the jihadists. .

    Most major NATO powers are supporting Syria war.. with their silence and with their sanctions in Syria that
    sabotage their economy.. That is a 100% fabricated war .a financed revolution.. Not what you were told in western media.

    If for example.. you see a crazy man ,a serial killer ,to take a machete and breaks into a house and start shopping a family.. and instead of stopping him.. you applaud him..cheers him.. then you are supporting that man to continue.  Is the same with NATO.. By joining NATO or staying there ,your promoting Sick People to continue its Genocide of millions around the world in different conflicts ,innocent civilians in the world.  Most NATO nations what they did was to Look to the sides.. when Syria was being invaded by Legions of Alqaeda ,100% financed and armed by US and its major allies. In houla Massacre that 100 civilians die.. who was blamed? not the terrorist but the side that Russia supported. in Chemical attack too. A major false flag happens with chemical weapons and all NATO countries support Obama lies ,knowing it was a fabrication. This is no different to what is happening now in Ukraine in terms of propaganda. Odessa massacre? ALL NATO nations without exception are fully supporting with their silence or resolutions or sanctions ,the assassination of civilians weather is Syria or Ukraine. Whenever civilians killed in Ukraine ,Russia get more sanctions. and not a single complain to the Junta in Kiev.

    This is why i can't never understand  the complicity of All NATO nations .Modern Weapons and technology is always cool. But is not so cool if they use it against civilians womens and children for political interest. The world is the way it is ..because people see injustice or bad people doing bad things and they do nothing and just look to the sides or simply totally support it.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:54 am; edited 3 times in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:28 am

    sepheronx wrote:Let us get one thing strait.

    NATO isn't the ones arming the jihadists.  It is the US and some other countries whom are interested more paticularly business wise.  Even though US does do it, what will the rest of the NATO countries do? Condemn them?  Only nation willing to do that is Turkey, and it isn't because they are arming them, but lack thereof.  TheGeorgian can be pro or anti nato, but that is besides the point and not really to this thread.  You think that someone in Denmark, or Norway or Romania actually has a say?  Of course not.

    TR1 is partially right, in Warsaw pact, the Kremlin (regardless what ethnic leader was in charge at the time) was more constrictive than NATO is, because NATO is purely military and not economical.  If anything, it is the EU that is one to blame.

    Only time I can outright blame NATO is Yugoslavia war.

    Serbia, Lybia (German warships provided intelligence to terrorists, provided intelligence to US over BND (german secret service), provided plans to kill some officials of lybian government, provdided and adviced USA and Israel to kill Iranian scientists, provided viruses from Simens to hack Iranian nuclear power plant electronics and so on.

    NATO is to blame for much more than just Serbian war.

    Not all NATO members do it eagerly, but those who are bigger NATO partners do it with full support and not a single citizen of those NATO countries is asked, so it does not matter if flip the coin on one side or the other it is still NATO that is doing the aggressions and genocides, without condemnition, without any political consequences since all NATO countries are lapdogs to US and they base their voice in UN/UNESCO for whatever purpose and goals US sets them.

    If they today decide that all NATO countries have to declare war against whatever country you will not see any official condemns or doubts, they just do it. US uses only sociopaths as their puppets, because they feel no empathy, no regrets, no spine just insane slaves to US madness and ambitions for global dominance.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Cyberspec Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:39 am

    Flyingdutchman wrote:But as i said the special forces wont go in anymore.

    What happened  Question Question 

    I thought you guys were suppose to single handedly end the war there.


    Here's a the future make sure you don't mistake politicians fake posturing and chest beating to gain domestic browny points with realistic appraisal of the situation on the ground and actual capabilities

    TR1 wrote:Does anyone actually believe that laughable casualty ratio?

    It's a pretty good estimate. I've got a couple of friends who are there. And nation wide protests against the mobilisation are pretty good indication of what's happening.

    But then again, the junta forces can afford it to some degree since they have a vast numerical supperiority. The militia would have been wiped out by now if it had comparable losses.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:25 am

    Flyingdutchman wrote:
    Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:
    Flyingdutchman wrote:The Netherlands, Australia and the ukraine want a UN mission to secure the crashsite.

    Link is in dutch.

    Writing about what marginal entities like Netherlands, Australia, and Ukraine are told to say lowers the quality standards of this forum.

    Hehehe you're kidding right?


    I told you that on the 24th. Do you now see why I wasn't kidding?

    Cyberspec gave you a hint. Let me give you a few more;

    1- If any Dutch personnel had gone to Novorossiya, it could have only happened if the Russians had ordered the Dutch to do that.

    2- Netherlands has never had any special purpose forces. No other "country" other that Russia has ever had any special purpose forces.

    Some prole members of the society have started believing that any cartoon character is a SPF personnel.

    3- I have noticed that you have resorted to a gambit by changing your avatar to one that can trick an unsuspecting observer to think you are an open-minded person. You previous avatar was one that ...

    This level of professionalism in covering up your tracks is usually expected of paid employees of information warfare agencies. There is other intentionality in your various moves that supports my suspicions about you possibly being a paid employee of an information warfare agency, for example yesterday you were posting links that supported my position, but you were hoping that a mere posting of some links would sway the opinion of a non-reader member of the forum into believing that you are right.

    Based on all of this, I don't think your postings are predicated by your lack of intelligence.

    As you may remember, I had made a request from the moderators to ban you. As you have now been exposed, I think it's best for you to stay. Twisted Evil

    Last edited by Morpheus Eberhardt on Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:19 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  mack8 Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:44 am

    Vann7, please DO NOT post graphic images, without at least a warning and link to outside hosted images, as the Moderators instructed! Don't want to patronize anyone and play mod, but yeah, nice *** way to start the day being hit in the face without warning with images of jihadist scumbags butchering people.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:49 am

    mack8 wrote:Vann7, please DO NOT post graphic images, without at least a warning and link to outside hosted images, as the Moderators instructed! Don't want to patronize anyone and play mod, but yeah, nice *** way to start the day being hit in the face without warning with images of jihadist scumbags butchering people.

    I, aggree.

    Some graphic footage like you have posted is really hard hitting even compared with lot of graphics of terrorist scum that was posted here over the years.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:38 am

    A new false flag in progress very soon..  being prepared by Kiev Junta.. to blame the Pro Russian Rebels..

    The operation plan to kill hundreds of civilians , and there will be actors hired and false witness . The entire operation
    is under charge of the Kiev intelligence services.. and the goal will be to seek the condemnation world wide of the
    Rebels and Russia. And justify the invasion of Poland and Lithuane armies. 2 terrorist countries ,that i hope in any future world war Russia level to the ground or at least their tanks role over those countries and split it in many parts. I have no sympathy for Governments that historically cooperate with Terrorism. And or Facilitate the murdering of thousands of innocent civilians women and children.

    The new false flag event after the malasyan planed by kiev have been leaked by some staff that disagree with the
    killing of civilians. The operation have a name and apparently its fully coordinated with Some NATO countries. If i was to guess.. it will be a chemical attack or simply a classical but huge bomb.. or worse.. and attack of nuclear reactors and blamed on Pro Russian militia with fake witness. This was said on July 28 2014.. watch those nuclear reactors in Ukraine. if NATO feels they are going to lose the control of ukraine then they will blow one nuclear reactor ,and blame it Russia and or the Rebels.. Forcing Russia to take millions of refugees from the zones affected.
    After all the goal is always the same to damage Russia economy in any possible way.

    Im will be surprised IF NATO zionist axis that always kiss the ass of US and Israel and support them, do not destroy a nuclear reactor in Ukraine if they feel Russia will win the war.  here is a map included so you can see
    which Nuclear reactors are closer to the rebels zones.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Ukrainemap

    The 2 nuclear reactors in the south of Ukraine.. could be targeted by the enemies of Humanity. This is another reason what is very risky for Russia to invade Ukraine . Because the Zio NATO axis can order their nazis to blow up the nuclear reactors ,and later Russia will have to spend billions repairing the nuclear plant. ARe they capable of doing such things? Absolutely .. They killed 3,000 americans in WTC at 9/11 to justify a fake war on terrorism and a major take over in middle east.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:00 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Firebird Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:59 am

    So France gets "fined" by the Yanks for 12bn.
    And Russia gets fined by a corrupt NATO court for 50bn.

    I'm starting to wonder if the Ru-EU relat is over and Russia should say "in for a penny, in for a pound". And by that I mean reunifying with most of the Ukraine, and Transnistria, switching off the gas to Europe, a complete end to trade with the US, etc etc.

    The EU and US smash the rules. Russia follows the "rules"(I use that term very loosely).
    And still, the robbers pretend to be cops and give Russia shit.

    All this JUST AFTER Khordokuntsky was released from jail..

    PS you just couldn't make this shit up.
    Intl Criminal Court in Malaysia finds Bush, Blair, NATO guilt of war crimes.
    TWO Malaysian airliners taken out.
    Bogus Court in Netherlands to decide on a 50bn case re Russia's "intl credibility".
    Plane full of Dutch is blown up, with Russia fitted up, 2 weeks beforehand.
    "Coincidences" eh..!

    Last edited by Firebird on Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:09 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:04 am

    Firebird wrote:

    So France gets "fined" by the Yanks for 12bn.
    And Russia gets fined by a corrupt NATO court for 50bn.

    I'm starting to wonder if the Ru-EU relat is over and Russia should say "in for a penny, in for a pound". And by that I mean reunifying with most of the Ukraine, and Transnistria, switching off the gas to Europe, a complete end to trade with the US, etc etc.

    The EU and US smash the rules. Russia follows the "rules"(I use that term very loosely).
    And still, the robbers pretend to be cops and give Russia shit.

    All this JUST AFTER Khordokuntsky was released from jail..

    And that is the proof the 5th column blackmailing and countering Putin is still far to strong in russia and that is a problem. And yes i really wish for a purge of stalin like of this 5th column that consists only of oligarchs living in City of London aka Oligarch Paradise, stealing russian money and resources and harboring money in Swiss bank accounts.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:10 am

    And the west is now demanding Russia to pay $50 billions in compensation to a mobster by Yukos
    case because "it breaks the rules of the EU energy charter."

    The official ruling published on Monday said the Russian government violated the EU Energy Charter when it redistributed Yukos’ assets after bankruptcy in 2003. The Hague’s Permanent Court of Arbitration ordered Russia to compensate the plaintiffs with $50 billion  

    I really believe it was a bad idea to release that bastard. Even that mobster is used by the west to try to weaken Russia economy. Russia should pay nothing and just show the finger to the EU ,accelerate its Full transition to ASIA its energy business and shut down its GAS business with europe.

    Is a full scale economical war.. Russia and BRICS needs to ditch the US dollar and end the Western Banking Mafia cartel ,the sooner the better.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  fragmachine Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:14 am

    Vann7 wrote:A new false flag in progress very soon..  being prepared by Kiev Junta.. to blame the Pro Russian Rebels..

    The operation plan to kill hundreds of civilians , and there will be actors hired and false witness . The entire operation
    is under charge of the Kiev intelligence services.. and the goal will be to seek the condemnation world wide of the
    Rebels and Russia. And justify the invasion of Poland and Lithuane armies. 2 terrorist countries ,that i hope in any future world war Russia level to the ground

    So because Kiev junta is murdering people you justify extermination of innocent people, not just the government. In fact you wish death to me too.

    Nice way to start the day.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:19 am

    fragmachine wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:A new false flag in progress very soon..  being prepared by Kiev Junta.. to blame the Pro Russian Rebels..

    The operation plan to kill hundreds of civilians , and there will be actors hired and false witness . The entire operation
    is under charge of the Kiev intelligence services.. and the goal will be to seek the condemnation world wide of the
    Rebels and Russia. And justify the invasion of Poland and Lithuane armies. 2 terrorist countries ,that i hope in any future world war Russia level to the ground

    So because Kiev junta is murdering people you justify extermination of innocent people, not just the government. In fact you wish death to me too.

    Nice way to start the day.

    Just ignore him Wink

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:21 am

    Vann7 wrote:

    So because Kiev junta is murdering people you justify extermination of innocent people, not just the government. In fact you wish death to me too.

    Nice way to start the day.

    I said Government.  Laughing 
    Don't feel too sensitive ,Russia will never attack civilians. lol

    On the Yukos case i find humorous how Europe Believe his laws apply to Russia and that they can decide
    what is legal or Illegal in Russia.. LOL  I can't wait to see Russia reaction to them.. And SHow the middle finger.
    IF the EU freeze Russian Assets Russia can retaliate freezen Euro assets. The history have spread like wildfire
    in all NATO media , is like the jewish media cheering this. He will be seen like a hero for helping to damage Russia economy. lol    

    THis should be a lesson for Mr Partners Putin. he had to Look to Asia more and stop trying to influence Europe.
    There is nothing to look in the rotten west of bandits and criminals banking mafia. The netherlands court could have said any number.. ie.. "pay us 500 billions".. and give us your daughter and will have been no different how ridiculous is the Hague Court.. The western Banking Cartel have shown its real face and declared economic war against Russia. Russia should Dump the US dollar and those banks and institutions ordering Russia to pay will end bankrupt in a few years.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  arpakola Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:45 am

    dont know if it true .. or just try to force them to show up

    probably just BS..

    from Lugansk

    Last edited by arpakola on Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:49 am

    arpakola wrote:dont know if it true .. or just try to force them to show up

    euromaidanpress .... it is as much worth as the ideas of the fascists.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  TheGeorgian Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:16 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    But you do support NATO aren't you?

    You assume that because somewhere I tried to clarify that NATO isn't as weak as some Russians here believe .... or you assume that simply because I am Georgian ? horribly narrow minded either way. I simply do not approve what Russia did in Crimea and also not how Kremlin is supporting insurgencies in other parts of Ukraine, kinda self explaining right. Yeah my own background maybe influence my judgement a bit and I even admit it, but I have my own principles on that. If its helps to restore the same order as it was before the revolution then I approve any assistance against insurgency because you can't just mess around with a country like that, just because you have more power. I have the same position towards US invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and Israeli Gaza terror. It's like I was accusing someone of being Kremlo puppet because he supports Assad regime in fighting the insurgents. That's just narrow minded.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:22 pm

    TheGeorgian wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:
    But you do support NATO aren't you?

    You assume that because somewhere I tried to clarify that NATO isn't as weak as some Russians here believe .... or you assume that simply because I am Georgian ? horribly narrow minded either way. I simply do not approve what Russia did in Crimea and also not how Kremlin is supporting insurgencies in other parts of Ukraine, kinda self explaining right. Yeah my own background maybe influence my judgement a bit and I even admit it, but I have my own principles on that. If its helps to restore the same order as it was before the revolution then I approve any assistance against insurgency because you can't just mess around with a country like that, just because you have more power. I have the same position towards US invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and Israeli Gaza terror. It's like I was accusing someone of being Kremlo puppet because he supports Assad regime in fighting the insurgents. That's just narrow minded.

    So that makes it glass clear, you approve of the genocide of ukrainian civilians by US installed fascsits. Thanks for clearifying the picture i already had of you and yes you are insane.

    So then anyone can approve of genocide to restore order in Georgia since right now it is still a backwarded country eagerly to play against russia, or creating a genocide in all baltic states and restore order there and exterminating the russophobia which was installed there through anglo-sucksons hegemonic orders.

    Would like to see a genocide against your own people because someone is not approving with your insane point of view?

    Thank you for posting your nonsense that give the entire forum members a clear picture of what you approve and what you condemn.

    So a peaceful democratic action a Referendum is bad, but a genocide is good, because EVIL RUSSIA!!!!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Video of the downed An26 a week ago.. or so

    Post  arpakola Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:39 pm


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:58 pm

    TheGeorgian wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:
    But you do support NATO aren't you?

    . I simply do not approve what Russia did in Crimea .


    Territory does not belong to political parties. It belongs to the citizens that live legally there.
    The Ultra Right Wing parties ,that are now in Government Top positions ,they are a minority and the only reason
    they are in power is because they received the help to overthrow a democratically elected Government by your lovely USA.  So the self elected Kiev Junta ,that took power through violence and terrorism.. and created mock up elections with only Pro EU factions being allowed to participate . Does not represent all the Ukrainian people.
    Poroshenko only represent a radical minority . yes he won.. because it was him or the return of Timoshenko again..which not even the maidanuts like.

    The kiev junta in power ,only represent the most radical pro EU factions. in Ukraine. Not the entire Nation.Not even represent the neutral Ukrainians ,that neither hate or glorify Russia.  Pro Russia ukrainian or at least that are neutral to Russia ,managed to win democratically in Ukraine in the last real Ukrainian elections they had. So kiev with Poroshenko do not represent the will of all Ukrainians but only the will of the most radicals
    Pro EU factions of the city of LVOV. This is why most of the Ukraine army is recruited from the west of Ukraine..because from any other part they defect to Russia.  

    So Poroshenko government at best only represent 20%-30% of Ukrainians.from the west. the most radicals.
    Had there been an option for a neutral politicians ,to compete.. that welcomed being close to Russia but Also Europe. he will have won easily . But so far Kiev banned any politician Pro Russia from any election. and beaten them too.

    All said.. The territory of Ukraine Does NOT belong to political parties.. even less if they siege power illegally in a coup. The territory of Ukraine belong to the very same legal citizens that live there. So the Donetsk and Lugansk regions , have the Dam Right to demand their Independence if the new Government no longer listen them ,or represent them.. and instead send nazis to kill and burn alive them. The Donetsk and Lugansk Regions have the legitimate rights to demand their Independence.. after everything else failed and kiev see them as Terrorist just for supporting a closer union with Russia.

    Is an Irony that you talk about territorial integrity and all that bullshit ,when Ukraine was created by Separatist too. So it was good and perfectly legal for them to split from Russia after Soviet Union economy went bankrupt (as Ukraine is now) ? but now Crimea ,Donetsk and Lugansk do the same is terrorism? LOLOLOL

    It was legal for Georgia to split from Russia.. but now is illegal for Abkhazia and south Ossetia to do the same?
    Again dude.. Human beings have the god dam right to fight for a better future. this is perfectly legal and legitimate.
    unless you consider that is "Right" for ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine to wait for kiev to start the ethnic cleansing . Since not even their language is recognized.  And territory does not belong to political parties that represent only one part of the population but to the civilians that live there.  Now in the case of Chechenia is a totally different thing. that was pure terrorism . Jihadist extremist and Alqaeda.. armed with suicide bomber belts ,demanding Russia to leave Chechenia. All those Islamic extremist are only good when killed, they do not belong to this world and there should be zero tolerance and negotiation with them. and they all armed and financed by Saudi Arabia.

    Simply what made Ukraine to lose Crimea was not Russia.. it was their terror and illegitimate coup.
    The Euromaidanuts you support ,do not respect any democracy and this is like their Third or fourth  Coup in Ukraine. They participate in elections but if they dont win then they remove their opposition by force? Simply Crimeans told Enough is enough.. and they do have the legitimate rights to desire a better future away of Kiev. Because they see that under a puppet government controlled by NATO who wants to destroy RUssia ,they have no future.  

    So i see nothing wrong in what Russia did in Crimea.. it was the right thing. people there are happy and no one is bombing and killing them. ONly terrible thing Russia did was to not help Yakunovych to maintain its government until new elections and remove the Nuland Bandits that were destroying the capital in kiev. Territory exist for people happiness. for their development. Not to make miserable the life of people. Not to please the egos of some factions and some Political Parties . IF tomorrow Siberia civilians they overwhelming majority  90%+ choose peacefully to split from Russia because they see no future in Russia for them and without any interference from NATO or any other nation buying their support with money and lies and organizing everything (as NATO did in Kiev). I will support it. Because as i told you.. Territorial lines are not written in Stone by any Olympiad greek GOD. They are simply the result at least in modern times ,of the wishes of people. in the past however .there was no Laws ,no international community. and only way to get land in the past was with armies taking it.

    Think about this ..IF georgians were smart.. they will seek to join Russia again and not NATO ,as a fully autonomous region but inside Russia. Something like Georgia Federative state within Russia Federation and help to rebuild Russia to a new level but also Armenia. Abzakia and south ossetia and Belarus and Novorrosiya too. This will allow any Georgian to live in any part they wish of Russia federation like any other citizen and enjoy of their lost territories too and live there if they desire without firing a single shot or any war. The only thing that stand in the way of the destruction society and a world police with one world government RUled by Zionist Neocons and bankers is Russia. not going to be good for 99% of the population that is not Rich. Russia promote nations independence and multipolar balanced world.. And is the only hope for humanity.. imo.  because from Europe nothing will come to stand in the way of US neocons world empire and neither from The west or from Asia even less.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:58 pm; edited 8 times in total

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