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As Sa'iqa
Morpheus Eberhardt
Hannibal Barca
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:01 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:So far the answers aren't that promising. I thought you can do it better.

    One question (which, I guess, nobody would answer) is why there is such a huge migration out of Ukraine. Plenty of Ukrainians are living in Poland, while migration in the opposite direction (from Poland to Ukraine) does not take place. Ecen more people migrate to W. Europe in order to work there. And people flock to places in which life is better, not to places where it's worse.

    And how the hell did werewolf get the ideo of some propaganda trying to convince Poles that we aren't Slavs!? I haven't heard of anyone even proposing such an idea. I just hope he did not get it from

    You really want to know from where i have such an "idea"?

    From the british empire.

    Quite some time ago Sujoy or Katyusha or maybe another user has posted here an document/article from the British Empire with their foreign policy and the establishment of control of their colonies.

    This british "technology" of conditioning people had the basic essence of destroying the views of Indians about their own culture,country, countrymen and creating an image of their own as being archaic, primitive and uncivilized and manipulating indians to envy and dream of western "civilized" countries, envy their "culture" and finally see them as something higher than they are themselfs.

    That is anglo saxon strategy to destroy cultures and create an illusion of 3rd world and 1st world, that 3rd world countries have no moral only a primitive culture and have nothing civil, while the so called 1st world countries are the land of honey and milk.

    This combined with the very old tactic "Divide en Impera" of cultures, ethnicities and religions is their standard tactic to ensure a dominance on global stage.

    Polish people are and were always Slavic people but i only see polish people hating on russians for whatever reasons, be it something in the past decades before their own birth made by people under a different ideology and more important political administration, but today so eager to hurt or harm russian reputation in costs of own if they got the possibility.  I don't see that russians hate polish for crimes some polish have done during WW2, eager to work for Nazis operate Concentration camp to kill their own slavic brothers for people whos policy it was to wipe out Slavic people to 80% of their entire population.

    Polish are fooled for decades that they are not slavic which is an very old word for what today is called Russian, invented before the cyrillic language came to slavic people. You poles counted yourself like we counted you as our brothers, but you have been fooled by exact the same anglo saxon to think you are different more West than other slavic brothers, to envy the western "morals" and "civilization" and despice your own culture and heritage. Like Macedonian already said few days before you (we) slavic people are seen by british and americans as subhumans and slaves.

    The same goes for Ukrainians, since little bit less than one century xoxly are played for idiots to think that Ukrainians are actually an ethnicity, that "Ukraine" is a historical country while it exists only since 1991, You can see it right now in Ukraine that the youth which falls right into this timespan of fall of USSR and which are now in early 20s or younger have a fervently hatred against their own kind, they are all russians. Belorussians, Ukrainians,Polish,Russians,Serbians it does not matter of your nationality they are all russians (slavic).

    And you really want to ignore that you and your nation are played for fools is seen as something higher than they see in russians? In their eyes we are scum and yes you poles have even a lower reputation.

    What we see here in Ukraine the killing of russians by russians who were fooled to believe they are ukrainian by "ethnicity", a create illusion by lenin, this scenario is very well creatable in Poland which is known by history to kill own kind for someones else gain.

    Where in the West of Poland, polish people where so eager to work for the SS in concentration camps, kill polish,russians, jews,muslims while in the East of Poland partisants were devided killing polish, killing Germans and Killing own Soviets. Your country is artificially divided which is a dream for made up revolution with the same goal of destabilisation.

    There is only one good thing for you Polish people, you are so very well manipulated to believe you belong to west europe that you eagerly insert America's hand in your rectum to speak and act in favor of USA and EU and harming your own national security and interests.

    You may laugh about all that to be some "tinfoil" nonsense, for people who are educated in this part of history it is a very sad thing, how such subtile and often blatant propaganda can divide own people and that only within 20 decades is willing to kill each other, that is a very said thing. Indians,Chinese,Slavics and Arabs in particular are the subject of such cruel geopolitics of anglo saxon and today zionistic elite scum.

    Last edited by Werewolf on Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:04 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:Shocked Oh yeah. We are enslaved, we just don't know about it. Rolling Eyes This is in fact Lenin's idea.

    Or maybe you believe that all these people protesting in Syria and Ukraine were in fact mercenaries dropped on parachutes.

    While you say that, most Poles believe that Russians are behind every evil plot in the world, Polish people are the Joseph McCarthy's of Europe, "communist this, communist that" the 2 countries that Poles admire the most is 'Germany' (the country of Karl Marx origin), and Britain (the first country to sponsor Karl Marx, at the hands of David Urqhardt and the British Foreign office). For Poles to criticize people of other countries of being paranoid is the equivalent of pedophiles and child predators lecturing parents at a child safety seminar lol, but to top it all off your openly racist and yet you lecture others for over perceived bigotry! Laughing  BTW the violent protests had plenty of foreign sponsorship in the form of $5 billion from USAID, the same USAID organization that over the last 5 years have been accused by several Latin American leaders of being a U.S. intelligence destabilization operation, and your very own Radosław Sikorski even financially sponsored Right Sector radicals.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:07 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:Shocked Oh yeah. We are enslaved, we just don't know about it. Rolling Eyes This is in fact Lenin's idea.

    You cannot artificially cause a revolution in a country if at least a part of the population isn't disillusioned about the ruling elite..

    But name one single country , where one part of the population isn't disillusioned with its Government?
    And You can create Artificial Revolutions ,easy as 1 2 3 when you do not have well informed Society and you control its media
    and newspapers..

    There is always.. ALWAYS opposition in any country.. no leader wins by 100% of the votes in a real election.
    WHat US does is they pick the most radical minorities ,usually unemployed people that always in every nation exist and train them to create a revolution and counter police and give them weapons later through terror and violence they force an illegal coup regardless if the government is a democracy or not.  NATO also export Mercenaries from abroad to help in the revolution ,when there is not enough support inside. In Syria the so called rebels ,more than half are mostly foreigners from 28 countries.  All nations in the world seeks to expand ,thats normal.. what is not normal is that one nation start
    to sabotage other countries stability and create Violence artificially with their money ,to provoke a coup in the nation.  China is expanding
    and they aren't overthrowing Governments anywhere.. India is expanding its economy and they aren't overthrowing government anywhere.
    Russia is expanding and they aren't overthrowing Governments anywhere. South Korea ,Japan they are not provoking revolutions in the world to gain political and economical advantage through violence . There are many examples of Countries with success that do not
    rely on Crime  and terrorism for economical and political advantage.  You cannot just legitimize US and its NATO allies to start declaring no fly zones based of fabricated lies , based on a violence that they also created. How can you legitimize NATO actions?  

    What if Russia  go a finance a minority of criminals in your country .supply them weapons ,causing misery in your nation ,a full scale civil war and you end with family killed.. is that normal for you and legal?  .and later they get in Power through violence causing thousand of people to get killed through a bloody civil war 100% created from abroad.will you call that democratic legitimate and fair? Or will you see that as totally illegal and criminal? US and its major NATO allies directly or indirectly support Endless Wars , no fly zones and civil wars
    in order to gain political and economical advantage ..or simply sabotage another nation economy as they doing with Russia in Ukraine.

    The Syrian conflict is a perfect example of how far can NATO go ,in order to get rid of governments that are not aligned with one world empire ruled by the west. They directly helps Alqaeda there and supply any kind of weapons to them to fight Assad.. Just this week.. Erdogan in TUrkey another major NATO ally ,Blocked the Eufrates River flow of water to Syria ,in order to starve millions of civilians in Aleppo , and they can do that ONLY because they have Full support for NATO and full political cover from US politicians and zionist  Media. Will you consider starving millions civilians a normal thing?  Or a major world genocide in modern times?

    NATO is a world terrorist organization ,makes Alqaeda to look like kindergarden in comparison,and any nation that choose to join them is supporting a criminal organization, calling their actions just "normal competitiveness" is just a complete distortion of human rights and human values. Most NATO countries might not be directly involved directly in NATO no fly zones or proxy wars but by giving them the nod with a shake of hands ,your justifying and sponsoring their actions.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:40 am; edited 5 times in total
    As Sa'iqa

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  As Sa'iqa Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:21 pm

    I see that there is no point for me to be on this forum. This is going to be my last post.

    GarryB should either ban my account ot delete it. I just don't want it to be here.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:33 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:I see that there is no point for me to be on this forum. This is going to be my last post.

    GarryB should either ban my account ot delete it. I just don't want it to be here.

    You can't run for ever from the truth that we slavic people are played against each other, live uneducated about history and swallow whatever governments spit out or take your education in your own hands and study real history and find out that you and me are scum in the eyes of US/UK/Israel and they are having a war of divide and control of our own kind since more than a century.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:49 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    As Sa'iqa wrote:I see that there is no point for me to be on this forum. This is going to be my last post.

    GarryB should either ban my account ot delete it. I just don't want it to be here.

    You can't run for ever from the truth that we slavic people are played against each other, live uneducated about history and swallow whatever governments spit out or take your education in your own hands and study real history and find out that you and me are scum in the eyes of US/UK/Israel and they are having a war of divide and control of our own kind since more than a century.

    This is why people Run away from the truth. and deny things even when given facts.  the 9/11 was used as example
    but the explanations apply to any other truth like NATO destructive role in the world and their illegal wars.


    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:18 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  macedonian Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:23 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:I see that there is no point for me to be on this forum. This is going to be my last post.

    GarryB should either ban my account ot delete it. I just don't want it to be here.

    Nooo...but what about your greatly superior intellectual analysis?!
    And your esteemed learned opinions?

    This forum will lose its relevance!

    Please don't leave As Sa'iqa, you'll be so missed, missed!

    Oh, and God forbid that you should learn a thing or two...No, best to keep oneself ignorant. Clearly for the best...

    Just quit. Do it man, us pro-Russians might turn you into a rational human being! You might consider the other side of the story!
    The shock! The horror!

    Better keep listening to Polish radio and CNN/BBC. Keep calm, and trust the propaganda.
    Cheers mate. Was nice knowing you!

    Just remember: YOU WILL ALWAYS BE SLAVIC! No matter how much you detest it, that is what you'll always be.
    Run along now...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:40 pm

    Said truth. It is called the Backfire Phenomenon.

    Regardless how hard the evidence is people who don't want to see the truth will even reinforce their own version to be true. Usually such Backfire Phenomenon is wide spread among fundamental religious people.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  arpakola Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:05 pm

    That's what they need in slavyansk..

    10k$  each. !!


    Rumours are thst rebels took under control Lugansk Cartridge Works (LCW) factory.

    Here's list of what they are manufacturing (in English):


    They really are scared of iglas

    Last edited by arpakola on Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:17 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:I see that there is no point for me to be on this forum. This is going to be my last post.

    GarryB should either ban my account ot delete it. I just don't want it to be here.

    Oh don't be such a spoilsport.

    So what if you disagree with other people? Arguments are good, everyone learns something.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:23 pm

    macedonian wrote:This is the reason that you FP post hell of a lot more on than you post here. You want to PROVE to the western audience just how civil and open-minded you are. Yet they never treat you as an equal. They ridicule the 'eastern' posters! (Poles, Romanians and Czechs included, even if they do like their posts there).


    I post there because I fight lies with the truth. That's my only agenda and it's only ever my agenda really.

    There are a lot fewer lies on this forum. You do get some delusions and backward views mind you, but fewer lies in regards to Russia.
    So I post less, only if there's something really interesting to let everyone know about, or whatever.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:30 pm

    So what lies you've fought latley on mp.HET?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  TR1 Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:37 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    macedonian wrote:This is the reason that you FP post hell of a lot more on than you post here. You want to PROVE to the western audience just how civil and open-minded you are. Yet they never treat you as an equal. They ridicule the 'eastern' posters! (Poles, Romanians and Czechs included, even if they do like their posts there).


    I post there because I fight lies with the truth. That's my only agenda and it's only ever my agenda really.

    There are a lot fewer lies on this forum. You do get some delusions and backward views mind you, but fewer lies in regards to Russia.
    So I post less, only if there's something really interesting to let everyone know about, or whatever.

    Not lies, just a bunch of incredible naivety on this forum regarding Russia.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:41 pm

    mack8 wrote:EU and Europe is what it is today because of the spineless vassal traitors serving the US and betraying their own peoples, and not because the people WANT to (there is a paradox here, which maybe i'll get one day to explain). Personal experience: one day not very long ago, i was talking with your typical stereotypical welsh folks (one ex- RAF ground crew) about the Crimea thing. What do you think their opinion was on that? No, you're wrong. The gist of what they said goes something like "I can understand them/their actions- the russians. When they had missiles in Cuba the americans were all over/ mad, now it's the same thing really, the americans are messing in their back yard- Ukraine. We should rather have no part in this"-or something to that effect. Surprised?


    It's the US that is leading the show, along with some faithful sidekick governments in Britain, Sweden and Eastern Europe but even there the people aren't necessarily enthusiastic about it.

    The US has gone mad. I mean literally gone mad - with power. It just makes up its own news, its own interpretations of events. Congress is full of rich corrupt businessmen, only pretending to represent their citizen's interests who for some reason are all extremely Russophobic, and very Imperialistic.
    It's got to the point where they are ready to support some government like that in the Ukraine, where the US of 20 years ago was a more normal country that wasn't blinded by power and ideology, and refused for example to support Gamsakhurdia in Georgia, no matter how anti-Soviet/Russian he was. And Gamsakhurdia was basically little different to some of the people who have taken power in Kiev now.

    The US has people in power that do not profess the values that their state does, not one bit. Just naked self-interest nothing more.

    But people in Europe can sense this too, they are not at all enthusiastic about such things as accepting the Ukraine into the EU or NATO, provoking Russia, or signing up for another wacky misadventure in the Middle East. However, their governments are in thrall to the immense power exercised in the White House, their politicians have become too comfortable with this arrangement to do anything about it but I think change is coming anyway, because now this whole shenanigance has started to hit at the economic interests of key EU members; they are having to sacrifice multi-billion dollar deals with Russia, for the sake of US political ambitions, and without getting anything out of it at all.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:44 pm

    TR1 wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    macedonian wrote:This is the reason that you FP post hell of a lot more on than you post here. You want to PROVE to the western audience just how civil and open-minded you are. Yet they never treat you as an equal. They ridicule the 'eastern' posters! (Poles, Romanians and Czechs included, even if they do like their posts there).


    I post there because I fight lies with the truth. That's my only agenda and it's only ever my agenda really.

    There are a lot fewer lies on this forum. You do get some delusions and backward views mind you, but fewer lies in regards to Russia.
    So I post less, only if there's something really interesting to let everyone know about, or whatever.

    Not lies, just a bunch of incredible naivety on this forum regarding Russia.

    Yeah that too I have to say.

    But let's be balanced folks, truth is our ultimate weapon here, not simply swinging the pendulum all the way from one side to the other one.
    What I'm saying, is that the truth is somewhere in between (but still leaning towards Russia  russia )

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:49 pm

    Werewolf wrote:So what lies you've fought latley on mp.HET?

    What do you want, a list?

    Hmm off the top of my head;

    - Soviets won WW2 by human waves of PPSH-wielding conscripts on tanks
    - In the Soviet army they teach you to fire with the AK into the enemy on full-auto, as AKs are viewed as something like SMGs.
    - Ukrainian artillerists are conducting point artillery strikes on rebel-occupied buildings as opposed to just shelling the rough areas of enemy positions with inaccurate, indiscriminate mortars and howitzers.
    - 74,000 pro-Russian Chechens are poised to invade the Donbass (actually scratch that, haven't replied to this fool just yet - and I don't think I'll bother)

    You know, usual delusions..

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  arpakola Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:58 pm


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:50 am

    Anyone know what kind of Progress (if any) the Donetsk forces have achieved in the last days?
    The kiev junta is saying they are clearing every day a territories inside Donetsk and Lugansk.
    Wondering if the Rebels are now in full retreat and under siege and if the Ukraine army have managed to lock them and unable to get Food or supplies.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  flamming_python Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:36 am

    Vann7 wrote:

    Anyone know what kind of Progress (if any) the Donetsk forces have achieved in the last days?
    The kiev junta is saying they are clearing every day a territories inside Donetsk and Lugansk.
    Wondering if the Rebels are now in full retreat and under siege and if the Ukraine army have managed to lock them and unable to get Food or supplies.

    - Slavyansk rebels have dug themselves in pretty good; trenches, heavy MGs, auto-grenade launchers, MANPADs, BMDs, etc... all the while being shelled intermitently, but nothing heavy. Apparently a factory caught fire after some artillery hit it.

    It looks like the Slavyansk defenders have tried to loosen Ukr blockade around their city somewhat, but probably only had limited success; Ukr forces are still well entrenched around. However, the Slavyansk rebels do seem to be getting new equipment in, which means that getting more manpower is also possible

    Historically - during and since WW2, pretty much every city that has been isolated from resupply and reinforcement by the attacking army - has fallen.
    Those that were able to keep those lines of communication open fared a lot better.
    But still, the advantage is on the Ukrainian side. Their task is complicated though by the civilian population.

    Here's some footage of the Slavyansk defenders:

    - Donetsk is currently being fortified rapidly by the Vostok battallion, who after their previous offensives now seem to be digging in in Donetsk city.
    They've also been spotted training with MANPADs, ZU-23-1s, mortars, etc.. so they're reasonably well equipped. And they seem to have lines of communication wide open with the rest of the rebels, Lugansk region and its borders with Russia, etc...

    Here's a vid:

    - Haven't heard much from Lugansk; only that they've captured an ammo factory.

    - Rival rallies in Kharkov. Whole load of Nazis there, a lot of them brought in to enforce order, 'zachistkas' of anti-maidan camps and protests. I think if this situation in the Donbass continues, it's only a matter of time until the conflict spreads to Kharkov.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Regular Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:47 am

    As Sa'iqa wrote:Shocked Oh yeah. We are enslaved, we just don't know about it. Rolling Eyes This is in fact Lenin's idea.

    You cannot artificially cause a revolution in a country if at least a part of the population isn't disillusioned about the ruling elite. You may try hard to cause a civil war in e.g. Norway or Switzerland and you will end up with nothing. Everything you can hope for is using already existing trends in the society and then use it for your advantage... Or maybe you believe that all these people protesting in Syria and Ukraine were in fact mercenaries dropped on parachutes.
    You and I are enslaved, so are the Russians. We have no say in our politics, but our lives are being used as bargaining chips. You are only free when it's anarchy. 
    No need to simplify things my polski friend. One doesn't need to cause a revolution. But there plenty of ways how to HIJACK it.. 
    There is little doubt that Maidan wasn't orchestrated. Too much loose ends and usual suspects.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Asf Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:00 am

    You and I are enslaved, so are the Russians
    By whom? Jewish reptiloids?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Asf Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:10 am

    Or maybe you believe that all these people protesting in Syria and Ukraine were in fact mercenaries dropped on parachutes.
    In fact political technologies are about riding on people's beliefs. Always there are supporters from locals, who do not understand that they are fighting for.

    Look at Ukraine - people thought they were fighting oligarchs and Party of Regions. And now they got brand new oligarch president who was one of the createors of Party of Regions. I see no difference between Poroshenko and Yanuovich for ukrainians. What was the need for all this Maidan, burned policemen, hatred towards "moskali" (ukrainian nickname for russians)?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  arpakola Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:02 am

    Clashes near the Ukrainian Border Guard HQ, Lugansk.

    copied ..>
    Posted on June 1, 2014 by MicroBalrog
    This post is originally by Gennady Volkov, a Ukrainian reporter.
    Translated by MicroBalrog from this post

    I have recently visited the “eastern front”, at the camp of the 51st Separate Mobile Brigade of the Ukrainian Army. This is the unit that had recently lost to an unknown attacker (presumably the separatists) – 17 dead and 30 injured.

    My impressions from the trip are dire. Let me sum it up.

    The brigade numbers just over 4,000 men and is manned by West Ukrainians, mostly from Volyn. The logic is clear – it will be easier for “westerners” to shoot at “easterners”, whose mentality is alien to them. Sadl, however, reality is far more complex.

    On the roadblocks, the soldiers are very vigilant. The recent tragedy has served as the best reminder that combat regulations are written in blood, and that their life is in their own hands alone. I have noticed that for roadblock crews, vigilance is a capital-letter word. HOWEVER: As the soldiers have admitted to me in an off-record conversation, the roadblocks are mostly irrelevant: the separatists easily bypass them by unpaved village roads and go wherever they need to. “We are protecting ourselves here.”

    Our convoy, led by jeeps carrying Volyn people’s deputies that carried gifts for their neighbors in the military – ballistic vests and useful gadgets, like night vision goggles and IR scopes – was escorted by a truck that carried a squad of troops and an officer. It turned out the soldiers had not seen the enemy yet. Only the commander had been shot at before – by our own men. He told us the story as follows: a group of soldier were sent to greet some Colonel who lost his way on his UAZ. In the location where they were looking for him, the search team did see an army Jeep by the roadside – and suddenly from the bushes emerged men in black mask and camouflage, carrying rifles. The team took them for separatists and stepped on the gas, and the men, in turn, opened fire. As a result, the driver was killed, another man was injured, and the masked men turned out to be from the local defense battalion. The prosecutor arrived on location totally drunk, the cops ignored it. As per the man who told us this story, nobody was punished. This is how it is when men with identical uniforms without rank badges and with identical guns fight each other.

    Speaking of uniforms – the Ukrainian Army cannot properly dress it men. The soldiers on the roadblocks resemble either Mexican rebels or Caucasian Mujahedin – some kind of paramilitary gang wearing a mix of camouflage uniforms from around the world and civilian clothing. Many men’s clothing is heavily worn and unwashed.

    Which brings us to the next topic. I don’t mean to spread panic, but you can’t take words out of a song – and the words the soldiers asked me to relay are thus: “We are held here against our will in animal-like conditions, everyone has lied to us.”

    After having spoken to the fighters I have several times been, pardon my French, totally fucking shocked.

    First of all, there are no volunteers among the men at all. All are drafted, and It feels that they have been grabbing literally everyone.

    I ask a boy from Volyn with a police AKSU (everyone is armed) – “How did you get mobilized?” “They took me to the military commissariat, took a photo of me, gave me my papers within a day – then put me on a train and sent me to the army. They have me a rifle, ammunition – and here I am. They have not let me shoot it at all.”

    I was shocked. I asked: “What do you mean, no shooting? Have you not done regular draftee service?” “No, I have never been in the army.”


    This man has seen AKs and military service only in movies – and they grab him and send him to Stalingrad’s trenches! Now some whore will talk to me about Stalin or Zhukov “burying the enemy under their own dead”. Here is the cannon fodder of 21st-Century independent Ukraine with which they plug the holes on the “eastern front”. This is madness! A new 1941! They grabbed even students that have not graduated college, peasants whose farms remain untoiled.

    By the way, the brigade is mechanized mostly on paper. If one believes the soldiers, the vast quantity of AFVs the Army brought in and dumped out in a field in Donezk Oblast, is mostly broken down and cannot move. That is easy to believe when you gaze upon BMPs and SP guns that were likely last painted before Gagarin’s flight.

    Conditions in which these poor people lived for 2 months probably fall under the Geneva Convention. The main problem is a terrible deficit of water. Every day the soldier do hard labor, but there is nowhere to wash themselves or their clothing. A field bath? What are you talking about? They don’t even have anything to drink – you can see in the video what passes for drinking water. There is some food – but the field kitchens we see in official Army events in the city are totally absent!!! Food is made on bonfires or trench stoves from the 1930’s or 1940s’.

    The ancient tents leak like sieves. The soldiers sleep on dirty mattresses on the ground like hobos. There are no bedsheets or sleeping beds. If it was winter, one would probably see typhoid lice soon.

    The promised volunteer pay is absent.. The soldiers have received 1300 hryvnas for April, but the soldiers have already spent this money in local stores on food and water. They are rescued by family who send them food and money. In general, the troops and their families are spending their own money on the service – and since many of these men used to support non-working wives and children – you can imagine for yourself the state of their morale.
    It should be unsurprising therefore to see mass-drunkenness among the troops. We arrived in the brigade’s camp by evening, spent several hours there, and the number of drunk men in uniform grew before my very eyes. Each, I remind you, is armed. The officers see this but are too cowardly to even say anything, and generally prefer not to bother the troops without need. Happily the drunken warriors are not aggressive, since they drink not for bravery, but out of hopelessness.

    Saddened by this impression we drove home. In Dnepropetrovsk Oblast we were stopped at a roadblock with a Ukrainian flag. Men in civilian clothing, with AKs, felt their superiority and did everything to ruin our mood. Using village surzhik they used foul and rude language to demand our documents, asked us idiotic questions like “what kind of TV company is that? Who is your master?” They didn’t throw uson the ground, but after figuring out they could not fuck with us, they gave us the polite farewell of the words “Fuck off away from here, now.”

    If these plebes are shot by separatists during the night – I will not weep, trust me.

    We stopped to eat in the nearest village. We asked the locals what scum are those (they didn’t even tell us who they represented). We were told that this is some local self-defense group, that they had hacked off everyone by demanding 150 hryvnias for the passage, and making people who didn’t have the cash sing the Ukrainian anthem. It was different entirely when we entered Zaporoziev from Donezk – men with shotguns in uniform with badges of – I think – “Hortiza Regiment” were extremely vigilant but polite, and, having figured out we are not terrorists, wished us the very beest, like good friends.

    Thus ends our fairy tale.[/ii]

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    Post  arpakola Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:59 am


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    Post  Regular Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:44 pm

    Asf wrote:
    You and I are enslaved, so are the Russians
    By whom? Jewish reptiloids?
    By our politics perhaps?

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