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    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News


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    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 Empty Re: MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News

    Post  AMCXXL Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:25 pm

    franco wrote:Have been watching these bases myself. Unfortunately the google images are almost a year apart so impossible to get an accurate count.
    The 22nd Fighter base is the most up to date one from April of this year. However on the other hand, pictures a month apart last year, shows the 22nd base with even more planes (57) then it has in the latest photos (52).
    I have heard that Chuguyevka will become a separate Mig-31 fighter base again but have also heard that the 22nd was to become a Fighter Regiment with a squadron each of -31BM, -35 and -30SM's. Time will soon tell.

    "to get an accurate count" with a satellite?
    Is imposible, how you know if there are 3 Mig-31 of Yelizovo or 5 Su-35 from Dzemgi??
    How many planes are flying this day in that moment? How many are in the repair plant ?
    Do you know how many planes there are in the shelters? For example in Khurba must still have arround 40 or 45 Su-24M/M2 (before the Su-34) and never you see more of 20 or 22
    The same in Monchegrosk , Domna, etc...

    If you saw a satélite image with 57 planes at 22 IAP base , then the image is of the week of Aviadarts drills or East Military District maneovers
    Is that high number of planes , because someone take this image and put in that web
    The same with the Sokolovka base with Sukhois and Migs , and that does not mean any plane or regiment in Sokolovka nowadays
    One year ago only have about 18 Mig-31 and the same number of Sukhois in Vladovostok
    Even several Su-35 suposedly handed over are still in KnaAPO plant. For example Nº28 of 23 IAP start to fly at end of last year and Nº27 only photo is inside the plant last year, when teorically was handed over in december 2014

    I just told the more realistic number of planes of 22 IAP , most of SU-27SM has been transferred and several are not flyable , waiting for repairs
    The photo of Mig-31´s in the shelter area is taken in may this year at the same time of the satellte, there are more potos. and probably in this moment were all , or all less one the planes parked in the base

    As I say in other post , a squadron are pilots not planes ,
    if in 22 IAP have two suhkoi sqadrons , simply are using lees planes now ,more time each plane, expecting for more planes, or pilots are in Lipestk at retraining with Su-35
    The same with Mig-31 , if there are only one squadron and now have 25 planes , then the second squadron (of pilots) is training at Savasleyka , that casually received some planes of same type (BSM) one year before 22 IAP

    About "22nd was to become a Fighter Regiment with a squadron each of -31BM, -35 and -30SM's" this is not true
    I heard some things like that in fórums based in nothing. If 22 IAP receives Su-30SM is for "two seater" of SU-35 squadrons , as in 23 IAP
    Also I heard Millerovo will receive a squadron of Su-35 , when the planes are for Besovets , because some journalist published mistaken ideas

    The air force reform is clear , regimental classic system with two squadrons is the way for next years
    SU-30SM replace Su-24 in the Navy
    Su-30SM replace Mig-29 regiments in VVS (and also used in Dzemgi as "two seater", not clear in short term for other Su-35 regiments because the Su-30M2 are working very well)
    Su-35 replace all SU-27S/P/SM in VVS
    Su-34 replace all Su-24M/M2/MR in VVS

    In the case of Mig-31 , the total forcé will be:
    4 regiments and one squadron in Savasleyka for VVS
    2 or 3 squadrons for Navy (if finally open Tiksi)
    The only doubt is wath plane will complement Mig-31 in Monchegorsk and Yelizovo

    here you can see the Mig-31 of Monchegrosk with the symbols of the Navy (after more 2 years were transferred) during the Navy day parade in Leningrad last week
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    Last edited by AMCXXL on Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:11 am; edited 5 times in total

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    Post  George1 Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:36 pm

    i had the impression that all MiG-31s from Navy transferred to Air Force, some years now Question

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    Post  franco Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:37 pm

    There are several 3 squadron regiments in the VVS. The 22nd is such and up to 2 years ago had 2 Su-27SM and 1 Mig-31. Obviously in transit and it may be a couple more years before we see the final structure.

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    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 Empty Re: MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News

    Post  franco Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:47 pm

    George1 wrote:i had the impression that all MiG-31s from Navy transferred to Air Force, some years now Question

    The squadron from Elizovo remained in the Navy and as of last year, the squadron at Monchegrosk along with the rest of the 45th Air Army transferred under control of the Navy. So that makes 2 with talk of a third. Either at Tiksi or split across the North at Tiksi, Anadyr and Rogichavo.

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    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 Empty Re: MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News

    Post  AMCXXL Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:04 pm

    franco wrote:
    George1 wrote:i had the impression that all MiG-31s from Navy transferred to Air Force, some years now Question

    The squadron from Elizovo remained in the Navy and as of last year, the squadron at Monchegrosk along with the rest of the 45th Air Army transferred under control of the Navy. So that makes 2 with talk of a third. Either at Tiksi or split across the North at Tiksi, Anadyr and Rogichavo.

    The 865 IAP at Yelizovo was transferred to the Navy at the begining of XXI century , when the Mig-31 regiment of Sakhalin was closed and its squadrons transferred to 865 IAP and 530 IAP
    This remained so until the catastrophic reform of 2008-2009 in which the system of "air bases" was implanted and the VVS was reduced to half (Medvediev.....).
    Yelizovo returned to VVS. Had 36 Mig-31 (3 sq.) and become a only squadron of about 16 together other squadrons of planes and helicopters (7060 AvB)

    When this "Airbase System" was cancelled (once Medvedev team was out) , the regimental system began to be implemented back
    This time not only the Yelizovo air regiment ( Also PVO regiment , land forces...) at Kamchatka Peninsula returned to Navy, also in the Kola Peninsula all the air force, air defence forces(PVO) and land forces have been transferred to Nortn JSC , that is a Military District by itself but managed by the chief of North Fleet
    The JSC North was enacted at the end of 2014 or early 2015 and transfers, in theory inmediate on paper , have been made during these two years

    franco wrote:There are several 3 squadron regiments in the VVS. The 22nd is such and up to 2 years ago had 2 Su-27SM and 1 Mig-31. Obviously in transit and it may be a couple more years before we see the final structure.

    Well this airforce reform is not only change the names/numbers of the units , and of course to expand units is not as easy than to cut units
    This is a long term reform until 2020 and more in some cases
    About the Mig-31 bases, for not change to other question, at Monchegorsk there are 3 squadrons  Mig-31 , Su-24M and Su-24MR (One of each regiment: Kotlas, Monchegorsk , Siversky) since the reform/cuts of 2009.

    Of course the way to folow is regiments of 2 squadrons. Su-24M/MR will be replaced for Su-30SM in the Navy
    A regiment of Su-30SM was sugested in december when two Su-30SM arrived with North fleet, and seems logical
    Then the questuon is: wath plane will complement Mig-31 ?? ...Su-34 , Su-35? , independient Mig-31 squadron?
    The matter is this will be after many years, because the new planes are needed in all bases after 20 years without purchases

    About other bases, the only suggested officially(excludig press), if I remember is Tiksi, the other places are aerodromes to reform to be serviceable
    With the total I suggested of 4 regiments and 4 squadrons there are 150-155 Mig-31 modernized, more than first projected because Tiksi
    Is not posible more Mig-31BM , because about 50 DZ will be not modrenized for the old radar and Mig-31B only were about 90 available, the other are BS without refueling , not useful in Arctic or older types

    Last edited by AMCXXL on Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:19 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  franco Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:27 pm

    Rogichavo has been mentioned by the Military, actually even before Tiksi was. However agree it will depend on how many -31's are available still for upgrades. Also as we both pointed out, reforms are still ongoing and a definite view of what will be in 2021 is yet to emerge.

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    Post  medo Sat Aug 12, 2017 9:46 pm

    I know for Rogachevo, Arhangelsk and Tiksi to base MiG-31BM jets. I'm not sure if they will station full regiments in Arctic bases or squadrons, but more probably squadrons to get enough MiGs with IFRs.

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    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 Empty Re: MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News

    Post  AMCXXL Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:07 am

    franco wrote:Rogichavo has been mentioned by the Military, actually even before Tiksi was. However agree it will depend on how many -31's are available still for upgrades. Also as we both pointed out, reforms are still ongoing and a definite view of what will be in 2021 is yet to emerge.  

    Rogachevo & Tiksi was mentioned together for S-300 regiments. Rogachevo already has S-300 , Tiksi is projected
    Also was mentioned, together some other old bases: Norilsk (Alykel) , Anadyr(Ugolny) , Amderma , Talagi(Arkhangelsk) ,Naryan-Mar , Frank Josep Land... for repair/upgrade some old airbases of soviet times for use of JSC North , as you can see in this map of russian artic

    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 Russian-Arctic-Military-Map

    I only remember Tiksi for Mig-31 and perhaps Anadyr in any press article
    Lookig in english Wikipedia  >>

    Air Force Commander-in-Chief Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev told in an interview that by 2017 the Tiksi airport complex will be operational, and it will be garrisoned with upgraded MiG-31 interceptors.

    TASS source  >>>
    Russia to base interceptors, front-line warplanes at Yakutia airfield from 2017
    Russia October 15, 2014
    The reconstruction of the Tiksi airfield in Yakutia will compulsorily begin next year, Air Force Commander Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev says
    Interceptors MiG-31 and front-line attack aircraft will be based permanently at a Russian Arctic airfield in northernmost Yakutia’s location Tiksi starting from 2017, Air Force Commander Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev said.

    Of course the tings have changed and I think this will be delayed two years more, once the VVS modernise all the other MIG-31BM´s of their regiments

    By the way, I have seen that you and other write Elizovo instead Yelizovo (English language ??)
    How do you write in English: Boris Yeltsin ?? or Boris Eltsin ???
    I assumed that the equivalence of Cyrillic characters and Latin characters was the same for all languages with Latin characters

    Last edited by AMCXXL on Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:15 am; edited 3 times in total

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    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 Empty Re: MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News

    Post  AMCXXL Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:30 am

    medo wrote:I know for Rogachevo, Arhangelsk and Tiksi to base MiG-31BM jets. I'm not sure if they will station full regiments in Arctic bases or squadrons, but more probably squadrons to get enough MiGs with IFRs.

    -Rogachevo or Amderma-2 (Novaya Zemlya) based the 641 IAP with Su-27 in soviet times. Was closed in the early 90´s because is only 850 Km north of Monchegorsk
    -Amderma , in the cape in front of Novaya Zemlya south Island , based 72 IAP IAP with Mig-31 disbanded in the mid 90´s
    -Talagi (Arkhangensk) also based Mig-31 of 518 IAP, 1990 moved to Kotlas-Savatiya 458 IAP that closed 2009
    -Tiksi only was a base for strategic bomber refueling, for "jump" the artic on the way to USa for a nuclear massive attack

    Only Tiksi seems to make sense at this time, with in-flight refueling , and once the cold war is over
    The other base I read somewhere is Anadyr(Ugolny) in front of Alaska , near Bering Strait , but I still think there are not enough Mig-31B for modernise
    And also Anadyr is near Yelizovo.Perhaps other option is to move the Yelizovo Mig-31 sq. at north, and Yelizovo get a SU-30SM regiment

    Tiksi is right in the middle of the empty Artic coast space between the three eastern Mig-31 airbases
    The map is old (about 2003-6?), because in western bases, the one in the middle of other three seems Kotlas closed in 2009 , Savasleyka is just south of it , between the other 2

    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 2e2m3hd

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    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 Empty Re: MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News

    Post  franco Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:06 pm

    "Modernization of MiG-31 interceptor fighters is carried out by Sokol under two contracts with the Ministry of Defense of Russia - a contract dated August 1, 2011 for upgrading MiG-31BM / BSM to 60 MiG-31 combat fighters by 2019, and an additional contract from November 2014, for which another 53 combat MiG-31 fighters should be modernized, with the end of works by the end of 2018.

    In 2012, NAZ "Sokol" under the contract of 2011 handed over 10 modernized MiG-31 interceptors, in 2013 - five aircraft, in 2014 - 16 aircraft, in 2015 - 11 aircraft, and in 2016 - 22 aircraft.
    In total, thus, to date, taking into account the MiG-31 aircraft, upgraded to NAZ Sokol under earlier contracts until 2012, and aircraft upgraded to the 514 aircraft repair plant in Rzhev, the total number of mass-modernized MiGs -31BM / BSM delivered since 2007 in the Armed Forces of Russia must reach, according to available information, at least 110 units (one of which has already been lost)."

    So according to this writer there should be 109 active Mig-31BM/BSM's after these 3 delivered. And not sure of the BSM designation. Possibly the aircraft modernized at the Air Force Aircraft Repair plant at Rzhev and not the MIG plant at Sokol? From various sources here is a location list;

    - Monchergorsk 14 Mig-31BM
    - Khotilovo 19 Mig-31BM
    - Bolshoye Savino 16 Mig-31BM/BMS
    - Kansk 22 Mig-31BM
    - Uglovaya 22 Mig-31BM
    - Elizovo 0 Mig-31BM
    - Savasleyka 13 Mig-31BM (training unit)
    - Ahtubinsk 2 Mig-31BMS (research & testing center)

    That total only equals 108 and interesting that Elizovo is the only unit not to have any upgraded aircraft yet.

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    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 Empty Re: MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News

    Post  AMCXXL Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:09 pm

    franco wrote:"Modernization of MiG-31 interceptor fighters is carried out by Sokol under two contracts with the Ministry of Defense of Russia - a contract dated August 1, 2011 for upgrading MiG-31BM / BSM to 60 MiG-31 combat fighters by 2019, and an additional contract from November 2014, for which another 53 combat MiG-31 fighters should be modernized, with the end of works by the end of 2018.

    In 2012, NAZ "Sokol" under the contract of 2011 handed over 10 modernized MiG-31 interceptors, in 2013 - five aircraft, in 2014 - 16 aircraft, in 2015 - 11 aircraft, and in 2016 - 22 aircraft.
    In total, thus, to date, taking into account the MiG-31 aircraft, upgraded to NAZ Sokol under earlier contracts until 2012, and aircraft upgraded to the 514 aircraft repair plant in Rzhev, the total number of mass-modernized MiGs -31BM / BSM delivered since 2007 in the Armed Forces of Russia must reach, according to available information, at least 110 units (one of which has already been lost)."

    So according to this writer there should be 109 active Mig-31BM/BSM's after these 3 delivered. And not sure of the BSM designation. Possibly the aircraft modernized at the Air Force Aircraft Repair plant at Rzhev and not the MIG plant at Sokol? From various sources here is a location list;

    - Monchergorsk 14 Mig-31BM
    - Khotilovo 19 Mig-31BM
    - Bolshoye Savino 16 Mig-31BM/BMS
    - Kansk 22 Mig-31BM
    - Uglovaya 22 Mig-31BM
    - Elizovo 0 Mig-31BM
    - Savasleyka 13 Mig-31BM (training unit)
    - Ahtubinsk 2 Mig-31BMS (research & testing center)

    That total only equals 108 and interesting that Elizovo is the only unit not to have any upgraded aircraft yet.

    Bolshoye Savino (764 IAP) only 6 Mig-31 BM (BSM) for the moment ,just delivering at the begining of this year (2016 planing).Probably much more for this year in the planing
    Please , look the post of yesterday , I write the Sokol program of 2015 and 2016

    Kansk, 24 deployed , 2 crashed , 1 damaged(as I wrote in the "crashes" toppic). Not clear the repair ,for example the Su-34 Nº28 , overturned at Buturnilovka was in NAPO plant last year

    Monchegorsk , number unclear, nobody knows
    Excluding several prototipes and other planes for test in Sokol/Zhukovsky/Akhtibinsk, and the 5 first BM´s of Savasleyka (About 10 in total) , the first regiment with a couple of BM´s deployed was Kotlas-Savatiya in 2008-2009, just when closed

    Then, 15 planes from Kotlas went to Monchegorsk included the first 2 o 3 BM´s
    Nº79 only seen over Kotlas city, Nº52 like that , and Nº12 only one photo I saw is with the Nº52 , about mid-2009 , not clear where
    The BM´s pf Monchegrosk 05,06 was seen in Sokol in spring 2009 and is suposed that in 2010-2011 Monchegorsk was refit with a "squadron" of BM´s but its number is unclear
    In 2013, also received Nº 14 , 15 and 16 from ARZ 514
    Only Nº 01 to 10 and Nº 14 to 16 are seen since 2009, 13 planes
    The number is speculative, from 13 to 15??
    The planes 12,52 and 79 could have changed the number when arriving at Monchegorsk, or have been decomisioned
    A russian told me that it is likely that could have one or a couple of unused BM's in the  Monchegorsk shelters for years
    We will have to wait until they put to all planes , the navy symbols and the RF-registration to know more

    Also, in the planing of 2015 there were a contract with ARZ 514 for other 2 planes BM (with refueling) but only Nº40 red was seen and one only time
    Could be another plane unkonown , as I have not seen photo of Nº66 of 22 AIP
    I have photos of all known MiG-31BM less Nº66
    The realistic number is 97 delivered at the end of 2016 planing, and 100 with the 3 of this week (excluding prototypes and preseries)

    About the numbers contracted , is enough for end the VVS modernization (about 28-30 planes between 2017 and 2018 if replacemet for the two lost) and perhaps for Yelizovo of the Navy
    Before the contract of 2011 there were at least 20 planes including prototypes/preseries, and is not clear if the first six planes of Kansk, delivered in 2011 are included in the contract of 60 of 2011
    ALso the ARZ 514 had contracts for delivery 2 BM in 2015 , 2 BM in 2014 and the 3 of Monchegorsk in 2013 (and perhaps 5 more in 2012 that the total delivered were 15)

    Mig-31BM Nº79 over Kotlas in 2009 , you can locate the island on the Kotlas river in google
    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 5Kj9s

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    Post  George1 Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:44 pm

    The next three modernized MiG-31BM entered the Tsentralnaya Uglovaya

       According to publications on the web resources of and, in early August 2017, the 22nd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 303rd Guards Mixed Air Division of the 11th Army Air Force and Air Defense of the Eastern Military District at the Central airfield Corner of the Primorsky Territory received another three modernized interceptor MiG-31BM fighter jets with blue onboard numbers "56", "57" and "58" that were modernized at the Nizhny Novgorod aircraft factory "Sokol" (NAZ "Sokol", branch of JSC "DGC" Moment"). The planes made an independent flight from Nizhny Novgorod.

     Earlier, the 22nd Aviation Regiment received 19 modernized MiG-31 fighters, which also underwent modernization at NAZ Sokol. The first three modernized MiG-31BSMs with blue onboard numbers "94", "95" and "96" arrived in the regiment in December 2015, two more modernized MiG-31BMs with blue onboard numbers "97" and "98" - in March 2016, three more MiG-31BMs with blue onboard numbers "82", "83" and "99" - in November 2016, six more MiG-31BM with blue onboard numbers "60", "62", "68" , "69", "80" and "81" - in early 2017 (these aircraft were upgraded to the NAZ "Sokol" under the 2016 program), three more with the blue side numbers "59", "66" and "67" - arrived in late April 2017, and two more with blue boards E numbers "63" and "64" - June 2017 year.

     As part of the 22nd regiment, previously MiG-31 fighters (previously there were 14 vehicles replaced since 2015 for upgraded MiG-31BM / BSM) was equipped with one air squadron. Another squadron of the regiment is equipped with Su-27SM and Su-30M2 fighters, and another squadron was re-equipped in 2016 with new Su-35S and Su-30SM fighters in exchange for Su-27SM, transferred to the Crimea in 2014.

     Bringing the number of modernized MiG-31BM / BMS fighters to the 22nd aviation regiment to 22 units confirms earlier information about plans to form on the basis of this regiment as part of the 303rd Guards Mixed Aviation Division another fighter regiment of the two-squadron, fully equipped with MiG fighters -31BM / BMS, with the alleged basing at Sokolovka airfield of Primorsky Krai (previously the 530th Fighter Aviation Regiment was based on this MiG-31 fighter aircraft).

    Modernization of MiG-31 interceptor fighters is carried out by Sokol under two contracts with the Ministry of Defense of Russia - a contract dated August 1, 2011 for upgrading MiG-31BM/BSM to 60 MiG-31 combat fighters by 2019, and an additional contract from November 2014, for which another 53 combat MiG-31 fighters should be modernized, with the end of works by the end of 2018.

    In 2012, NAZ "Sokol" under the contract of 2011 handed over 10 modernized MiG-31 interceptors, in 2013 - five aircraft, in 2014 - 16 aircraft, in 2015 - 11 aircraft, and in 2016 - 22 aircraft.

    In total, thus, to date, taking into account the MiG-31 aircraft, upgraded to NAZ Sokol under earlier contracts by 2012, and aircraft upgraded to 514 Aviation Repair Plant in Rzhev, the total number of mass-modernized MiG-31BM/BSM delivered since 2007 in the Armed Forces of Russia must reach, according to available information, at least 110 units (one of which has already been lost).

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    Post  franco Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:47 pm

    And for Khotilovo?

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    Post  franco Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:52 pm

    @George - sent you a message earlier answering your question yesterday.

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    Post  AMCXXL Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:33 pm

    George1 wrote:The next three modernized MiG-31BM entered the Tsentralnaya Uglovaya

    In 2012, NAZ "Sokol" under the contract of 2011 handed over 10 modernized MiG-31 interceptors, in 2013 - five aircraft, in 2014 - 16 aircraft, in 2015 - 11 aircraft, and in 2016 - 22 aircraft.

    In total, thus, to date, taking into account the MiG-31 aircraft, upgraded to NAZ Sokol under earlier contracts by 2012, and aircraft upgraded to 514 Aviation Repair Plant in Rzhev, the total number of mass-modernized MiG-31BM/BSM delivered since 2007 in the Armed Forces of Russia must reach, according to available information, at least 110 units (one of which has already been lost).

    The writer of this blog only read russian news blogs and and fórums,does a great job,but he's not always right
    The photos of 56.57 and 58 was upload to russianplanes , on  thrusday 2, and the saturday the last
    I say here thursday late nigth tree that the tree new BM are ready
    A russian said last week that russian officials of MoD arrived to SOKOL for the acceptance of 3 products ,an administrative and bureaucratic act
    The other planes, although deployed at their base during the first months of this year, are from the 2016 planing , as I write before

    About "110" planes, are his words (bmpd), there are not 110
    BM´s program started five or six years before of that blog and in that time nobody was counting BM´s
    he does not even know how many BMs handed over MiG-SOKOL in 2012 or before 2011 , so dont know the total , nobody knows except SOKOL

    There are 5 or 6 prototypes /pre-seriess, some cannot even be considered BMs and no longer fly.
    The BM´s three that I said, Nº12, Nº52 and Nº79, since 2009 nobody knows where they are, they could have been changed of number in Monchegorsk
    Also there are repeated airplanes, that is to say,photos of the same airplane with two different numbers, (repainted number in SOKOL before hand over to  specific base)
    Number handed over to VVS more realistic today: 100 (excluding out of order prototypes/preseries)

    franco wrote:And for Khotilovo?

    Khotilovo has 16 BSM and 3 BM assuming that at Nº40 is in Khotilovo because it was only seen once in mid-2015. Could be in reserve.Also could be in Kansk for replace Nº34 crashed in sept-2014 but no more photos until today

    Khotilovo is working with 18 planes ,enough for the moment, waiting for more , probably in 2018
    All the B/BS/DZ was grounded in 2014 and no longer fly ,since BM´s arrived ,at least there are no photos in flight since the end 2013/begining 2014

    franco wrote:interesting that Elizovo is the only unit not to have any upgraded aircraft yet.
    Yelizovo has more of 30 planes, and uses only the half, change and repair in service planes ofen , so the planes are not so used each one
    "865 IAP" it is of the Navy now, and the contracts were signed by VVS, although in 2011 it was also in the VVS,
    In 2014 when the VVS signed the contract of 53, Yelizovo was in the Navy again
    Also Monchegorsk received its planes when it was of the VVS
    It is not clear if the Navy needs to sign a new contract, or the one signed will be enough for Yelizovo
    If there are more BM´s bases in Artic, then other contract will be necesary wrote:...according to available information of which has already been lost

    RF-90896   Nº34   712 IAP  > Crashed Armavir 4-sept-2014
    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 185616

    RF-90905   Nº11   712 IAP  > Crashed near Kansk 25-jan-2016
    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 182221

    RF-90904   Nº09   712 IAP  > Incident 2014 , disassembled for transportation by plane, unknown status
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    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 Empty Re: MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News

    Post  AMCXXL Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:55 am

    franco wrote:
    And not sure of the BSM designation.
    Possibly the aircraft modernized at the Air Force Aircraft Repair plant at Rzhev and not the MIG plant at Sokol?.

    Mig-31  first model , first radar , no refueling. Mass production in 80´s
    Mig-31DZ  with first radar, now with refueling (DZ= ДЗ , initials in russian of: refueling probe) arround 50 made
    Mig-31B  new versión with improvements , new radar and refueling  , remaining 50 ??
    Mig-31BS  first model Mig-31 upgraded to "B" level , with new radar (then, no refueling)  , remaining 90-100 ?? (en.wikipedia mistaken with BS)

    Mig-31BM = "B" level Modernized with new improvements , (BSM) is only to say that has not refueling pipe (made with one BS) but really the only model is Mig-31BM

    ABout "plants" , are companies not part of the VVS , as Boeing or Mc Donell Douglass
    MiG SOKOL is the factory of MiG at Nizhny Novgorod , that modrenise the Mig-31 , not sure if here will be produced Mig-35
    MiG have other factory in Lukhovitsy near Moskow were have made Mig-29SMT and 29´s for export

    ARZ (Aircraft Repair Plant) , there are several in Rusia and ex-URSS republics , are mainly private companies now , whose customers are Air Forces and Air Lines mainly , depends of type of planes or helicopters
    ARZ 514 in RZHEV (Tver Oblast), this factory repair/rebuilt/refurbise/modernise mainly Mig-31 & Su-24 at now. Has modernized about one dozen of Mig-31, and does continuous maintenance of the Mig-31 fleet

    In its facilities it has an aerodrome where it stores near 100 airplanes (MiG-31, MiG-25 and Su-24) property of VVS , in reserve, mainly for get parts to kkep on order the current fleet
    SATELLITE >>,34.4015741,819m/data=!3m1!1e3
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    Post  franco Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:34 am

    So any aircraft called BSM were first just B's, radar upgraded to BS and then getting flight refueling capability to BSM?
    There are a few ARZ's still owned and operated by the Air Force. Believe Rzhev and Kubinka to be two of them.
    Good detailed information and photos by the way. As for how many aircraft have been updated to BM status, only the Russian military knows exactly and they don't like to share. My personal take on it, is to try to get data that I am comfortable in saying is within 90% accurate.

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    Post  AMCXXL Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:28 am

    franco wrote:So any aircraft called BSM were first just B's, radar upgraded to BS and then getting flight refueling capability to BSM?
    There are a few ARZ's still owned and operated by the Air Force. Believe Rzhev and Kubinka to be two of them.
    Good detailed information and photos by the way. As for how many aircraft have been updated to BM status, only the Russian military knows exactly and they don't like to share. My personal take on it, is to try to get data that I am comfortable in saying is within 90% accurate.

    THe Mig-31 , Mig-31DZ , and Mig-31B are tree planes totally different
    A refueling system is not only a pipe
    To load hundreds of liters per minute you need a mechanism that helps the hose of the tanker, engine and pump of supcion.
    By putting all that into the fuselage in the cockpit area, all other components and elements are not in the same place or the same size.
    Putting a refueling mechanism is like redesigning the airplane inside again, it's as expensive as building another new airplane
    If the Soviet engineers could not do it, or didn´t want to do it, is because it left more account to manufacture more airplanes
    In 80´s the computers and electronic was was not miniaturized and less in the USSR
    The Mig-31 is basically a can of cane that flies to +3000 km/h, incredible for the western engineers when they saw it in the 80's

    The original MiG-31 equipped about 10 ? regiments of about 28 ? planes in 80´s, then at the end of the 80`s when Il-78 was comissioned new DZ versión , which although basically had the same performance is a different aircraft inside and eqquiped a pair of regiments or 3-4 squadrons as much

    The Mig-31B version is another new design, because in addition to the refueling mechanism had a different radar and other changes, which again changed the inner design of the airplane. The DZ cannot be elevated to BM even though there were more radars to do so B
    The B versión , in first 90´s made about 90-100 planes

    Then the cuts after the breakdown of USSR, closed some bases, and the Mig-31 was upgraded to B stamdard, this means same skills implemented in "B", and the radar could be implemented in this planes, at difference with DZ , with a more complicated inner desing. About  90-100 only.The rest was decomisioned , and later most scrapped

    russia  By the way , what´s about a old soviet flag ? Mig-31 forever cheers

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    Post  George1 Sun Aug 20, 2017 4:48 am

    Modernization of MiG-31 fighters at the Nizhny Novgorod Aviation Plant "Sokol"

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    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 Empty Mig-31 during the cold war

    Post  nastle77 Sat Oct 21, 2017 11:49 am

    I had a question about the Mig-31 during the cold war , the original mig-31
    was it also capable of linking up radar coverage with 3 other mig-31s and functioning as mini-AEW platforms ?

    Also can these early mig-31s also pass information to other fighters like mig-23 and mig29 ?


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    Post  Giulio Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:03 am

    Afaik, this was one of the first Mig-31 requirements.

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    Post  d_taddei2 Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:30 pm

    Does anyone know approximately the cost of a Mig-31BME? I know it's unlikely any country would purchase it. I know that Syria showed interest long ago. Only other country I think could possibly purchase would be Algeria replacing it's Mig-25. And Kazakhstan might want the upgrade but doubt it.


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    Post  Svyatoslavich Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:51 pm

    d_taddei2 wrote:Does anyone know approximately the cost of a Mig-31BME?  I know it's unlikely any country would purchase it. I know that Syria showed interest long ago. Only other country I think could possibly purchase would be Algeria replacing it's Mig-25. And Kazakhstan might want the upgrade but doubt it.

    It is not being offered for export anymore, so no prices available. MiG wanted to sell mothballed Russian frames, but Russian air force is modernizing all frames in good shape, so there is no availability.
    Some years ago I read somewhere that Kazakhstan wanted to upgrade their MiG-31 to something similar to the BM, I don't know why it didn't happen.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Nov 04, 2017 7:26 am

    In the 1990s the Chinese wanted to buy MiG-31s but they only wanted too and a full set of weapons and equipment...

    Pretty obvious that didn't go anywhere...

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    Post  AMCXXL Sun Dec 24, 2017 5:05 pm

    Two new MiG-31BM from 514 ARZ (Rzhev-Tver oblast) for replenish the 712 IAP , after two loses in 2014 (Nº11 RF-90905 and Nº34 RF-90896)
    Upgraded MiG-31BM came under the state defense order in the Central Military District
    CAMTO, October 19. Two MiG-31BM interceptor fighters were ordered by the state defense order for arming the 14th Army Air Force and Air Defense of the Central Military District.
    The planes underwent modernization at the aviation enterprise in the Tver Region and replenished the fleet of the air regiment stationed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

    23rd december at Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk): Nº15 RF-92337 and Nº25

    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 82928d10
    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 82916d10

    Also found  Nº61 of Vladivostok:

    MiG-31BM/Κ Interceptor/Attack aircraft: News - Page 21 Mig-3110

    AT this moment other four are ready for transfer to 764 IAP of Perm or have been already transferred
    Nº04 RF-92356
    Nº05 RF-92359
    Nº16 RF-92346
    Nº24 RF-92357

    Then, now there arround 105 MiG-31BM in service:

    Akhtubinsk: 2 (both BSM)
    Savasleyka: 13 (5 BM since 2009 and 8 BSM since 2015)
    790 IAP Khotilovo: 19 (16 BSM and 3 BM)
    764 IAP Perm: 11 (all BSM)
    712 IAP Kansk: 24 (22 BM and 2 new seems BSM)
    22 IAP Vladivostok: 22 (all BSM)
    98 SAP Monchegorsk (navy): 13-14 (All BM)

    In my opinión ,probably the 5 BM of Savasleyka, without use since 2014-15 , will be send to Khotilovo for replenish the regiment. Seems logical as already are not necesary in the conversión squadron.
    There are very few B versions (with refueling probe) , only 69 were made, about 15 for Kazakhstan and several lost in 25 years.
    If there are half a dozen more waiting for modernization, then will be sent probably to Perm or Yelizovo.

    The other MiG-31BM previsted in the planning of 2017 that will be hand over in the first months of 2018, to complete 22 IAP and 764 IAP
    The last 13 of the planning of 2018 will be received in the end of 2018 or begining of 2019 should be for replace the Yelizvo Squadron
    Second squadrons for Yelizovo or Monchegorsk need a new contract

    Last edited by AMCXXL on Tue Dec 26, 2017 9:54 pm; edited 4 times in total

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