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    Russia's enemy countries

    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 13 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Wed May 20, 2020 9:22 pm

    kvs wrote:

    So the British invaded Murmansk in 1916 and set up a concentration camp there for the local residents.  

    Please, don't accuse me of not knowing history.  I am quite sure that 99.9999999% of people don't know about

    All the bile aimed at Russia from the UK.   What filthy, bloody hypocrites.   Russia never invaded any part of the UK
    or any of its colonies and set up concentration camps.

    Concentration camps appear to be a cultural feature of the Anglo-derived civilizations.   Like Canada and the USA.

    I have read a long time ago in a book that the English from the so-called Muscovy Company briefly seized a Russian city on the coast of the Barents Sea (Arhangielsk?) during the Time of Troubles of the early 17th century.

    Is this true?

    There is no mention of such an incident in the Wikipedia article on the Muscovy Company.

    But then Wikipedia is not always a reliable source.


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    Post  GarryB Thu May 21, 2020 5:23 am

    There was a hilarious book written by a US soldier who commanded a force sent to Russia during their civil war to "ensure the safety of western interests".

    A lot of people don't realise but a lot of western companies had factories and property and people in Russia working, and the US sent a force of soldiers to the far east I think to look after the assets of the local western group of rich people and their factories... the hilarious thing is that his official orders were to remain neutral and only protect the things he was sent to protect... which ended up biting them in the ass because they actually wanted them to go and help their side... the white side... which he refused to do because that was not part of his orders.

    Essentially they wanted him to take over as much as he could and if he did well they might send more forces... and might end up with their own piece of the far east.

    Various businessmen wanted the American forces to assist their interests...

    He, however, was an honourable man and refused... must track down that book.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 13 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu May 21, 2020 8:04 am

    kvs wrote:

    So the British invaded Murmansk in 1916 and set up a concentration camp there for the local residents.  

    Please, don't accuse me of not knowing history.  I am quite sure that 99.9999999% of people don't know about

    All the bile aimed at Russia from the UK.   What filthy, bloody hypocrites.   Russia never invaded any part of the UK
    or any of its colonies and set up concentration camps.

    Concentration camps appear to be a cultural feature of the Anglo-derived civilizations.   Like Canada and the USA.

    There's some historical veracity to the idea of the British constructing concentration camps. Back in the Boer War in South Africa, the Brits set up the first concentration camps in history for captured Afrikaners.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 13 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  kvs Thu May 21, 2020 4:22 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    There's some historical veracity to the idea of the British constructing concentration camps. Back in the Boer War in South Africa, the Brits set up the first concentration camps in history for captured Afrikaners.

    The USSR butchered history by covering up the atrocious concentration camps established by the Polaks during the 1920 invasion
    in which almost 100,000 Soviet POWs died. They covered up the concentration camp established by the Finns when they invaded
    together with the Nazis in 1941 in which several thousand civilians were butchered. For some bizarre reason they also covered up
    the atrocities by the western invaders of the USSR just after the revolution.

    The USSR sold Russian interests down the river. This was especially bad in the early years before Stalin where the Lenin and Trotsky
    carved up Russian territory as in the case of Novorossiya (including Donbas) which was clumped into Ukraine to create the Ukrainian
    SSR. The excuse was that Ukraine was too agrarian and needed an industrial (including ports) boost. Of course, Novorussians were
    never asked what they wanted. Self-appointed social engineers must have their way.

    Interestingly, Tito's Yugoslavia acted the same way towards Serbs. Tito carved up Serb territory to gift to Albanians, Croats, Bosniaks
    and Hungarians. What a humanitarian...

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    Post  jka Thu Aug 06, 2020 12:09 pm

    Those I think are Russia's enemies:

    United Kingdom

    Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing

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    Post  kvs Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:52 pm

    jka wrote:Those I think are Russia's enemies:

    United Kingdom

    Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing

    Canada is a particularly rabid Russia hater. It is full of the "new Europe" diaspora and acts like them.


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 13 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Hole Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:09 pm

    Lets be honest, Canada, Sweden, Hungary, Romania and Sweden, fuck, even England are to unimportant to be Russias enemies. Most of the time they just act as a figleaf for Uncle Sammie.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Sep 05, 2020 4:54 am

    American strategic bombers B-52H over Ukraine


    Dafuq? angry

    In case anyone still wanted to believe that Banderite Ukropistan isn't a full blooded enemy of Russia (that deserves no mercy), well its time to give yer fucking heads a good shake.

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    Post  kvs Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:03 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:American strategic bombers B-52H over Ukraine


    Dafuq?   angry

    In case anyone still wanted to believe that Banderite Ukropistan isn't a full blooded enemy of Russia (that deserves no mercy), well its time to give yer fucking heads a good shake.

    Pathetic saber rattling. Sure the Khuiv regime are lunatic Banderites. But they really are deluded if they think that Uncle Swine-shit will be fighting wars with Russia on their behalf.
    Uncle Swine-shit doesn't even give the Khuiv regime enough money to function. So any use of Banderastan for aggression on Russia is not such a big deal. The Baltics, Pooland
    and Georgia are all platforms for such aggression. But we live in the hypersonic missile era which is led by Russia. It was already made clear that any move on Russia by Uncle Swine-shit
    will be met with attacks on the US centres of power inside the USA. Yanqui retards think they will be sitting safe and pretty on their ocean buffered continent. They are living in the early 1900s.

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    Post  kvs Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:31 pm

    This is the sort of nutjob who will be making decisions for Biden. A real American hero.

    It is time to think of how to hit these maggots where it hurts them, their pocket books. There must be a way to
    sabotage western banking by physically destroying server farms. The USA destroyed Soviet IC factories during
    the 1970s.


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 13 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  andalusia Sat Nov 28, 2020 12:43 am

    kvs wrote:
    Big_Gazza wrote:American strategic bombers B-52H over Ukraine


    Dafuq?   angry

    In case anyone still wanted to believe that Banderite Ukropistan isn't a full blooded enemy of Russia (that deserves no mercy), well its time to give yer fucking heads a good shake.

    Pathetic saber rattling.   Sure the Khuiv regime are lunatic Banderites.   But they really are deluded if they think that Uncle Swine-shit will be fighting wars with Russia on their behalf.
    Uncle Swine-shit doesn't even give the Khuiv regime enough money to function.    So any use of Banderastan for aggression on Russia is not such a big deal.   The Baltics, Pooland
    and Georgia are all platforms for such aggression.   But we live in the hypersonic missile era which is led by Russia.    It was already made clear that any move on Russia by Uncle Swine-shit
    will be met with attacks on the US centres of power inside the USA.    Yanqui retards think they will be sitting safe and pretty on their ocean buffered continent.   They are living in the early 1900s.

    KVS: I truly think Russia will have to confront the US up front militarily either in the 2020s or 2030s.  This acting passive and allowing the status quo is not working. The United States MUST be put in it's place; they are not invincible.  I can't believe Russia has allowed the US to get away with so much even in this past decade.  I think the world would benefit from the US dollar not being the world's reserve currency since it is often used as a weapon.  If a military confrontation must the use of nuclear weapons, then that is the only way to stop America; the people and government here is extremely arrogant and believe they are untouchable.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 13 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  LMFS Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:12 am

    Russia and China are winning the peace, so they are not in a hurry for war. That means, the more they manage to delay it, the more likely it is for them to win. I personally understand the outrage, but don't agree rushing is going to be the solution. The opponents as we know have no doubt about their superiority and therefore see their defeat impossible. That means: they are never going to back down. No difference with Nazis here, gentlemen, none at all. There might well be necessary to fight a war, but I see no interest in having it now instead of in some years, when the West is weaker. Just my two cents... angel

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    Post  kvs Sat Nov 28, 2020 2:35 am

    I don't want it to happen, but I expect the USA to go for broke as it declines. The USSR basically poofed out existence and there
    was no resistance from the elites since they banked of harvesting the riches to come under capitalism. The US elites are in the
    exact opposite situation where they expect to lose from change. So they will fight tooth and nail to deny reality.

    This is why meekness is a bad policy for Russia. The American idiots will always assume that good behaviour is a show of weakness.
    They do not know any other way being the world's bullies. But like all bullies, they are cowards at heart. In fact, their bullying
    habits are a sign of deep insecurity as is their obsession with "manifest destiny" and "exceptionalism" always trumpeting that they
    are number one in everything. Although countries are not people, their leaders and decision makers are agglomerates of people
    and reflect their psychological syndromes. When Bolton accused Russia of stealing hypersonic technology, he demonstrated what
    losers American deciders really are. Same goes for that BS about Russia stealing the absurd AstraZeneca vaccine.

    I do not believe that Russia should waste time being worried about provoking America. America is not sane. It is the one
    doing all the provoking. Appeasement and turning the other cheek is going to invite war and not stop it.


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    Post  GarryB Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:45 am

    So often people question why Putin is so weak on the US and the west in general...

    But look at the situation... the US and the west are destroying themselves... US debt is over 24 trillion and the Euro is now the most popular currency for international transactions...

    An open nuclear war now would benefit the west more than it benefits Russia... Russia is getting stronger militarily and economically, while the US is going the other way.

    China is getting stronger economically, but that does not hurt anyone, yet the US thinks any rivals are dangerous and they wont tolerate equals... which is their fundamental problem.

    China getting stronger is no actual threat to Russia, but it is to the west because they make it so.

    If the west didn't challenge China or demand they join the new START treaty to limit their nuclear potential I rather doubt the Chinese would waste a lot of money on weapons, but when the US sails ships through the islands they built then of course China has to respond and develop a navy that can defend Chinese interests.

    When the US tears up the INF treaty with Russia so they can make intermediate range cruise and ballistic missile weapons so they can deploy them around China in vassal states they have there like South Korea and Japan etc etc then of course China is going to make more weapons of a similar type and they are also going to start producing weapons to reach the US because it is the US that is driving all this bullshit.

    Russia would not have hypersonic anti ship missiles if US carrier groups were never used to threaten Russian interests...

    The US is wishing for the worst monster it can think of... which is actually a mirror image of itself in many ways... which is why it fears Russia and China and soon enough it will fear India as well because of its future potential to grow and develop too.

    The US should be afraid if the Russians and Chinese and Indians were like them... but they are not. They are not saints... but they are not the white colonial devils that have rampaged and destroyed on this planet the last few centuries... that is the Europeans and Americans....

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 13 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  LMFS Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:13 am


    Just a few thoughts without the intention of convincing anyone, I know many intelligent proponents of much harsher reactions by Russia and believe me sometimes I wish as much. Something deep inside tells me that is not the right way though, but maybe I am wrong, who knows:

    They think good behaviour is a show of weakness, yes, for them everything is a show of weakness because they see themselves as gods of this world and you are not going to convince them otherwise, that is the first issue. They are trying almost desperately to get a violent response from Russia and China in their escalation towards war. I don't think Russia should given them what they want, in fact both Russia and China are being extremely calmed and refusing to answer even in the face of quite strong provocations. As they say, good life is vengeance, in Russia's case, development is the worst offence they can commit against the West.

    Very much agree that there are some kind of "personality disorders" that apply not only to individuals but to nations, like those of the West right now, and that our top elites are basically a mix of crooks, degenerates, narcissists and psychos. They are coward, too, as you rightly say, and in fact look at them, when have they fought a war themselves? Do you think they are afraid of the masses being killed in the billions on their behalf? They aren't, that is what they have been doing literally for centuries. They have where to hide and probably (because that is how deranged people with a total lack of empathy and responsibility think) they deep down prefer to eventually die in a big blast and fuck the world with them than to be painfully defeated in a long and humiliating form. Or rather they don't think they can die at all, that is why they always double down in fury against anyone questioning their authority.

    Look at this:

    The people in charge of the US state apparatus are clueless chimp-level warmongers. They don't remotely understand the real military power balance in the world People that say that RF is a "regional power" or " a "gas station masquerading as a country", that in their mind are the victors of the Cold War and achieved the end of history are not rational actors anymore. You handle them like you do with violent, deranged people, you allow their own incapacity to defeat them while you try to keep things as calmed as possible.

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    Post  Hole Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:24 pm

    The real problem the US elites have with China is that it doesn´t allow american banks, insurance companies and hedgefonds to "harvest" (steal) the wealth China earned in the last decades.

    To beat someone up because he stepped on your tow is not a sign of strength but of weakness. Russia and China are showing the world how big countries should act, follow international law and observe treaties even if the other side throws dirt on you.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:04 am

    Someone mentioned that when the only tool you have is a hammer then treat every problem you have to solve like it is a nail.

    The west loves wars.... they are geared around wars and have been using wars to get what they want for the last half century or so.... like them or hate them, but the one thing they fund and boost and try to use at every opportunity is it their military power.

    Russia or Putin being more aggressive towards the west will please the west because then they can justify proper invasions and proper wars instead of cold wars...

    They are simply not interested in peace... the world is a chess game and the pieces are black and white... white are ours and black are Russia and our enemies... and third party countries we would normally not give a shit about are coloured depending on Russia or not Russia... so we could have been friends with Serbia and hated Albania if Albania was friendly with Russia and Serbia was not. In the current situation in NK the Armenians are friendly with Russia and the Azeris are friendly with Turkey which is not our most popular ally in the region but we still pick it over Russia every time...

    If HATO or the US was the big power in the NK conflict they simply would have supported Azerbaijan and blocked off Armenia till all of NK was in Azeri hands and any chance to get US bases in NK, Azeri territory and Armenian territory would have been taken, but there would be no halt to hostilities they would have just helped their side steamroller their enemies, which is what I think some Armenians are upset about... an ally should help and crush the enemy no matter what... they shouldn't be talking to the other side...

    Personally I don't think the Azeris should be rewarded with territory acquired by aggression... they need to talk about who gets what and what is actually fair based on where people lived... but it was not to be because there was no talking.

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    Post  RTN Sun Nov 29, 2020 8:53 am

    GarryB wrote: US debt is over 24 trillion and the Euro is now the most popular currency for international transactions...
    Doesn't change a thing. The US$ 24 trillion is INTERNAL debt not external. In other words money borrowed from US financial institutions.

    This is a different scenario compared to what happened with Greece, South East Asia where almost the entire debt was external and therefore their economies collapsed.

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    Post  kvs Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:11 am

    Latvia sent a sniveling letter to Russia calling for the restoration of rail transit and the associated use of Latvian ports.
    The letter engages in sanctimonious drivel about separating politics from economics and that Latvia's reserves the
    right to make a "principled stand on Russia". Translated this means that they will continue to pour blood libel on Russia
    while revising history and extolling SS veterans. And of course demanding compensation for the "occupation".
    Following the policies of their beloved Nazis, the USSR could have exterminated them in an afternoon but instead
    created their modern economic base from scratch. There was no industry in Latvia before 1939 and it was a poor
    rural country.

    The chutzaph in this letter is something else. They expect to earn money off of Russian trade while at the same time
    hosting NATzO military deployments on Russia's border and engaging in the conversion of Belorus into a NATzO colony.
    Naturally they do not recognize the democratic choice of Crimeans to break free of the Ukr annexation.

    The narrator of the video reflects my sentiments fully. These hater clowns can go and get financial aid from their
    overlords in Bruxelles and Washington. They are their loyal bootlicks after all.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:20 am

    Doesn't change a thing. The US$ 24 trillion is INTERNAL debt not external. In other words money borrowed from US financial institutions.

    That is worse... it shows that the US does not work if people need to borrow money just to keep living... where has this 24 trillion dollars gone... certainly not infrastructure or industrial production capacity...

    If it was foreign debt at least you could declare war on the country you owe the money to and as a first step write off all your own debt to them...

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 13 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  LMFS Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:58 am

    Video above deleted? This goes fast it seems, BTW my browser also blocks me from translating with Yandex because some f* Google service I have never requested says it is a dangerous site... Goebbels would be proud of these lads indeed...

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    Post  miketheterrible Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:28 am

    I figure Russia will eventually fold.

    Judging by how relaxed they are with Russian enemies collaborating with Russian fifth column so freely, and how Russia still talks nice and trades with them even though they spit in Russia's face, gives me indication they will give whatever they want except for land.

    I'll be surprised if Russia develops a backbone and tells them to fuck off.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:49 pm

    LMFS wrote:Video above deleted? This goes fast it seems, BTW my browser also blocks me from translating with Yandex because some f* Google service I have never requested says it is a dangerous site... Goebbels would be proud of these lads indeed...
    I've noticed Google Chrome has fallaciously been labeling Yandex related (in my case Yandex Translate) services as phishing adware/malware sites. I've found Google/Alphabet Soup corp. to be more and more lackluster by the year, so true to their Western values they're trying to sabotage their competition instead of trying to improve their mediocre products.

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    Post  PhSt Tue Dec 01, 2020 2:15 pm

    LMFS wrote:Video above deleted? This goes fast it seems, BTW my browser also blocks me from translating with Yandex because some f* Google service I have never requested says it is a dangerous site... Goebbels would be proud of these lads indeed...

    is your browser Chrome? Maybe it will work with the actual Yandex browser

    I have experienced difficulties and severe slowdown too in certain apps after I installed Kaspersky antivirus. It seems Microsoft, Google and all other western tech companies are deliberately sabotaging Russian made softwares to discourage potential customers from purchasing them.

    Russia's enemy countries - Page 13 84515451514

    It should already be known by now that Youtube only allows NATO-backed narrative on their platform. This is so obvious from the very beginning, and Russian political planners should have foreseen the usefulness of such media outlet like Youtube in sharing information and shaping people's opinions, that's the reason why China has set up their own version of Youtube to cater to Chinese viewers. Russia needs to do the same but they haven't made any progress

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Dec 01, 2020 2:27 pm

    PhSt wrote:It should already be known by now that Youtube only allows NATO-backed narrative on their platform. This is so obvious from the very beginning, and Russian political planners should have foreseen the usefulness of such media outlet like Youtube in sharing information and shaping people's opinions, that's the reason why China has set up their own version of Youtube to cater to Chinese viewers. Russia needs to do the same but they haven't made any progress

    Except VVP's cabinet spoke about that they're currently developing their own internet outside of NATO control. I'm thinking they're trying to create a massive LAN server (probably ran by powerful photonic computers) that's completely under MOD's control that encompasses all of domestic Russian internet traffic.

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